Tag Archives: riots

China Needs Hong Kong to just keep doing Hong Kong

Now more than ever China needs Hong Kong to remain an engine of Capitalism.
We’ve talked before about Socialist Countries existing at the teat of Capitalist Countries. Socialism cannot create wealth.  Nothing has changed.
When China took control of Hong Kong in 1997 it was widely thought the Socialist country would quickly destroy all that made Hong Kong prosperous. Many believed, with good reason, that the oppressive, individual hating, top-down governing ideology would not be able to tolerate the freedom and individual liberty associated with Hong Kong.
Surprising the world, China instead chose to isolate Hong Kong from the rest of the country. It was a brilliant move by horrible people.  China held Hong Kong as an asset in its ‘portfolio’ with the realization that the prosperity Hong Kong created was essential to the perpetuation of China’s oppressive Socialist Ideology.
Don’t be fooled… Hong Kong remained an irritant to many of the Elitist Chinese Politicians. But economically it was a sound decision if it was the life of the oppressive, human hating, Chinese Socialist ‘Utopia’ which ultimately mattered. Those 1997 Autocrats in waiting were on the precipice of unimaginable wealth to be gleaned from a relatively new trade partnership with the United States. The full absorption of Hong Kong could wait a little while until a new engine of wealth was fully realized…
Fast forward to 2019…
The overt move to bring Hong Kong ‘into the fold’ of China’s Democratic Socialist Dictatorship has been underway for a little over a decade.  But a disruption, an Orange Swan if you will, occurred which turned the finely set table over.

Suddenly something changed.

The people of Hong Kong rediscovered their value when the prettiest girl in the room decided she ‘ain’t got no sugar’.
China’s ‘new’ engine of wealth, the United States, decided not to play anymore.  Hong Kong was back!
This move alone has thrown China’s long term plans into question.

To reiterate…

The resistance from the United States to the contemporary trade agreements with China has provided Hong Kong with the ability to resist… making Hong Kong important once again. China once again needs them… badly…

China’s long term existence is questionable, at best, without the United States and is certainly headed for a catastrophe without both the United States and Hong Kong combined.

This is an important Global event and deserves all of our attention.

Death Rattle

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are witnessing a historic moment on the History of the United States.
It has become clear the immensity of this episode is only going to become greater before it is over.
To understand what you’re seeing we must go back to 1960.
A large part of the 12-24 year old 1960 population figured out there was power in collective screaming. They learned to champion causes only some of which they understood.  They forged their identity in protest and labeled themselves the ‘counter-culture’. They cast away the societal norms the likes of Family, Religion and Americanism. They elevated themselves above all the “ignorant masses” who clung to those time-tested ideas and began a decades long mantra reminding themselves of their superiority. They sought positions where they could administer an intentionally subjective ‘fairness’ of their own varying definition.  They learned how to feel powerful.  When they looked in the mirror they saw the faces of the Deciders… the Administrators… the Philosopher Kings.
Now fast forward to 2016.
These same individuals are at least 67-years old, some are much, much, older.  (Yes… there are young ones, but they lack that romantic view of having ‘done something important’.  They lack a perceived legacy which is now under threat. They lack the same investment while sacrificing all of the other evolutionary rites and rituals society previously valued.)
These Aging Leftists are now finding themselves with no real Family, no real God and no real Understanding of the Greatest Experiment in Self Government the World has ever known.  Now they have watched the election of a person they believe is the antithesis of their Socialist Utopia…  and are powerless to stop him from tearing it down.  It’s all they had.

They are old…
They fully realize they may not make it 8 more years…
They have no identity other than those who dismantled the country as the Founders intended it to be…
They have no investment other than a war to create a Socialist Utopia, which they thought they had won long ago…
They see their lives as meaningless…  They are desperate…  They feel cornered…

We are witnessing the Death Rattle of a Mass Existential Crisis… a forced confrontation of what for most of them is the meaninglessness of their lives.

Be warned, these people are found on both sides of the aisle. Yes they associate more with one, but they know no party exclusively.  Do not underestimate them.  They must be approached with extreme caution…

I’m not kidding.

They are irrational… just as they have been all their lives. They are unreasonable… which is how they learned to secured something they call victory. They are unstable… because their fantasy is being threatened by reality.

It is time to walk softly, but carry a big stick.
It is time to take our country back, but keep one eye open.
It is time to show compassion, but remain firm while the damage we have suffered is repaired.

Tough Love.

In 20 years, the country will have other concerns.

What’s in a name?

Apparently nothing.

