Tag Archives: Fascism


Odds are when you were in Public School you were not taught the definition of this very important word.

So here we go:


Not subject to sale or transfer; inseparable.

That which is inalienable cannot be bought, sold, or transferred from one individual to another. The personal rights to life and liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States are inalienable. Similarly, various types of property are inalienable, such as rivers, streams, and highways.

West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


adjective incapable of being conveyed, incapable of being sold, incapable of being transferred, nontransferable, not able to be conveyed, quod abalienari non potest, secured by law, unable to be bought, unable to be disposed of, unforfeitable, untouchable
Associated concepts: inalienable lands, inalienable rights

I beg your pardon Justice Stevens, only as I’m polite, but the Second Amendment which is actually the Second Inalienable Right as listed in the Bill of Rights cannot be “Repealed”.  The only reason it appears as an Amendment to the Constitution is for recording purposes.  As you should know, Sir, there was a vociferous debate regarding the placement of them as Amendments rather than leaving them as a stand alone document for the very reason we are dealing with such idiocy today.  Many of the Founding Fathers knew that the remaining Monarchists (about 30% of the population), most of whom had surrendered to the inevitable and thrown in with the ‘Federalists’, would continue to try to position these Inalienable Rights as Amendable by Man.  The idea of one’s right being given to them by other men is the tenent of Monarchy as it is the foundation of Socialism/Communism.  Without one man being able to force another man to do what he wants there would be no governing paradigm resembling the above.  It is always about force, Mr. Stevens.  Our Freedom rests on being able to resist it.
This is exactly why Free Speech and an Armed Populace is integral to a Free Society.
The Bill of Rights was debated down to its simplest form so Every Man could understand it, rich and Poor alike.  Simple, Powerful and Direct.  The Bill of Rights is the Maxim for Human Freedom.
It has been proven over and over throughout history and continues to be illustrated around the World.
The absence of an armed population, given enough time, always ends in Tyranny.  We do not need to repeat the errors of the past which has demonstrably resulted in Oppression, Death and Destruction of Human life.
We should be past that here in the United States.
But, Mr. Stevens, thank you for your input.  It’s important for us to remember that people like you still exist… and always will.  It’s also important for all of us to recognize that such an oppressive mindset can rise to the highest levels of our government.  We need to be vigilant and more careful.

Just Say No…

…To Socialism.

If you’ve been with me for longer than 10 minutes, then you already realize I’m what you would call an Anti-Socialist.

While I have vast and varied views, first and foremost I stand in opposition to all forms of Socialist thought. You can call it whatever you want; Socialism, Liberalism, Leftist, Progressive, Fascist, Communist, Democrat, No Labels, Crony Capitalist, RINO, John McCain… or whatever new names they come up with to keep you confused.

Why do I oppose Socialism?  Why do I oppose a political theory that promotes Elitists exercising force over all those they deem inferior?  Why do I oppose an Ideology that has resulted in the greatest destruction to the common good, and ultimately the loss of life, in the history of the world?

I am a Free-Market Capitalist.

But what apparently sets me apart is I know what that means, which is more than I can said for the majority of our elected officials… and certainly more than our electorate.

(If you would like to join me in actually KNOWING what a Free-Market Capitalist is instead of allowing Leftists to tell you what they want you to think it is… here’s a good start:  Wealth of Nations, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, The Road to Serfdom, Freedom to Choose, The Romantic Manifesto, The Constitution of Liberty, The Age of Reason, The Law, Conflict of Visions… and the list can go on.  Come join us… it is rare air to breathe indeed.)

I will share with you, the people being demonized by the press are the people you must listen to carefully. (Actually listen to them… not whatever sound bite John Stewart or Bill Mahr decide to let you hear, followed by a studio audience of the above mentioned know nothings yucking it up and a laugh track from the fifties.)

The folks you will be told are Mean, Evil, Stupid and In the Way of your Happiness are the very individuals who, most likely, have the best interest of our amazing country at heart. And, they are the few deserving an honest, unedited, un-editorialized hearing of why they stand in opposition of more Socialism.

But let me get you started:

Socialism gets you Detroit.

Socialism gets you Mexico.

Socialism gets you Domestic Spying.

Socialism gets you incredibly horrible public schools.

Socialism gets you Unions who make promises to their members they know they can’t honor.

Socialism put’s your medical records out there for all to see.

