Tag Archives: Russia

Schiffing Their Pants…

File Photo - Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)

File Photo – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)

I’ve been paying attention to a number of talking heads today regarding the new power John Durham has been granted to file criminal charges regarding the origins of the Russia Investigation.

I’ve come to a slightly different conclusion… but only slightly.

It seems to me that the ‘behind closed doors’ tactic being employed by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is designed to create the impression the Socialists have the information they do not. (I know.  This is far, far, from an original thought.) However, I believe they are desperate to get actual info that can be used… not to impeach… but to use for a prisoner swap. They are desperately seeking leverage.


Because they are fully aware that there was indeed a conspiracy afoot, only it was orchestrated by their fellow travelers. They know that just the timelines and facts gleaned by certain news outlets are enough to file charges against a number of those loyal leftists that occupy the intelligence community here in the US and smear a number of them in communities abroad… and they have nothing to trade in order stop it.

Think about it. This current President does not subscribe to the ‘Fall on Your Sword’ mentality other ‘Conservative’ Presidents have suffered from. So the old approach of throw out a bunch of accusations until he gives up has been proven not to work. The Left has also lost the animal spirits. We, the people, just don’t believe them anymore. Even those that profess to believe the latest outrage directed at this president really know that it’s probably hogwash but getting rid of him ‘would be for the greater good’.  So #METOO!!!, Unless it’s me…

The panic at the disco is real… they’re in need of a fresh change of clothes.

What am I trying to say?

This is about more than the 2020 election.  (They know they have lost it.)  This is about Executive power over the Bureaucracy.  This is about what it really means to “Serve at the pleasure of the President”.  The Left cannot have their true believers purged from the very apparatus that keeps the country moving towards their Socialist Utopia, it’s bad enough that the Orange Man will get re-elected.  The need is immediate, the purge is happening now, which is why this pseudo-impeachment sideshow is happening now and not next year when the election is imminent.  (This is where I differ only slightly from those far smarter than I am.)  It has been accelerated exactly because nothing came from the Russia/Ukraine/Pussy Grabbing/Chinese Wall Building/Stupid Hair Flying Outrage these Beto’s have been flinging for the last 4 years.  They’ve run out of arrows.

The Socialists need something to trade in the background, in the darkness.  They need ‘prisoners’.  They got nuttin’ and they need it NOW!

They are in deep Schiff.


Free Hong Kong!

(Shut the F*ck Up, Barkley. You’re the American Dream you ungrateful Beto.  You should wish it for every other human on the planet.)

Is Reality Optional?

Apologies to doctor Sowell regarding the Title, but it does apply to his overall thesis.  If you want to know what that is just click here.

This, however, is a little diddy about Climate Apocalypse.

Of the three people who read anything here, I suspect we all have lived through each and every one of the scheduled End of World scenarios beginning with Global Nuclear War.  But for the sake of time, I want to present a bit of what is found, and linked to here, for your consideration.  (H/T to John Nolte.  Full Article HERE.)

  1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
  2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
  3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
  4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
  5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
  6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
  7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
  8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
  9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
  10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
  11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
  12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
  13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
  14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
  15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
  16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
  17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
  18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
  19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
  20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
  21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
  22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
  23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
  24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
  25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
  26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
  27. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2016
  28. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
  29. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
  30. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
  31. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
  32. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
  33. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
  34. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
  35. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
  36. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
  37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
  38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
  39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
  40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
  41. 1970s: Killer Bees!

For the record, I believe Climate Changes.  Were we not taught that the Appilacian Mountains were carved out by Glaciers?  Have we not accepted that the Earth has been everything from a hot gaseous ball, molten material and a world of Ice?  The question is do Humans effect it?  The answer is possibly.  But as it stands we cannot define a problem.  And, if you cannot define it then you cannot offer a cogent solution should there be one.  Additionally, if you buy into Humans killing everything they touch then there are only two solutions.  Kill all humans or Kill those humans refusing to change their behaviors in a fashion as we mentioned above has no definition.  But let’s pretend you think such beneficial behavior can be defined, like buying brand new light bulbs instead of using the ones you have until they burn out then buying ones you’re restricted to because you’re too stupid to see the benefit of cost savings over the long run… and it must be imposed upon countless millions of humans right damn now… or else.  Working from that point of view we must do three things.  1.  Convert immediately to Nuclear Power.  2.  Immediately Destroy China.  3.  Immediately Destroy India.  (Russia would be ‘on deck’ as would countless other 3rd World countries.)

