Tag Archives: smarter than you


An interesting question came up yesterday.

During a conversation with an associate I was asked to define Socialism.  And, then explain why I think it’s bad.

My response was, “Force.”.

The issue is not that Socialism is difficult to define but rather that so many people demonstrate the mindset through their actions while calling themselves various other things.  Socialists intentionally try to keep you, and themselves, confused… if they didn’t, you would see them for what they are.

It became clear during this conversation that a simple rule would be useful, because the left changes their names with regularity and impunity. The Socialists figured out long ago when people understand what they really stand for, those same people don’t like them. The solution was to keep calling themselves something different… often.

The evolution of names adds up to a long list, from stealing the term “Liberal” to using words like Progressive. You’ll find them labeling themselves Democrats, Moderates, Social Democrats, Republicans and even, hilariously, “No Labels”.  I prefer “Statists” because it lumps them all together… it’s easier for me as I have few brain cells remaining.

It becomes humorous when you think about it… how disliked must you be to have so many names?  Well, criminals do this everyday.  Count the times you’ve watched the news and the police are looking for a guy with fifteen different “AKA’s”?  Criminals, and Liberals, understand that a name follows you around and gets in the way of doing bad things.  Can’t have that.

So how do we identify these people?
The first question you should always ask yourself is… does this person advocate force to be used upon U.S. Citizens in order to achieve their desired goal?

An easy example of the above is:

Is the government forcing me to buy… a bible, a first edition of Audacity of Hope or health insurance?  If so, the person advocating the force is a Socialist.  It doesn’t matter what they call themselves.

And, the law used to force you to do so is Socialist in nature and therefore extra-constitutional.  (OK Lefties – Car insurance does not apply here as you are not forced to buy a car… and even if you choose to, as long as it resides on your private property (say a ranch) you are not forced to have insurance for it.)

If you’re still not sure, then the second question is; Does this person desire to use this force to “nudge” you to the ‘right’ decision, in other words quicker than you might have arrived there on your own…  This is done because the Leftist wielding the force already knows (believes) their answer is the right one and you’re too inept (Stupid) to make the correct decision on your own.

Some historic examples of this are skyrocketing gas prices forced upon us through Federal taxes, and a refusal to utilize our own natural resources, so we can get those cars that run on algae which we have all been dreaming about.  Or, forcing banks to lend you money even though you don’t have a job and you have a history of not paying your bills… this way you can have a house BEFORE you can afford it subsequently causing a GLOBAL financial meltdown.  (Thank you again Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.)

It doesn’t matter what the consequences are, because these people are Brilliant and full of only the best intentions… like forcing people to buy crappy fluorescent light bulbs from a company that donates millions of dollars to their campaign coffers.  Thank God we have such smart folks to take care of us stupid people…

It really is that simple, and this “force” rule can be applied hundreds of times a day. Now that you realize how this works, you’ll be amazed on how it changes the way you see the world. You will also be amazed at the change in how you view people you previously thought you agreed with.

So instead of allowing yourself to succumb to the intentionally confusing and overwhelming number of names and supposed “good intentions” the Left hides behind, you now have an easy way to identify them and their behaviors immediately and clearly even through their denials.  When applied, this rule will identify those Socialists on both sides of the aisle.

In contrast, Free-Market Capitalism requires no force.  None.  All it requires is you making the decision you think is best for you.  Rugged Individualism takes into account that we are all in this together, but it allows YOU to determine if coming together as a group towards a goal is the right thing for you to do… it does not allow for some other person to force you to ‘come together’ and accomplish a goal you disagree with but they think is super cool.

Make no mistake… there is a war going on.  It’s a battle between two very different governing theories… two very different Ideologies.

One is Collectivist in nature.  It’s a number of ideas that sound nice when said aloud but have a very long, sad history of oppression, poverty, death, destruction and failure.  It’s called Democratic Socialism. It’s Force.  The entirety of the Democrat Party, and many in the Republican Party promote this ideology through their actions while denying it to your face.  They work “around” the U.S. Constitution because it is anti-socialist by design.  They call it a “living, breathing document” or “outdated”.  Of course they do, it’s in the way.

The other theory is Enlightened and what this country was founded on.  It’s Liberty and Freedom of the Individual to choose.  It’s a Federal Government Limited by a Constitution.  It’s Free-Market Capitalism that protects not just the Individual, but the Economic health of all of us… together.  There are only a few politicians promoting this ideology but their numbers are increasing as the citizens begin to actively pay attention.  With the Education of the population in regard to these two theories the voters find their way.  Sadly, the contrast is no longer being taught in our Government School System and must be sought out.  But you are seeking it out… to the dismay of the Left.

What should be understood is these two ideologies are mutually exclusive.  Compromise has no place here.  The fact that we have tried to compromise ( link to: Bipartisanshitt) over the last 110-years is exactly what has brought us to the fiscal cliff.  We have strayed very far in deed from our original intent.

