Tag Archives: Progressive

Twisted by Knaves to Make a Trap for Fools…

Force is a terrible idea…

…Unless it’s my idea.

And so goes what passes for debate built on principles of sand.

There is a trick played on us.  It’s a simple trick, a trick for the Simple that is.  And the fact we fall for it is more an indictment of ourselves than those Knaves who play it.

The Trick is to foment a fight were there was none.

The Goal is get Us to concede something we don’t realize we’re arguing about…

It works like this;

If you believe that Force is a wonderful thing and People are too Stupid to know what’s best for themselves… then you also believe that Vaccinations must be compulsory.  In other words, Vaccines save lives and the Masses are too idiotic to choose to get them.  (Explaining the benefits of Vaccines is just not enough and besides it takes too long, and too much effort, to argue the benefits with a bunch of Morons.  You get it… because you’re Smart.  Having to compete in the arena of ideas is just prodding the Sheep into the right decision assuming they accidentally understand your brilliance.)

At the same time, when you know that your ideological opponents profess to believe that Force is a terrible idea and all things should be Voluntary, you create an argument over… say… said Vaccines.  (The topic is interchangeable.)

The Goal is to get your ideological enemy to agree that Force (The foundation of your Progressive ideology) is a Good idea.  Even if they qualify it with the caveat of “Only sometimes”, you have won the Greater Argument your opponent doesn’t even recognize he’s having.

All that remains is who gets to decide what cases qualify as ‘Sometimes’.  And, of course, The Real Power lies in being The Decider.

Once a Liberal has this Foolish Victory they quickly move on to Compulsory Health Care… Compulsory Diet Plans for Public Schools… Compulsory Education…  Compulsory EPA regulations… Compulsory Redistribution… Etc… Etc.  Demanding you go on the record as to exactly WHEN it’s OK to Force.

Now the conversation has moved away from Force as an idea and on to exactly What will be Forced.

From a Progressive point of view, its Brilliant.  It keeps your Ideological Enemies on the Perpetual Defensive and leaves them no option but to be the one’s to say “No”.  (Ever hear the phrase “The Party of ‘No’.?)

Supposed Conservatives fall into this Socialist Trap all the time.  And because they spend little time Thinking about what they think and Why, they deserve it.

The Socialists set their opposition up to get them to concede their principles shift with the wind making them worthless if not non-existent.

Liberal Progressives believe in Force.  They believe you’re Stupid.  They believe the only thing they can count on is given a decision to make you’ll make the wrong one.

That is the divide.

Force versus Freedom.

All arguments reduce to this.

Unfortunately, Conservatives seem content to have Lucy hold the football.

Another example is the “Gay Marriage” debate.

This ‘argument’ has both sides FIGHTING for Government approval.

Do you see the faulty premise here?

Why is the question not “What is Government doing being involved in one’s marriage in the first place?”

Why on Earth would any person, Gay, Straight or Slightly Bent, beg the approval of the Government as a validation of their ‘deeply personal’ marriage.

Why would the debate not center around all partnerships being contractual civil unions between two individuals and leave marriage to the Church of your choice?


It’s not about validating a union between two people.

It’s only about validating the Concept of Government Interference and Involvement.

It’s about Force…

Telling us who we can, or cannot, marry and charging us a fee for the privilege.

I always thought Charlie Brown should have run as hard as he could and Kicked Lucy in the Head instead.

Seems harsh, but it would be the last time she pulled the ball away.

Until that happens… Republicans have no ground to be surprised when they are accused of being a distinction without a difference in comparison to Democrats.

And that’s just how the Elitist Democrat Socialist Knaves want it.

We’re All Indians Now.


Why Are we All Indians Now?
Because Elizabeth Warren says so.

Elizabeth Warren took some type of DNA Heritage Test… and now…

Thanks to Ms. Warren I know I’m ENTITLED to go to the front of the line… being considered a person of color and all.

I officially have a “Say Anything I Want” card because I’m a minority… white guy.

Here’s the skinny, My Great-Grandfather was Cherokee. Actually Cherokee. Not “I think so..” high cheekboned Cherokee.  He was the Real Deal.

