Tag Archives: libertarian

The American Renovation

We are at a turning point.

We are being faced with the realty of our circumstance. We have found ourselves standing at The Edge of the Abyss… and staring down.  The United States has wandered far afield from our Foundation of Individual Liberty and Freedom. We, as a people, have abdicated our power to an ever-growing bureaucracy made up of fallible human beings who view themselves as better and wiser than those they are tasked with representing. Our understanding of government has been intentionally perverted by those who wish us to see them as Philosopher Kings and demand we look to them for care without question or debate.

If this Inauguration of a New President represents a change, we must hope it is a return to the Enlightenment Philosophy so long ago abandoned. While many correctly identify the long slow path that has brought us here, too few can point in the direction we must steer this country returning it to The Greatest Experiment in Self Rule the World has ever known. However, for those who are strong enough to look, the direction is plain to see.  We don’t need New Answers, we only need recognize the Correct Answers we already possess.

We should remember that it is not a man who the Founders wished us to follow… as Freedom and Liberty are not possessions any Man can Give.  They are possessions every Man must Take and Defend.  Our Country is an Idea, it is an Ideology. It is built upon the Self Reliance, Freedom and Liberty of the Individual. It is the home of Equality of Individual Opportunity, not Individual Outcome. It is Transitory Power and the Checks and Balances designed to Limit our Government’s ability to Oppress. It is Government from the People not Upon the People. It is enumerated defense of every Citizen intentionally Limiting those lent power.  All, when practiced together, creates a Shining City on A Hill the rest of the World’s souls can long for, emulate and demand.

As we watch the Fascist Faces of “Tolerance” Burn Flags and Break Windows we must wonder when will they fire the first shot? When will their innate Socialist/Statist drive to violently oppress, control and destroy Freedom and Liberty defeat all semblance of Reason?

If the words of one Donald Trump rise above rhetoric and result in action… if those words represent an awakening in the American mind resulting in movement… History will record…
We will have found ourselves at the beginning of
The American Renovation.

What’s in a name?

Apparently nothing.

So I’ve decided to change mine.  (Just like Mayor DeBlasio… or Mr. Wilhelm…whatever…)

People don’t like me.  I’ve taken an admittedly unscientific poll but the results are clear.  I’m despised.  There are many reasons for this… many, many reasons…

So, by changing my name I will wipe the slate clean.  I mean there are a bunch of people out there who haven’t met me yet and my reputation under my old name can’t precede me.  All I have to say is “That’s not me.”  It will be like being born again! (Kinda… actually very similar…)

And, as long as I don’t get too attached to my new name I can always change it again down the road if I screw it up a second or third time…

The Socialists have been doing this for a hundred years!  Once they were Socialists, then Communists, then Progressives, then Social Democrats, then Democratic Socialists, then Liberals just to be super confusing, then Leftists, back to Socialists and even Anarchists to render the term meaningless, then back to Progressives… anon, anon…  Just like the criminals they are.

Think about it, “Hillary Clinton” is a way better name than “Suicide Inducing Harpy” which is what she used to go by.

Come on!  It doesn’t matter what you call yourself.

Your name says it all… who cares about your actions.  Instant Indulgence, without having to purchase it.

We do it all the time.

All you have to do is pick something like Catholic, Conservative, or Liberal and that’s what you are.

You don’t even have to know what that moniker means because it means whatever you want it to. Brilliant!

So what if you only go to Mass at Midnight on Christmas Eve… and support abortion.  It doesn’t matter.  So what that when you’re confronted with Socialist principles you cringe in disgust… you’re “Liberal” and you’re going to continue to vote for “Liberals” no matter what.  You can even wear the mantle of “Conservative” though you couldn’t explain free-market capitalism if your life depended on it, and you support catastrophic spending by huge extra-constitutional government as long as it is “your guys” in charge…  NO problem!

We’re finally at the point where words have no meaning.

