Category Archives: economics

Full Court Press

California is making a Mad Dash to Insolvency… This new push to keep LA County closed for business is nothing short of the prelude to a Demanded Bailout from the Federal Government (Read YOU and ME).

Governor Newsome (CA-D) and Mayor Garcetti (CA-D) see COVID-19 as their opportunity to demand a bailout from the American Taxpayers for almost 100-years of failed Socialist policies and Profoundly Wasteful Spending by a Corrupted State.  California is Everything that is Wrong with Democratic Socialism.

This move to completely destroy LA County is not about safety, it’s about driving the plane into the ground as fast and as hard as possible.  This closure extension is nothing more than a cynically opportunistic political ploy designed to remove any obstruction to a Massive Federal Bailout of what can only be considered Criminally Fiscal Behavior, approved then ignored by an Elitist Voting Base.  The ‘I’m Smarter than you Kids’ have dug a hole they can’t get out of… as we have been warning them they were doing.

Folks… we are being played for chumps.

So here we are… are we going to allow that to happen?


Joe Biden is Shovel Ready

A little somethin’ caught my eye this morning on Twitchy.  (here)

Apparently, Joe Biden decided to haze President Trump regarding infrastructure.

(Holy Mouse Turds!)  Sorry… let me put it another way… I must admit I perk up a bit when I hear this phrase as I, among many of us, thought we spent ONE TRILLION DOLLARS on infrastructure projects during the 8-year Obama/Biden Administration. This, of course, leads me to the next logical question.  WHERE THE H*LL DID THAT MONEY GO?

But Joe insists that the infrastructure is Crumbling.

I insist that it is Joe that is crumbling… as well as stumbling and bumbling.

Maybe he’s just dipped into his son’s stash?


Take a trip with me down memory lane and regurgitate the ever so familiar Obama talking point “Shovel Ready Jobs”.  A quick Google search of “shovel ready jobs” yields 8,160,000 articles.

Many of us here already know that money was wasted, or simply used to replenish Union Coffers to then be sent back to Democrats via campaign donations.  That’s when we realized that Shovel Ready actually related more to the process of cleaning up after your dog.  But I digress.

Very, Very, Old Joe might need to Shut the Pfluck Up…

…as he is the only thing that’s Shovel Ready.

One might begin to think that the only reason he’s running for president is the act in itself appears to provide immunity from 3rd parties investigating past sins… (Who knew?!)

I’m sure that’s not the case.

Is Reality Optional?

Apologies to doctor Sowell regarding the Title, but it does apply to his overall thesis.  If you want to know what that is just click here.

This, however, is a little diddy about Climate Apocalypse.

Of the three people who read anything here, I suspect we all have lived through each and every one of the scheduled End of World scenarios beginning with Global Nuclear War.  But for the sake of time, I want to present a bit of what is found, and linked to here, for your consideration.  (H/T to John Nolte.  Full Article HERE.)

  1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
  2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
  3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
  4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
  5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
  6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
  7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
  8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
  9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
  10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
  11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
  12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
  13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
  14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
  15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
  16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
  17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
  18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
  19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
  20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
  21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
  22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
  23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
  24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
  25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
  26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
  27. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2016
  28. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
  29. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
  30. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
  31. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
  32. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
  33. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
  34. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
  35. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
  36. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
  37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
  38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
  39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
  40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
  41. 1970s: Killer Bees!

For the record, I believe Climate Changes.  Were we not taught that the Appilacian Mountains were carved out by Glaciers?  Have we not accepted that the Earth has been everything from a hot gaseous ball, molten material and a world of Ice?  The question is do Humans effect it?  The answer is possibly.  But as it stands we cannot define a problem.  And, if you cannot define it then you cannot offer a cogent solution should there be one.  Additionally, if you buy into Humans killing everything they touch then there are only two solutions.  Kill all humans or Kill those humans refusing to change their behaviors in a fashion as we mentioned above has no definition.  But let’s pretend you think such beneficial behavior can be defined, like buying brand new light bulbs instead of using the ones you have until they burn out then buying ones you’re restricted to because you’re too stupid to see the benefit of cost savings over the long run… and it must be imposed upon countless millions of humans right damn now… or else.  Working from that point of view we must do three things.  1.  Convert immediately to Nuclear Power.  2.  Immediately Destroy China.  3.  Immediately Destroy India.  (Russia would be ‘on deck’ as would countless other 3rd World countries.)