It’s time to admit it, double back, and find the right path before it’s too late.

We are very close to “too late”.

(Originally posted 090612)

Note from Obama’s second to last State of the Union:

(On the heels of President Obama’s final Speech to the U.N. this morning, 092016, and his plea to keep Socialist Administrators in charge of everything… combined with his factual observation that Capitalism has improved the lives of everyone world over only to later call it “Soulless”… I felt it necessary to put this up again.  The idea that we all become closer in a world that becomes smaller is inarguable.  But those Socialists that subscribe to Undisturbed Evolution being the brilliance of the Universe are the same people who cannot conceive of the same Social Evolution without their input and control, in other words their meddling and distortion while cementing permanent positions as Administrators.  It’s genuinely amazing to hear such Arrogance and Narcissism spoken out loud.  Frankly it’s the speech Obama should have given 8 years ago.  It’s what he really believes.  He’s Smarter than you… and you’re welcome.  The Truth is Unfettered Capitalism does not require their self-anointed brilliance.  It only requires all of us making decisions for ourselves in an ever shrinking world.  They know this, and they see no place for themselves in such an Undisturbed Evolution.  This morning’s speech is nothing more than a cry for relevance.  A cry for Global Institutionalization of the Aristocracy and its inherent nepotism.  It’s nothing more than the vapid Marxism that has attempted to salvage the elitist hold on power as the worlds Monarchies collapse.  It’s old, it’s tired and it remains as dangerous as ever in it’s oppression, death and destruction.  Global Socialism is a Poison… and we are being told to double the dose.)

Guns, Guns, Guns…

…and who owns them.

I’ve been paying attention, with unusual interest, to the debate surrounding the tiny newspaper in New York that released the names of firearms permit holders.

Clearly this was political.  Clearly it was legal.

OK… so why would anyone be upset?  Aside from the blatantly political move by the “objective” press….

1.  There is an argument that gun owners do not want “bad guys” to know they have a gun in their home.

I’m not sure I understand this argument… If I’m not home my weapons are secure.  If I’m home, I’m secure.  No problem.  I hope the “bad guys” all know… that’s kind of the point.

2.  There is an argument that law-abiding Liberals living around those who have publicly applied for, and obtained, firearms permits are a threatened by those permit holders.

Again, I’m not sure I understand this argument as law-abiding Gun Owners are not the ones committing crimes.  They are also connected in many cases of stopping criminal acts in progress.  (We can discuss who is the “first line of defense” in comments if needed.  I welcome it.  I have also heard Liberal talking heads say they would not want their kids in my home if they know I have guns… well I too do not want your kids in my home, soooo… we’re okay then, right?)

But there is one clear point here.

Yes, this exposure was intended to “shame” those who own guns by the Leftist Newspaper.  But it has turned out to be only shameful to the Leftist permit holders.  This fact should bring a smile to our collective gun owning faces.

You have to remember that to a Liberal, laws are for other people… not the Liberals who propose them.  The only people on that list of names who were “shamed” were those individual Liberals who champion Gun Control laws… for the Little People.   It is fashionable to be in favor of gun bans… being more outraged over every shooting than your neighbor… shaking your head in disdain over the proliferation of guns in America, etc.

This presents itself in the Righteousness associated with their Democrat/Socialist circle of friends by being in favor of all and any Gun Control.  (These are also the same people who if offered a sign for their front yard proclaiming “This Home is Proudly Gun Free” would refuse to put it up.  I know this because I have personally offered to hammer it into the ground myself…)

However, It becomes difficult to explain to your “Common Sense-Mainstream” Liberal neighbors that you too are a “Common Sense-Mainstream” Liberal when you have been outed as a gun-toting freak.

This is why there has been quick and focused amount of negative attention applied to this matter by the rest of the Leftist Media… because they’re well aware that a number of their members happen to have concealed carry permits and reside in New York and the surrounding boroughs, counties and states.  The very leftist New York Media who are NOT cheering this latest exposure of permit holders, know full well they are on deck for the next round of exposures.

So once again, the Hypocrisy of the Left is what is at issue here.  Nothing New.

Don’t be distracted by the first two arguments and pay closer attention to who is being offended and positioning themselves as the suddenly new champions of the second amendment and personal privacy.  You will find a growing number of Democrats whose voting records demonstrate their brand new, previously undocumented, love of both.  They have images to protect… don’t you know.

Keep Smiling!

(Update: Gawker has fired the next shot by producing a list of permit holders in NYC.  Hilarious!)

It’s worth noting that this story occurred several years ago… and very shortly after Gawker released the NYC list the ‘releasing of lists’ suddenly stopped.  It was not made illegal to release these lists… it just ‘mysteriously’ stopped.  Funny how Leftist Liberals do not like it when you turn on the lights.


