Tag Archives: Communism

LeBron James Changed My Mind

File Photo – LeBron James

Dear Reader, I have been remiss in my support of the Hong Kong protestors.
I am typing this today to admit that after hearing LeBron James explain it all to me I have changed my mind. We have all been there… when confronted with a superior argument one has no other recourse but to admit one’s error and adopt a new position. So you can understand what I’m talking about, Mr. James’ explanation regarding His and the NBA’s position on not supporting the Hong Kong protestors is below.  (Full link here.)

“I don’t want to get into a [verbal] feud with Daryl Morey, but I believe he wasn’t educated on the situation at hand, and he spoke,” James said before the Los Angeles Lakers played the Golden State Warriors in a preseason game at Staples Center. “And so many people could have been harmed not only financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually. So just be careful what we tweet and say and we do, even though, yes, we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative that comes with that, too.”

– LeBron James

It’s fair to say that I occasionally fall on my sword for Freedom, Free Speech and Individual Diversity when I should be more considerate when it comes to profiting off of the systematic oppression of others.  After hearing LeBron, I realize I am the problem.  I am insensitive.  I lack empathy.

I apologize.

With that in mind, compounded with my desire to repent my uneducated, naive and misguided ways, I will capitalize on my extensive background in media and marketing. I would like to offer the NBA coaches and players a few tag lines they can apply while speaking/tweeting on this issue.

1.  Assimilate Hong Kong!

2.  Oppress Hong Kong!

3.  Enslave Hong Kong!

(Runner up: 4.  Shut up and Buy Our Shoes!)

All of the above meet the “Simple, Powerful, Direct” requirement of a solid information campaign meant to clearly communicate intent and purpose.  All three may be employed so long as they are repeated at least once at every given opportunity.  You’re welcome.

I also have a few suggestions for Tibet…  but it involves renaming the region and some of it’s inhabitants “Nike”.  The Nike Lama… The Dalai Addidas… seriously… it could work.  This pitch could also be applied to Taiwan and the Senkaku islands with minor adjustments saving China the cost of creating a fresh new campaign.  Kerrwan and the Popovich Islands has a nice ring to it…



Socialism is not a Race

Socialism is not a Race… Socialism is a Poison.
Socialism is a political ideology fabricated by White European Aristocrats designed to solidify their control of Europe as they watched the imminent demise of their cherished Feudal System.  Socialism was crafted by Aristocrats and Landed Gentry in order to create Class Status. It protected the power and control of all things they enjoyed prior to the final demise of the Monarchies in Europe.  The likes of Hegel, Dewey, Marx, Engels etc., knew full well that if they stood by and did nothing as the unwashed rose up and tore down the oppressive Fiefdoms which had been the status quo for centuries that all of their wealth and influence would disappear with them.

The Aristocracy was quick to see the writing on the wall and a solution was created foisting upon the population an idea which has resulted in greater oppression, death and destruction than any other governing theory man has ever known.  This ‘new’ Socially ‘democratic’ Ideology was specifically framed to pander to the masses by providing the perception of having a voice and cloaked in saccharine promises of ‘Fairness’ and ‘Equality’ while intentionally delivering none of it.  The Rich only wanted to keep their Power… and it worked.

Simply…. Socialism is a self-serving lie perpetuated upon common people who were reacting to hundreds of years of oppression at the hands of the ‘anointed’ and were desperately seeking an alternative.  Sadly, they were sold one.

Criticizing Socialism, the countries that practice it and especially those individuals that advocate it in a modern society…
… is not Racist. It is the Right thing to do.  The fate of humanity depends on it.

Socialism fails every time it’s tried.  It doesn’t matter how you qualify it.  You can call it Democratic, Super Fun or Save the Women, Children and Puppies Act… it always ends badly for everyone.

So here we are today.

