Tag Archives: Liberals

Did Anyone Catch Chuck Standing Up for all those innocent lives taken by Illegals?

This morning Chuck Schumer stood up for Victims and the Families who have lost loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens.

I agree… a Wall will be ineffective…

I would let the Socialists have their talking point while ADDING more Personnel, Aircraft, Detention Centers, Drones, LiDar, GPRS, Seismic Sensors, Flooding Devices, Robotic Dogs, Sound and Microwave Deterents (ADS), e-verify, Guard Goats, Stinging Wasps, Mariachis, etc. etc.

Since it’s a Fast Food Freak Out weekend…

In the famous words of Taco Bell;

Run to the Border!


(It should also be known that I would support a vastly expanded Work Visa program combined with a removal of the Welfare benefits for those not currently citizens.  People who want to come here to work should be able to do so as long as they return to their home country for at least two weeks and secure a new, current, work visa upon each entry.  If they want to great things Americans get like a vote and Tax payer’s money they will need to get in line like eveyoneelse.  Seems super simple… because it is.  La Gran Mentira.)

The Washington Post Does its Job!

In a world where outrage as power, The Washington Post is puffing up and screaming Foul as loudly as possible.
It seems Project Veritas sent in an imposter to profess they had information damaging to Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore… a Republican.
What is clear is that Project Veritas was attempting to solicit a reaction it has received in numerous other circumstances where bogus information offered up to Leftists at News Organizations forgo what most of us would believe should be basic journalistic standards like verifying sources due to their excitement over inflicting damage upon those they disagree with.
The Washington Post appears to have done their job, in this specific case.
And they’re mad.  Very mad.

Yep, The Washington Post is Mad, Mad, Mad.

First, their feigned outrage seems to stem from the obvious implication that they do not typically do their job.


Second, they seem to take offense at the subterfuge of a party, well not just any party but rather a ‘conservative’ party, used to test their journalistic vigilance.  Who’s to say what the reaction, or lack there of, should they verified that this person was sent to them by a Democrat Lobbying Firm… but in this case…

‘Someone needs to go to jail!’

Not quite.
Kudos to the Post for doing their job… on this one… even if they’re angry they had to do it.

However, testing a media outlet’s honesty is not a crime, yet.

What this is really about is the fear the media has because it knows, knows, that a great many of its Leftists are willing to run with whatever they think will hurt the Constitutionally Limited Government of the United States and any of those who support it. The Media has used this tactic for decades if not longer.

They know that Project Veritas will continue to be successful if it’s not destroyed, and they are screaming for its destruction. Their outrage is a loud warning to other outlets, their reporters and their useful idiots that Project Veritas is out there… so BE CAREFUL!

Their outrage is also a plea for help from their fellow travelers with the effort to destroy Project Veritas and make them an example for any other citizen watchdog groups brave enough to challenge the ‘integrity’, read leftist ideology, of the National Media.


Kudos to Project Veritas too.

If there has ever been a lesson learned over the last decade, Project Veritas can always take a page from their very first victim. Just like ACORN, if the heat gets to be too much… just split up your efforts and give them a bunch of different names, then keep going.

No Problem.

Just Say No…

…To Socialism.

If you’ve been with me for longer than 10 minutes, then you already realize I’m what you would call an Anti-Socialist.

While I have vast and varied views, first and foremost I stand in opposition to all forms of Socialist thought. You can call it whatever you want; Socialism, Liberalism, Leftist, Progressive, Fascist, Communist, Democrat, No Labels, Crony Capitalist, RINO, John McCain… or whatever new names they come up with to keep you confused.

Why do I oppose Socialism?  Why do I oppose a political theory that promotes Elitists exercising force over all those they deem inferior?  Why do I oppose an Ideology that has resulted in the greatest destruction to the common good, and ultimately the loss of life, in the history of the world?

I am a Free-Market Capitalist.

But what apparently sets me apart is I know what that means, which is more than I can said for the majority of our elected officials… and certainly more than our electorate.

(If you would like to join me in actually KNOWING what a Free-Market Capitalist is instead of allowing Leftists to tell you what they want you to think it is… here’s a good start:  Wealth of Nations, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, The Road to Serfdom, Freedom to Choose, The Romantic Manifesto, The Constitution of Liberty, The Age of Reason, The Law, Conflict of Visions… and the list can go on.  Come join us… it is rare air to breathe indeed.)

I will share with you, the people being demonized by the press are the people you must listen to carefully. (Actually listen to them… not whatever sound bite John Stewart or Bill Mahr decide to let you hear, followed by a studio audience of the above mentioned know nothings yucking it up and a laugh track from the fifties.)