Socialism gets you expensive, crappy health care.

Socialism gets you high taxes.

Socialism gets you high unemployment.

Socialism gets you Crony business deals.

Socialism gets a quadrupling of the money supply devaluing everything you’ve worked so hard to save.

Socialism spends your money with no consideration of reason or result, because it believes it owns the money… not you.

Socialism gets you National Debt so large you cannot possibly conceive it.  You literally can’t count that high… before you die of old age.

Socialism gets you racial hatred because without it, it dies.

Socialism gets you a bigger and bigger gap between the rich and poor, because it relies on that too.

Socialism puts self-anointed Elitist A-holes in power and keeps them there… forever.

Socialism is Force.

So the very least MY representatives can do IS NOT GET ALONG WITH SOCIALISTS.  AT ALL… EVER.

The very least MY representatives can do is say NO in the face of bigger government and more spending… or should I SAY WASTING MY MONEY.

The VERY LEAST my representatives can do IS STAND IN OPPOSITION to everything… every single thing… the Socialists want to do.

And, if they DO NOTHING ELSE… I will consider them to be doing a great job.

If they really want to impress me, then start taking apart 100 years of Socialist schemes which have not only stood in the way of this country being greater than it is, but has set it back on every level.  Doubt me?  Do you think the founding fathers would have asked the public to tolerate Domestic Spying after fighting a War in order to establish a new type of Government designed to protect the Individual, Their Freedom, Liberty and Property?  (There were plenty of “Terrorists” back then too.)

So I expect that 20% of the Republican Party who are about to be positioned as the worst people in the world… will do the right thing.

I expect them to be the Party of No!

NO!  NO!  NO!

It is the least they can do.  When I say “the least”, I mean the LEAST.


The NSA and Kevin Bacon…

Since we’ve returned to caring about being Surveilled…

Let’s climb into our time machine and travel all the way back to 2013, when we told you so.

An unprecedented, at least to me, move by No Such Agency has brought the Director to an open briefing on Capital Hill.

So I’m listening.

But, there are two things which I would like to hear…

Mr. Alexander is very careful to remind everyone paying attention, which appears to be very few, that the NSA does not listen to the content of these calls collected under this program.

I’d like to focus on the “…under this program.” part of his repeated statement and reassurance.

There are many programs within all government operations, many of which overlap. This is practiced for various reasons. Some of them funding, some of them compartmentalization. Some, simply because of turf and time on scene.

So, I would like to hear someone ask; “Mr. Director, is anyone at NSA listening to the content of the calls collected, or reading the e-mail and text messaging?”

Another aspect I find interesting is the “connection to a known, or suspected terrorist” requirement Mr. Alexander has reassured us exists prior to looking at your information.

On this I bring up Kevin Bacon. Yes, the actor.

There exists a mathematical formula which connects us all.  It has been around for 80 years but has recently been popularized through something called the Kevin Bacon Game.

Six degrees of separation, a theory developed by Frigyes Karinthy in the year 1929, proposes that an individual is only six connections away from any person in the world.

Read the last five words in the above sentence again.  “…any person in the world.”

That would include Terrorist A-holes.  Yep… if you’re just catching up, YOU are separated by the most horrible person on earth by only 6 degrees.

The exploration of the degrees of separation between individuals communication, or connections, is called “spidering“.

So, my next question would be; “Mr. Director, how many degrees of separation from the suspect do you find acceptable to explore?  In other words, do you stop at say Two?  Four?  Six?”

Because stopping at “Six” means they have given themselves the authority to Spy on “…any person in the world.”  (Even “Five” should make most of us physically ill… “Three” only marginally better.)

There is also the issue of freely denying that anyone can listen to your phone calls.  I have seen this in practice first hand… when a suspect is apprehended, say a burglar, the police cannot legally go through his cell phone.  Yet… they do.  What “legally” means is whatever information found there is not admissible in court.  It does not mean that some amazing physics come into play preventing the very action of going through the person’s cell phone.  Remember folks, words mean things.  The world becomes much clearer when you listen carefully.

Finally, I am intrigued by what is considered “civilian” over-sight.  In this case, the “civilian” oversight is being performed by ex-military appointees.  One might ask, is this a difference without a distinction?  I understand the argument could be applied to the President on down, but those are elected positions.  I would like to hear someone explore how Civilian oversight has any impact after the person performing that service has retired from a Government entity.  In other words, once you’ve completed serving the Government Mission for many years you can take Retirement and then serve the Citizens interest by overseeing the very programs you may have been associated with the day before.