Sounds fun.

The truth is that modern Socialists have co-opted the environmental movement and are using Climate Change Horror (No science, just simpathetic scientists who are conviced you’re stupid and they are not.) as a tool to convince useful idiots that the World would be a better placed if everyone just surrendered to Socialism and put them permenantly in control of Everything.  Just ask Patrick Moore, the Founder of Greenpeace.  (Better yet, read his book linked here.)  Socialism is, of course, the ideology of Force and Acceleration, not to mention Class Stasis…Call it what you will, Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, Communist, Fascist or whatever name they want to call themselves once one of the previous is assigned the appropriate stigma.  This is what we are facing, whether it’s being regurgitated by a 14 year old girl from Demark or an octigenarian ex-president of the United States.

That’s the Reality.

Is that an Option?


The Horror’s of the dreaded Yield Curve Inversion!

The Treasury yield curve has inverted because of massive amounts of wealth being moved into US Treasuries… from Hong Kong… in what would be traditionally called a “flight to safety”. This is distorting the treasury market.

The people of Hong Kong are far from stupid.

Although I wonder about the talking heads in the US.

For the record, of course, there will be another recession.  Why?  Because there is always another recession.  When?  Who knows.  But the famous indicator is currently subject to large external forces such a Chinese Military massing in the Shenzhen province just outside of Hong Kong.  It’s called “Market Distortion”.  One which is being created by the profound uncertainty of the future of Hong Kong due to the expected Communist Chinese invasion/crackdown.

We talked about this being worthy of your undivided attention almost 8 weeks ago.

It remains an event of greater importance than whether a Pedophile Auto-Erotically Strangled himself from the top bunk of his jail cell or was hit by the CIA… seriously… who gives a sh*t?

And Frankly, I always loved Recess.

It’s No Longer IF we Bankrupt the Country…

It’s HOW we Bankrupt the Country.
I am convinced that there is, and has been, a race to bankrupt the United States of America.
At this point, all that remains is How it will be done and Who will be in charge when it happens.
Most of us are familiar with Cloward-Piven. If not, you should be, click here.
But more intriguing to me is an apparent Republican Plan to “revalue” all that is the United States.
Please understand, I’m sadly no longer sure this is the wrong approach.
Suspend your disbelief and consider for a moment that when you have a two-party system of which one half is made up of Socialists who despise the Greatest Experiment in Self Government the World has ever know and seek to destroy it so they may re-make the country into a Utopian Socialist Paradise, what option do you have? How can they be stopped when they will have periodic control? In other words, it’s not IF it’s WHEN? The Third Way folks have known this for a very long time.
The ‘Fiscal Conservative’s’ have most likely known this too…
This brings me to my epiphany.
For years I have failed to understand why both parties seem determined to drive us straight towards the cliff’s edge. I understand the Democrats as outlined above, but it never occurred to me that there could be a rational explanation for Republicans to do it aside from them being a bunch of Socialist A-holes cloaked in John Kasich’s hand me downs.
But what if this has been a battle for who would be in charge when it happens… and what would the focus of our spending initiatives be at that moment in time?  Would we be investing mainly in Industry and Defense or a Massive Welfare State?  (We are seeing this play out in front of us right now.  In fact, that is all we are seeing right now.  It is all we have been seeing for as long as I’ve been alive.)
Trust me, I fully realize I’m going Full Tin Foil here. But what if this ‘truth’ has been in front of us all along?

I am always open to being wrong.

Is there another assessment that makes sense?
Here we are. We cannot inflate our way out of this fiscal nonsense. Our debt is beyond the apprehension of the human mind. The Leftists seeking to implode the system and restore the rule of kings, philosopher or otherwise, is not going away, it should have by now if it ever was.  (How many innocent human beings must die at the hands of an Ideology before people abandon it?  Apparently not enough yet.)

In my view, a revaluation is inevitable.
This idea has been creeping around my head for about ten years. Yes, I’m appalled. And yes, I’m open to someone… anyone… offering up a clear and concise explanation of where I’m wrong. Please spare me the ‘hearts of man’ angle and lay out a rational retort in the simplest fashion for an idiot like to me to comprehend.
Otherwise, our battle for the future has taken on a whole new twist.

