Tag Archives: Hillary

Need a Little Help Here… Are the Russians Coming?

While it’s true, I’ve been laying low watching the fire overhead, I am struck by this latest explosion of stupidity.

So, I’m going to untie my fingers.

First I will say, I hate me some Russians. Actually I hate me some Socialists which continues to include Russians.  This is for reasons nobody cares about but I’ve made clear over the years.

That being said, WTF?
Trump goes over to pay a visit to Vlad and our local socialists, our Socialist press and the Never Trump useful idiots go ape sh*t.

The Dems have no option but to continue their attempt to connect Trump with Russian meddling. Why, because they have nothing but good news to get mad about.  AND… they are being forced to be honest about who they are.  Both of the above are not good for their future.  (Did the Russians meddle in the election process? Of course they did. And they will again… just as the Chinese do, the North Koreans do, the Iranians wish they could… etc. etc. Hey dummy, here’s another tidbit, we do it too. And we will continue to do it. What do you think all that money for “Clandestine” services is used for? For you current college students, see if you can find a dictionary and look up ‘clandestine’. ) It is enjoyable however to watch Democrats hate on some Russians.  It’s like a Domestic Abuse episode of Jerry Springer where the wife is beating the crap out of the husband for everyone to see.  It’s funny because it’s purely theater and they don’t really mean it… but they think it makes for good ratings.  (And in the end the wife goes back to the husband.)

The Press is hell-bent on anyone other than Trump heavily flavored by their bizarre love affair of all things Socialist. So they are working diligently to keep the words “Trump” and “Russia” appearing together in every sentence they utter. It’s become boring.  (Has anyone heard anything about Venuzuela lately?  With any frequency?)

The Never Trumpers are desperate to get their power back and reclaim their rightful place in history as the Slave Party to the Democratic Socialists.  Can I get you a Starbucks?

Even the Criticism I’m hearing from those I listen to attentively is odd.

“Trump threw the CIA under the bus!”


Folks, since when does the President of the United States suffer an obligation to stand behind everything his intelligence services say? Yes… I get it. Better to say nothing at all, but that was not allowed to happen by the Leftist Press… and it never will be allowed to happen when it comes to any Political Leader standing in the way of the the the Press’ Socialist Utopia.  Can you blame them?  What could be better than standing in line for toilet paper… oh right, the Systematic Starvation.  My bad.

Just a note — does anyone here remember when George W. Bush believed his intelligence folks and went after WMDs in Iraq? Seems to my foggy alcohol addled memory that the Leftist a-holes jumped all over him for only finding Chemical Weapons (which actually are WMDs).  Anyone?  Bueller?

The only interesting aspect of this latest Media Destabilization Effort coming from the Trump Administration is who on the Republican side of the aisle is drawing the long knives?

I would watch these people carefully… we have officially entered the Presidential Election Cycle.

I’m crawling back into my hole now.  I have castles on clouds to build.

Huma Keeps a Firm Grip on Weiner

In what appears to be a move to maintain the Husband-Wife confidentiality Privilege, it could be interpreted to mean Legal Trouble on the horizon for Mr. and Mrs. Danger.

Stayed to see the next Installment of Humanthony.


An Aside… What Ever Happened to Brian Pagliano?

What Spies Do…

(She got away with it.  She is above the law.  She… was… expected to run the country.)

(Update: The Question is finally being asked…)

(Update 082015:  This post was from March…  Why does it take six months (Now 20 months) to address the Large Points?)

There is a large point being missed with regard to the latest revelation of a U.S. Secretary of State creating, and using exclusively, an outside conduit of communication to their reports, and associates, within the Department of State.


When committing Espionage a Spy must find a way to communicate information without appearing to do so. This is not difficult to understand.

Hollywood might have you believe Spies find interesting little pieces of information and covertly send that information to the interested party of choice. But that’s the movies.  And, small amounts of information have lesser value than Huge Amounts of Information.  Seems self-evident.