The folks you will be told are Mean, Evil, Stupid and In the Way of your Happiness are the very individuals who, most likely, have the best interest of our amazing country at heart. And, they are the few deserving an honest, unedited, un-editorialized hearing of why they stand in opposition of more Socialism.

But let me get you started:

Socialism gets you Detroit.

Socialism gets you Mexico.

Socialism gets you Domestic Spying.

Socialism gets you incredibly horrible public schools.

Socialism gets you Unions who make promises to their members they know they can’t honor.

Socialism put’s your medical records out there for all to see.

Socialism gets you expensive, crappy health care.

Socialism gets you high taxes.

Socialism gets you high unemployment.

Socialism gets you Crony business deals.

Socialism gets a quadrupling of the money supply devaluing everything you’ve worked so hard to save.

Socialism spends your money with no consideration of reason or result, because it believes it owns the money… not you.

Socialism gets you National Debt so large you cannot possibly conceive it.  You literally can’t count that high… before you die of old age.

Socialism gets you racial hatred because without it, it dies.

Socialism gets you a bigger and bigger gap between the rich and poor, because it relies on that too.

Socialism puts self-anointed Elitist A-holes in power and keeps them there… forever.

Socialism is Force.

So the very least MY representatives can do IS NOT GET ALONG WITH SOCIALISTS.  AT ALL… EVER.

The very least MY representatives can do is say NO in the face of bigger government and more spending… or should I SAY WASTING MY MONEY.

The VERY LEAST my representatives can do IS STAND IN OPPOSITION to everything… every single thing… the Socialists want to do.

And, if they DO NOTHING ELSE… I will consider them to be doing a great job.

If they really want to impress me, then start taking apart 100 years of Socialist schemes which have not only stood in the way of this country being greater than it is, but has set it back on every level.  Doubt me?  Do you think the founding fathers would have asked the public to tolerate Domestic Spying after fighting a War in order to establish a new type of Government designed to protect the Individual, Their Freedom, Liberty and Property?  (There were plenty of “Terrorists” back then too.)

So I expect that 20% of the Republican Party who are about to be positioned as the worst people in the world… will do the right thing.

I expect them to be the Party of No!

NO!  NO!  NO!

It is the least they can do.  When I say “the least”, I mean the LEAST.


Praying for Pragmatism

In every post-election interview the Leftists have been groping for Pragmatism.
They are Praying that Donald Trump is not an Ideologue, like President Obama, and will compromise with them on all policy decisions… until they can regain some power in the house, senate or both, two years from now.

You can smell the fear.

The Fear is not that Trump is coming for your children, gay, straight, hispanic, latino, black, asian, Irish, even the French etc.

The Fear is that Trump might actually put in place solutions regarding Immigration.

That’s it.

Just Immigration.

The Socialists in our country are afraid that he will indeed build a wall, fence, moat… whatever… and then move to the really scary part. They Fear he will create a work visa program which makes it easy, and legal, for our neighbors to the North and South of us to come here and work if they choose to. The Democrats realize that once legitimized in such a fashion these workers would no longer be paying Social Security under stolen Social Security Numbers… they would no longer be in the shadows… and most importantly, They would no longer be able to offer up the ridiculous argument that They should have the right to vote. And, if they do desire to become a citizen of the United States the debate now moves on to our actual immigration policies… That We Already Have… and don’t enforce. No more “They’re going to deport my Grandma!” Hogwash.


Adding insult to injury it would now fall upon the left to remove this work privilege from our neighbors if they ever want to save the Socialist Voting base for generations to come.

I dream of a number of things, but foremost is I dream of a wonderful explosion in private charities making available such things as education to ‘ex-pat Canadians and Mexicans’ who reside here for work. (If Mark Zuckerburg wants to fill Facebook full of brilliant Mexicans and Canadians… awesome!)  I dream of an explosion of hard-working, genuinely terrific, people coming here from Mexico and Canada to make some money and help support their families abroad. I dream the United States will not only benefit from this new influx of workers, but those workers will benefit from enjoying the bounty provided by American Exceptionalism and begin wondering why their respective home countries don’t embrace Free Market Capitalism as Governing Theory.


I predict that the Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer, will become Mr. Filibuster in the Senate… because the Liberal Leftists cannot afford for any of this to happen.

I also predict the Democrat Party will be the party of “No!” to all things.

It is going to be an interesting 4-years… possibly 8.


There is an urban myth out there that needs to be addressed.

