Category Archives: science

Maybe New york got it Right on Corona Virus?

Presidential Candidate Andrew Cuomo Gov. NY (D)

It seems I’m having to change my mind more often these days…
I recently hit play on Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 segment on PBS where he says the New York Response was the correct one.
Looking at the current stats that appears to be true!
After reviewing my previous critique of Governor Cuomo and the state’s reaction to the global pandemic I feel I have to retract my strongly voiced criticism. It looks like the Governor’s approach of Early, Often and Up Front has left him the darling of the Democrats.

Gov. Cuomo’s strategy was two-fold. First, He demanded the filthy, disease-riddled, urine-soaked New York Subway system remain open specifically because those who would be in First and Direct contact with those elderly individuals possessing pre-existing conditions could get to work unobstructed. Second, by Forcing New York Nursing Homes to admit COVID-19 Positive elderly into their facilities. By doing both, the Governor was able to literally decimate the most vulnerable and likely to die from the virus…
This plan resulted in well over 30,000 lives lost almost immediately.
Early, Often and Up Front.
Once the most likely to contract and pass away from the disease had done so, the Subway was sanitized (for the first time in 100 years) and the order forcing nursing homes to admit infected elderly into their midst was rescinded.
But there is the genius.
The highest risk population most likely to contract and subsequently pass away from the disease had been dramatically reduced leaving far fewer remaining to perish from it today. Now the numbers look promising… so much so that the Governor is receiving praise from Dr. Fauci. (Is Fauci a German name? I’ll have to look into that.)
If one must judge from current lead stories emanating out of New York and landing on headlines across the country you can only end up where I am now. New York got it Right on the Corona Virus thanks to the leadership of Andrew Cuomo.

Socialism is Dead!

Or is it?

The Wu-Tang Flu has parted the clouds which have long darkened our skies and shined the bright light of Truth upon us! Hallelujah!
Here’s what we know:

Don’t use Public Transportation.
Don’t use Public Education.
Don’t use Public Restrooms.
Don’t use Public Streets.
Don’t use Public Facilities of Any Kind… and Certainly Don’t Count on them to work as Promised.

Why? Because you’ll DIE. 

And, if in the off chance you don’t die, you’ll kill Granny just by visiting her…  you selfish, murdering, toilet paper hoarding A-Hole!

The lesson here is, buy your own car, own your own home, cook your own food, don’t pick your nose, poop in your own bathroom, home-school your kids or use private schools with small class sizes, take ownership of the streets and roads around you as well as your communities like… we… used… to.  Live at your own risk.

Of course, the “Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste” crowd is screaming for MORE GOVERNMENT! But I ask you, how is that Universal Health Care working for the Italians, Germans, French, Indians, Iranians, Chinese, etc. etc? Do the Mass Grave/Burn Pits come ‘free of charge’ because of their ‘amazing’ health schemes?  Yes, yes they do.  Cool! We definitely need some of that…

In the end here’s what the takeaway is, we might as well have been attacked.  Look at this like WWIII.  This virus appears to have been crafted intentionally if not released intentionally. 

We as a nation are more vulnerable now than ever in history exactly because we have abdicated our personal responsibility to nameless, faceless, bureaucrats who happily accept that power over us.  We have chosen via the people we have elected to live at everyone else’s risk.  You all know the old adage, “When Everyone Owns It, Nobody Owns It.”  Look around… it’s true.  This very horrible, bad, terrible idea is being demonstrated for all the world in real-time.  

Now there is no time.

So the Socialism that has permeated modern America should now be dead for all time.

Or, will we collectively beg for more of what got us here?

And, hoard Toilet Paper…

(As an aside, you might also note that living in a Big City is a bad idea.  Pushing your Grandparents into a Nursing Home is a bad idea.  Using Public Schools as Baby Sitters is a bad idea.  Not Saving a Dime is a bad idea.  Taking your sh*tty politics to places that are doing just fine and changing them into the sh*thole you just had to escape from is just Bad.  Hoarding Sh*t you can’t eat or has a short Shelf Life is also Ba… no, that’s just stupid.  I hope you enjoy every spoonful of your piping hot bowl of toilet paper.  As I tap this out it becomes clear how we got here.)