Given Ms. Warren’s official determination that she is no more and almost certainly actually less, Native American than the average American I’m practically a Chief.  Shoot, if her evidence of “I’m Qualified for Special Status” Native American Heritage is the bar I’m not only going to belly up and have a drink I’m going to expect BIA to start sending me checks directly. I’m also going to forfeit my identifying as a Female Octogenarian Royal and the subsequent demand I will be addressed as “Your Majesty” for a Crying Italian “Indian” on Horseback with the updated demand I will be addressed as “Chief”.

Frankly, I’m not sure what she is thinking but we should be hearing from the Tribes any moment… because if this is all it takes to be considered Native America, the age of Sovereign Nations is OVER.  Elizabeth Warren is the new Small Pox covered Blanket.  We’re ALL Indian Now!

If she was smart she would have kept these results secret… but then again if she were smart she would not be a Socialist.

Either Way…

I always need more Fire Water, So Get Those Checks Coming!  Chop-Chop!  (I’m also 1/1064 Asian.)


As if on Cue.

A Response from the Cherokee Nation link HERE.

Spotting an Elitist. -The EU edition.

About half way through my life I realized I had spent most of it trying to figure out who to believe.  In fact, I still spend an inordinate amount of time on this.  I have never required someone to agree with me to find them believable, trustworthy and interesting.  Actually, I find relief in surrounding myself with people who challenge my thinking.  If they are willing to do that, then they are willing to tell me the truth.

But I have come to some red flags, so to speak, which have saved me from a number of those who I call Elitists.  These are the people who most often don’t tell you the truth because they don’t know what it is.  However, they know whats best for you.  And you can’t trust them because they will do whatever they think they have to for your own good.  “The best of intentions” crowd.  They should all have tattoo’s on their foreheads reading “You need us.”

I don’t subscribe to the idea that there are a ton of truly sinister people out there purposefully lying directly to your face… why risk that when they can get the intellectually lazy Elitists to do it for them?  The genuine Leftists search out those people fitting certain criteria and then fill their heads with crap which they promptly go and spew on you with righteous entitlement.  We all know these people… they are the ones who are full of opinions they can’t defend and most importantly don’t think they should have to.  When asked, they resort to a myriad of rhetorical devices to make you feel ignorant, mean-spirited or both.

After decades of in-depth clinical research I have found these individuals can be grouped roughly as follows:

The genius by virtue of Geography. When I grew up/lived in/traveled to (fill in the blank) it makes me smarter than you.  – We all know this guy.  (By the way, I type in gender neutral.)  Simply due to the fact that he was born, lived or traveled through a specific place he is the most informed person on every issue regardless of topic.  The coastal areas of the U.S. supply us with a large number of these types.

The genius by virtue of Profession. – You can’t possibly teach me anything.  Many of us know these guys as well…  often they are professional in their field.  Stock Brokers, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Cowboys whatever.  Since they have genuinely mastered a very specific area of complexity, they are geniuses in all things.  Often these types will view you as ridiculously uninformed while they themselves establish barricades to challenging information.  They interpret your respect of their accomplishments in their area of expertise as validation of their genius in all things.  I must disclose that a great many of my best friends are professionals but they do not suffer from this elitist mentality else they would not be my friends.  So don’t take offense you guys… you know who you are.

The genius by virtue of Caring. – There is nothing for me to learn that my heart doesn’t tell me and you are mean… and just dumb you dummy dumb-dumb…  These are the people we typically see at demonstrations of various types holding the peace signs… with flowers… and rainbows.  We can usually find nine or ten of these people occupying a park we don’t use or walking down a road with a sign which makes no sense.  You know them.  They are out there saving people from themselves or saving those who have not asked to be saved.  They chant slogans in the hopes of being acknowledged.  Simply put, they care more about everything than you do so they do not need to educate themselves on issues, particularly the ones they are currently championing.  The only knowledge they need is the deep pain they feel in their hearts over everything humans do.  This “feeling” is how they know that they are doing something meaningful… and you are stupid and mean.  And, because you work, bathe and cut your hair it’s clear you don’t care.

