Tag Archives: no labels

Just Say No…

…To Socialism.

If you’ve been with me for longer than 10 minutes, then you already realize I’m what you would call an Anti-Socialist.

While I have vast and varied views, first and foremost I stand in opposition to all forms of Socialist thought. You can call it whatever you want; Socialism, Liberalism, Leftist, Progressive, Fascist, Communist, Democrat, No Labels, Crony Capitalist, RINO, John McCain… or whatever new names they come up with to keep you confused.

Why do I oppose Socialism?  Why do I oppose a political theory that promotes Elitists exercising force over all those they deem inferior?  Why do I oppose an Ideology that has resulted in the greatest destruction to the common good, and ultimately the loss of life, in the history of the world?

I am a Free-Market Capitalist.

But what apparently sets me apart is I know what that means, which is more than I can said for the majority of our elected officials… and certainly more than our electorate.

(If you would like to join me in actually KNOWING what a Free-Market Capitalist is instead of allowing Leftists to tell you what they want you to think it is… here’s a good start:  Wealth of Nations, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, The Road to Serfdom, Freedom to Choose, The Romantic Manifesto, The Constitution of Liberty, The Age of Reason, The Law, Conflict of Visions… and the list can go on.  Come join us… it is rare air to breathe indeed.)

I will share with you, the people being demonized by the press are the people you must listen to carefully. (Actually listen to them… not whatever sound bite John Stewart or Bill Mahr decide to let you hear, followed by a studio audience of the above mentioned know nothings yucking it up and a laugh track from the fifties.)

The folks you will be told are Mean, Evil, Stupid and In the Way of your Happiness are the very individuals who, most likely, have the best interest of our amazing country at heart. And, they are the few deserving an honest, unedited, un-editorialized hearing of why they stand in opposition of more Socialism.

But let me get you started:

Socialism gets you Detroit.

Socialism gets you Mexico.

Socialism gets you Domestic Spying.

Socialism gets you incredibly horrible public schools.

Socialism gets you Unions who make promises to their members they know they can’t honor.

Socialism put’s your medical records out there for all to see.

Socialism gets you expensive, crappy health care.

Socialism gets you high taxes.

Socialism gets you high unemployment.

Socialism gets you Crony business deals.

Socialism gets a quadrupling of the money supply devaluing everything you’ve worked so hard to save.

Socialism spends your money with no consideration of reason or result, because it believes it owns the money… not you.

Socialism gets you National Debt so large you cannot possibly conceive it.  You literally can’t count that high… before you die of old age.

Socialism gets you racial hatred because without it, it dies.

Socialism gets you a bigger and bigger gap between the rich and poor, because it relies on that too.

Socialism puts self-anointed Elitist A-holes in power and keeps them there… forever.

Socialism is Force.

So the very least MY representatives can do IS NOT GET ALONG WITH SOCIALISTS.  AT ALL… EVER.

The very least MY representatives can do is say NO in the face of bigger government and more spending… or should I SAY WASTING MY MONEY.

The VERY LEAST my representatives can do IS STAND IN OPPOSITION to everything… every single thing… the Socialists want to do.

And, if they DO NOTHING ELSE… I will consider them to be doing a great job.

If they really want to impress me, then start taking apart 100 years of Socialist schemes which have not only stood in the way of this country being greater than it is, but has set it back on every level.  Doubt me?  Do you think the founding fathers would have asked the public to tolerate Domestic Spying after fighting a War in order to establish a new type of Government designed to protect the Individual, Their Freedom, Liberty and Property?  (There were plenty of “Terrorists” back then too.)

So I expect that 20% of the Republican Party who are about to be positioned as the worst people in the world… will do the right thing.

I expect them to be the Party of No!

NO!  NO!  NO!

It is the least they can do.  When I say “the least”, I mean the LEAST.


Enter Podesta… Hillary’s personal scary Clown…

(This was posted almost four years ago 0n Dec. 12, 2013 at 11:03am…  you decide if any of it was correct.)

With the Coaching of the Clinton Machine, is President Obama taking a page from NASCAR on every issue?

To answer this question we have to understand Who John Podesta is.

John Podesta is President Obama’s New Advisor.

The Executive Summary: Podesta is one of the most horrid Socialists you will ever meet.

Let me put it this way… the last several weeks we have had the uncomfortable experience of meeting Zeke Emanuel, the brother of Rahm who let us know that there was absolutely No Confusion!  According to Zeke, the President always said you can keep your doctor if you pay more.  It’s as if a request was put into Central Casting for someone who looks and sounds likes a member of Adolf’s creepy inner circle, yet is Jewish, in order to play the role of a scary Menshevik.  So they sent over Zeke.  Perfect.

If you take it one step further you have John Podesta.

You have to remember that Obama is no longer up for election.  It’s Hillary’s turn.