What is the Final Solution… for The Deplorables?

Clearly the Deplorable Problem must be solved.

The Progressives control Government, Schools and all Businesses via Regulation.

Yet, the Deplorable Problem still exists.

How should Government remove this Vermin from our midst?

What is the Final Solution?

He has a Point about the Death Star.


I’m Smart. I’m Special. I’m Saved.

Why would anyone be opposed to making their own choices in life?

Because making decisions for yourself is lonely… and it leaves you with no one else to blame should something go wrong.

For years I’ve wondered what the resistance was to Free Markets. Once a person has taken the time to understand what voluntary exchange and free-market capitalism really is, how can they not like it? How can an individual not appreciate the power over their own lives and freedom to choose what’s right for them?

Because, while it makes you feel powerful… it doesn’t make you feel powerful enough.

Seems counter-intuitive, I know.

But, if everyone is expected to take care of themselves then what role is left for those who feel they should be making decisions for you?

In other words, if we all take responsibility for ourselves, what work is left for those who want to do the “telling”?  What would “The Deciders” do?

First you must understand who the people are that want to do the “telling” and who are the people who want to be “told”.

These are the same two groups who support the goal of “collective’ rights.

The First group is made up primarily of those people who believe they are smarter than you in every way.

They associate their self-proclaimed omnipotent intelligence to being highly specialized.  They could be a doctor, lawyer or politician. You can even find them working at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

They are found to associate intelligence to geography, such as living in Manhattan, Los Angeles, Vermont, the other side of the railroad tracks, river, etc.

Bear in mind, it does not mean they make particularly good decisions when it comes to their own lives… but that is not a requirement to their self-assigned superiority.

The Second group is a product of our public education system, more or less.

They have been told they are special. In fact they have been taught that there is nothing more important in life than being special, Over and over and over…   And, when you’re “special” you shouldn’t have to do anything.  You should have stuff given to you.  Thus, these people gladly accept what they are “entitled” to.  As long as those who do the “telling” repeat endlessly how wonderful they are, while also giving them other people’s money in the form of government “entitlements”, they will remain placated… and vote accordingly.

So it is not difficult to see how a system of trade and government that does not make them feel this way is so repulsive to them.  It’s easy to see how people like me are a turn off.  Anyone who genuinely promotes self-sufficiency and personal responsibility will find no friends in either group.  While Capitalism gives you supreme power over yourself, your power is small when looking at the world as a whole.  While I would argue this is as it should be… it can be incredibly frightening to many when they realize the Universe doesn’t necessarily need them.

True Capitalism would make the First group feel unimportant… and at the same time depress the Second group.

Unimportant and Depressed…  it sounds like something most of us deal with very early in our lives once we figure out the Universe does not revolve around us.  This should be the healthy maturation process of our species…  yet… we are all contributing tax dollars to keep the paradigm of parent and child alive after the age of majority.

But just when you though it was easy to understand… There is a subgroup which also exists.

A number of people try to be both, and will neglect all aspects of taking care of themselves in order to “help” others so they can feel special.  This behavior is a uniquely destructive phenomenon.  The irony is they have now made themselves a burden on everyone else, thus helping no-one.  This fact misses them entirely.  So much so that if you present them with this truth they will adopt a blank stare.  The rational escapes these folks… helping one person at the expense of two others is not a winning formula.  This group can be the most dangerous… much like a drowning man.  Reason will always escape them.

All three groups genuinely feel we should be Forced to “help” each other… but never Forced to “help” ourselves.

These are the people who subscribe to the Communal theory of government, dividing all of us into permanent classes of the helpers and the helped.

I believe they adopt this point of view, and vote accordingly, because it’s easier than accepting the alternative outlined above.  But there is also a Sinister type of Self-Interest at work.

The First group achieves the Power over others they so crave, the Second Group achieves nothing, but they’re paid for it. The Third group achieves what they believe is Salvation… which, in their minds, elevates them above all others.

(In the end, looking at all of these groups, what is the difference between them and the relationship of the Drug Dealer and the Drug Addicted?  The dynamics are similar in ways we should all find disturbing.)

For the rest of us, all we can do is keep doing our best to meet our needs at our own expense.  We must continue to thrive while trying to drag the above groups along with us into the light of self-reliance.  We must Restore the Stigma that used to be associated with taking other people’s money from the government.  We must be Loud in our disdain.  What choice do we have?

At the same time, we must always resist The Deciders efforts to drag us down into their Social Utopian world of Dependency and Entitlement.


Did you Vote for It?

Did you Vote for Someone Who Did?

Then I don’t want to hear from you.

None of us want to hear from you.

Embrace the Suck.