Sounds fun.

The truth is that modern Socialists have co-opted the environmental movement and are using Climate Change Horror (No science, just simpathetic scientists who are conviced you’re stupid and they are not.) as a tool to convince useful idiots that the World would be a better placed if everyone just surrendered to Socialism and put them permenantly in control of Everything.  Just ask Patrick Moore, the Founder of Greenpeace.  (Better yet, read his book linked here.)  Socialism is, of course, the ideology of Force and Acceleration, not to mention Class Stasis…Call it what you will, Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, Communist, Fascist or whatever name they want to call themselves once one of the previous is assigned the appropriate stigma.  This is what we are facing, whether it’s being regurgitated by a 14 year old girl from Demark or an octigenarian ex-president of the United States.

That’s the Reality.

Is that an Option?


Awake… Arise… Or Be Forever Fallen!

So there I was, Minding my own Scotch… and I get a message from X.  In the most perfunctory way possible he made clear it was time for me to dig myself out from the secure comfort I’ve been enjoying and return to the fray.

Well… Fine!

Who am I to disagree?

I have to say right up front, it has been an exciting few months.  From the ANTIFA-Facists to the complete fabrication of accusations used to slime a man who is far better than I, the Theater of the Absurd never ends.

The timeliness of X’s prompt is exquisite.  It just so happened that I was struck by something so profoundly stupid that I was seriously considering putting my drink down.  So let’s go there first…

A Gentleman by the name of Ruchir Sharma said the following on what used to be a go to network for business news;

“We may or may not believe in [American exceptionalism], but the financial markets have never believed in it to such an extent,” added Sharma, head of emerging markets and chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley Investment Management.”

Please read that again real quick.


I would ask Mr. Sharma what American Exceptionalism has to do with a booming economy?  If he is speaking to Property Rights and the influx of foreign investment which is recognizing the United States as a Safe Haven for their wealth, then okay… maybe… but I’m not sure he is.  I believe he is conflating the financial success of the current economic reforms, which are returning the United States to its position as the World Leading Economic Engine, with Freedom and Liberty of the Individual.  I would then remind Mr. Sharma that it is the latter which constitutes “American Exceptionalism”.

Why is this such a big deal?

It’s a big friggin’ deal because the Socialist Democrats have been diligently dumbing down our population for decades in the hopes ‘educated’ individuals like Mr. Sharma will intentionally or unintentionally continue to do their work for them.  Sadly, they have been very, very, successful.

However, in his defense let’s assume Mr. Sharma knows what American Exceptionalism is.  Now let’s take the beginning of his assertion… “We may or may not believe in [American Exceptionalism]…”.  I then have to ask who it is that does not believe in Freedom and Liberty of the Individual?  You speak as if you know or this opening qualification would not be necessary.

Yes, yes… I know these people are out there Hammering away at the Malleable Proletariat but I like to have them on the record so we all know who they are which is why I ask.  (One of the reasons I’ve been hiding out around the Barnes and Noble in Tyson’s Corner, aside from all the TOTALLY COMMON and super awesome Gang Rape Parties that EVERYONE has ALL THE TIME around the short hop to Bethesda, is watching how Trump’s mere existence is bringing these Socialist Democrat A-holes out into the open.)

So Who is it, Mr. Sharma, that does not believe in American Exceptionalism?  Who is it exactly that does not believe in the Freedom and Liberty of the Individual and the power inalienable rights has unleashed upon the World propelling the United States to the most powerful country on Earth in just a short few hundred years?  Who are these people who believe a person’s rights are bestowed upon them by Government made up of fallible, elitist, narcissistic beings and not God… or the Universe… or simply because they Exist?


Name names…

It’s okay, Mr. Sharma, I know you can’t do this for several of reasons.  1.)  You may be one of those people.  2.)  You like your paid gig and wish to keep it by specifically not offending those fallible, narcissistic elitists who employ you.  3.)  Both 1 and 2.

So allow me to say what I’m hoping you meant to say.