China Needs Hong Kong to just keep doing Hong Kong

Now more than ever China needs Hong Kong to remain an engine of Capitalism.
We’ve talked before about Socialist Countries existing at the teat of Capitalist Countries. Socialism cannot create wealth.  Nothing has changed.
When China took control of Hong Kong in 1997 it was widely thought the Socialist country would quickly destroy all that made Hong Kong prosperous. Many believed, with good reason, that the oppressive, individual hating, top-down governing ideology would not be able to tolerate the freedom and individual liberty associated with Hong Kong.
Surprising the world, China instead chose to isolate Hong Kong from the rest of the country. It was a brilliant move by horrible people.  China held Hong Kong as an asset in its ‘portfolio’ with the realization that the prosperity Hong Kong created was essential to the perpetuation of China’s oppressive Socialist Ideology.
Don’t be fooled… Hong Kong remained an irritant to many of the Elitist Chinese Politicians. But economically it was a sound decision if it was the life of the oppressive, human hating, Chinese Socialist ‘Utopia’ which ultimately mattered. Those 1997 Autocrats in waiting were on the precipice of unimaginable wealth to be gleaned from a relatively new trade partnership with the United States. The full absorption of Hong Kong could wait a little while until a new engine of wealth was fully realized…
Fast forward to 2019…
The overt move to bring Hong Kong ‘into the fold’ of China’s Democratic Socialist Dictatorship has been underway for a little over a decade.  But a disruption, an Orange Swan if you will, occurred which turned the finely set table over.

Suddenly something changed.

The people of Hong Kong rediscovered their value when the prettiest girl in the room decided she ‘ain’t got no sugar’.
China’s ‘new’ engine of wealth, the United States, decided not to play anymore.  Hong Kong was back!
This move alone has thrown China’s long term plans into question.

To reiterate…

The resistance from the United States to the contemporary trade agreements with China has provided Hong Kong with the ability to resist… making Hong Kong important once again. China once again needs them… badly…

China’s long term existence is questionable, at best, without the United States and is certainly headed for a catastrophe without both the United States and Hong Kong combined.

This is an important Global event and deserves all of our attention.

The Comfortably Dumb


Is there anybody in there?

Just Nod if you can hear me.

Is there Anyone at home?

React.  You need no information First.

Just the basic feels, can you tell me where it hurts?

There is no fact you are receiving.

No distant learning on the horizon.

You are only coming through in waves, your lips move but you don’t know what you’re saying.

When you were a child, you had a Fever.  You thought the Great Big World was not Fair… Now you’ve got that feeling once again, you steadfastly refuse to understand…. that your Socialist Utopia is a sham.

Youuuuuuu…  Have become… Comfortably Dumb.

This post is from 2017… but with the advent of AOC, I thought it interesting to remind all of us of two things.

  1.  The Democrats Created the Mares which are eating their own. 
  2.  If there was ever a testament as to why a Parent should Never Send Their Child to any institute of “higher” learning… it’s AOC.  She is truly a glowing example of the educated ignorant.  So very comfortably dumb…

Both of the above facts make me smile for a number of different reasons, not the least of which is the honesty that the Democrat Party, and a sad number of Republicans, have been withholding from all of us for so very long.  AOC, the self-styled love child of Eva Peron and Frida Khalo, IS the Democrat Party.  She is Norman Thomas.  She is the Petulant Lenin.  She is She is the conversation democrats have been having behind closed doors since Chicago ’68… she is what they have always believed.  She is Honest.  She is Ridiculous, and possibly Dangerous to every human on the planet, but Honest.

AOC, like all of her Socialist predecessors have been convinced that Marx has just been misunderstood.  Socialism simply has not been orchestrated correctly.  Mao didn’t do it right… Mussolini didn’t do it right… Stalin didn’t do it right… Hitler didn’t do it right… Pol Pot didn’t do it right… Chavez did it right but the Venezuelans are stupid… etc. etc. etc.

Don’t take her seriously at your own risk…

So on with the previous post…

No Sh*t, there I was… well, not directly in harm’s way but kinda like I was there.  Sorta.  An associate and I decided to go down to our local University to see Milo Yiannopoulos.  It turned out my friend made it and I did not.  What do you do?  However, during the stroll through, around and inside the protests, my friend had a chance to ask some questions of our best and brightest.  Keep in mind, these folks are our future…

(He was also texting me video files of what was happening.  It was classic.  If you want to see who Milo is and don’t yet know, I suggest the youtube.  He also has a MyFace page.)