This poison of Democratic Socialism has infiltrated our government.
These treasonous, and worse…elected, anti-American operatives are so comfortable with their perceived power that they are now being honest about who they really are.  This is good.  For too long we have suffered the incremental move to the left in this country propelled by our elected officials and when pointing it out have been dismissed as fools, idiots and conspiracy-minded bigots.  Well now they’re out in the open and yet again what the last decade has shown us is that there are few conspiracies remaining which have not been proven true all along.

It is to our advantage that these people are feeling secure in their horrific ideas as it becomes easier to see them…

Where are they?

They are the entire Democrat Party (Take a look at the Democrat National Platform and compare it to the platform of Communist Party USA.  You can find both online.) …and an unhealthy part of the Republican Party. They are the bureaucracy we talk about but never seem to confront. They are found in every government office and at every level from city council to federal regulator. They seek and secure any office which has the ability to force individuals to bend to their will.

In the end, whatever race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation they might belong to is irrelevent.
They are enemies of a free people. They are the enemies of our individual rights. And they are enemies of the greatest experiment in self government the world has ever known, The United States of America.

China Needs Hong Kong to just keep doing Hong Kong

Now more than ever China needs Hong Kong to remain an engine of Capitalism.
We’ve talked before about Socialist Countries existing at the teat of Capitalist Countries. Socialism cannot create wealth.  Nothing has changed.
When China took control of Hong Kong in 1997 it was widely thought the Socialist country would quickly destroy all that made Hong Kong prosperous. Many believed, with good reason, that the oppressive, individual hating, top-down governing ideology would not be able to tolerate the freedom and individual liberty associated with Hong Kong.
Surprising the world, China instead chose to isolate Hong Kong from the rest of the country. It was a brilliant move by horrible people.  China held Hong Kong as an asset in its ‘portfolio’ with the realization that the prosperity Hong Kong created was essential to the perpetuation of China’s oppressive Socialist Ideology.
Don’t be fooled… Hong Kong remained an irritant to many of the Elitist Chinese Politicians. But economically it was a sound decision if it was the life of the oppressive, human hating, Chinese Socialist ‘Utopia’ which ultimately mattered. Those 1997 Autocrats in waiting were on the precipice of unimaginable wealth to be gleaned from a relatively new trade partnership with the United States. The full absorption of Hong Kong could wait a little while until a new engine of wealth was fully realized…
Fast forward to 2019…
The overt move to bring Hong Kong ‘into the fold’ of China’s Democratic Socialist Dictatorship has been underway for a little over a decade.  But a disruption, an Orange Swan if you will, occurred which turned the finely set table over.

Suddenly something changed.

The people of Hong Kong rediscovered their value when the prettiest girl in the room decided she ‘ain’t got no sugar’.
China’s ‘new’ engine of wealth, the United States, decided not to play anymore.  Hong Kong was back!
This move alone has thrown China’s long term plans into question.

To reiterate…

The resistance from the United States to the contemporary trade agreements with China has provided Hong Kong with the ability to resist… making Hong Kong important once again. China once again needs them… badly…

China’s long term existence is questionable, at best, without the United States and is certainly headed for a catastrophe without both the United States and Hong Kong combined.

This is an important Global event and deserves all of our attention.

The Comfortably Dumb


Is there anybody in there?

Just Nod if you can hear me.

Is there Anyone at home?

React.  You need no information First.

Just the basic feels, can you tell me where it hurts?

There is no fact you are receiving.

No distant learning on the horizon.

You are only coming through in waves, your lips move but you don’t know what you’re saying.

When you were a child, you had a Fever.  You thought the Great Big World was not Fair… Now you’ve got that feeling once again, you steadfastly refuse to understand…. that your Socialist Utopia is a sham.

Youuuuuuu…  Have become… Comfortably Dumb.

This post is from 2017… but with the advent of AOC, I thought it interesting to remind all of us of two things.