So I’ve decided to change mine.  (Just like Mayor DeBlasio… or Mr. Wilhelm…whatever…)

People don’t like me.  I’ve taken an admittedly unscientific poll but the results are clear.  I’m despised.  There are many reasons for this… many, many reasons…

So, by changing my name I will wipe the slate clean.  I mean there are a bunch of people out there who haven’t met me yet and my reputation under my old name can’t precede me.  All I have to say is “That’s not me.”  It will be like being born again! (Kinda… actually very similar…)

And, as long as I don’t get too attached to my new name I can always change it again down the road if I screw it up a second or third time…

The Socialists have been doing this for a hundred years!  Once they were Socialists, then Communists, then Progressives, then Social Democrats, then Democratic Socialists, then Liberals just to be super confusing, then Leftists, back to Socialists and even Anarchists to render the term meaningless, then back to Progressives… anon, anon…  Just like the criminals they are.

Think about it, “Hillary Clinton” is a way better name than “Suicide Inducing Harpy” which is what she used to go by.

Come on!  It doesn’t matter what you call yourself.

Your name says it all… who cares about your actions.  Instant Indulgence, without having to purchase it.

We do it all the time.

All you have to do is pick something like Catholic, Conservative, or Liberal and that’s what you are.

You don’t even have to know what that moniker means because it means whatever you want it to. Brilliant!

So what if you only go to Mass at Midnight on Christmas Eve… and support abortion.  It doesn’t matter.  So what that when you’re confronted with Socialist principles you cringe in disgust… you’re “Liberal” and you’re going to continue to vote for “Liberals” no matter what.  You can even wear the mantle of “Conservative” though you couldn’t explain free-market capitalism if your life depended on it, and you support catastrophic spending by huge extra-constitutional government as long as it is “your guys” in charge…  NO problem!

We’re finally at the point where words have no meaning.

And never worry, if some malcontent tries to assign a definition, you can just combine a bunch of them like “conservative-liberal-pacifist or liberal-progressive-social democrat or left leaning-anarcho-capitalist”, there are no rules…go nuts!

So remember, as long as you keep changing what you call yourself nobody will ever challenge you.   And if nobody Challenges you, then even you will never have to genuinely understand what your new name means.  You’ll Never Feel Stupid Again!

So…  it’s time for me to make the change.

I’m going with “Omnipotent”.  (It says it all.)

I know, it’s a bit of a mouthful but “Enlightened” seemed a to feminine and I’m saving “Super Genius” for future use.

Oh… and it’s “Mr. Omnipotent” to you.  Or, possibly “Your Highness”.  I’ll have to think about that.


Melania 2016!

So I woke up, got out of bed and dragged a comb across my head…  I made my way down stairs and had a smoke, somebody spoke and I went into a dream… AaaaAAaAaaaAAAAAaaaaaahhhhh…  Melania 2016!

Look folks, while I still remain mystified as to the guy’s politics, I’m on team Trump now.  Melania Trump to be exact.

The uproar today about Melania using parts of a Socialist First Lady’s speech is a distraction at least if not an all out War on Beautiful Women.  Lifting words for speeches is not only common, but almost unavoidable.  There is nothing left to be said that hasn’t already been said twice.

I believe what is really irritating the Left is that Melania Trump gave a terrific speech and people were tuned in.


That’s two serious problems…

Set aside the fact that their kinda chosen Candidate cannot tell the truth or keep a secret to save a life, Hillary can’t give a speech, in her only language, anyone with the faculty of hearing can endure.  Add to that glaring issue the second, even if you turn off the sound, Hillary holds no interest to those with the other faculty of sight.

Simply comparing the two first Ladies on this alone leaves Hillary wanting.

Frankly, Melania could have whipped out a dusty copy of the Cleveland White Pages and started reading… and I would have been paying very close attention.

I am not alone.

So let’s look at this for what it is.


  1.  Thinks she’s Smarter than she is, demonstrably.
  2.  Does insulting fake accents for effect.
  3.  Cackles.
  4.  Kankles.
  5.  Has a tenuous relationship with the law.


  1. Doesn’t appear to see herself as the Smartest Women in the World.
  2. Actually has an accent and can give a speech people will watch.
  3. Has a beautiful smile and wears it often.
  4. Smokin’ Hot.
  5. Follows the law.


Sounds to me like the War on Women is alive and well.

But only on Beautiful Republican Women.

Sarah?  Elizabeth?  Laura?

And now Melania.

Go Melania!

Just wait until they get a load of Ivanka.

They are going to FREAK!

(As a side note; Hey you Cruz guys, I get it.  But enough already.  You’re making yourselves look foolish at this point.  Take solace in the profound irony of the Establishment Republican A-Holes getting Trump as result of the very mechanism they set up in the Northeast which they have used to Foist the likes of McCain upon us year after year.  You guys need to join team Trump and fight to close the primaries.  If you can’t stomach supporting Donald, then get aboard the Melania for First Lady train.  It works for me.)