The genius by virtue of Inheritance. – I have money therefore I am.  I actually find these types entertaining and will engage them every once in a while.  These are the guys that inherited a ton of money and have no idea how it was made.  Sure, they were around when their parents created the wealth (unless of course their parents fit into this definition as well) but were not involved in the business even though they FEEL like they were.  As an aside, if their parents fit into this category it is astonishing to me these guys have anything left over as it usually gets spent before the kids see any of it.  Anyway, these are the fun drunks.  They buy all the drinks and agree with any idea ever put in front of them… like “it would be a good idea to open up a sequin mine… or become professional cat waxers”.  All they have had to do is be semi-tolerable and act like they’re brilliant… the money is already there whenever they want it, they just need “friends”.

The genius by virtue of being Alive. – I’m fabulous and you’re stupid for not agreeing with me.  These folks are everywhere!  They are prolific!  There is no required age, or income, or for that matter intelligence.  They recognize their own brilliance because they are ALIVE!  They have the latest cell phone, but they can’t tell you how it’s made.  They saw the latest movies but cannot tell you who is running for President and why.  They have the latest laptop but have no idea what makes it run… hell, they don’t need too!  They’re cool just because!  They can give you a 20 minute dissertation on Kim Kardashian’s rear end and its societal significance but can’t tell you how a policeman gets paid.  They have never read a book but update their Facebook page five times a day.  They consider the ability to download music a “skill”.  They think texting while driving should be outlawed… for other people.  (Same with guns, and “mean” dogs, and food that makes you fat, etc.)

So… Why do we need to identify these folks?

Because they VOTE, which directly effects us… and we run the risk of them having influence over others who vote as well.  It’s our job as individuals to recognize and clean up the intellectual mess they leave behind.

It also goes a long way in QUICKLY determining who you can trust.


An interesting question came up yesterday.

During a conversation with an associate I was asked to define Socialism.  And, then explain why I think it’s bad.

My response was, “Force.”.

The issue is not that Socialism is difficult to define but rather that so many people demonstrate the mindset through their actions while calling themselves various other things.  Socialists intentionally try to keep you, and themselves, confused… if they didn’t, you would see them for what they are.

It became clear during this conversation that a simple rule would be useful, because the left changes their names with regularity and impunity. The Socialists figured out long ago when people understand what they really stand for, those same people don’t like them. The solution was to keep calling themselves something different… often.

The evolution of names adds up to a long list, from stealing the term “Liberal” to using words like Progressive. You’ll find them labeling themselves Democrats, Moderates, Social Democrats, Republicans and even, hilariously, “No Labels”.  I prefer “Statists” because it lumps them all together… it’s easier for me as I have few brain cells remaining.

It becomes humorous when you think about it… how disliked must you be to have so many names?  Well, criminals do this everyday.  Count the times you’ve watched the news and the police are looking for a guy with fifteen different “AKA’s”?  Criminals, and Liberals, understand that a name follows you around and gets in the way of doing bad things.  Can’t have that.

So how do we identify these people?
The first question you should always ask yourself is… does this person advocate force to be used upon U.S. Citizens in order to achieve their desired goal?

An easy example of the above is:

Is the government forcing me to buy… a bible, a first edition of Audacity of Hope or health insurance?  If so, the person advocating the force is a Socialist.  It doesn’t matter what they call themselves.

And, the law used to force you to do so is Socialist in nature and therefore extra-constitutional.  (OK Lefties – Car insurance does not apply here as you are not forced to buy a car… and even if you choose to, as long as it resides on your private property (say a ranch) you are not forced to have insurance for it.)

If you’re still not sure, then the second question is; Does this person desire to use this force to “nudge” you to the ‘right’ decision, in other words quicker than you might have arrived there on your own…  This is done because the Leftist wielding the force already knows (believes) their answer is the right one and you’re too inept (Stupid) to make the correct decision on your own.