And never worry, if some malcontent tries to assign a definition, you can just combine a bunch of them like “conservative-liberal-pacifist or liberal-progressive-social democrat or left leaning-anarcho-capitalist”, there are no rules…go nuts!

So remember, as long as you keep changing what you call yourself nobody will ever challenge you.   And if nobody Challenges you, then even you will never have to genuinely understand what your new name means.  You’ll Never Feel Stupid Again!

So…  it’s time for me to make the change.

I’m going with “Omnipotent”.  (It says it all.)

I know, it’s a bit of a mouthful but “Enlightened” seemed a to feminine and I’m saving “Super Genius” for future use.

Oh… and it’s “Mr. Omnipotent” to you.  Or, possibly “Your Highness”.  I’ll have to think about that.


On Being 13-year old Boys….

I typically don’t care about personal petty fights between semi-celebrities, but this one serves a purpose.

Glenn Beck and Milo Yiannopoulis are having a tiff.



No worries… if you care enough you can look it up, or click on the link above.  But the names and personalities don’t matter all that much for what I’m about to offer.

Allow me to sum this up quickly:  Beck called Milo a “hurt 13-year old Boy”, and he may be right.  Milo called Beck a ‘Pontificating, Self Absorbed, Unaware Leftist attempting to elevate himself above others’ (my words as Milo uses a lot of them), and he may be right.  Bare in mind I like them both for different reasons.

What I’m interested in here is the ’13-year old boy’ comment.

Our politics and the approach to voters has been designed to appeal to 13-year old boys.

Some of us, for various reasons, were taught early on to craft messages that could be easily understood by 7th and no more than 8th grade educated individuals.  It has been the approach of mass media since mass media has been around.  And… it works.

The Left has mastered this.

I expect no one here will recall, but I have compared Lenin to reading the diary of a petulant 12-year old.  Agree or disagree, I’ve read lots, and lots, and lots, of him and that’s my take.

If you have read Alinsky… you will get the same feel.  From dedicating his most famous work to Lucifer… for the shock value (as he was making money at the time training Catholic Priests how to ‘Community Organize’ on the South Side of Chicago), to explaining the benefits of staging “Fart protests”.  (I kid you not.  Fart-ins.  But I will not do the work for you.  Makeaneffort.)

Even Abby Hoffman was clear in his communication to young Leftists that no one over 30 can be trusted.

The Socialists in this country have been treating their followers as 13-year old boys, well basically, forever.

It has given them full control over the United States.

So, in many ways, Beck is right about Milo.  (If you don’t follow Milo you are not paying attention.  Some of you know I have a list of people to pay attention to.  Add Milo to that list.  I’m not saying you should like the way he presents his opinions… but that’s the point here.)

Milo has taken, as I believe the entire Trump Campaign has taken, a page out of the Leftist playbook and is hammering them with it.  They are treating the voters like they are 13-year old boys.

And… it is working.

You might be saying to yourself; “I Don’t want to be treated like a 13-year old boy!”

Me neither.  I consider myself closer to 11-years old in most ways.

But let me state this one more time…


I have to confess I have moved away from the Breitbart website as it has become the Everything Trump is Awesome site.  And I know, from his own words, that Andrew did not favor Trump.  But I think the tactic of using the Left’s Demeaning and Elitist Approach to Everything against them fits comfortably within a strategy Andrew would embrace.  In other words, I think Breitbart would be okay with what his heirs are doing as it relates to fighting an entrenched Socialist Establishment on both sides of the aisle.

Think about this for a moment, we see the media in this country claim the aura of superiority over you, the unwashed masses, by simply not acting like 13-year old boys.  I’m not implying they are smarter or better educated, I’m simply saying their positions of authority are based entirely upon talking down to you. The Press behave just like a 13-year old boy would… they act ‘older, wiser and more experienced’ when in fact they’re not.  They are that 13-year old boy that lies about having had sex and then goes on to instruct everyone else on how’s it’s done.