The Current Economic Boom occurring in The United States is substantially due to the removal of barriers upon the Engine of Capitalism which were erected by Socialist Scum as they believe it’s not ‘Fair’ that Free (er) Markets are so damned successful and restraining them is the only hope for their foolish Command and Control Economic Idiocy to catch up.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I’m sure that’s what you wanted to say…

You’re Welcome.

Now we wait for Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg to retire and the ensuing melt down.

The Left is the proverbial ‘drowning man’… it’s going to get worse before it gets better.


The Default State of economics…

Many years and countless hours of studying Socialist countries has presented me with two absolute and demonstrable facts.
First, Socialism never works no matter how much your local Socialist wants or wishes it too.  Or for that matter, tells themselves it does.
Second, Free Market Capitalism is the default state of economics.

Without fail, once established and entrenched, a socialized economy gives birth to a separate and “unequal” system of trade.

A system of trade that is not controlled by the state. It has many names such a black, grey, underground and illegal… but those in charge never call it “free” which is exactly what it is.  (In Russia there was a simple rule everyone lived by… if you see a line get in it.  They knew that whatever was at the other end, whether they wanted it or not, could be traded for something they did want.)

The Socialists have attempted every imaginable idea to stop Capitalism in its tracks but  have succeeded only in slowing it down and creating distortions which they then blame on the very free market they distorted.

They stare dumbfounded at a system of trade that does not require their genius, planning or input, to be successful.

So, Throughout history the Free Market has ruled unmatched in it’s success and durability as the premier economic system.
(An aside: I’ve encountered a school of liberalism (a poorly educated one) that has labeled Free Market trade as “Smithian Capitalism”. I would remind these Elitist Know Nothings that Smith was simply an observer and recorded what had been evident for millennia. Just because he was the first to organize it on paper does not make him the architect of voluntary trade.)
Free trade has flourished under monarchies and Marxism alike.

It cannot be stopped… but that seems to be one of the tenets of our present day, home-grown Socialists. There is an ongoing effort to slow Capitalism down with policy issues like global warming which then lead to ideas like cap-and-trade etc. Ironically it is the resistance from the rest of the socialized world which stands in the way of these ill-founded ideas… the Communist Chinese understand the value of free market trade which is why Hong Kong has been left alone.  But they also recognize the inability to control a population enjoying a Free-Market, which is why they have not officially adopted the economic system for China proper.
But the point is, when the superiority of Free Market Capitalism is recognized even by those who wish to see it go away, you have to ask yourself why are we still fighting with these same types of people at home?
I have and will continue to offer it is about Power and Control… it is about a mindset that see themselves so superior to you that the concept of not making your decisions for you is unthinkable. In their minds, It is about keeping you from always making the wrong choice because you’re too stupid to know better.
We finally have a single country, in the United States of America, founded on the beneficial evidence of  individual rights, voluntary trade and property rights.  And the Left can’t leave it alone.

I’m tired of placating these people and their oppressive ideas coated with a candy glaze of “fairness”.  Simply being born in a country doesn’t make it “yours”. If we are not racists then we should surely not be “Geographists” either. We should organize ourselves according to ideas on  Individual Freedom and Liberty.  Those who do not believe in how this country was founded need only find a country where their ideas fit in.

Socialists already own most of the planet… how is that working out for them?  Surely the EU could use the brilliance of our modern day Left to help them put their Socialist Utopia back in order.


“If you destroy a free market; you create a black market.” – Winston Churchill

You can’t get Here from There.

Here’s a riddle.

Where does the sun go down while the sun comes up and has 25% of all the stuff we need?  (Like Moskovskaya wrapped in a sleeve of ice.)

At the peak of Soviet supremacy there were over 126 different languages spoken within its borders in addition to over 30 dialects of Russian.  The country existed within 12 time zones.  The sun really did come up as it is going down.  The Soviets also possessed an estimated 25% of all the worlds obtainable resources.  This was the tapestry on which a revolution was painted and the ultimate failure of Socialism illustrated.

The Socialists/Communists took control of this potentially unstoppable world power and in 72 years ran it into the ground.  They couldn’t help it.  Socialism required a top-down, command and control, economy… which always leads to failure in the end.