My favorite was a video of protesters smashing their faces against a large bank of windows and shouting inane slogans about fascism while demanding Milo not be allowed to speak.  (If any one of these screaming University attendees had been taught critical thinking their heads would have exploded from the level of cognitive dissonance.  that is the only thing which could have made these videos better.)  All this was occurring while my associate laughed in the comfortable confines of a largely empty hallway.  It had overtones of a B-movie zombie franchise.  Hilarious!

But the title of this little diddy comes from a question my Friend asked one of the Useful.  (Post updated to include one of New York’s newest Representatives.)

Clandestine Operative:  Have you read, or seen, anything by Milo?  Like on Facebook, or his columns?

Female Protesting Something:  No!  I don’t want to legitimize his Hate!

Hahaahhaaaaahahahaaahaaaaa! Now that’s Learning!  Her parents must be proud!  I hope they’re spending a crap load of money for that education… although I suspect it’s student loans she and her parents will expect the rest of us to pay off.

I wonder what it would have been like to try this on my professors… “Ah, No Dr. Rossi, I did not read the Mein Kampf assignment because I Refuse to Legitimize Hitler’s Hate!”  Or, better yet, “Lenin!?  No Way!  You can shove all his writings right up your a**!”  Or may be “Gandhi?  Gandhi!?  That Child molester?  I refuse to read a word he wrote.  If you try to make me I’ll report you to the Dean!  Fascist!”  (I added that last bit for dramatic contemporary-foolish-college-student effect even though I personally knew what it meant then and would not have employed it out of context.  I most likely would have called him a Communist.)


If you don’t know who Milo is I recommend checking him out.  I predict he will be a bit much for most of you, but I think he may be borderline genius.  I had a Russian professor once upon a time who had similar mannerisms when he lectured, and I suspect similar tastes in men, who I still believe was brilliant to the nth degree.  But I digress.  Listen to what Milo is saying… wave off the super gay theatrics.  It’s his angle.  Don’t get me wrong, he will be the first to tell you he’s super gay, but his point is “Who Cares!?”, being Gay shouldn’t automatically make you a Useful Idiot.  And that’s a good point.  And that’s why they Hate Him.

(My apologies to Messrs. Gilmore and Waters)

Nancy Pelosi Wins Race for House Majority Leader! Dow Tanks!

File Photo – Nancy Pelosi

Makes sense to me…


Need a Little Help Here… Are the Russians Coming?

While it’s true, I’ve been laying low watching the fire overhead, I am struck by this latest explosion of stupidity.

So, I’m going to untie my fingers.

First I will say, I hate me some Russians. Actually I hate me some Socialists which continues to include Russians.  This is for reasons nobody cares about but I’ve made clear over the years.

That being said, WTF?
Trump goes over to pay a visit to Vlad and our local socialists, our Socialist press and the Never Trump useful idiots go ape sh*t.

The Dems have no option but to continue their attempt to connect Trump with Russian meddling. Why, because they have nothing but good news to get mad about.  AND… they are being forced to be honest about who they are.  Both of the above are not good for their future.  (Did the Russians meddle in the election process? Of course they did. And they will again… just as the Chinese do, the North Koreans do, the Iranians wish they could… etc. etc. Hey dummy, here’s another tidbit, we do it too. And we will continue to do it. What do you think all that money for “Clandestine” services is used for? For you current college students, see if you can find a dictionary and look up ‘clandestine’. ) It is enjoyable however to watch Democrats hate on some Russians.  It’s like a Domestic Abuse episode of Jerry Springer where the wife is beating the crap out of the husband for everyone to see.  It’s funny because it’s purely theater and they don’t really mean it… but they think it makes for good ratings.  (And in the end the wife goes back to the husband.)

The Press is hell-bent on anyone other than Trump heavily flavored by their bizarre love affair of all things Socialist. So they are working diligently to keep the words “Trump” and “Russia” appearing together in every sentence they utter. It’s become boring.  (Has anyone heard anything about Venuzuela lately?  With any frequency?)

The Never Trumpers are desperate to get their power back and reclaim their rightful place in history as the Slave Party to the Democratic Socialists.  Can I get you a Starbucks?

Even the Criticism I’m hearing from those I listen to attentively is odd.

“Trump threw the CIA under the bus!”


Folks, since when does the President of the United States suffer an obligation to stand behind everything his intelligence services say? Yes… I get it. Better to say nothing at all, but that was not allowed to happen by the Leftist Press… and it never will be allowed to happen when it comes to any Political Leader standing in the way of the the the Press’ Socialist Utopia.  Can you blame them?  What could be better than standing in line for toilet paper… oh right, the Systematic Starvation.  My bad.