“Binge drinking is bad.”  No, wait.  Wrong one.

“Compromise is good.”

If you’re a product of the public schools (like I am) it should be expected you believe we should all get along.  You probably think our elected representatives should be having dinner together, holding hands and making out in the back of dark movie theaters.  You might even think it is GOOD when they all get together and create legislation effecting the rest of us.

In other words, you might believe passing lots of bills is a terrific way to judge their productivity.  You think the government should “do something”… You might have been taught that the founders of this country wanted our leaders to strip down and embrace each other every time they met so they could create lots of really cool law.  If any of this rings true for you, what you “know” is wrong.  You should demand a refund on that free public education.

Here’s the truth, our system of government was designed specifically to be slow, cumbersome and rarely produce laws.  It was created to make sure no single branch could run rampant over the others with this purpose in mind.  It was designed for a fight… over everything… in the hopes that whatever came out was only what was absolutely necessary.  Less was more.  Nothing getting done was fine, if not preferred.  (I’ve floated this idea around the house but have not had much traction.)

We have come a long way from that original intent.  Over the last 100 years we have entitled our politicians to do whatever they want.  They have learned to routinely create law outside of the Constitution because they know that the odds are no-one will challenge it.  And, if their law does get challenged it will take too long and the American people will lose interest, or more often think they are owed whatever the law might “give” them.

These same politicians also know they can slow down the process of any legal challenge by appointing judges who also don’t care what limitations the Constitution puts in place.  Such judges then present their rulings utilizing previous unconstitutional rulings they or their fellow travelers passed down earlier.  Amazingly, they are also not above using foreign law for validation… which I’m very sure the Founding Fathers did not intend.  The fact that we revel in our lack of understanding and promote such behavior in our leaders should be frightening.  It has brought us to a very scary place.  Haven’t you wondered why alcohol sales are up? We’re frightened, but too uninformed to know why.  It’s like a horror movie where the person about to get killed runs around the house and turns all the lights… off.

There has been a determined movement over the last 80 years to position the U.S. Constitution as too restrictive.  (Our current president is on the record promoting this very idea.)  But you will most often find it repeated by the “open-minded” who have not taken the 5 minutes needed to read it, let alone try to discuss and understand it. (They don’t need to read it… their hearts tell them what they need to know… what’s scary about that is they vote…)   These are also the people who think we should all give each other big wet sloppy kisses… all the time.  To them, getting along to “help the country” sounds so nice it requires no further exploration on their part.

To make things worse, there are too many people who want to be led and then insist you must be led as well.  These people have found a home on both sides of the aisle.  The Founders were aware this would always be a reality. The defense they gave us against such people was an extremely well-defined and very restrictive document, that could be changed, in other words amended, if needed… but it would take an act of congress. (Yes, that’s where the phrase came from.)

What it comes down to is that you have two sides to choose from.  One side subscribes to individual freedom and one does not.  What makes one side somewhat sinister is that it wants to control you with “the best of intentions”.  Bear in mind, those who believe the sheep need to be led never seem to count themselves among the sheep….

So there must always be a war between those who know you are too stupid to make decisions for yourself  (Statists/Socialists) and those of us who think you are the only person who knows what’s best for you. (Free-market Capitalists)   If you give it a moment of thought, does it  make sense that a person who subscribes to individual freedom be buddies with a person who believes in the soft slavery of statism?  It’s really as simple as that.  The line in the sand is Force.

In conclusion, we are not supposed to get along.  We are not supposed to compromise our individual freedoms.  Ever.

If you need proof, compromise with Socialists is what got us here today… bankrupt, having our e-mail and phones call tapped, “intelligence agents” looking at our daughters cell phone pictures and Facebook pages while your grandmother is getting molested at the airport.  And the useful idiots continue begging for more Bipartisanshitt…

(Originally Posted 012012.  Reposted yet again because it needs to be.)

Set Sail the Bipartisanshipp!

If (They retained them…  this was from 2014 but remains true.) the Republicans pull out Majorities in Both Houses…

Expect a renewed Scream for Bipartisanship to be heard ’round the World.

If you listen closely it is already starting.

Here’s how this goes;

Leftists gain power in two or more Branches of Government and they do whatever they can to move the United States closer to the Socialist Utopia of their Dreams.

Once Opposition to the Liberal Left gains enough power to prevent the Socialists from Moving Forward… the Leftists cry for Compromise and ‘Working Together’.

(You must come to terms with the fact that Socialists make up the Entirety of the Democrat Party and a Majority of the Republican Party in order to fully understand what I’m saying here.)