This is also true for the Elitist A-holes like our Progressive Political class.  It keeps them in charge.  They act as though they have the answers… but they have failed to solve a single problem… ever.  Not one.  Not Poverty, Not Equality, Not any single problem they have defined as needed fixing have they solved and they’ve been in control for almost 110-years.

But here’s what they know…

You don’t need to fix anything, you just need to act like you have the answers.  You need to act like you care.  The 13-year old’s will believe you.

They are taught this.

I know this to be true.  I have taught it.


Because… it works.

So if you’re going to allow them to get away with it then why shouldn’t we embrace these tactics when so much is at stake.

And that is the question, isn’t it?

Do you think there is any hope left of returning The United States of America to the brilliance it once held as the Greatest Experiment in Self-Government the World has ever known?

Or, have you given up?

For the record, I am an Ideological purist.  I’m not going to go into Trump or anything else beyond that in this post as there are over 1300 bits right here on this site which you look at on your own if you care.  The reason I’m stating it outright is I share many Libertarian traits with Beck… and Milo…  So, while Milo is acting a child, Beck is indeed a pontificating A-hole.

In the end, nothing can be worse than electing an Effectual Socialist (Hillary) to control over 1/3 of our government.  (Someone want to fight with me about ‘over’ the 1/3?  It’s not a mistake I tapped it out that way intentionally.)

Whether we like it or not, we are a Nation of 13-year old boys.  (Even the Girls.)

It’s right here in front of us;  the poor excuses passing for logic, the feelings over solutions, intent instead of outcome, the importance of looking cool and caring at the cost of genuinely helping, the demand of an allowance from your parents, the obsession with undefinable platitudes like Fairness and Love, the overwhelming drive to offend but never to be offended, the attempt to elevate ourselves above others by appearing smart when we are not and, of course, the potty jokes.  The fact we accept all, let alone any, of this illustrates what we face.

In the end, these two semi-celebrities are right about each other.  One is clinging to the approach of educating the public and bringing them to an elevated understanding of the world.  The other has that higher level of understanding, but is attempting to appeal to a constituency who has been fully indoctrinated by Leftists… not to be educated thinking humans… but to nurture their low self-esteem, to covet their victim-hood and… to respond favorably to potty jokes.

These two are on the same side in the end… and they should refocus their energy on the real enemy which is Socialism.

Leaving no insult un-turned is a Classic Leftist tactic.

It’s the Trump Campaign… and it’s working.

We just need to make sure we continue to use it on the right folks.


Melania 2016!

You Can’t Say Donald Trump isn’t Conservative!

And you can’t say he is either…

So what’s the problem?

He has a Point about the Death Star.


You’re Stupid.

And, because You’re Stupid, the Smart People don’t owe you the Truth.


Because They Know You’re Stupid and You will not Understand the Brilliance of Their Ideas.

They also Know due to Your Stupidity you may not agree with what They want to do, and that would necessitate further explanation and possibly debate. Both of which could lead to not getting done what They want to do.

Finally, They consider Themselves ‘Elite’ which means Superior… to Stupid people like You. They might have been told this throughout their lives by family and friends, or they may just believe it because of a mental disorder. But none the less, They feel Themselves to be Smarter than You. This is what justifies, in Their minds, Their Lying to You because you’re too Stupid to understand anyway.

But Wouldn’t They be afraid We would figure it out?

No. Remember, You’re Stupid.

So Who are these People?

They are composed of Socialists and Fascists (a subgroup of Socialism).  They reside in the Totality of the Democrat Party, but there exist many Republicans and Independents who subscribe to the same Ideology.  There are even some very confused Libertarians out there as well.  Almost always they can be spotted by how they espouse a belief that they are superior to others… who are not around to hear them.  So listen carefully.

And, Why are they Lying exactly?