  1.  The Democrats Created the Mares which are eating their own. 
  2.  If there was ever a testament as to why a Parent should Never Send Their Child to any institute of “higher” learning… it’s AOC.  She is truly a glowing example of the educated ignorant.  So very comfortably dumb…

Both of the above facts make me smile for a number of different reasons, not the least of which is the honesty that the Democrat Party, and a sad number of Republicans, have been withholding from all of us for so very long.  AOC, the self-styled love child of Eva Peron and Frida Khalo, IS the Democrat Party.  She is Norman Thomas.  She is the Petulant Lenin.  She is She is the conversation democrats have been having behind closed doors since Chicago ’68… she is what they have always believed.  She is Honest.  She is Ridiculous, and possibly Dangerous to every human on the planet, but Honest.

AOC, like all of her Socialist predecessors have been convinced that Marx has just been misunderstood.  Socialism simply has not been orchestrated correctly.  Mao didn’t do it right… Mussolini didn’t do it right… Stalin didn’t do it right… Hitler didn’t do it right… Pol Pot didn’t do it right… Chavez did it right but the Venezuelans are stupid… etc. etc. etc.

Don’t take her seriously at your own risk…

So on with the previous post…

No Sh*t, there I was… well, not directly in harm’s way but kinda like I was there.  Sorta.  An associate and I decided to go down to our local University to see Milo Yiannopoulos.  It turned out my friend made it and I did not.  What do you do?  However, during the stroll through, around and inside the protests, my friend had a chance to ask some questions of our best and brightest.  Keep in mind, these folks are our future…

(He was also texting me video files of what was happening.  It was classic.  If you want to see who Milo is and don’t yet know, I suggest the youtube.  He also has a MyFace page.)

My favorite was a video of protesters smashing their faces against a large bank of windows and shouting inane slogans about fascism while demanding Milo not be allowed to speak.  (If any one of these screaming University attendees had been taught critical thinking their heads would have exploded from the level of cognitive dissonance.  that is the only thing which could have made these videos better.)  All this was occurring while my associate laughed in the comfortable confines of a largely empty hallway.  It had overtones of a B-movie zombie franchise.  Hilarious!

But the title of this little diddy comes from a question my Friend asked one of the Useful.  (Post updated to include one of New York’s newest Representatives.)

Clandestine Operative:  Have you read, or seen, anything by Milo?  Like on Facebook, or his columns?

Female Protesting Something:  No!  I don’t want to legitimize his Hate!

Hahaahhaaaaahahahaaahaaaaa! Now that’s Learning!  Her parents must be proud!  I hope they’re spending a crap load of money for that education… although I suspect it’s student loans she and her parents will expect the rest of us to pay off.

I wonder what it would have been like to try this on my professors… “Ah, No Dr. Rossi, I did not read the Mein Kampf assignment because I Refuse to Legitimize Hitler’s Hate!”  Or, better yet, “Lenin!?  No Way!  You can shove all his writings right up your a**!”  Or may be “Gandhi?  Gandhi!?  That Child molester?  I refuse to read a word he wrote.  If you try to make me I’ll report you to the Dean!  Fascist!”  (I added that last bit for dramatic contemporary-foolish-college-student effect even though I personally knew what it meant then and would not have employed it out of context.  I most likely would have called him a Communist.)


If you don’t know who Milo is I recommend checking him out.  I predict he will be a bit much for most of you, but I think he may be borderline genius.  I had a Russian professor once upon a time who had similar mannerisms when he lectured, and I suspect similar tastes in men, who I still believe was brilliant to the nth degree.  But I digress.  Listen to what Milo is saying… wave off the super gay theatrics.  It’s his angle.  Don’t get me wrong, he will be the first to tell you he’s super gay, but his point is “Who Cares!?”, being Gay shouldn’t automatically make you a Useful Idiot.  And that’s a good point.  And that’s why they Hate Him.

(My apologies to Messrs. Gilmore and Waters)

Awake… Arise… Or Be Forever Fallen!

So there I was, Minding my own Scotch… and I get a message from X.  In the most perfunctory way possible he made clear it was time for me to dig myself out from the secure comfort I’ve been enjoying and return to the fray.

Well… Fine!

Who am I to disagree?