[For Karen.]

Is Reality Optional?

Apologies to doctor Sowell regarding the Title, but it does apply to his overall thesis.  If you want to know what that is just click here.

This, however, is a little diddy about Climate Apocalypse.

Of the three people who read anything here, I suspect we all have lived through each and every one of the scheduled End of World scenarios beginning with Global Nuclear War.  But for the sake of time, I want to present a bit of what is found, and linked to here, for your consideration.  (H/T to John Nolte.  Full Article HERE.)

  1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
  2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
  3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
  4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
  5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
  6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
  7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
  8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
  9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
  10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
  11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
  12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
  13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
  14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
  15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
  16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
  17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
  18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
  19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
  20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
  21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
  22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
  23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
  24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
  25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
  26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
  27. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2016
  28. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
  29. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
  30. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
  31. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
  32. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
  33. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
  34. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
  35. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
  36. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
  37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
  38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
  39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
  40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
  41. 1970s: Killer Bees!

For the record, I believe Climate Changes.  Were we not taught that the Appilacian Mountains were carved out by Glaciers?  Have we not accepted that the Earth has been everything from a hot gaseous ball, molten material and a world of Ice?  The question is do Humans effect it?  The answer is possibly.  But as it stands we cannot define a problem.  And, if you cannot define it then you cannot offer a cogent solution should there be one.  Additionally, if you buy into Humans killing everything they touch then there are only two solutions.  Kill all humans or Kill those humans refusing to change their behaviors in a fashion as we mentioned above has no definition.  But let’s pretend you think such beneficial behavior can be defined, like buying brand new light bulbs instead of using the ones you have until they burn out then buying ones you’re restricted to because you’re too stupid to see the benefit of cost savings over the long run… and it must be imposed upon countless millions of humans right damn now… or else.  Working from that point of view we must do three things.  1.  Convert immediately to Nuclear Power.  2.  Immediately Destroy China.  3.  Immediately Destroy India.  (Russia would be ‘on deck’ as would countless other 3rd World countries.)

Sounds fun.

The truth is that modern Socialists have co-opted the environmental movement and are using Climate Change Horror (No science, just simpathetic scientists who are conviced you’re stupid and they are not.) as a tool to convince useful idiots that the World would be a better placed if everyone just surrendered to Socialism and put them permenantly in control of Everything.  Just ask Patrick Moore, the Founder of Greenpeace.  (Better yet, read his book linked here.)  Socialism is, of course, the ideology of Force and Acceleration, not to mention Class Stasis…Call it what you will, Democratic, Progressive, Liberal, Communist, Fascist or whatever name they want to call themselves once one of the previous is assigned the appropriate stigma.  This is what we are facing, whether it’s being regurgitated by a 14 year old girl from Demark or an octigenarian ex-president of the United States.

That’s the Reality.

Is that an Option?


Maybe Limousines and Hookers ARE the Answer to Stopping Climate Change…

Given the American Taxpayer is having their hard-earned money removed from them by the Federal Government and sent to Socialist Dictators and Thugs around the World in order to Stop the impending Global Apocalypse of Man Made Global Warming…

I’m opening my mind to the possibility that making sure said Socialist Dictators and Thugs having an endless supply of Limousines, Hookers and Blow could be the answer.

I admit I have been doubtful.

I’m inviting all of you to show me the light and provide me with the science I’ve been shamefully denying exists.

I promise to read it.

All of it.


You Must be Forced to Care.

(Originally posted 091914.  But now that we’ve graduated from Enterovirus to Measles… decided to revisit.)

There are Diseases in The World which Progressives believe have been left unaddressed by the Major World Powers.

The thinking goes that we, Lazy-Stupid-Spoiled Western Masses, simply don’t care if it doesn’t effect us. You can find evidence of this mindset within the fight against AIDS as well as other life threatening diseases…. Like Ebola.

And certain others such as the Enterovirus.

So how might a World Power (The United States) be motivated to address those sicknesses that have been Intentionally Ignored?

Import them.

Yes, that’s what I said…

Bring them here so We can experience them…  Some of us Die from them…  And All of us Fear them.