The Elitists will Lie to you because They believe there should be no debate about Their ideas. They also believe You must be saved from yourself… by Them. Neither of which seems to be warmly received by those They label Stupid (You).

When did this Start!?

It’s a behavior as old as time itself. The idea of Slavery under a ruling Class of Elites has been the basis for every Government on the Planet from Monarchy to Dictatorship.  It is alive and well in China, Russia, Mexico, Canada, Europe and the rest of the World.  It just so happens that the last couple of hundred years it’s found a home in the ideology of Socialism, and it’s variants, here in the U.S.  They arrived at this power by telling you, your parents, and your parent’s parents, that they will ‘fight for you’ and ‘champion equal rights for everyone’.  When in truth, the only thing they give you is that which doesn’t directly effect Them negatively and/or threaten Their Power.

A single Glaring Example; They have taken over the Public Education system in order to keep all of us as ‘Stupid’ as possible.  Without much energy you can see Their Elitist condescension through the fact that They refuse to send Their kids to the schools They run.  I have stated many times, if we want to clean up our public school system Force EVERYONE to use it… or restore the right for EVERYONE not to use it.

How do We Stop Them?

Very Good Question.

First, Make an Effort to really understand what’s going on around you.

Second, Stop listening to the Old Media which was taken over by Liberal Leftists 70 years ago.

Third, take the time to understand the ‘Why’ behind the U.S. Constitution.  This alone will lead you to an understanding of Individual Freedom, Liberty, Right to Property and Limited Government… all four of which are anathema to Elitists.  (Warning: While Socialists may say they are for these things, it is only for Them… not for You.  Why?  Because You’re Stupid, remember?  Of course they will never champion Limited Government as They need Government Force to make you do what They expect you to.)

Such a course of action will also lead you to understand Free Market Capitalism and the Invisible Hand… both of which the Elites despise as neither requires Their supposed brilliance.  And, both leave you in charge of making decisions for yourself… which cannot be tolerated, because… wait for it…  You’re Stupid.

In the End, Stupid is as Stupid does.

So Stop listening to, and worse, electing, those who Believe you are Stupid.

Because that’s Stupid.

Please Don’t be Stupid.

Please Impeach Me.

Or at the very least, please try… PLEASE!

My Fellow American’s,

Painting my enemies Racist is the only way I’ll be able to help turn out the vote for my Fellow Democrat Socialists across the country during the Mid-Term Elections.

So… What more do I need to do?

I’m making up Law as I go…

I’ve perpetuated the collapse of the Economy…

I’ve devalued your Dollar…

I’ve Doubled the National Debt…

I tapped the Phones and E-mail accounts of over 100 Reporters…

I Destroyed the legal concept of Property Rights…

I handed Billions of your Dollars to Solar Energy Companies I knew would Fail because they were my friends and donors…

Every Country who Hated us before still Hates us and I’ve even added a few…

I tried to start a War with Syria…

I’m refusing to fire people who sent the Guns to Mexican Drug Cartels and Left one of my Ambassador’s to Die in Benghazi…

I’m putting the most heinous Progressive Liberal’s I can find in every position of power I can Find…

I let North Korea go Nuclear…

I’m going to do the same thing for Iran because it’s only Fair…

My Department of Homeland Security is militarizing for no apparent reason…

I’ve invited every Socialist world over to come hang out with me in the White House…

I’ve spent enormous amounts of Taxpayer dollars on my Travels to Hawaii and beyond…

I’ve thrown extravagant parties hosting only the biggest in Hollywood Glitterati, at your expense…

I Golf more than George Bush…

My TSA is feeling up your daughter… and your mother…

I’m still using the IRS to target those who show any opposition to me or my policies…

I’ve assassinated American Citizens overseas with Drones…

I’ve made sure the Attorney General doesn’t enforce laws I don’t like…

I’ve Destroyed what was once the greatest Health Care System on the planet…

I Single handedly changed the definition of Transparency to mean Opaque…

I’ve kept Gitmo open for business…

I still do tons of business with Haliburton…

My National Security Agency is collecting every bit of your information… and keeping it just in case…