While I deeply respect those in the military as a rule, it does not change the fact that many of the most horrid Statists known to man have come directly from there.  Seems like the checks and balances are not served in a way that is as reassuring as possible… at least to me.

It will be interesting to view the transcripts of this hearing once complete.

My overall feeling here is They are intentionally missing the point… as They know Domestic Spying IS the point, not catching Foreign Terrorist A-holes.

The Red Herring is the reiteration that all the information being used is Public and available to Private Companies, so No Problem.  It is a blatant attempt to blur the definition of Public as it is meant.  In this case, Public means out in the open… not Government Property.  The fact the information is available to PRIVATE companies is irrelevant.  If this information is truly “out there for all to see” then the Government should not need to demand it from any Private entity.  But it is not… and the Government sees fit to use their power to compel certain Private entities to supply it to them.

All of our information is not available, nor should it be available, to GOVERNMENT without direct legal cause, free of Constitutional restriction.  That is a very, very important distinction here in the “Freest Country on Earth”.  (Damn that Constitution is SO restrictive…  it tells them what they CAN’T do to us, but not what they CAN do to us…)

It’s amazing how quickly one sobers up when listening to our Spooks…  Unless you’re an elected representative in the room with them, then it appears you fall asleep. (You’ll have to watch the hearing to see what I’m typing about here.  I want you to watch, so I won’t ruin it by showing you.)

(Also! For the record, I love our Spooks.  But much of what they do should stay, or be returned to being, illegal… just in case.  I know this Borrows their argument about why they want to store all of OUR info… we might need their actions to have been illegal down the road.  That’s a real check.  And, they answer to us not the other way around.)


Why I, of all people, am Glad this crappy Health Care Bill did Not Pass.

I’m going to keep this simple.

1. This Bill was not a Repeal of Obama Care.
2. Weasel Leftist Republicans were ready to wash their hands of it claiming they delivered on what we demanded with their Yea vote.
3. There is no option but to do away with, destroy, demolish, crush, this Socialist Keystone completing the take-over of The United States. None. And this didn’t do it.
4. Weasel Republicans in general want to keep their ability to extort money from Insurance Companies in order for those companies to do business in their State. (If you’re unaware of this, it’s extraordinary.  Take a little time to look into it.)  Portability does away with that… as it should.  I’m pretty sure we have something called the Commerce Clause.  But I’m also pretty sure we only employ that to take away your personal liberties.
5. This “Disaster” is really a “Triumph”. Liberal Republicans must be outed, clearly identified, and replaced as quickly as possible… with worn out tools.

This defeat of a crappy bill doing nothing but providing cover for a bunch of Socialists hiding in the Republican Party is extremely valuable. We must now remember who these people are and replace them with fiscally conservative, but most importantly constitutionally originalist, Republicans who understand and embrace the Enlightenment Ideology our Founders crafted this country upon.

We have wandered far from our Founders creation.

Now is time for Big, Bold Moves returning us to the Freest Country on Earth.

That means getting Government Out of the Way and letting us, the free market, deal with it.

In a World of Compromise, some Men Don’t.

We Need Those Men.

Anything to Save It!

(A Blast from the past…)

Anything but Repeal It!

The Democrats (And Establishment RINO’s) want Any “Fix” that keeps Obama Care on the Books…

President Clinton is the latest to offer up a “fix” to Obama Care by suggesting the Current President should champion a change in the law to allow Citizens to keep their current Health Insurance if they like it. “Allow”…

“Allow” me to bypass the obvious question as to who do these people think they are to “Allow” me to do anything… and get to the bigger issue at hand.

The Destruction of the Health Insurance Companies is analogous to Cortez burning his ships when he landed on the New World.

(Realize, the Government may tolerate a few Health Insurance companies to exist so long as they can be completely controlled via regulations… the Fascist flavor of Socialism.  It is what We have “Allowed” these people to do in almost every Industry.  This brand of Fascism is why the EPA and OSHA exist.  Without these agencies Insurance Companies, not to mention Self Interest, would be the mechanism for spreading Best Practices.  Get the connection?  Do you suddenly see why “Big Insurance” is the enemy of the Left?  They represent competition to Big Government.  Therefore the Left believes They must be removed, or at a minimum diminished to the point of uselessness.  And we’re witnessing it happen as I tap this out.)