The contingency that subscribes to the idea we are ‘all citizens of the world’ is not beyond bringing sickness to our shores if it means we will devote our resources to fighting the illness’ we previously ignored.  In their mind, focusing on our own Problems First, while spending Energy on the Worlds Problems Second, is what makes America Terrible.  And they have anointed themselves ‘Enlightened’ Apostles of all that is Good and Just.  The Ends Justify the Means…

This leaves only one question.

How do you bring them here?


Allow hundreds of thousands of people into the country without medical screening… all at once.  (All at once of course can mean over a period of a year or so when it comes to the grand scheme of things.)  Then disperse them at taxpayer expense throughout the country.

‘But this would never happen!’ you say…  I know you… and I know you’re saying it.

Well it’s happening, right now, as I tap this out.

The only real question left to the Left is ‘How do you make these new illnesses spread fast enough to completely refocus the National Energy onto defeating them?’

Make the people you let in be Childrenunaccompanied and unsupervised… then send them all over the country and Force our public school system to absorb Them.

‘But Who, In Their Right Mind, would do this?!’ you ask…  I also know you’re asking that…

Good Question.  Who Would do this?

Because whoever it is, is doing it right now.

And those who enable the doing will tell you it’s only ‘fair’ that we devote our abilities to helping those We chose not to help in the past.  Whether we like the outcome of doing so or not.

It’s for the Greater Good of All the Citizens of the World.

Sleep Well.


(Note: What better way to foment a Cry for Government Run Health Care, and Government Force, than a good old-fashioned Pandemic?  When it comes to the life of a child…)

Now 1 in 45 Kids have Autism!

Autism Rate DOUBLES!

Wait… What?…

“What we call an autism spectrum disorder now is a much wider group of symptoms than what we called autism in the past so I think that captures a larger number of children that might have received other diagnoses in the past,” said Katie Walton, an autism researcher who was not involved with the CDC survey.

Do you think this will be how the story is reported?

Do you think anyone, reporter or not, will read past the Headline?  Do you believe the expansion of associated symptoms and ‘reclassification’ of previous diagnosis’, like Mental Retardation, will be offered up as a reason for the change in the number?  For that matter will it be pointed out that diagnosis’ of MR (what we now call Mental Retardation) is falling?

No.  Of course not.

It’s also worth noting that accepted diagnosis’ of children falling into the Autism Spectrum may be provided by Teachers and School Administrators.

Sound Odd?

It Should.


There are Federal Funds associated with the number of “Special Needs” students available to schools and the Districts they reside in based on the information provided by those same Teachers and Administrators.  Expanding the ‘associated symptoms means MORE MONEY!  In fact, the last number we had of 1 in 120 children came from a single school district just outside of Atlanta.  A single School District… with Teachers and Administrators making medical diagnosis’.  And those numbers were extrapolated to represent the entire country!   This, predictably, resulted in people like Jenny McCarthy becoming hysterical who then advised parents to not have their kids inoculated, which gave us a gift of minor explosions of long forgotten diseases such as Measles, Mumps, TB, etc.


Stories such as these are dropped in association with fund-raising campaigns in order to get you to throw money, directly out of your wallet or taxpayer dollars via legislation, at an issue.

They want you to be afraid.

Scared Yet?

Fear not, there is a ton of money devoted to Autism.  But as we all know, once you create a foundation you have mouths to feed.  People need to get paid, so the Fundraising must go on.

Still Scared?

There are ways of giving directly to Hospitals and Research dedicated to Autism if that is what you want to do.

All I’m saying is don’t fall for the hype… because there is always someone with their hand out waiting to make a dollar off of your fear.

Everything needed to support Human Life…

Space Agency confirms Comet has Sugar and Alcohol!

All NASA needs to do now is send up some Professional Drinkers to do further research and study.


I’m here NASA…. I’m here.

Why are we supposed to Blindly trust these people?

VINDICATED: Researcher punished for exposing climate fraud beats UCLA

by Matt Lamb – Loyola University Chicago on March 12, 2015

School says it’s purely a financial decision – trial ain’t cheap

Scientific research at universities is supposed to involve inquiry into established theories and hypotheses.