We’re still in Afghanistan…

I’ve handed Iraq back to Al Qaeda because their calling themselves something different…

I’ve sent the word out to Future Democrat Voters… sorry… the Innocent Children of Latin America that Our borders are wide open and come on in… no paperwork necessary…

I traded Five of the Deadliest Taliban Leaders on the Face of the Planet for a Deserter…

I ordered the VA to hide all the bad stories you’ve heard for years so I could Punish the rest of the American Public with Socialized Medicine.

Of all people I put John Kerry in charge of the State Department… John Kerry!

I’ve thrown open the borders so hundreds of thousands of people could come into the United States and live off your dime with the expectation they will get to vote as Democrats.

Hell, I even sent the gifted bust of Winston Churchill back to the British!  They tried to tell me it was okay and I could keep it, but I insisted!

For God’s sake, I Gave the Queen of England a complete catalogue of My speeches…

What more do I have to do to you people!?

I can’t have any more Libertarian, Constitutional Originalist, Types taking control of the House AND the Senate!

Seriously, help a Leftist out.  I’m running out of time!  Pull your heads out and start Impeachment Proceedings!  Now!





(Originally posted 021114)

“Republicans Suck Slightly Less Than Democrats”

Oddly Enough I agree with Politico’s VandeHei.

Which is why the TEA Party exists.

The win in Florida amounted to retaining a House of Representatives seat for Republicans.  This is not just bad news for Democrats… it’s bad news for the Establishment Republicans as well.  It’s worth noting that the Libertarian Candidate, Will Overby, garnered over 6% of the vote with an investment of $31K.  (For those of you still supporting Obama Care, that’s not very much money to spend when running for office.)  It’s also worth noting that the Republican in this race, David Jolly, was not what most of us would consider… well… worth voting for.

So there you go.

There is panic being felt in Leftist circles Nationwide.  Their Perfect Progressive candidate lost.  And, let’s take a look at That for a moment.

Their Candidate was Alex Sink.

She’s a Smart Stupid Person.  She’s articulate.  She’s well-known.  She’s attractive… and She’s a Girl.

Uh oh.

Sound like anyone we know?  (Ok… not so much the attractive part.  But arguably articulate when not screaming through her nose or doing Amos and Andy impressions.)

That fact, which is NOT being talked about, is the real issue here.

Alex Sink is a Clone of Hillary Clinton…

And She Lost.

Libertarian Dissonance

Or, Who are We?

Over the last 72 hours I’ve heard a growing number of TEA Party Conservative Types trying to square their Libertarian views with what’s going on in Europe.

The dilemma seems to be the Libertarian Ideal of Non-intervention versus the United States’ promises which have been made through Treaties.

I confess… After, After, After being Anti-Socialist, I’m more Libertarian than anything else. Even so, I believe we must honor those commitments made through treaty. It’s True I’m not interested in being the world’s policeman, and I would work diligently to remove the United States from many of the commitments we have made decades past, but until that happens we must honor those we’ve made.

The reason I feel this way is we have nothing on the World stage if not our word.  And I guarantee there will be times we need those who have made agreements with us, the U.S., to honor Their promises.

So here we are… today… facing What it Is, not What we may Wish it to be.

The desire to not intervene is understandable…

Once upon a time, The United States stood for Liberty and Freedom of the Individual. It was a radical idea born out of the Enlightenment. This idea led to the formation of a Nation governed by Law instead of Men.  We used to want Other’s to have Individual Freedom and Liberty…

We used to have a Mission.  But we have wandered far from those ideals once at the forefront of our Foreign Policy and most importantly our Domestic Policy.

Because of that I can relate to those out there who believe we need to focus on our own home-grown problems at this point in time.