Fast forward to the early 2000’s…

The Soviet Union/Russia is still built on a “top down” model of government.  What I mean is that edicts are pushed down upon the citizens from above rather than what we (supposedly) have here in the U.S. where edicts are pushed up to the government from below.  This is an enormous and fundamental difference which explains what is going on over there as of this typing.

Russia (and soon China) are perfect examples of the “if we just tweak the system we can retain our control” mentality.  It will not end well, because it never ends well.

You must remember that those in power are always loathe to give it up.  The leaders in those countries recognize the benefits that free-markets provide but refuse to embrace the required transitional government, individual liberty and property rights which enable free-market capitalism to work.

They are not stupid.  They are certainly misguided… absolutely elitist… but not stupid.  So, to keep the peasants quiet they keep “tweaking the system” hoping that will enable them to stay in power.  But history has provided us with myriad examples to the contrary.  Not to mention the oppression, death and destruction resulting from such an approach leading up to the end.

Without question, Socialism is corrosive.  It destroys everything it touches.  (Look at the U.S. and see what Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare have done to this country.  The evidence is there for all to see… we may not want to talk about it, but it’s right there in front of us.)

Putin understands that short of completely changing the government structure in Russia they will return to totalitarianism.  But that’s not what he wants.  (Stalin taught us that you can even get the public to cry out for it if their lives are bad enough and they are kept in the dark as to why.  To this day there are fresh flowers placed by common Russians on his grave.  I’ve seen it first hand.)  Putin just wants to be in charge when it happens.  He’s doing a good job.

This is always the problem with “adjusting” a top down model of government.  A little less poison is still poison.  Socialism will never be conducive to freedom and the productivity that our system promulgates.  This is what makes the United States special, and unique, in the world.  The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights were crafted to protect those individual liberties from an all-powerful state with the ability to force edicts upon the population. (Like Obama Care)  Because of this, the U.S. catapulted from a commonwealth to a hyper-power in a short 250 years.  It is why the rest of the world, from the pacific rim to Western Europe, is having to “tweak” their systems in the hope of staying relevant by comparison.  It’s also why they don’t like us for the most part.  (The only hope they have is having our system fail…  they should find comfort that our home-grown Socialists are working on it right now.)

The writing on the wall Russia and China are refusing to read is “You can’t get here from there”.

Let me leave you with a question;

Why are we chasing the bankruptcy which Socialism always delivers in the form of socialized medicine and the perpetuation of Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid in their present forms when there are free-market alternatives?

Pour yourself some of that cold vodka and ponder this…

(Originally posted 022312)

Trump enforces Obama’s Red Line… with Bill Clinton’s Tomahawk Diplomacy.

There are a great many Politicians and Talking Heads that need to read the following:

“The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto.”

That’s 90 days for a President to do what they please. 90 days.

If you’re taking a position on our bombing of a Syrian Airbase in response to the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, then you shouldn’t continue to remain willfully ignorant.

I’m not asking you to agree, or disagree, with Trump’s bombing of Syria.

I’m asking you to makeaneffort.

While the Left hates it… words still mean specific things and are not subject to how you feel about them.

It’s a Race!

An Arms Race that is.

For the No S**t file comes the latest hysteria circulating through the ‘of barely average intelligence media’.

Okay folks… I heard yesterday morning that Arms Races “Begin with Words.”

I have to put this in the category of “Today I Learned”.  I mean, Who Knew?!

Well, the reason I didn’t know is because it’s ridiculous.

Allow me to clarify something for everyone who believes we’re suddenly in an “Arms Race”.

We have always been in an Arms Race.

Please reread the above line 500-times and put emphasis on ALWAYS. I’ll wait.

This is not new, or different from what it has been under Every President of the United States since George Washington.  So, just because Trump, or anyone else, says it out loud doesn’t suddenly make it a reality where it previously was not.   It’s the equivalent of Bill Clinton refusing to say, right out in the open, that he cheats on his wife…  I suppose to be a Useful Idiot you must think as long as you don’t say it’s happening, it’s not happening.  Although, now that I think about it, this is the entire Obama Foreign Policy.

Anyway, The fact that this is being bounced around as a serious issue is so stupid it’s painful.

The only argument that can be made defending such idiocy is the Obama Administration had redirected all of our resources to defend internally against the American Citizen. Now Democrats are afraid that may change.  (Let’s float that gem… shall we?)