Some historic examples of this are skyrocketing gas prices forced upon us through Federal taxes, and a refusal to utilize our own natural resources, so we can get those cars that run on algae which we have all been dreaming about.  Or, forcing banks to lend you money even though you don’t have a job and you have a history of not paying your bills… this way you can have a house BEFORE you can afford it subsequently causing a GLOBAL financial meltdown.  (Thank you again Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.)

It doesn’t matter what the consequences are, because these people are Brilliant and full of only the best intentions… like forcing people to buy crappy fluorescent light bulbs from a company that donates millions of dollars to their campaign coffers.  Thank God we have such smart folks to take care of us stupid people…

It really is that simple, and this “force” rule can be applied hundreds of times a day. Now that you realize how this works, you’ll be amazed on how it changes the way you see the world. You will also be amazed at the change in how you view people you previously thought you agreed with.

So instead of allowing yourself to succumb to the intentionally confusing and overwhelming number of names and supposed “good intentions” the Left hides behind, you now have an easy way to identify them and their behaviors immediately and clearly even through their denials.  When applied, this rule will identify those Socialists on both sides of the aisle.

In contrast, Free-Market Capitalism requires no force.  None.  All it requires is you making the decision you think is best for you.  Rugged Individualism takes into account that we are all in this together, but it allows YOU to determine if coming together as a group towards a goal is the right thing for you to do… it does not allow for some other person to force you to ‘come together’ and accomplish a goal you disagree with but they think is super cool.

Make no mistake… there is a war going on.  It’s a battle between two very different governing theories… two very different Ideologies.

One is Collectivist in nature.  It’s a number of ideas that sound nice when said aloud but have a very long, sad history of oppression, poverty, death, destruction and failure.  It’s called Democratic Socialism. It’s Force.  The entirety of the Democrat Party, and many in the Republican Party promote this ideology through their actions while denying it to your face.  They work “around” the U.S. Constitution because it is anti-socialist by design.  They call it a “living, breathing document” or “outdated”.  Of course they do, it’s in the way.

The other theory is Enlightened and what this country was founded on.  It’s Liberty and Freedom of the Individual to choose.  It’s a Federal Government Limited by a Constitution.  It’s Free-Market Capitalism that protects not just the Individual, but the Economic health of all of us… together.  There are only a few politicians promoting this ideology but their numbers are increasing as the citizens begin to actively pay attention.  With the Education of the population in regard to these two theories the voters find their way.  Sadly, the contrast is no longer being taught in our Government School System and must be sought out.  But you are seeking it out… to the dismay of the Left.

What should be understood is these two ideologies are mutually exclusive.  Compromise has no place here.  The fact that we have tried to compromise ( link to: Bipartisanshitt) over the last 110-years is exactly what has brought us to the fiscal cliff.  We have strayed very far in deed from our original intent.

It’s time to admit it, double back, and find the right path before it’s too late.

We are very close to “too late”.

(Originally posted 090612)

Note from Obama’s second to last State of the Union:

(On the heels of President Obama’s final Speech to the U.N. this morning, 092016, and his plea to keep Socialist Administrators in charge of everything… combined with his factual observation that Capitalism has improved the lives of everyone world over only to later call it “Soulless”… I felt it necessary to put this up again.  The idea that we all become closer in a world that becomes smaller is inarguable.  But those Socialists that subscribe to Undisturbed Evolution being the brilliance of the Universe are the same people who cannot conceive of the same Social Evolution without their input and control, in other words their meddling and distortion while cementing permanent positions as Administrators.  It’s genuinely amazing to hear such Arrogance and Narcissism spoken out loud.  Frankly it’s the speech Obama should have given 8 years ago.  It’s what he really believes.  He’s Smarter than you… and you’re welcome.  The Truth is Unfettered Capitalism does not require their self-anointed brilliance.  It only requires all of us making decisions for ourselves in an ever shrinking world.  They know this, and they see no place for themselves in such an Undisturbed Evolution.  This morning’s speech is nothing more than a cry for relevance.  A cry for Global Institutionalization of the Aristocracy and its inherent nepotism.  It’s nothing more than the vapid Marxism that has attempted to salvage the elitist hold on power as the worlds Monarchies collapse.  It’s old, it’s tired and it remains as dangerous as ever in it’s oppression, death and destruction.  Global Socialism is a Poison… and we are being told to double the dose.)