And as I have stated in the past, any compromise with Socialism is a Win for Socialism.  And they’ve been Winning in America for over 100-years.

The Progressives will continue to Plea for Hand-shaking, Golf Outings and Communal Lunches with their supposed Opponents right up until they regain the Power they Previously possessed.

Then it Starts all over Again.

I will refer you to Bipartisanshitt for my full opinion on this ridiculous cycle.

When we support “Getting Along”, we are supporting the Whole Sale Destruction of America as it was Founded.  We are Abandoning your Freedom and Liberty.

Working ‘Across the Aisle’ only gives the Party of Socialism what it wants… just a little slower than it wants it.

Look for this Hogwash coming to a news broadcast near you.

And when you do, remember that Compromise is what got us here.

I might just start a Drinking Game revolving around the Cry for Compromise.  But being perpetually intoxicated could be a bit much even for me.  Although….

What if it’s not the Russians? (Previously: Picking a Fight with the CIA…)

(Originally posted 121214.  What if it’s not the Russians offering up Thousands of Socialist E-mails? Just sayin’…)

One must ask why.

While the release of the ‘CIA Sucks Report’ was a foregone conclusion given Diane Feinstein’s drive to leave a parting gift to her Leftist base…

I remain convinced the timing of the report was designed to remove Jonathon Gruber from the headlines and allow the mainstream liberals something else to put on the evening news.  (I continue to believe Gruber, and his honesty about how Liberals see American’s, is profoundly damaging.)

That aside, the report begs the question “Why?”.

Why would you rehash what we already know?

Why would you emphasize enhanced terrorist interrogation techniques and our efforts to keep them alive while in captivity such as Rectal Feeding?  (I would remind you all that there are certain restaurants in Feinstein’s own San Francisco specializing in that very thing.)

Why would you give additional specific information allowing the remaining Terrorist A-holes to cross reference and pinpoint those involved?

I believe this fight started with Benghazi. It continued with the summary ‘execution’ of the Afghanistan Chief of Station’s career by officially outing his name.

And, the apparent conflict is being taken to a brand new level with the release of this report.

Is the CIA not being cooperative enough with the Socialists in our Government?

Might they have issues with how they are being tossed under the bus by an Administration that practises Drone Diplomacy?  Our deteriorating relationship with Israel?  Allowing North Korea and Iran to acquire Nuclear Weapons and the means to ‘deliver’ them?  Our inability to keep secrets?  Our ceding the Middle East to the Terrorists after shedding American Blood to keep it out of their hands?

Are our covert Agencies not being quiet enough when it comes to the murder of our Diplomat and security personnel in Benghazi?  Could it be they are not on board with the Administration, and the rest of the Leftists, who didn’t want to appear ‘aggressive’ to the rest of the world by providing adequate security?

Is this just another attempt to paint Bush as a Domestic Terrorist since we are ‘all citizens of the world’ according to our own home-grown Socialists?

I believe it’s all the above.

Feinstein thinks, because of her retirement, she is now beyond the reach of the American people, and this is a flying f-you to the very agency and agencies she over saw.  The very same Agencies whose techniques she previously, and repeatedly, approved of.

The Covert folks do not seem interested in being quiet about how this Administration is conducting itself. They are not interested in being hung out to die… so to speak.

They do not seem interested in continuing to do what they must while being used as political pawns in a game that is decidedly anti-capitalist.

There a was a time that many of us could fool ourselves into thinking that those who professed to be Socialists were doing so in order simply to get elected.

Now many of us, and I must conclude those in the intelligence services as well, are finding out those they thought to be donning a cloak of Progressive Populism are in fact… serious.  And the very folks that put their lives on the line for the rest of us everyday are suffering in the worst ways because of it.  Add to this that many of those we thought were Constitutional Loyalists are nothing of the sort.

We are watching the Republic crumble, and lives are being lost as a result.

Are we witnessing an awakening by those that keep the secrets?

Possibly… but I’m wrong more often than I’m right.

However, there is no doubt that a dark war has started in D.C.

Bits of it are finding sunlight.

It seems the Left wants it that way.  What do they stand to gain?

Is it an attempt at a purge?

Are the Progressives trying to consolidate power as they have been trying to do in the Military?

Preserving my right to Cheat!


There is no reason to oppose voter ID laws unless you intend to preserve your ability to commit voter fraud.

You cannot present a single reason why every person choosing to vote should not have a state issued, or otherwise verifiable, identification card with a picture which is required to be presented prior to practicing one of the most important acts imaginable in a Democratic Republic.