Next thing you know the Media will suddenly re-discover the Homeless who have been mysteriously absent for 8-years.

Clearly the Homeless were in hiding… as were all of our weapons development programs.  May be they were busy building the weapons.

She’s a Girl.

Please allow me to explain something…

It’s unreasonable to believe Hillary Clinton could understand all the extremely complicated, dare I say convoluted, rules and requirements associated with holding the office of Secretary of State.  She did the best she could.

She’s a Girl.

To think Mrs. Clinton is capable of operating more than one electronic communication device for Official Business and a separate such device for Personal use is foolish.

She’s a Girl.

If you’re appalled that the people she surrounded herself with did nothing to aid her in complying with security measures being practiced by all Government Employees holding a Secret clearance and above, then you must not be taking into account their fear of sudden irrational bursts of anger and acts vengeful retribution.

She’s a Girl.

Taking into consideration a natural disposition to be flighty and irresponsible it is no mystery why Hillary could decide to create a private server outside of secure Government channels in order to communicate with the State Department, friends and family simultaneously.

She’s a Girl.

To be surprised at this level of incoherence, incompetence and unaccountability only illustrates your personal level of denial.

She’s a Girl.

Finally, the ease of which she ‘misrepresents the truth’, regarding all the above matters, when it appears to suit her… demonstrates…

She’s a Girl.

And, She will get away with it… because she can’t be expected to know what’s she’s doing.

(Feel Free to substitute “a Girl” with; “Old”, “Senile”, “Socialist”, “Leftist”, “Enemy of the State” or “Smartest Person in the World”.)

Whether They Want To or Not.

Top official: Russians will ‘eat less’ for Putin

Jan 23, 8:18 AM (ET)


DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, on Friday warned the West against trying to topple President Vladimir Putin and said that Russians are ready to sacrifice their wealth in Putin’s support.

Russia has for the past year been sliding into recession amid a slump in its energy export prices as well as Western sanctions against Moscow’s role in the conflict in Ukraine that has claimed more than 5,000 lives. Questions have been raised in Russia and abroad whether the price that ordinary Russians are having to pay for the annexation of Crimea is too high.

Shuvalov, who is believed to be one of the richest men in the government, said that what he considers the West’s attempts to oust Putin will only unite the nation further.

“When a Russian feels any foreign pressure, he will never give up his leader,” Shuvalov said. “Never. We will survive any hardship in the country — eat less food, use less electricity.”

Shuvalov’s comments triggered pithy remarks on Russia social media including an opposition activist who posted photos of Shuvalov’s Moscow, London and Austria homes to illustrate where the deputy prime minister would experience the hardships he described.

At the same panel in Davos, Putin’s long-time ally and former finance minister Alexei Kudrin said that Putin clearly thinks that Russia’s foreign policy interests at this point are worth the price the nation pays in higher inflation and the collapse of the Russian ruble.

Shuvalov, who worked with Kudrin until he resigned from the government in 2011, defended Russia’s foreign policy but warned that Russia is “going into a longer crisis” compared with 2008, when it was battered for about two years by the global crisis.

Shuvalov said Russia should focus on cushioning the economic fall through reforms and supporting the financial system. “It is going to get worse and the anti-crisis plan should be aimed at adapting to the hard landing,” he said.

Russia’s foreign currency reserves shrank by 2 percent last week alone to $379 billion as the Central Bank sold foreign currency in a bid to prop up the ruble.

Russians have a very Long, Sad History of ‘Eating Less’ and ‘Going Without Electricity’ for Mother Russia.  However, I cannot find a time where that was voluntarily embraced.  A Leader with the Power of Force was perpetually at the Helm.

There are many parallels to the past.  While I do not believe the past repeats itself, it does look more like a copy of a copy of a copy.

History degenerates into some similar but completely different Present.

The problem is it just turns out to be a different ‘bad’.

The Ethnic Excuse

Paving the way for Taking Taiwan…

(Originally posted 030314)

Excusing a Nation’s Projection of Power in order to “protect” Ethnic Groups has been used since Force was invented.

In the United States we are told, repeatedly, that Ethnicity does not matter… yet we’ve abandoned the Supremacy of the Individual and actively Demonstrated Race Does matter in our Hiring, Higher education admissions and Legal practices every day.