Do I want to run around the world and commit Men and Material in defense of people I do not know, who apparently don’t like us?  No, I don’t.

I would prefer Countries in need of our help ask us directly… that would be the alternative to treaties as far as I’m concerned. You need us? Just Yell so Everyone can hear you.  If you decide to champion Freedom and Liberty of the Individual, we’ll help.  If not, you’re on your own.  Good Luck.

But those are not the circumstances at the moment.  We have Obligations, whether we like them or not.

But that really isn’t the issue in my opinion.

The Real Problem is what makes us any different from those we wish to oppose?

That should be the Primary Question facing all of us as we watch Russia “take back” what they believe to be theirs.

What do we stand for?

Why Should the Ukraine, or any other Nation for that matter, ask for our help?

What do we represent that is worth those in other Countries to risk dying for?

These are not rhetorical questions… I’m not sure I know anymore. And I don’t think they do either, which may be why they’re not asking for our help.

All of this aside, promoting a position of standing aside because of Libertarian principles, or because you might enjoy this current Administration looking like Fools (Which they most certainly do…) is to allow those who see the faults of Communism/Socialism to remain Slaves of it.

At the End of the Day I am Anti-Socialist first. All other things second. I am not interested in giving anything to Socialists, Ever. Ever.

I hope there will be more Thinking about where this is all headed and less Reveling in the Mess created by Progressive Buffoons.  Yes, they’re idiots who cause more problems than they solve… so vote accordingly.  Right now we have a problem and it has to do with the disappearance of American Exceptionalism.

(I will issue only one warning… there will be those Progressive-Liberal Republicans like McCain and Graham out on the networks hoping to win favor with people like me.   They will not. They are a distinction without a difference when it comes to Socialism. Their time, that should never have come, is past.)

The events we’ve seen unfolding over the last several years from Georgia to Syria to Cyprus to Ukraine… to Russian Destroyers in Cuba to North Korea getting the Nuke and the Means to send it, to China poking Japan and promising to “unify” Taiwan and on and on… all leads to it “not being okay”.

There is a War going on.

All is not Calm.

And if we don’t take a position the rest of the world hears and understands clearly, all will not be calm.

What Position will that be?

What will we Stand Tall for?

(As an Aside:  The Libertarians have a similar problem with Immigration.  Ideally we are Open Borders.  The Problem is the Poison Pill of the Entitlement State.  Too many of us fail to recognize a Trap even when it is made By Fools.  Which makes Us Fools.  That’s why we must Makeaneffort.)

Wanting to Smoke Pot…

… legally does not make you a Libertarian.

Thinking Gay Marriage approved by the government is the Right idea… does not make you a Libertarian. (Actually, I would offer that it disqualifies you. If you think begging some government bureaucrat to validate your marriage, gay… straight or otherwise, is how it should be then you are certainly not a Libertarian.)

If you believe there should be open borders, only for the United States, which many of you do if you think clearly about what you think you’re thinking… it does not make you a Libertarian.

Let me help here.

While all the above can be part, reasoned rationally, of being a Libertarian,

The first step, the very first step, is being a Free-Market Capitalist.

If you don’t think so, or more likely you don’t know what a Capitalist is except what your friendly Closet Socialist Comedian has told you, then its high time you learn.

Most of you will not do this.

You will not do this because it requires time and effort on your part.  Understanding the meaning of stuff also requires reading, unfortunately the odds are you went to government schools and are Functionally Illiterate so you will not do that either.

Instead, you will continue to allow other people who know what it means, and want to make sure you never learn, tell you what they want you to think it means.

Or better yet, you’ll ask your friends who are equally uninformed explain to you what it means… and you’ll go with that.

Whatever you choose to do, all I’m asking is…

Please stop calling yourself something of which you have no comprehension of its meaning.

Figure your Shit out before playing with the rest of us.

Trust me, it’s worth it.

And the rest of us will thank you… because we want you to play.