Just a note — does anyone here remember when George W. Bush believed his intelligence folks and went after WMDs in Iraq? Seems to my foggy alcohol addled memory that the Leftist a-holes jumped all over him for only finding Chemical Weapons (which actually are WMDs).  Anyone?  Bueller?

The only interesting aspect of this latest Media Destabilization Effort coming from the Trump Administration is who on the Republican side of the aisle is drawing the long knives?

I would watch these people carefully… we have officially entered the Presidential Election Cycle.

I’m crawling back into my hole now.  I have castles on clouds to build.

Happy May Day!


A Brief History of Big Labor (AFL now AFL-CIO) and the Socialist Party USA.

The Relationship between Marxist Socialism and Fascism, both Statist Governing Theories.

This is a brief history lesson… put the beer down for a couple of minutes.

Originally published 1932.  (Keep in mind that a mere 30-years later came the 1960’s radicals… who today hold positions of power within our Government.) Found at:

The A. F. of L. Becomes Fascist

Over 40 years ago on Union Square, New York, the leaders of the first May Day demonstration spoke not only about the 8-hour day but about the abolition of the capitalist system. “While struggling for the 8-hour day we will not lose sight of the ultimate aim, – the abolition of the wage system,” read the resolution presented to the striking masses assembled at Union Square on May First, 1890, after they had marched there in great columns under unfurled red banners through the working class sections of the metropolis. Now, the A. F. of L. and the Socialist Party make common cause with the bosses and are doing everything possible to prevent the workers from fighting for any improvement in their conditions, and instead of fighting for the abolition of the capitalist system are fighting to preserve it.

Over 40 years ago, the A. F. of L. appealed to the International Socialist Congress in Paris to help the American Federation of Labor with the strike movement inaugurated for May First, 1890, and the International came to the aid of the American workers by making this struggle an international one. Now, President Green and his satellite Mathew Well pledge the support of the A. F. of L. to each and every reactionary organization or movement formed for the purpose of combating the Communist Party which is carrying on the American fighting traditions of May First. The A. F. of L. leaders have developed from class collaborationists into open fascists, serving the capitalists as hangmen of the American working class.

In their attempt to defeat May Day and to draw the workers’ organizations which are under their influence away from participation in May Day demonstrations, the A. F. of L. and other reactionary labor organizations have fostered the observance of a so-called Labor Day on the first Monday in September of each year. Labor Day was adopted first on a local scale in 1885 and later granted by the various state governments as an antidote to May First celebrations.

Another campaign against May Day was inaugurated by the federal government with the aid of A. F. of L. leaders when May 1 was adopted as Child Health Day. The hypocrisy of both the government and the A. F. of L. is proven by the fact that a million and more children under 16 are sweated in American mills, shops and fields for the glory of American capital.

The real meaning of this sudden interest in child welfare, however, may be gleaned from the following reference to the subject in a report submitted by the Executive Council to the 1928 Convention of the A. F. of L.:

… The Communists still maintain May 1 as Labor Day. Hereafter May 1 will be known as Child Health Day, as the President is directed by the resolution passed by Congress to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe May 1 as Child Health Day. The object is to create sentiment for year-round protection of the health of children. It is a most worthy purpose. At the same time May 1 no longer will be known as either strike day or Communist Labor Day. (Italics mine – A. T.)

Can it be that the A. F. of L. leaders have not heard the story about King Canute and his attempt to sweep back the tempestuous ocean waves? Or is it that in their eagerness to break the fighting spirit of the workers they are willing to try anything?

The Social-Fascism of the S. P.

The betrayal of the workers begun during the war was continued by the Socialist parties after the war. They joined bourgeois governments to protect them from the wrath of the workers; they organized counter-revolutions to thwart the workers’ struggle for power; they became the butchers of the militant sections of the working class which were fighting for the overthrow of the rule of capital, just as the workers of Russia have done under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, the Party of Lenin. The social-patriotism of the Right and the social-pacifism of the Center during the war, have now been merged into social-fascism. The social-fascists have become part of the capitalist state machine, protecting it from the revolutionary actions of the workers and peasants in the imperialist and colonial countries. They call for war against the Soviet Union and organize plots designed to arrest the progress of building Socialism there. They support the war being waged against the Chinese people by Japanese imperialism and the seizure of Manchuria as an eastern base for attacking the Soviet Union.