There is no, nor will there be, any “fix” to the complete and total destruction of the Health Insurance Industry we are watching before our eyes. The only solution to what is an ill-advised attempt of Government to wrest control over 1/6th of the Economy while once again removing all Free-Market Competition, Voluntary Exchange and your Right to Choose is a complete Repeal of this Disastrous Law.

Anything else is simply an effort to preserve the Big Government, aka Socialist, gains achieved during the first two years of Democrat Control over The United States.

Anything else is just buying time while you “Get Used” to Government telling you what you must do when it comes to purchasing Health Insurance.  Then what you eat, and drive, and activities you pass time doing etc.  Because it all has to do with your Health.  The only “fix” Liberals want when it comes to Health Care is enough time for you to get your mind right and accept that Government is the Answer.

But they Need you to scream for them to “Fix” it.  Which is why they all seem to be standing around watching the Health System Implode.  An Implosion they caused.  All they’re waiting for is for you to blame the Insurance Companies and beg Government to step in… with Single Payer or what is otherwise known as Government Run Health Care.

It has been the goal from the beginning.  It is still the goal.

And, Once the deed is done there can be no turning back.

Social Security was supposed to be a temporary Insurance Safety Net.  Temporary… But given enough time you folks began counting on it and decided it should be permanent.  So permanent in fact that the politicians took your cue and spent all the money collected for it on other things because they knew you would never let that stream of income to Government go away.  But they didn’t spend it on important things, things we could have done without.  They wasted it.  They allowed their friends to have it.  They squandered it.  Because who needs discipline when the money just keeps rolling in?  And You gave them permission.  You are Still giving them permission.

This is no different.

Don’t let this happen again.

Demand Complete Repeal!

When Democrats stand up and say “Republicans have never liked this law and just want to get rid of it!”, you should stand up and say “You’re Right!”  “We Warned You!”  “In Fact, We Warned You with Plenty of Time not to let this Happen in the First Place!”  “Are You Listening?”

All this was bad from the beginning and it needs to be done away with, not preserved with some “fix” created to placate you until you “see the light” and concede your Freedoms to those in Washington.

It is no mystery that I’m not a fan of about 80% of the Republican Party.  But it is a Party that must move to Repeal this hideous legislation.  It is a Party that needs to step around the likes of John McCain, Chris Christy and Lindsey Graham to save this country from the mistakes of Democratic Socialists world over.  If there has ever been a rallying point, or issue, of our time it is this.  We were not there to fight against what we now know to be huge wastes of money and drags on productivity of the past.  But we are here now.

The push to Socialize Medicine must be stopped.

And in the future, Anyone who even suggests such a Scheme should be disqualified from serious consideration when it comes to holding power in this Country.

(Originally posted 111212)

Progressive Solutions at Work

Taking a page from The United States’ handling of Illegal Immigration, China has found a solution to their Smog Problem.

Chinese Authorities tell local weather forecasters to Stop Issuing Smog Alerts.

Problem Solved.

It is no wonder why Democrats admire the problem solving efficiency of Socialism.

Almost immediately after the directive was issued, China’s smog ‘problem’ had been solved. Coinciding with the disappearance of Smog throughout China, certain members of Politburo have moved to rename the dense poisonous haze as “Very Fine Particulate” as some government officials feel the term “Smog” is offensive.  Other terms considered were “Very Special”, “Very Special Old Pale” and “Extra Old”.

One Chinese Diplomatic Source we contacted stated, off the record, that any discussion about offensive terms is irrelevant as Smog, or whatever Western Countries might want to call it, no longer exists in China.  It was offered that the idea for the solution came from how the United States solved the Immigration Problem by ceasing to enforce Immigration Law.  The source also said that China’s focus has been, and remains, the Chinese role in controlling the New World Order. Our source then returned to his meeting with Vice President Joe Biden.

No Plan “B”

It has become clear to me that the total meltdown we are witnessing after the Trump Victory is due to a simple fact. The Democrat Socialists, in this country and world over, had no plan “B”. The Leftists had believed they had “won” in regard to wresting control of every governing apparatus in every country on Earth. It seemed their march to a One World Socialist Utopia no longer had any real opposition and all that remained was a jockeying for position within the power structure established to rule over it.