If you want to be “The Most Transparent Administration, and State Department, in History!”, one way to achieve that is to give full access to…

(Well, when We The People hear that phrase repeated ad nauseam, we think the Administration is speaking to Us. It’s entirely possible the Administration was speaking to someone completely different. If that is the case, it would clear up the confusion We The People have when it comes to the supposed ‘Transparency’ of this current Administration.  It also begs the question ‘Who Else may have created their own “home-made” ISP upon which to communicate?’)

… other countries.

What better way to do the above than to create an entirely separate network that can easily be tapped into?

In other words, Creating a Method of Communication outside of Federally Protected Channels may extend well beyond the desire to avoid the Damned Prying Eyes of the ‘Stupid’ American Public’s FIOA requests.

It would certainly make it convenient for a Foreign Power to access and monitor all communications within that channel… without the Damned Prying Eyes of those tasked with protecting the Secrets and Security of the United States.

While those who created such a network would obviously deny such intent…

That question must be explored.

When it Looks like Espionage, Walks like Espionage and Talks like Espionage… it might just be Espionage.

Maybe the NSA can take a break from Spying on Us and re-task some folks to find out Who else was attached to Eric Hoteham’s ISP.   Any thoughts Mr. Pagliano or are you sticking with taking the fifth?

(Originally Posted 030415)

Sessions Recuses Himself!

Now we can get on with the inquiry into the vast Russian conspiracy… and ask the most important question out there. Is Brian Pagliano a Russian Spy?

Calm Down

With the Inauguration of Donald Trump you have set the bar very high.

You have declared Trump a:

1. Racist
2. Homophobe
3. Misogynist
4. Fascist
5. Tyrant

It’s similar to President Barack Obama being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize based on what he Might Do. (As an aside; He didn’t Do.)

Your Media now has their job cut out for them. They will have to position Trump’s tenure to fit all of your above expectations and accusations.  But you can relax… your demands will most certainly be met.

So what happens if he turns out Not to be the above?

Don’t worry, there is always someone, somewhere, who will point to Trump as the Destroyer of Worlds. Your Press will find renewed energy to breathe life into their long deceased role as ‘government watchdog’… Trump will not suffer, as his predecessor did, from a lack of resistance.

But, you ask, what if he’s actually good, possibly… great?

Calm down… you can rest assured that any successes will be met with silence.

Remember your news source of choice, The New York Times motto:

“All the News we Choose to Print.”


It’s Say Anything Week!

Good Morning Folks,
We are now officially into the last week before a Presidential Election. This period of time is what I like to refer to as “Say Anything Week”. It’s during this last week that the craziest, most ridiculous and foolish, accusations will be flung at whoever is opposing the Socialist Candidate because there’s just not enough time for anyone to refute them. And, considering the Press is Liberal, no one to laugh at them.

I always look forward to this week because you get to hear things similar to “George Bush is flying around on an SR-71 to get hostages released”, “My friend says Mitt Romney doesn’t pay his taxes” and old favorites like “When Did you stop beating your wife?”.

It’s a fun week.

Please garb a cold one and enjoy it with me!

What if it’s not the Russians? (Previously: Picking a Fight with the CIA…)

(Originally posted 121214.  What if it’s not the Russians offering up Thousands of Socialist E-mails? Just sayin’…)

One must ask why.

While the release of the ‘CIA Sucks Report’ was a foregone conclusion given Diane Feinstein’s drive to leave a parting gift to her Leftist base…

I remain convinced the timing of the report was designed to remove Jonathon Gruber from the headlines and allow the mainstream liberals something else to put on the evening news.  (I continue to believe Gruber, and his honesty about how Liberals see American’s, is profoundly damaging.)

That aside, the report begs the question “Why?”.

Why would you rehash what we already know?

Why would you emphasize enhanced terrorist interrogation techniques and our efforts to keep them alive while in captivity such as Rectal Feeding?  (I would remind you all that there are certain restaurants in Feinstein’s own San Francisco specializing in that very thing.)

Why would you give additional specific information allowing the remaining Terrorist A-holes to cross reference and pinpoint those involved?