With that in mind, it is an easy step to link Podesta (Clinton’s last Chief of Staff and head of Progressive Socialist efforts like Apollo Alliance.) to Hillary’s 2016 Election Campaign.  It also becomes clear that Hillary must position herself as the Moderate choice for President coming off of the last eight years of Obama.

So how do you do that?

Well… you send Obama so (overtly) far into the Marxist camp that Stalin might rise from the grave just to provide a standing O.  And there are few better to provide such hard left turns on every issue than John Podesta.  (I would offer George Soros, but too many of you know him.  It just wouldn’t look good.  Podesta is well-connected to Soros anyway through the Tides Foundation etc., so why bother.)

The Left then positions anyone running against Hillary as a Far Right Extremist while lamenting the move of President Obama so far away from “The American Mainstream”.  And in concert with their Liberal friends in the media will offer up Hillary as the Only Reasonable Person in the race… oh, and in case you didn’t know it she’s a girl.

If Hillary is smart, she will listen to her husband Bill and give as many speeches saying Nothing better than he said Nothing as often as possible.  (This will be hard for her as she is every bit the Marxist Obama is… so we’ll see.)  She’ll also have to work on her angry moments when she channels her inner Phyllis Diller… same voice, way less funny and in tones of a certain green Oz character.

If she can pull off not being herself, sit back and allow the vacant assessments of the useful idiots and those intellectually lazy individuals who call themselves moderates… populists or the “No Labels” crowd to lend their votes to her she’ll be the next President.

I know you’re asking; Why would Obama agree to this?

Because a Hillary Presidency will only serve to preserve the gains and maintain the progress of the current Socialist agenda being forced down the throats of a Public School Educated American Populace.  To the chagrin of Socialists world over, you just can’t run on that.

In addition, if Obama gets any of his genuinely Hard Left dreams added onto his already noteworthy list of successes, all the better.  Consider it a bonus.

Drink about this carefully.  Is it a surprise that the Clinton Camp has started allowing for “Obama Hating” based on Policy as being OK so long as you don’t connect Leftist Ideology to it?

Expect to see some incredible, unbelievable, bordering on if not completely ridiculous, Policy proposals coming from the Obama camp in the next couple of years.

What’s in a name?

Apparently nothing.

So I’ve decided to change mine.  (Just like Mayor DeBlasio… or Mr. Wilhelm…whatever…)

People don’t like me.  I’ve taken an admittedly unscientific poll but the results are clear.  I’m despised.  There are many reasons for this… many, many reasons…

So, by changing my name I will wipe the slate clean.  I mean there are a bunch of people out there who haven’t met me yet and my reputation under my old name can’t precede me.  All I have to say is “That’s not me.”  It will be like being born again! (Kinda… actually very similar…)

And, as long as I don’t get too attached to my new name I can always change it again down the road if I screw it up a second or third time…

The Socialists have been doing this for a hundred years!  Once they were Socialists, then Communists, then Progressives, then Social Democrats, then Democratic Socialists, then Liberals just to be super confusing, then Leftists, back to Socialists and even Anarchists to render the term meaningless, then back to Progressives… anon, anon…  Just like the criminals they are.

Think about it, “Hillary Clinton” is a way better name than “Suicide Inducing Harpy” which is what she used to go by.

Come on!  It doesn’t matter what you call yourself.

Your name says it all… who cares about your actions.  Instant Indulgence, without having to purchase it.

We do it all the time.

All you have to do is pick something like Catholic, Conservative, or Liberal and that’s what you are.

You don’t even have to know what that moniker means because it means whatever you want it to. Brilliant!

So what if you only go to Mass at Midnight on Christmas Eve… and support abortion.  It doesn’t matter.  So what that when you’re confronted with Socialist principles you cringe in disgust… you’re “Liberal” and you’re going to continue to vote for “Liberals” no matter what.  You can even wear the mantle of “Conservative” though you couldn’t explain free-market capitalism if your life depended on it, and you support catastrophic spending by huge extra-constitutional government as long as it is “your guys” in charge…  NO problem!

We’re finally at the point where words have no meaning.

And never worry, if some malcontent tries to assign a definition, you can just combine a bunch of them like “conservative-liberal-pacifist or liberal-progressive-social democrat or left leaning-anarcho-capitalist”, there are no rules…go nuts!

So remember, as long as you keep changing what you call yourself nobody will ever challenge you.   And if nobody Challenges you, then even you will never have to genuinely understand what your new name means.  You’ll Never Feel Stupid Again!

So…  it’s time for me to make the change.

I’m going with “Omnipotent”.  (It says it all.)

I know, it’s a bit of a mouthful but “Enlightened” seemed a to feminine and I’m saving “Super Genius” for future use.

Oh… and it’s “Mr. Omnipotent” to you.  Or, possibly “Your Highness”.  I’ll have to think about that.