I have to say right up front, it has been an exciting few months.  From the ANTIFA-Facists to the complete fabrication of accusations used to slime a man who is far better than I, the Theater of the Absurd never ends.

The timeliness of X’s prompt is exquisite.  It just so happened that I was struck by something so profoundly stupid that I was seriously considering putting my drink down.  So let’s go there first…

A Gentleman by the name of Ruchir Sharma said the following on what used to be a go to network for business news;

“We may or may not believe in [American exceptionalism], but the financial markets have never believed in it to such an extent,” added Sharma, head of emerging markets and chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley Investment Management.”

Please read that again real quick.


I would ask Mr. Sharma what American Exceptionalism has to do with a booming economy?  If he is speaking to Property Rights and the influx of foreign investment which is recognizing the United States as a Safe Haven for their wealth, then okay… maybe… but I’m not sure he is.  I believe he is conflating the financial success of the current economic reforms, which are returning the United States to its position as the World Leading Economic Engine, with Freedom and Liberty of the Individual.  I would then remind Mr. Sharma that it is the latter which constitutes “American Exceptionalism”.

Why is this such a big deal?

It’s a big friggin’ deal because the Socialist Democrats have been diligently dumbing down our population for decades in the hopes ‘educated’ individuals like Mr. Sharma will intentionally or unintentionally continue to do their work for them.  Sadly, they have been very, very, successful.

However, in his defense let’s assume Mr. Sharma knows what American Exceptionalism is.  Now let’s take the beginning of his assertion… “We may or may not believe in [American Exceptionalism]…”.  I then have to ask who it is that does not believe in Freedom and Liberty of the Individual?  You speak as if you know or this opening qualification would not be necessary.

Yes, yes… I know these people are out there Hammering away at the Malleable Proletariat but I like to have them on the record so we all know who they are which is why I ask.  (One of the reasons I’ve been hiding out around the Barnes and Noble in Tyson’s Corner, aside from all the TOTALLY COMMON and super awesome Gang Rape Parties that EVERYONE has ALL THE TIME around the short hop to Bethesda, is watching how Trump’s mere existence is bringing these Socialist Democrat A-holes out into the open.)

So Who is it, Mr. Sharma, that does not believe in American Exceptionalism?  Who is it exactly that does not believe in the Freedom and Liberty of the Individual and the power inalienable rights has unleashed upon the World propelling the United States to the most powerful country on Earth in just a short few hundred years?  Who are these people who believe a person’s rights are bestowed upon them by Government made up of fallible, elitist, narcissistic beings and not God… or the Universe… or simply because they Exist?


Name names…

It’s okay, Mr. Sharma, I know you can’t do this for several of reasons.  1.)  You may be one of those people.  2.)  You like your paid gig and wish to keep it by specifically not offending those fallible, narcissistic elitists who employ you.  3.)  Both 1 and 2.

So allow me to say what I’m hoping you meant to say.

The Current Economic Boom occurring in The United States is substantially due to the removal of barriers upon the Engine of Capitalism which were erected by Socialist Scum as they believe it’s not ‘Fair’ that Free (er) Markets are so damned successful and restraining them is the only hope for their foolish Command and Control Economic Idiocy to catch up.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I’m sure that’s what you wanted to say…

You’re Welcome.

Now we wait for Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg to retire and the ensuing melt down.

The Left is the proverbial ‘drowning man’… it’s going to get worse before it gets better.


Happy May Day!


A Brief History of Big Labor (AFL now AFL-CIO) and the Socialist Party USA.

The Relationship between Marxist Socialism and Fascism, both Statist Governing Theories.

This is a brief history lesson… put the beer down for a couple of minutes.