I believe this fight started with Benghazi. It continued with the summary ‘execution’ of the Afghanistan Chief of Station’s career by officially outing his name.

And, the apparent conflict is being taken to a brand new level with the release of this report.

Is the CIA not being cooperative enough with the Socialists in our Government?

Might they have issues with how they are being tossed under the bus by an Administration that practises Drone Diplomacy?  Our deteriorating relationship with Israel?  Allowing North Korea and Iran to acquire Nuclear Weapons and the means to ‘deliver’ them?  Our inability to keep secrets?  Our ceding the Middle East to the Terrorists after shedding American Blood to keep it out of their hands?

Are our covert Agencies not being quiet enough when it comes to the murder of our Diplomat and security personnel in Benghazi?  Could it be they are not on board with the Administration, and the rest of the Leftists, who didn’t want to appear ‘aggressive’ to the rest of the world by providing adequate security?

Is this just another attempt to paint Bush as a Domestic Terrorist since we are ‘all citizens of the world’ according to our own home-grown Socialists?

I believe it’s all the above.

Feinstein thinks, because of her retirement, she is now beyond the reach of the American people, and this is a flying f-you to the very agency and agencies she over saw.  The very same Agencies whose techniques she previously, and repeatedly, approved of.

The Covert folks do not seem interested in being quiet about how this Administration is conducting itself. They are not interested in being hung out to die… so to speak.

They do not seem interested in continuing to do what they must while being used as political pawns in a game that is decidedly anti-capitalist.

There a was a time that many of us could fool ourselves into thinking that those who professed to be Socialists were doing so in order simply to get elected.

Now many of us, and I must conclude those in the intelligence services as well, are finding out those they thought to be donning a cloak of Progressive Populism are in fact… serious.  And the very folks that put their lives on the line for the rest of us everyday are suffering in the worst ways because of it.  Add to this that many of those we thought were Constitutional Loyalists are nothing of the sort.

We are watching the Republic crumble, and lives are being lost as a result.

Are we witnessing an awakening by those that keep the secrets?

Possibly… but I’m wrong more often than I’m right.

However, there is no doubt that a dark war has started in D.C.

Bits of it are finding sunlight.

It seems the Left wants it that way.  What do they stand to gain?

Is it an attempt at a purge?

Are the Progressives trying to consolidate power as they have been trying to do in the Military?

Preserving my right to Cheat!


There is no reason to oppose voter ID laws unless you intend to preserve your ability to commit voter fraud.

You cannot present a single reason why every person choosing to vote should not have a state issued, or otherwise verifiable, identification card with a picture which is required to be presented prior to practicing one of the most important acts imaginable in a Democratic Republic.

Not a single reason.
I must present picture ID to enter a bar.
I must present picture ID to rent a car.
I must present picture ID to get a hotel room.
I must present picture ID to fly in an airplane.
I must present picture ID when in every other country. (And they do not allow me to vote in their elections.)
I must present picture ID to purchase a home.
I must present picture ID to open a savings account.
I must present picture ID when pulled over for speeding.
I must present picture ID to get a job.

But… to “legally” screw up your life with my vote by electing idiots?

I can be anybody, and everybody, with no proof necessary… even dead… and vote.


The process of free and honest elections is a Pillar of Freedom.

If you vote for, or support the appointment of, these horrible people who want to preserve their right to cheat, you need to admit to yourself that you are also a horrible person.  (We already know it.)

(Some issues just never go away… originally posted 031212)

Trump’s a Cad!

What can you say about a guy who talks about forcing himself upon women?

Well… you can call him the 42nd President.

In the latest who knew! file, Mr. Trump has shown himself to be a Cad.

(I have to admit, when the story broke I had the sound off and caught it mid-way through the comments.  My first thought was it’s just more crap dug up on Bill Clinton… and it won’t matter.)

But what’s interesting this time is it does seem to matter.

So what do we make of this?

It’s simple.