Now they are watching helplessly as their tireless drive to imprison us all under a single power is being dismantled.

A Few weeks ago there was an open letter being circulated reportedly from Georges Soros, the Financial Champion of Global Socialism, lamenting this latest turn of events. In that letter he speaks of Karl Popper being a major influence on his world view. That explains a lot.
While Popper is supposedly considered one of the “greatest” 20th century philosophers, I will leave that to you, I don’t share that view for a simple reason. Karl Popper wanted to be everybody’s friend.  He is what we would today call a “Moderate”.

He believed, erroneously, that all the governing theories could be reconciled. In other words, Everybody could be right and we all could get along.  On the face of this assertion it seems nice… to the point of flowery.  However, it does not take a monumental amount of critical thinking to recognize that most of us do not share a sense of ‘fairness’ and ‘congeniality’ with Socialist Dictators and Thugs who have anointed themselves, their associates and family, with brilliance, sometimes even divinity, and view their role as one which is to ‘take care of the unwashed masses’.

On the site where I found the letter, again purportedly from Mr. Soros, a reader commented accurately pointing out the primary flaw in Popper’s idea was his subscription to Plato and what has been called Platonic Paternalism. (The reader then goes off the rails and promotes pure democracy… but at least he was half right.)  This idea of Paternalism implies that we ‘elect’ leaders to take care of us… read that again… Take Care of Us… not just represent us. There is a vast difference in the two positions.  These are profound differences which separate Representative Republics from Democracies. One necessarily requires Unlimited Government in the name of “taking care of the people”, the other requires Limited Government in the name of “Protecting Individual Liberty and Freedom”, thus making these two governing theories irreconcilable or ‘mutually exclusive’.  You can not depend on someone else taking care of you and be “Free” in any meaningful sense of the word.  And, inversely, one cannot be “Free” but not shoulder the responsibility of taking care of themselves, or suffering the consequences of their actions, without the promise by an individual with the power to force others to come to your aid or hold you unaccountable… as eventually it will be you who is forced to provide that aid or look the other way.  (Again, as always, “Force” comes into play when speaking of functional Socialism.)

The letter also illustrated a view shared by all ‘educated’ Socialists. Free Market Capitalism protected by Limited Government which is protected by Transitory Power simply does not exist as a Governing Option.

It’s that simple folks.

You’re insane.

The reason you will never be able to have a cogent conversation about Freedom and Liberty of the Individual protected by a Limited Government (America as it was founded) with a Democrat, and Frankly many of those calling themselves Republicans, is because they don’t see what you believe in as an option. It is not on the spectrum of their chosen reality.  There is no room for it.

This explains some of the massive disconnect when trying to have an argument of ideas. You understand that the Oppression, Death and Destruction which is Socialism is in reality a Governing Theory, and it is available to all who want it. You get it. They, on the other hand, see no other option… none.  Socialism is where it starts and stops, all that remains to fight over is what flavor of it ‘works’ and who’s going to be in charge.

When you hear Fascists and ‘Conservatives’ both being called “Right Wing”, this is why. Socialists do not acknowledge that your idea of Limited Government and Individual Freedom exists… so they have no where else to put you but in the far “Right” side of the Socialist Spectrum where there remains some semblance of private property rights (Fascism). To classify you outside of that spectrum is to admit there is an option other than the Soft Slavery of Socialism. That, to them, cannot be allowed.

There is no question their apple cart is being upended with Brexit, Trump and soon France, Germany, etc. But these are minor set-backs for people like Soros who are lamenting not the failure of their poisoned worldview but the fact they will not see its realization within their limited life span. The war for the Ultimate Minority, the Individual, has not been won. The Socialists have permeated the machine which is government world over. If we the people fail to understand why these ideas are like Oil and Water then the Individual is doomed.

But Wait!

The good news is because of the hubris found on the side of the Socialists there is a pin prick of light peaking in.

They have no plan “B”.

There is no fallback position in place, they have lost momentum.

There is hope…  assuming the Forces of Individual Freedom and Liberty are ideologically united.

Are we?

Will this be the age of The Great Renovation?

The illusion of Ownership

We like to think we own things…

But do we?

Do you have a car?  If so, do you owe money on it?  Can the person you owe money to take it away if you don’t pay them the money you owe?  So… who really owns the car?