(A side, side, note;  Hey you Trump campaign folks… where’s my Melania 2016! sticker?  Seriously.  Where… is… it?)

The New Mentally Ill…

For almost 10-years now there have been discussions regarding what qualifies One as Mentally Ill.

This debate took a new step forward this morning.

With Barack Obama’s Executive Gun Control, and the Physician Requirement to report patients who are ‘Mentally Ill’, comes an important question.

Are You Mentally Ill?

Well, let’s see…

Depression is a Mental Illness. Are you taking Any Anti-Depressants? Prozac? Zoloft? Paxil? Celexa? Lexapro? Effexor? Pristiq? Cymbalta? Remeron? Wellbutrin? Elavil? Pamelor?

You’re Mentally ill.

Anxiety is a Mental Illness. Are you taking Any Anti-Anxiety Medication? Xanax? Ativan? Klonopin? BuSpar?

You’re Mentally ill.

Mood Instability is a Mental Illness. Are you taking Any Mood Stabilizing Medication? There are many such ‘Stabilizers’… let’s just say,

Do You have PTSD? Mild or otherwise?

You’re Mentally ill.


You’re Mentally ill.



Eating Disorder? Yes… too much or too little.

You’re in the club.

Seeing a Psychiatrist because… parents?

Still good.

AND… wait for it… Are You collecting Disability for any of the above?

Odds are… You’re up by default!

The Objective of the Left is to rid the Population of the ability to resist their Horrific Collectivist Ideas.

They are fully aware that The United States was founded on Individual Rights and paramount to those Rights is Free Speech and the Ability to Resist Tyrannical Government should it arise.

Socialists recognize that the Public has never, historically, enjoyed their institutionalized nepotism and Elitist wielding of Power over the ‘Stupid Masses’. And because of that, removing their primary source of self-defense remains a priority.

But they need you to BEG Them to enforce the removal of this defense… in the name of safety.

The push to Make EVERYONE Crazy has been going on for decades. From Mommies Little Helper to today’s myriad of
doses to make the World a better place.

And what if Doctors don’t report you?

The Lawyers are ready to place Liability Suits as fast as they can get their paralegals tapping away at their keyboards.

In the End, This is just one of the symptoms of Obamacare we all warned you about. It’s about control. It’s about you being kept. It’s about removing your ability to resist the Poison that is Leftist Progressive Socialism.

They have the rest of the World and they’ve screwed that up.

They’ve taken control of Cities and States within our Borders and they’ve screwed Them up.

Now they are Aiming for the entire Great Experiment in Self Rule….

So they can Screw that up too.

There is a Historical Consensus…

Socialism Always ends in Oppression, Destruction and Death of Innocent Citizens.

Where it hasn’t, it will.

Where it has, it has been Legendary in its Horror.

Why is there a single person alive still entertaining any variant of Marxism?

Because Force is a Drug. And Humans are Addicted to it.

It’s the only real Mental Illness.

Fixing Ferguson

If you give Fools a Stage they will Perform.

There is a very real issue in Ferguson. In fact, there are several.

First, there is the possibility that a young man was killed by a police officer without cause. There is also the possibility that the young man was killed with cause.

Second, A small group of criminals has decided to use this event to loot and burn businesses.

Third, a gathering of Anti-American activists from across the US have found their way to a part of St. Louis they never knew existed.

So what do we do?

We, as Americans, honor the right of those who question the Police… and for that matter the Government… regarding the death of this young man. Agree with those who believe the police killed him in cold blood or not, peaceful display of concern… anger… and pain remain part of our fabric. Remember, contrary to Mrs. Clinton, Dissent is not necessarily Patriotic. The Toleration of Dissent is Patriotic.

To the Second issue of criminal behavior, I would suggest ceasing the non-stop LIVE coverage of night-time protests. If you give Fools a Stage they will perform upon it.

Instead take that energy being expended by the News Media and focus it on those folks who are genuinely concerned about their community and their relationship with authorities… during the day. They merit the stage far more than the criminals.

Finally, there is never a reason to give Anti-American Activists a platform. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE to FREEDOM AND LIBERTY OF THE INDIVIDUAL which is the opposite of what these Socialist organizers want to convey. If they were serious about their supposed concerns regarding Human Rights they would be busy is IRAQ, or myriad other places like China etc..  Instead they focus their efforts on the Freest country on Earth.  And the Safest for them to posture, and promote their Progressive Utopia.

The reason they are not confronting areas of real crimes against humanity is because they are far more concerned with promoting their Socialist agenda. They should be ignored.

These simple changes might not drive News ratings…

But they would put the focus back where it should be.

The voices that need to be heard would be heard.

Lives could be saved.

And the Federal Government could go back to DC where it belongs.