That is, unless they question environmental regulations.

One UCLA science researcher, a 34-year veteran of the school, found himself out of a job in 2011 after examining the data underlying diesel regulations proposed by a California regulator and exposing the shoddy credentials of a lead author of that regulator’s report.

James Enstrom secured victory in a two-and-a-half year legal battle against UCLA last week when the school agreed to settle the case.

The school is paying the “diesel particulate matter” expert $140,000, reinstating his title as “Retired Researcher,” and restoring his access to UCLA resources, “effectively” rescinding his termination, according to the American Center for Law & Justice, which represented Enstrom.

Enstrom had challenged the validity of a California Air Resources Board study on diesel particulate matter and mortality in the state and the regulations that followed. He denounced the research as a faulty reading of data.

UCLA retaliated against Enstrom after he “became an aggressive and lone critic at UCLA of air pollution research,” escalating in 2008 after he testified in California Senate hearings, according to a lawsuit filed by the center in 2012.

It accused the school of initiating “a series of actions designed to silence and ultimately terminate Dr. Enstrom.”

Enstrom exposed fraudulent behavior in the studies on which the board relied, including that of the lead author of a 2008 report. Hien Tran “admitted he purchased” a magna cum laude Ph.D. for $1,000 from a “diploma mill associated with a fugitive pedophile,” according to CalWatchdog.

It’s “the standard MO” of the regulatory board to use “unverified studies to gin up regulations” in the state, according to Lois Henry, a Bakersfield Californian columnist who covers California politics, in a column last month.

After blowing the whistle, Enstrom found his position’s funding cut, as detailed in a 2010 letter from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education to then-Chancellor Gene Block.

“Every day that the case continues is a deeper violation of academic freedom and freedom of speech and a more thorough chilling of faculty speech at UCLA,” FIRE said. The availability of an appeals and grievance process “does not absolve you or UCLA of the moral and legal responsibility to immediately reverse the decision not to rehire Enstrom.”

An April 2011 letter from the Academic Freedom Committee of the Academic Senate also sided with Enstrom, calling the school’s failure to reappoint him “a violation of academic freedom.”

In an email to The College Fix, Enstrom pointed to the importance of the Secret Science Reform Act, currently under consideration in Congress, which would require public disclosure of “materials, data and associated protocols” as well as “computer codes and models,” so that results can be understood and research replicated.

Speaking about the settlement, UCLA told The Daily Bruin that it did not target Enstrom for his political beliefs.

It said that “Enstrom’s presence as a researcher for decades, despite his minority positions defending diesel emissions and tobacco, demonstrates” that UCLA promotes academic diversity.

A spokesman told The Fix that UCLA settled the case because it would cost “far less than the legal costs of a trial.” Enstrom’s settlement includes “some other incidental campus services, such as eligibility for parking and email, associated with his retiree status.”

College Fix reporter Matt Lamb is a student at Loyola University-Chicago.

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The Bourbon Diet.

Have you tried all those other diet fads only to gain all that weight back?

Are you tired of feeling awful while trying to stay trim?

Well help is on the way!

This is the Revolutionary Diet that your doctor will never tell you about!

Welcome to the Bourbon Diet! 

So simple a six-year-old could do it!  (I’ve never seen this happen.)

Follow these easy steps:

1. If you are hungry pour yourself one ounce of the bourbon of your choice.

2. Drink the bourbon.

3. Wait two minutes exactly.  Still hungry?  Repeat steps 1 through 3.

Note:  Your hunger is guaranteed to subside or you’ll pass out!

There is the added benefit of occasional involuntary purging… leading to even further weight loss!

Our Diet replaces that bothersome ritual of morning tooth brushing!

You’ll be a hit at the office, for a while!

You’ll be envied for your trendy “nightclub” scent!

Good luck and enjoy that slimmer, trimmer, way cooler you!