Originally published 1932.  (Keep in mind that a mere 30-years later came the 1960’s radicals… who today hold positions of power within our Government.) Found at: http://www.marxists.org

The A. F. of L. Becomes Fascist

Over 40 years ago on Union Square, New York, the leaders of the first May Day demonstration spoke not only about the 8-hour day but about the abolition of the capitalist system. “While struggling for the 8-hour day we will not lose sight of the ultimate aim, – the abolition of the wage system,” read the resolution presented to the striking masses assembled at Union Square on May First, 1890, after they had marched there in great columns under unfurled red banners through the working class sections of the metropolis. Now, the A. F. of L. and the Socialist Party make common cause with the bosses and are doing everything possible to prevent the workers from fighting for any improvement in their conditions, and instead of fighting for the abolition of the capitalist system are fighting to preserve it.

Over 40 years ago, the A. F. of L. appealed to the International Socialist Congress in Paris to help the American Federation of Labor with the strike movement inaugurated for May First, 1890, and the International came to the aid of the American workers by making this struggle an international one. Now, President Green and his satellite Mathew Well pledge the support of the A. F. of L. to each and every reactionary organization or movement formed for the purpose of combating the Communist Party which is carrying on the American fighting traditions of May First. The A. F. of L. leaders have developed from class collaborationists into open fascists, serving the capitalists as hangmen of the American working class.

In their attempt to defeat May Day and to draw the workers’ organizations which are under their influence away from participation in May Day demonstrations, the A. F. of L. and other reactionary labor organizations have fostered the observance of a so-called Labor Day on the first Monday in September of each year. Labor Day was adopted first on a local scale in 1885 and later granted by the various state governments as an antidote to May First celebrations.

Another campaign against May Day was inaugurated by the federal government with the aid of A. F. of L. leaders when May 1 was adopted as Child Health Day. The hypocrisy of both the government and the A. F. of L. is proven by the fact that a million and more children under 16 are sweated in American mills, shops and fields for the glory of American capital.

The real meaning of this sudden interest in child welfare, however, may be gleaned from the following reference to the subject in a report submitted by the Executive Council to the 1928 Convention of the A. F. of L.:

… The Communists still maintain May 1 as Labor Day. Hereafter May 1 will be known as Child Health Day, as the President is directed by the resolution passed by Congress to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe May 1 as Child Health Day. The object is to create sentiment for year-round protection of the health of children. It is a most worthy purpose. At the same time May 1 no longer will be known as either strike day or Communist Labor Day. (Italics mine – A. T.)

Can it be that the A. F. of L. leaders have not heard the story about King Canute and his attempt to sweep back the tempestuous ocean waves? Or is it that in their eagerness to break the fighting spirit of the workers they are willing to try anything?

The Social-Fascism of the S. P.

The betrayal of the workers begun during the war was continued by the Socialist parties after the war. They joined bourgeois governments to protect them from the wrath of the workers; they organized counter-revolutions to thwart the workers’ struggle for power; they became the butchers of the militant sections of the working class which were fighting for the overthrow of the rule of capital, just as the workers of Russia have done under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, the Party of Lenin. The social-patriotism of the Right and the social-pacifism of the Center during the war, have now been merged into social-fascism. The social-fascists have become part of the capitalist state machine, protecting it from the revolutionary actions of the workers and peasants in the imperialist and colonial countries. They call for war against the Soviet Union and organize plots designed to arrest the progress of building Socialism there. They support the war being waged against the Chinese people by Japanese imperialism and the seizure of Manchuria as an eastern base for attacking the Soviet Union.

They have long ago abandoned the demand for the 8-hour day. They hope that the League of Nations will secure for them the shorter workday through conventions between capitalist governments. The Marseilles Congress of the Second International in 1925 declared that the 8-hour day “should be recognized only in principle.” They still participate in May Day events, but only on the other side of the barricades, as was exemplified by the fiendish actions of the Socialist Chief of Police of Berlin, Zoergiebel, against the May Day, 1929, demonstrations in the working class sections of that city. In the 1932 presidential elections, the Social-Democracy backed the Bruening fascist government by supporting the re-election of Hindenburg.

The “Socialist” Prime Minister MacDonald sends troops to mow down the Hindu masses who are rising against British imperialism and its agents in India. Wherever capitalism has felt weak to cope with the rising tide of the revolutionary and national liberation movements of the workers and peasants, it has called to its service the Socialist parties, willing agents of capitalism within the labor movement, to help defeat these movements.