So how can we see it as a Ridiculous Reason to Invade another country?

Ethnic and Racial differences remain ingrained in the “Enlightened” European mind.  Racism is rampant and accepted.  These are the very same Europeans we are told we must emulate by Our Progressive Elitist class of Politicians.  (Yes, I’m referring to John Kerry et al.)  The very Europeans whom we are told have it all figured out.  The very Europeans who are surprised that anti-Semitism is exhibited not from “the far right” but by everyday “Liberal” people.

But the most interesting aspect is They see this Excuse being used by Putin as Reasonable, even Logical.  Protecting One’s Racial Heritage is as common as Hating the Other person’s.

Of course, this leads to problems.  Very serious problems.  It always has.

Once You accept this Excuse for Force as valid, as a Certain Harvard Russian Studies Professor has… sadly, you must look and see Who’s in the On-Deck position.

The most Obvious?


Followed by some other minor players… like Nepal, Moldova, Slovakia, the Baltic States, Quebec, South Korea, Kashmir, the list is endless…

I know, Canada wouldn’t be upset about Quebec.  They would probably welcome handing off the corruption and crumbling infrastructure to the French for while, until they gave up and handed it back.

But the point is We are Allowing a Precedent to be set.  How do you argue that National Sovereignty has any meaning when you fail to support those Nations you Promised to support should it be challenged?  We have already ceded an Ideological High Ground by sacrificing Ideology based on Freedom and Liberty of the Individual.  So What’s left?  Our Word?  What is that worth?


The Chinese Leadership are not stupid, they see clearly what is being illustrated by Putin’s efforts.

And I don’t find it a coincidence that Taiwan was not permitted to fly their flag during the Sochi Olympics.

Frankly, If I were sitting in Taiwan right now I’d be looking for the closest container vessel headed south.  Right Friggin’ now.

If you still don’t get it, it’s a 1936 redux.

Godwin’s Law be damned.

Hitler took most of Europe using the “We must Protect Ethnic Germans.” as his broadcasted excuse.  Actually he was stripping the resources of those countries for his own use… but that doesn’t Play in Peoria.  So he went with Uniting German’s.  Just sounds nicer.

We are not seeing anything New here.

And the latest Non-Aggression Pact between China and Russia simply assures both parties they will not have to reserve any troops for a second front.  It just makes things easier… having to worry about one less thing when you want to focus on taking stuff you think should be yours.

The question I have is why do we let Appeasers run our country?  (It’s a rhetorical question… They sound “nice” so we put them in charge.  It’s the “If we’re only more friendly” argument that passes for reason in the Visualize Whirled Peas circle.  It’s also an ongoing effort to repress the past lessons or attributing those events to lesser humans who happened to be in charge at the time.  This belief is often spoken in the words “That could never happen today.”)

What’s interesting is, it’s as if Putin’s Generals are saying “You know Vlad, That Austrian Guy with the silly mustache had it right… he just got in a hurry.”.  (There has been a question posed regarding Bush’s inaction on Putin’s invasion of Georgia and if that made Bush seem weak.  Yes.  It did.  But the question was offered up as moral relativity giving our current Administration’s inaction.  Sorry, but it was weakness on display under Bush just as it’s weakness on display under Obama.  It doesn’t matter who was displaying it.)

If I were leading what must now be considered only a “Resistance Movement” in Ukraine I would be finding every camera I could and begging as loudly as possible for U.S. and British help.  But it has become so fashionable for Europeans to blame their problems on the United States over the last several decades that it places them in an awkward position and makes it nearly impossible to overtly ask for our help.  Their ego may be their undoing.

This must come as a relief to the current Administration.

Those in charge will do anything to prevent the perception of this being an “East vs. West” thing.  And they will certainly not entertain anything as foolish as “Good vs. Evil”.

So What Do You Do when you pretty much agree with the Guy moving his troops across Europe?

We’re doing it.

We’ll be doing more of it as we watch Taiwan get “Protected”.

But of course, that could never happen today.

(I have intentionally used Race and Ethnicity interchangeably.  When it comes to the sacrifice of the Individual in favor of Balkanization they are the same thing.)

(Originally posted 030314)