I believe all Mr. Trump needs to do is come out in full defense of Abortion on Demand.  Then fire up a Team of A-Holes led by his wife, whose only purpose is to destroy the person who made the audio tape, distributed the audio tape, ever played the audio tape, ever listened to the audio tape along with their immediate and extended families. I mean, what did you think you would get when you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a television studio? Right?  This would then allow Mr. Trump to assume the Presidency and continue to practice his Kung-Fu grip with impunity even into his retirement to upstate New York.  It has worked for the Clinton’s.

I’m with all of you…

I don’t like the idea of a rapist, by the feminist definition, to be President. Yet we had one in Bill Clinton, and the ‘Feminists’ voted overwhelmingly for him – TWICE.  I guess if you look at it this way the latest discovery should bring all those votes for Bill over to Trump.

But this is Politics as Usual and Intellectual Consistency has been buried deep into the cold, cold, ground Mr Rabbit.

So now the actual Team Leader of the former Philanderer-in-Chief’s hit squad is running for President on the Democrat Socialist ticket. And… as usual, I expect the ‘Feminists’ will vote for her overwhelmingly.  Because “They’re Ready!”

No surprises there.

All of this aside…

Let’s talk about Trumps comments for a moment.

The most egregious synopsis is; Mr. Trump “is attracted to and just starts kissing beautiful women”, then in a manner which must be a metaphor but possibly not “Grabs them by their Vagina’s”… and “They let him because he’s famous”.

There you go.

What does this say about Donald Trump? What does it say about Women?  What does it say about Bill Clinton?  What does it say about Hillary Clinton?  What does it say about the press?  What does it say about you?

“IT’S JUST SEX!”   Right?

I have to confess that the underlying point Mr. Trump was making is that being RICH allows a man to be FORWARD with WOMEN in a way that most do not want to admit to be FACT. I personally think it is an “Ugly Truth”… but it’s also a biological imperative.  (Yes, Tim, you’ll have to look that up.  Makeaneffort.)

However ugly… it is a Truth none the less.

And, the Folie a Duex of Bill and Hillary Clinton did far worse, demonstrably, by destroying the lives of women across the United States than Mr. Trump has ever been accused of. If anything, it appears Donald Trump left his sexual dalliances better off as judged by the inability of the press to find anyone willing to condemn him for such ‘transgressions’.  This is not the case for Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Is he a Jerk? You bet.

Is he a Socialist… who enables the Serial Sexual Assault of Women? No, he is not.

But Hillary is.

Mr. Trump needs to apologize for being ‘coarse’ and speaking the truth when none of us want to hear it.

The Clinton’s need to apologize to over 20 women who were sexually assaulted by Bill then destroyed by Hillary… then be brought up on charges.

But that’s never going to happen… because when you’re a Socialist using FORCE to get what you want is expected and accepted, apparently be everyone.

Now back to the issues.

Even though Tim Kaine doesn’t think so, this country is in serious economic trouble, not to mention the safety of it’s citizens and the existential threat to their inalienable rights.

President Feckless

There has been much talk lately about our President being Feckless.

I cannot stand idly by and allow such charges to go unchallenged!

Our President deserves the respect he has earned and I’m here to offer a defense in his absence.

President Obama is quite an accomplished Fecker.

He has employed his talent to Feck up:

The Middle East – on Fecking fire.

The Economy – Completely Fecked.

Our Health Care – Fecked and getting even more Fecked.

The Free Market – Fecked-Up Beyond All Recognition.

He continues to Feck with our personal liberty, our freedom and our property rights.

Frankly, he came into office promising to Feck-up everything in his “Blue print for America” and he has accomplished many of his Fecking goals.

So anyone accusing him of being Feckless is simply wrong, he has Fecked-up almost everything.

I think he has done a fantastic job Fecking everyone.

And, I don’t know about you but I feel like I’ve been Fecked enough by the President.

But I guess there are still folks out there who need some more Fecking…  (They’ll be voting for Bill’s wife.)

(It’s been a while since this post, but apparently someone broke out their thesaurus again…  so I couldn’t resist… again… and again.)