While I must admit, I enjoy the Schadenfreude associated with watching Liberals of every stripe realize what an abortion Obama Care actually is… it’s hilarious to see the minds of those who consider themselves smarter than the rest of us trying to reconcile that we Dummies out here wandering around in our own ignorance were… Right from the very beginning…. and watching those very same Elitist’s with French Envy suffering alongside the rest of us because they and their Ilk destroyed a perfectly good Health System… I no longer want to hear from them.

It’s well past time we stop tolerating those who share no tolerance of the rest of us because they see us as… well, sub-human. I can’t find any other way to put it. How else do you describe another entity which you believe to be so profoundly stupid that it cannot, under any circumstances, be allowed to make decisions for itself because it can only be counted on making what you would consider the wrong one? That’s how The Liberal Progressive Democrat Party and 80% of the Republican Party view us.

They have always positioned themselves as the smartest people in the room, thus they viewed it as their divine right to hold the political offices and bureaucratic roles placing them in positions to tell us what to do.  They respond to our questions with “Shhh… just stay quiet and let the adults talk.”  They are genuinely outraged when any aspect of their behavior is brought out into the light and questioned… for any reason.

Maybe they’re right about one thing.  Maybe it IS time for the Adults to take the reins.

Obama Care needs to be Repealed and we need to go back to the Terrible, Horrible, Mean Spirited, Apocalyptic system we had just a few years ago where, according to the smart people, babies were dying on the doorsteps of E.R’s and Doctor’s laughed while watching Illegal Immigrants bleed out in front of them.

In other words, since none of that ridiculous crap ever happened, we need to go back to the system we had because… it worked.

Only then can we address whatever problems it might have had.  Only then.

Make no mistake, the Liberals are staring into a light at the end of the tunnel… and it’s not a way out.  The very real fear being felt by those who wish to control us is the possibility that We The People demand Obama Care be Repealed.  Because if we do, and we get it done, it sets a precedent for all the other wasteful, bloated and rotting Socialist Schemes metastasized cancers upon This Greatest Experiment.  The Terror comes from the fact we might realize that if we can dismantle what is easily the largest new bureaucracy the planet has seen since China, and the Soviets, then we can eat the other Elephants in the room one bite at a time.

The Smart Folks want us to climb on board with “fixing it” while leaving it in place and thus leaving them in charge.

I want to be in charge of my health care.  I want a Private System where performance and innovation are rewarded.  I want a Private System that rewards Doctors for their efforts.  (I want my Doctor driving a Mercedes… not a stolen bicycle.)  For That matter I want a Private System FULL of Domestically Trained Doctors… not nurses or transplants.  (Bless Nurses, but they’re not Doctors.  They could have made that choice and competed with those that did, but they did not make that choice.  That’s not my fault.)


This IS the Hill upon which we must fight.

The Elitists are telling us we cannot win… which is just another reason why I don’t want to hear from them anymore.

Capitalism is Boring

…was what I read scrawled on a wall just outside of Trinity College several years ago.  And I remember my first thought distinctly, it was “Yes… but it works.”

If you think about it, for those who like to plan and orchestrate others, Capitalism IS boring.  Capitalism simply does not need their help.

But I’m not sure that is what the chalk author meant.  I think the implication was command economies were not only more fun for people like him, but also by extension he was smarter because that’s how he viewed himself as exhibited by his feeling entitled to scribble in large letters across a wall of beautiful Oxford.  It might have been easier to understand, if not a little heavy-handed, had he written “I’m smart and if you don’t get it then you’re not.”

This is the problem with all the other alternatives to Free-Market Capitalism.  They’ve all been tried, repeatedly, and all have failed.  (Or are currently failing before our eyes.)  Yet they continue to attract those among us who view themselves as smarter, brighter or simply more capable than those surrounding them.  The rest of us seem satisfied working within the system that doesn’t need our attention.  Our lives are big enough… and we don’t have a need to control the actions of others.

But that’s the irony.  The very system of voluntary trade and individual liberty ends up being “protected” by those who see it as an encumbrance to their Progressive ideas.

I guess my point here is we are doomed to fight the Elitist class and their drive to control all things all the time…. forever.

This Ego propelled Denial of the Statist failures littering history will not go away, regardless of how often those failures are demonstrated.

Those of us wishing to be free and wishing that same Freedom for our children, and their children, are the ones in need of learning a lesson.  The lesson is one we don’t want to learn.  The lesson is that our fight to be Free will be eternal.  For the few Liberals who read this site, that means a long time.

Humans who are driven to control other humans are being born this very second.  There will be no escaping them.  All we will ever be able to do is restrict their ability to coerce.  We must restrict their ability to coerce.

The perfect instrument for limiting the power of these types of humans already exists.  We simply need to use it.

The Constitution of the United States is a miracle.  It’s time to return to it.

As a Nation, It’s time to be Boring again.