In the United States, the Socialist Party plays the same role. Although it is not in office, it has already earned its spurs in the business of betraying the best aspirations and interests of the workers. It joins all reactionary forces who are vilifying the Soviet Union and are trying to whip up sentiment for war upon the workers’ republic. It works with the A. F. of L. and the Muste “progressive” labor unions in hounding militant workers, in supporting the bosses against the workers, in applauding the forces of the state when they prosecute and persecute the revolutionary movement of this country. The old leaders of the S. P. (the Hillquits and Oneals) have forsaken whatever Socialism they ever believed in and the new leaders (the Thomases and Brouns) are bourgeois liberals who use the labor movement to advance the programs and the policies of the Theodore Roosevelts of the Bull Moose days and the Robert LaFollettes whose aim has always been to fool the masses with radical shibboleths.

Norman Thomas, the darling of the capitalist press, announces to the world in a recent book that he has brought forth a new kind of socialism, a socialism without Marxism. It has been tried before. An abler man than Thomas, Eduard Bernstein, tried to de-Marxianize Socialism more than thirty years ago. He knew better, however, than to go as far as Thomas goes in his claims. The German pioneer in this he’d only wanted to “correct” Marx, to “bring him up to date.” The American, Thomas, knows no halfway measures. He not only “revises” Marx, but abolishes him altogether, without, however, injuring Socialism thereby, as S. P. leaders declare.

Norman Thomas and the class-collaborationist Socialist Party which he represents today perhaps better than anyone else, stand exposed before the workers of this country as the betrayers and open enemies of the only Socialism that means workers’ rule, the Socialism of Marx and Lenin, the Socialism for which the Communist Party fights, the Socialism that is being built by the victorious workers and peasants in the Soviet Union today.

Revolutionary Traditions of American Labor

The American labor movement is rich in revolutionary traditions upon which the Communist Party and the Trade Union Unity League can draw in their work of organizing the American working class for revolutionary action. The great labor struggles which dot the history of the United States, bear testimony to the militancy of the American workers. Not only have the workers been ready to initiate struggles or accept provocations of the bosses, but when out on strike, they have stayed out long and fought bitterly against the combined forces of bosses and the minions of the State.

A labor movement which can look back to the general strike movements of 1877 and 1886, to Homestead (1892), to the A. R. U. Strike (1894), to Lawrence (1912), to the Steel Strike (1919), to Seattle (1919), to the many strikes in the coal, railroad, clothing and other industries, to the great struggles in Colorado, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, the Mesaba Range and, more recently, to Gastonia and Harlan, can also look forward to still greater struggles in the future. With the prevailing objective conditions – constantly deepening economic crisis, growing permanent unemployment, intensified exploitation through speed up methods, acceleration of imperialist rivalries leading to another world war, the American Labor movement, freed of its misleaders, will give an account of itself. The massacre by Ford police of four Detroit auto workers at an unemployed demonstration before his plant, the murder of Negro jobless in Chicago and Cleveland are evidences of the sharpening class struggle and the militancy of the workers.

Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Ideological infighting is always present between Statists.  It’s a matter of who gets to Control you.

But when it comes to Free-Market Capitalism which protects the Natural Freedom and Liberty of the Individual… it is always the enemy of both flavors of Statism and they will always find communal ground in their effort to do away with it.

And You, in believing you have that Natural Right and subscribe to a bottom up Governing Theory, are the Enemy.

Happy May Day!


Odds are when you were in Public School you were not taught the definition of this very important word.

So here we go:


Not subject to sale or transfer; inseparable.

That which is inalienable cannot be bought, sold, or transferred from one individual to another. The personal rights to life and liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States are inalienable. Similarly, various types of property are inalienable, such as rivers, streams, and highways.