To Be a Socialist

To be a Socialist
is to Declare yourself Superior to others
then to use the Power of Government Force
to Oppress those you deem Inferior,
and because you’re doing it for Their Own Good
expect a Thank You Note.


(Note: a Socialist takes many names and flavors… such as Communist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, Democrat and even Republican.  It’s a poisonous ideology which can be found everywhere.  It’s also worth keeping in mind that when those deemed Inferior do not do what you want you can kill them while declaring you are doing the World a Favor.  It’s a Tyrannical Win-Win.)

Just Say No…

…To Socialism.

If you’ve been with me for longer than 10 minutes, then you already realize I’m what you would call an Anti-Socialist.

While I have vast and varied views, first and foremost I stand in opposition to all forms of Socialist thought. You can call it whatever you want; Socialism, Liberalism, Leftist, Progressive, Fascist, Communist, Democrat, No Labels, Crony Capitalist, RINO, John McCain… or whatever new names they come up with to keep you confused.

Why do I oppose Socialism?  Why do I oppose a political theory that promotes Elitists exercising force over all those they deem inferior?  Why do I oppose an Ideology that has resulted in the greatest destruction to the common good, and ultimately the loss of life, in the history of the world?

I am a Free-Market Capitalist.

But what apparently sets me apart is I know what that means, which is more than I can said for the majority of our elected officials… and certainly more than our electorate.

(If you would like to join me in actually KNOWING what a Free-Market Capitalist is instead of allowing Leftists to tell you what they want you to think it is… here’s a good start:  Wealth of Nations, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, The Road to Serfdom, Freedom to Choose, The Romantic Manifesto, The Constitution of Liberty, The Age of Reason, The Law, Conflict of Visions… and the list can go on.  Come join us… it is rare air to breathe indeed.)

I will share with you, the people being demonized by the press are the people you must listen to carefully. (Actually listen to them… not whatever sound bite John Stewart or Bill Mahr decide to let you hear, followed by a studio audience of the above mentioned know nothings yucking it up and a laugh track from the fifties.)

The folks you will be told are Mean, Evil, Stupid and In the Way of your Happiness are the very individuals who, most likely, have the best interest of our amazing country at heart. And, they are the few deserving an honest, unedited, un-editorialized hearing of why they stand in opposition of more Socialism.

But let me get you started:

Socialism gets you Detroit.

Socialism gets you Mexico.

Socialism gets you Domestic Spying.

Socialism gets you incredibly horrible public schools.

Socialism gets you Unions who make promises to their members they know they can’t honor.

Socialism put’s your medical records out there for all to see.

Socialism gets you expensive, crappy health care.

Socialism gets you high taxes.

Socialism gets you high unemployment.

Socialism gets you Crony business deals.

Socialism gets a quadrupling of the money supply devaluing everything you’ve worked so hard to save.

Socialism spends your money with no consideration of reason or result, because it believes it owns the money… not you.

Socialism gets you National Debt so large you cannot possibly conceive it.  You literally can’t count that high… before you die of old age.

Socialism gets you racial hatred because without it, it dies.

Socialism gets you a bigger and bigger gap between the rich and poor, because it relies on that too.

Socialism puts self-anointed Elitist A-holes in power and keeps them there… forever.

Socialism is Force.

So the very least MY representatives can do IS NOT GET ALONG WITH SOCIALISTS.  AT ALL… EVER.

The very least MY representatives can do is say NO in the face of bigger government and more spending… or should I SAY WASTING MY MONEY.

The VERY LEAST my representatives can do IS STAND IN OPPOSITION to everything… every single thing… the Socialists want to do.

And, if they DO NOTHING ELSE… I will consider them to be doing a great job.