They have long ago abandoned the demand for the 8-hour day. They hope that the League of Nations will secure for them the shorter workday through conventions between capitalist governments. The Marseilles Congress of the Second International in 1925 declared that the 8-hour day “should be recognized only in principle.” They still participate in May Day events, but only on the other side of the barricades, as was exemplified by the fiendish actions of the Socialist Chief of Police of Berlin, Zoergiebel, against the May Day, 1929, demonstrations in the working class sections of that city. In the 1932 presidential elections, the Social-Democracy backed the Bruening fascist government by supporting the re-election of Hindenburg.

The “Socialist” Prime Minister MacDonald sends troops to mow down the Hindu masses who are rising against British imperialism and its agents in India. Wherever capitalism has felt weak to cope with the rising tide of the revolutionary and national liberation movements of the workers and peasants, it has called to its service the Socialist parties, willing agents of capitalism within the labor movement, to help defeat these movements.

In the United States, the Socialist Party plays the same role. Although it is not in office, it has already earned its spurs in the business of betraying the best aspirations and interests of the workers. It joins all reactionary forces who are vilifying the Soviet Union and are trying to whip up sentiment for war upon the workers’ republic. It works with the A. F. of L. and the Muste “progressive” labor unions in hounding militant workers, in supporting the bosses against the workers, in applauding the forces of the state when they prosecute and persecute the revolutionary movement of this country. The old leaders of the S. P. (the Hillquits and Oneals) have forsaken whatever Socialism they ever believed in and the new leaders (the Thomases and Brouns) are bourgeois liberals who use the labor movement to advance the programs and the policies of the Theodore Roosevelts of the Bull Moose days and the Robert LaFollettes whose aim has always been to fool the masses with radical shibboleths.

Norman Thomas, the darling of the capitalist press, announces to the world in a recent book that he has brought forth a new kind of socialism, a socialism without Marxism. It has been tried before. An abler man than Thomas, Eduard Bernstein, tried to de-Marxianize Socialism more than thirty years ago. He knew better, however, than to go as far as Thomas goes in his claims. The German pioneer in this he’d only wanted to “correct” Marx, to “bring him up to date.” The American, Thomas, knows no halfway measures. He not only “revises” Marx, but abolishes him altogether, without, however, injuring Socialism thereby, as S. P. leaders declare.

Norman Thomas and the class-collaborationist Socialist Party which he represents today perhaps better than anyone else, stand exposed before the workers of this country as the betrayers and open enemies of the only Socialism that means workers’ rule, the Socialism of Marx and Lenin, the Socialism for which the Communist Party fights, the Socialism that is being built by the victorious workers and peasants in the Soviet Union today.

Revolutionary Traditions of American Labor

The American labor movement is rich in revolutionary traditions upon which the Communist Party and the Trade Union Unity League can draw in their work of organizing the American working class for revolutionary action. The great labor struggles which dot the history of the United States, bear testimony to the militancy of the American workers. Not only have the workers been ready to initiate struggles or accept provocations of the bosses, but when out on strike, they have stayed out long and fought bitterly against the combined forces of bosses and the minions of the State.

A labor movement which can look back to the general strike movements of 1877 and 1886, to Homestead (1892), to the A. R. U. Strike (1894), to Lawrence (1912), to the Steel Strike (1919), to Seattle (1919), to the many strikes in the coal, railroad, clothing and other industries, to the great struggles in Colorado, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, the Mesaba Range and, more recently, to Gastonia and Harlan, can also look forward to still greater struggles in the future. With the prevailing objective conditions – constantly deepening economic crisis, growing permanent unemployment, intensified exploitation through speed up methods, acceleration of imperialist rivalries leading to another world war, the American Labor movement, freed of its misleaders, will give an account of itself. The massacre by Ford police of four Detroit auto workers at an unemployed demonstration before his plant, the murder of Negro jobless in Chicago and Cleveland are evidences of the sharpening class struggle and the militancy of the workers.

Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Ideological infighting is always present between Statists.  It’s a matter of who gets to Control you.

But when it comes to Free-Market Capitalism which protects the Natural Freedom and Liberty of the Individual… it is always the enemy of both flavors of Statism and they will always find communal ground in their effort to do away with it.

And You, in believing you have that Natural Right and subscribe to a bottom up Governing Theory, are the Enemy.

Happy May Day!