West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


adjective incapable of being conveyed, incapable of being sold, incapable of being transferred, nontransferable, not able to be conveyed, quod abalienari non potest, secured by law, unable to be bought, unable to be disposed of, unforfeitable, untouchable
Associated concepts: inalienable lands, inalienable rights

I beg your pardon Justice Stevens, only as I’m polite, but the Second Amendment which is actually the Second Inalienable Right as listed in the Bill of Rights cannot be “Repealed”.  The only reason it appears as an Amendment to the Constitution is for recording purposes.  As you should know, Sir, there was a vociferous debate regarding the placement of them as Amendments rather than leaving them as a stand alone document for the very reason we are dealing with such idiocy today.  Many of the Founding Fathers knew that the remaining Monarchists (about 30% of the population), most of whom had surrendered to the inevitable and thrown in with the ‘Federalists’, would continue to try to position these Inalienable Rights as Amendable by Man.  The idea of one’s right being given to them by other men is the tenent of Monarchy as it is the foundation of Socialism/Communism.  Without one man being able to force another man to do what he wants there would be no governing paradigm resembling the above.  It is always about force, Mr. Stevens.  Our Freedom rests on being able to resist it.
This is exactly why Free Speech and an Armed Populace is integral to a Free Society.
The Bill of Rights was debated down to its simplest form so Every Man could understand it, rich and Poor alike.  Simple, Powerful and Direct.  The Bill of Rights is the Maxim for Human Freedom.
It has been proven over and over throughout history and continues to be illustrated around the World.
The absence of an armed population, given enough time, always ends in Tyranny.  We do not need to repeat the errors of the past which has demonstrably resulted in Oppression, Death and Destruction of Human life.
We should be past that here in the United States.
But, Mr. Stevens, thank you for your input.  It’s important for us to remember that people like you still exist… and always will.  It’s also important for all of us to recognize that such an oppressive mindset can rise to the highest levels of our government.  We need to be vigilant and more careful.

Laying Flowers at Stalin’s Grave

A Russian Communist party activist carries a portrait of late Soviet leader Joseph Stalin during a May Day rally in Moscow on May 1, 2017


I have spoken before about personally witnessing Babushkii laying flowers upon Stalin’s grave.

I’ll post the below article without additional comment…

Moscow (AFP) – Russians have picked Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin as the greatest figure in history, a new poll said Monday, beating President Vladimir Putin into joint second alongside poet Alexander Pushkin.

In the poll conducted in April by the Levada Centre independent pollster, Russians were asked to pick the ten greatest individuals of all time.

Stalin came out on top with 38 percent, while Putin shared second place on 34 percent with Russia’s beloved national bard Pushkin.

Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, Tsar Peter the Great and first man in space Yury Gagarin came next in the list of 20 people, with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in last place on six percent.

The list includes famed statesmen, writers and scientists but only three foreigners: Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Einstein, and Isaac Newton.

Stalin topped a similar poll back in 2012 with an even higher score as Russians focus on his role in winning World War II rather the millions who were executed or sent to prison camps under his rule.

Putin’s percentage was the highest since he began appearing in the poll in 2003.


Just Say No…

…To Socialism.

If you’ve been with me for longer than 10 minutes, then you already realize I’m what you would call an Anti-Socialist.

While I have vast and varied views, first and foremost I stand in opposition to all forms of Socialist thought. You can call it whatever you want; Socialism, Liberalism, Leftist, Progressive, Fascist, Communist, Democrat, No Labels, Crony Capitalist, RINO, John McCain… or whatever new names they come up with to keep you confused.

Why do I oppose Socialism?  Why do I oppose a political theory that promotes Elitists exercising force over all those they deem inferior?  Why do I oppose an Ideology that has resulted in the greatest destruction to the common good, and ultimately the loss of life, in the history of the world?

I am a Free-Market Capitalist.

But what apparently sets me apart is I know what that means, which is more than I can said for the majority of our elected officials… and certainly more than our electorate.