If they really want to impress me, then start taking apart 100 years of Socialist schemes which have not only stood in the way of this country being greater than it is, but has set it back on every level.  Doubt me?  Do you think the founding fathers would have asked the public to tolerate Domestic Spying after fighting a War in order to establish a new type of Government designed to protect the Individual, Their Freedom, Liberty and Property?  (There were plenty of “Terrorists” back then too.)

So I expect that 20% of the Republican Party who are about to be positioned as the worst people in the world… will do the right thing.

I expect them to be the Party of No!

NO!  NO!  NO!

It is the least they can do.  When I say “the least”, I mean the LEAST.


Why do Socialists Hate Capitalism?

(Archive Diving)

So why does the Left, Progressive, Democrat, Liberal Socialist hate Capitalism so very, very, much?  (I don’t like having to use so many terms, but every time we figure out who these people are they change their name.)

They Hate Capitalism because it does not need them.

I’ve written about this is the past. Capitalism is the Default State of Economics. Capitalism appears in the hardest of Communist experiments. Mutually Beneficial Exchange bubbles up under the most horrific regimes.  There is always a War to stop it… but Voluntary Free-Trade cannot be stopped… ever.

This fact, that Free-Trade does not need Socialist guidance, makes them feel small in the Universe. It is a cold illustration of their value… and when you have an Ego that demands your “intelligence” be recognized, this is indeed a painful insult to suffer.

So, the self-proclaimed “Elites” among us have created, perpetuated, clung to, a governing theory that makes them feel good regardless of the historically demonstrable destruction left in it’s wake.

They have ignored, rewritten, re-phrased and changed the meaning of everything to protect the only system that permanently puts them in charge of everybody else.  I will remind you that this mindset is found across party lines… once you understand the definition of Socialism and it’s variants, spotting it is simple and you will no longer be fooled by “Democrat”, “Republican”, etc.

The reason I bring this up is that the election is upon us.  And if you think the Liberals will go quietly into the night you will be gravely disappointed.  There will be a screaming and gnashing of teeth rarely seen.  The Socialists have achieved almost all of what they have been working on for the last 100 years.  They will do anything and everything in order to preserve those gains.  The accusations will be loud, vile and repeated often not just by them but by their friends in the press.  All efforts to return the United States to a path of fiscal solvency and Free-Market principles will be met with claims of destruction, disease and death.  Should they lose their power… They will push, beg, plead, for “Bipartisanship”, “Cooperation” and “Compromise” to hold on to their gains and maintain status quo until they can wrest control of the government again.  And we have seen what happens when they have that control…

This is far from over, so don’t think you can just cast your vote and walk away.  If we are going to be the country the rest of the world looks up to, there will need to be a level of perseverance never before required of the electorate.  You will have to hold those you voted for accountable for the principles they espoused.  You will have to have a solid foundation to repel the arguments flung at you from the Left.  The Liberals will be desperate… and ruthless.  All the while accusing you of being both.

So it’s time for the Capitalists to move Forward!

Roll back the policies of the Past!  Save the Country from Bankruptcy!  Restore Individual Freedom!

We all know Free-Market Capitalism is the wave of the future.  It’s been 100 years… let’s give it a try again.  It will be painful, particularly for those who have built empires on Socialist policies.  It will also hurt the feelings of those who think they know better for you than you do.  But I can live with that.  Let’s bruise some Ego’s.  Even the Leftists will be better off for it.

(originally posted 103112)

Calm Down

With the Inauguration of Donald Trump you have set the bar very high.

You have declared Trump a:

1. Racist
2. Homophobe
3. Misogynist
4. Fascist
5. Tyrant

It’s similar to President Barack Obama being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize based on what he Might Do. (As an aside; He didn’t Do.)

Your Media now has their job cut out for them. They will have to position Trump’s tenure to fit all of your above expectations and accusations.  But you can relax… your demands will most certainly be met.

So what happens if he turns out Not to be the above?

Don’t worry, there is always someone, somewhere, who will point to Trump as the Destroyer of Worlds. Your Press will find renewed energy to breathe life into their long deceased role as ‘government watchdog’… Trump will not suffer, as his predecessor did, from a lack of resistance.