(The side effects of this diet are too numerous to list and it is not recommended by any medical professional… or anyone else.  This diet is not intended for anyone under 21 years of age or operating any kind of machinery.  The Bourbon Diet is not recommended for six-year olds. This is not associated in any way with the vodka diet.  It might seem similar but it’s completely different.  WAY more American.  This Diet has been Successfully practiced throughout Washington D.C. for over 50-years.  This Diet is in no way associated with AA or any for-profit rehabilitation centers.)

(Originally posted 012212)

A Stupiracy

My last post on The Zombies has prompted a thought.

I have a strong belief in Conspiracy… just not in the volume shared by many of my fellow Tin Foil aficionados.  The primary reason for this is it takes huge numbers of people (AKA Humans) to pull off the kinds of conspiracies which would hold most of our interest.  And, Humans can’t keep their mouths shut.  So I do not believe most of the popular conspiracies hold water, so to speak.

Do Conspiracies exist?  Absolutely.

One of my favorites is as old as time itself.

The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing you he doesn’t exist.

This occurs in everyday life for all to see… with the help of the Mainstream Media.

The Liberal Progressive Left in this country has convinced you they are not Socialists/Marxists… because they say so.

This is brazen lie.  Period.

Once you take the time to learn what a Socialist is you see clearly what the Left is.  But the goal of the Liberals is to keep you from making the effort to do so.

Diner Customer:  Are you peeing in my coffee!?!

Waiter:  Absolutely not!  How Dare You Accuse me of such a thing!

Diner Customer:  But you’re doing it right here at the table, in front of me, right now!

Waiter:  No I’m Not!  I would Never urinate in your coffee Sir!

Diner Customer:  I’m WATCHING YOU DO IT!

Waiter: Well Who are you going to believe?  ME or your damned lying eyes?

Diner Customer:  Oh.. well good point.  Sorry about that.

Waiter:  No problem.  Enjoy your breakfast.  Let me know if you’d like some more coffee.

Diner Customer:  Thank You!  I appreciate it!  See you tomorrow.

And so goes the relationship between the Left and the Useful Idiots that support them.  The rest of us try very hard not to go to that Diner… (Except the owners keep buying up and closing down all the other ones.)

So yes, conspiracies exist.  But they exist only because we allow them to.  Far too many of us refuse to acknowledge what’s being done to us right out in the open. (#Leanforward)

But an even bigger problem exists.  A problem that permeates society.  A problem the Elitist Left doesn’t want to admit exists because it undermines the lofty, enlightened, view they hold of themselves.

It’s The Law of Unintended Consequences.

Most often we see this Law illustrated following a Stupiracy.

A Stupiracy is a loosely associated hoard of Stupidiots practicing profound Stupidiocy in a concert only non-participants can see.

The Zombies, worst case scenario, would be a perfect example.  Computer makers building back doors into Computers ‘just in case’ is a perfect example (thanks IB).  Obama Care in its entirety is THE perfect example.  The list could go on.  But in the end it requires disparate individuals exercising Stupidiocy sans Conspiracy that in the end generates the greatest number of stupified Faces.  While there might have been a small, but loud, contingency of us screaming to stop… look… and listen… they dismiss us by projecting their ignorance in our direction.

Then, when things get weird, terrible even, they act as if they are shocked and surprised.  The Stupidiots then attempt to cast the blame on us.  Why do they do this?  They do this to make sure no one listens to us next time we identify a Stupiracy and scream about it.


(noun) A confluence of errors, oversights, poor judgments, and/or lacks of foresight by unrelated parties that is so maddeningly frustrating you’d swear there was a larger plan or higher power at work that was designed against you.



1. adj.; So stupid that the word stupid is too much of an understatement to be used to describe something.

2. noun; An idea, plan, action, etc. that is stupid enough that stupidiocy is the easiest way to describe it.

1. The stupidiocy of some of the people who won a Darwin Award defies belief.

2. The idea that it’s okay to stick spoons or knives into a toaster because the only warning label pictures and mentions a fork is pure stupidiocy.


(adj.) 1. Used to describe Individuals resembling John F. Kerry

2. Used to describe Those who consider themselves smarter than everyone else in the room.

In the End…

The Smartest People in the Room are most often the Stupidest, and they dream of the day we recognize their brilliance then concede all control to them, forever.

We are in the process of making Dreams come True.