(If you would like to join me in actually KNOWING what a Free-Market Capitalist is instead of allowing Leftists to tell you what they want you to think it is… here’s a good start:  Wealth of Nations, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, The Road to Serfdom, Freedom to Choose, The Romantic Manifesto, The Constitution of Liberty, The Age of Reason, The Law, Conflict of Visions… and the list can go on.  Come join us… it is rare air to breathe indeed.)

I will share with you, the people being demonized by the press are the people you must listen to carefully. (Actually listen to them… not whatever sound bite John Stewart or Bill Mahr decide to let you hear, followed by a studio audience of the above mentioned know nothings yucking it up and a laugh track from the fifties.)

The folks you will be told are Mean, Evil, Stupid and In the Way of your Happiness are the very individuals who, most likely, have the best interest of our amazing country at heart. And, they are the few deserving an honest, unedited, un-editorialized hearing of why they stand in opposition of more Socialism.

But let me get you started:

Socialism gets you Detroit.

Socialism gets you Mexico.

Socialism gets you Domestic Spying.

Socialism gets you incredibly horrible public schools.

Socialism gets you Unions who make promises to their members they know they can’t honor.

Socialism put’s your medical records out there for all to see.

Socialism gets you expensive, crappy health care.

Socialism gets you high taxes.

Socialism gets you high unemployment.

Socialism gets you Crony business deals.

Socialism gets a quadrupling of the money supply devaluing everything you’ve worked so hard to save.

Socialism spends your money with no consideration of reason or result, because it believes it owns the money… not you.

Socialism gets you National Debt so large you cannot possibly conceive it.  You literally can’t count that high… before you die of old age.

Socialism gets you racial hatred because without it, it dies.

Socialism gets you a bigger and bigger gap between the rich and poor, because it relies on that too.

Socialism puts self-anointed Elitist A-holes in power and keeps them there… forever.

Socialism is Force.

So the very least MY representatives can do IS NOT GET ALONG WITH SOCIALISTS.  AT ALL… EVER.

The very least MY representatives can do is say NO in the face of bigger government and more spending… or should I SAY WASTING MY MONEY.

The VERY LEAST my representatives can do IS STAND IN OPPOSITION to everything… every single thing… the Socialists want to do.

And, if they DO NOTHING ELSE… I will consider them to be doing a great job.

If they really want to impress me, then start taking apart 100 years of Socialist schemes which have not only stood in the way of this country being greater than it is, but has set it back on every level.  Doubt me?  Do you think the founding fathers would have asked the public to tolerate Domestic Spying after fighting a War in order to establish a new type of Government designed to protect the Individual, Their Freedom, Liberty and Property?  (There were plenty of “Terrorists” back then too.)

So I expect that 20% of the Republican Party who are about to be positioned as the worst people in the world… will do the right thing.

I expect them to be the Party of No!

NO!  NO!  NO!

It is the least they can do.  When I say “the least”, I mean the LEAST.


We Need Herpes!


…A world where Everyone had Herpes.

I learned from a friend of mine, who has this disease (“Disease” is such a derogatory term…), about a very close-knit, and intimate, community.  They communicate via the internet and have social functions, outdoor activities, share business leads, etc. etc.  It sounded charming…  Then something wonderful occurred to me.

If all of us had Herpes these folks could come out of the shadows, and we could live in a world of free love and unity!  Think about it… you cannot “run the risk” (such hateful words) of catching it when we all already have it.  In fact, we would make it a rite of passage to seek it out and embrace it, so to speak.  The inherent fairness makes my heart sing sweet wisdom.

We could do away with “treatments” as the stigma would be gone forever.  We all would understand each other because we would share a common experience every 30 days or so…  we would all be equal.  Beautiful!

So bring on the herpes for everyone!  Let true joy and equality reign!

Demand it!  Roll out the chants!

“We wont go… until We All can’t go!”

It’s gonna be Viral!


Sound stupid?  Then why do we act this way regarding Socialism?

And just like herpes, once you get it you can never get rid of it.

The only upside is Herpes has not killed over 100 Million Innocent people and counting… while oppressing and enslaving Hundreds of Millions more.