But, you ask, what if he’s actually good, possibly… great?

Calm down… you can rest assured that any successes will be met with silence.

Remember your news source of choice, The New York Times motto:

“All the News we Choose to Print.”


Enter Podesta… Hillary’s personal scary Clown…

(This was posted almost four years ago 0n Dec. 12, 2013 at 11:03am…  you decide if any of it was correct.)

With the Coaching of the Clinton Machine, is President Obama taking a page from NASCAR on every issue?

To answer this question we have to understand Who John Podesta is.

John Podesta is President Obama’s New Advisor.

The Executive Summary: Podesta is one of the most horrid Socialists you will ever meet.

Let me put it this way… the last several weeks we have had the uncomfortable experience of meeting Zeke Emanuel, the brother of Rahm who let us know that there was absolutely No Confusion!  According to Zeke, the President always said you can keep your doctor if you pay more.  It’s as if a request was put into Central Casting for someone who looks and sounds likes a member of Adolf’s creepy inner circle, yet is Jewish, in order to play the role of a scary Menshevik.  So they sent over Zeke.  Perfect.

If you take it one step further you have John Podesta.

You have to remember that Obama is no longer up for election.  It’s Hillary’s turn.

With that in mind, it is an easy step to link Podesta (Clinton’s last Chief of Staff and head of Progressive Socialist efforts like Apollo Alliance.) to Hillary’s 2016 Election Campaign.  It also becomes clear that Hillary must position herself as the Moderate choice for President coming off of the last eight years of Obama.

So how do you do that?

Well… you send Obama so (overtly) far into the Marxist camp that Stalin might rise from the grave just to provide a standing O.  And there are few better to provide such hard left turns on every issue than John Podesta.  (I would offer George Soros, but too many of you know him.  It just wouldn’t look good.  Podesta is well-connected to Soros anyway through the Tides Foundation etc., so why bother.)

The Left then positions anyone running against Hillary as a Far Right Extremist while lamenting the move of President Obama so far away from “The American Mainstream”.  And in concert with their Liberal friends in the media will offer up Hillary as the Only Reasonable Person in the race… oh, and in case you didn’t know it she’s a girl.

If Hillary is smart, she will listen to her husband Bill and give as many speeches saying Nothing better than he said Nothing as often as possible.  (This will be hard for her as she is every bit the Marxist Obama is… so we’ll see.)  She’ll also have to work on her angry moments when she channels her inner Phyllis Diller… same voice, way less funny and in tones of a certain green Oz character.

If she can pull off not being herself, sit back and allow the vacant assessments of the useful idiots and those intellectually lazy individuals who call themselves moderates… populists or the “No Labels” crowd to lend their votes to her she’ll be the next President.

I know you’re asking; Why would Obama agree to this?

Because a Hillary Presidency will only serve to preserve the gains and maintain the progress of the current Socialist agenda being forced down the throats of a Public School Educated American Populace.  To the chagrin of Socialists world over, you just can’t run on that.

In addition, if Obama gets any of his genuinely Hard Left dreams added onto his already noteworthy list of successes, all the better.  Consider it a bonus.

Drink about this carefully.  Is it a surprise that the Clinton Camp has started allowing for “Obama Hating” based on Policy as being OK so long as you don’t connect Leftist Ideology to it?

Expect to see some incredible, unbelievable, bordering on if not completely ridiculous, Policy proposals coming from the Obama camp in the next couple of years.

Maybe Limousines and Hookers ARE the Answer to Stopping Climate Change…

Given the American Taxpayer is having their hard-earned money removed from them by the Federal Government and sent to Socialist Dictators and Thugs around the World in order to Stop the impending Global Apocalypse of Man Made Global Warming…

I’m opening my mind to the possibility that making sure said Socialist Dictators and Thugs having an endless supply of Limousines, Hookers and Blow could be the answer.

I admit I have been doubtful.

I’m inviting all of you to show me the light and provide me with the science I’ve been shamefully denying exists.

I promise to read it.

All of it.