Do you have a house?  If so, do you owe money on it?  Can the person you owe money to take it away if you don’t pay them the money you owe?  So… who really owns the car?

Do you have either of the above but owe no money on them?  If so, do you have to pay property taxes and or registration fees?  If so, can the agencies charged with collecting those take them away from you, or worse put you in jail, for not paying them?

So… who really owns your stuff?

I’ve long offered that Fascism is just a flavor of Socialism… because Fascism is exactly Socialism with the only difference being State Ownership and Control by ‘other’ means.

Am I wrong?

Enter Podesta… Hillary’s personal scary Clown…

(This was posted almost four years ago 0n Dec. 12, 2013 at 11:03am…  you decide if any of it was correct.)

With the Coaching of the Clinton Machine, is President Obama taking a page from NASCAR on every issue?

To answer this question we have to understand Who John Podesta is.

John Podesta is President Obama’s New Advisor.

The Executive Summary: Podesta is one of the most horrid Socialists you will ever meet.

Let me put it this way… the last several weeks we have had the uncomfortable experience of meeting Zeke Emanuel, the brother of Rahm who let us know that there was absolutely No Confusion!  According to Zeke, the President always said you can keep your doctor if you pay more.  It’s as if a request was put into Central Casting for someone who looks and sounds likes a member of Adolf’s creepy inner circle, yet is Jewish, in order to play the role of a scary Menshevik.  So they sent over Zeke.  Perfect.

If you take it one step further you have John Podesta.

You have to remember that Obama is no longer up for election.  It’s Hillary’s turn.

With that in mind, it is an easy step to link Podesta (Clinton’s last Chief of Staff and head of Progressive Socialist efforts like Apollo Alliance.) to Hillary’s 2016 Election Campaign.  It also becomes clear that Hillary must position herself as the Moderate choice for President coming off of the last eight years of Obama.

So how do you do that?

Well… you send Obama so (overtly) far into the Marxist camp that Stalin might rise from the grave just to provide a standing O.  And there are few better to provide such hard left turns on every issue than John Podesta.  (I would offer George Soros, but too many of you know him.  It just wouldn’t look good.  Podesta is well-connected to Soros anyway through the Tides Foundation etc., so why bother.)

The Left then positions anyone running against Hillary as a Far Right Extremist while lamenting the move of President Obama so far away from “The American Mainstream”.  And in concert with their Liberal friends in the media will offer up Hillary as the Only Reasonable Person in the race… oh, and in case you didn’t know it she’s a girl.

If Hillary is smart, she will listen to her husband Bill and give as many speeches saying Nothing better than he said Nothing as often as possible.  (This will be hard for her as she is every bit the Marxist Obama is… so we’ll see.)  She’ll also have to work on her angry moments when she channels her inner Phyllis Diller… same voice, way less funny and in tones of a certain green Oz character.

If she can pull off not being herself, sit back and allow the vacant assessments of the useful idiots and those intellectually lazy individuals who call themselves moderates… populists or the “No Labels” crowd to lend their votes to her she’ll be the next President.

I know you’re asking; Why would Obama agree to this?

Because a Hillary Presidency will only serve to preserve the gains and maintain the progress of the current Socialist agenda being forced down the throats of a Public School Educated American Populace.  To the chagrin of Socialists world over, you just can’t run on that.

In addition, if Obama gets any of his genuinely Hard Left dreams added onto his already noteworthy list of successes, all the better.  Consider it a bonus.

Drink about this carefully.  Is it a surprise that the Clinton Camp has started allowing for “Obama Hating” based on Policy as being OK so long as you don’t connect Leftist Ideology to it?

Expect to see some incredible, unbelievable, bordering on if not completely ridiculous, Policy proposals coming from the Obama camp in the next couple of years.

Maybe Limousines and Hookers ARE the Answer to Stopping Climate Change…

Given the American Taxpayer is having their hard-earned money removed from them by the Federal Government and sent to Socialist Dictators and Thugs around the World in order to Stop the impending Global Apocalypse of Man Made Global Warming…

I’m opening my mind to the possibility that making sure said Socialist Dictators and Thugs having an endless supply of Limousines, Hookers and Blow could be the answer.

I admit I have been doubtful.

I’m inviting all of you to show me the light and provide me with the science I’ve been shamefully denying exists.

I promise to read it.

All of it.