Not a single reason.
I must present picture ID to enter a bar.
I must present picture ID to rent a car.
I must present picture ID to get a hotel room.
I must present picture ID to fly in an airplane.
I must present picture ID when in every other country. (And they do not allow me to vote in their elections.)
I must present picture ID to purchase a home.
I must present picture ID to open a savings account.
I must present picture ID when pulled over for speeding.
I must present picture ID to get a job.

But… to “legally” screw up your life with my vote by electing idiots?

I can be anybody, and everybody, with no proof necessary… even dead… and vote.


The process of free and honest elections is a Pillar of Freedom.

If you vote for, or support the appointment of, these horrible people who want to preserve their right to cheat, you need to admit to yourself that you are also a horrible person.  (We already know it.)

(Some issues just never go away… originally posted 031212)

Obama Gun Control

As I tap this out President Barack Obama is presenting his Executive Gun Control to the American People.
He is expressing his Deep, Deep, Concern that ‘irresponsible’ people as well as Felons have been able to purchase firearms. He is also Demanding we do something to address the supposed explosion of ‘Mass Shootings’.  And because of these two things, which are not connected and both dubious claims at every level, President Obama has decided to further restrict access, to and make more difficult, the purchase of firearms in the United States.

You can continue to be an Overt Jihadist and secure a Visa to come to the United States to commit one of these ‘Mass Shootings’. (It should be noted most of us who are not interested in challenging the validity of the Second Amendment consider such an event Terrorism.)

You can forget about the Drive this Administration undertook to Up-Arm Mexican Drug Cartels with Taxpayer funds in order to convince the American Public that their was a scourge of Death and Destruction occurring on our Southern Border because of American Guns. (While well over 300 innocent Mexican Citizens, and a number of Mexican and American Law Enforcement Officers, died… it was because of the American Progressive Leftist Government desperately trying to do exactly what their current Leader is doing today by way of Unconstitutional Presidential Fiat.) Speaking of Mexican Drug Cartels… and Terrorists…

You can still walk across the Borders of this country and do what you wish without the fear of being stopped, or once in, being deported. If, on the outside chance, you are confronted the odds of your legal status being challenged is extremely low. And furthering the extremely low odds of your legal status being challenged, should it occur may land you being sent out of the country where you can begin the process of walking back once again.

In the End… President Obama may have a point about additional controls needing to be placed upon ownership of Weapons. Now having seen his entire News Conference it becomes clear. Each and Every example of Horror he cites involved a Leftist projecting Force over Innocent Individuals.  Natural Rights, in other words the Bill of Rights, in other words the First Ten Amendments to the United States Constitution, should not apply to those who work so diligently to destroy them, and kill the people who believe in them.

I do Demand something Better…

I demand any variety Leftist being prohibited owning any Weapon… ever… as defined by me.

Gun, Knife, Bat, Club, Motor Vehicle, Megaphone, The Office of the Presidency, etc.

Just like porn, I’ll know it when I see it.  And I’ll be watching.

It’s far past time for Meaningful and Effective Socialist Control!

Smoke Pot!

George Soros spends over $80 Million to legalize Pot in the United States…

This morning at 5am, I sat down at the breakfast table with my Bloody Mary (I was out of Tomato Juice…) and it occurred to me there is a funny thing about Liberals.  They “love” liberty… as long as it doesn’t get in their way.

Here’s what I mean… Liberals cherish your right to smoke marijuana.  I mean CHERISH this right.  But why this “right” and not so many others?

We know they only like free speech as long as they agree with it, and they Hate your right to own a gun…But not theirs of course, because They’re Smarter than You.  They love your right to vote… as long as you don’t have to prove who you are and you can do it over and over again during the same election. Etc. Etc.

So… They seem to love your rights as long as they don’t get in the way of the Socialist Utopia they dream about.

Once you understand it’s really about Progressive Socialism, then it makes sense they would rather have you believe they’re on the side of the “free” because they champion your God-given right to smoke pot!

Do you or someone you know have a younger brother or sister who is “ADHD”?  Did you notice how much easier they were to “manage” after they had taken their Ritalin?  Or how much “nicer” your Significant Other was when they had taken their Xanax?  How I’m almost tolerable after you’ve had a couple of beers?  Well…

How do you stop an entire generation from learning your actually Ridiculous?

It’s frustrating because once most of us graduate from our early twenties and take on the responsibilities life thrusts upon us we start waking up.  Abby Hoffman said it best; “don’t trust anybody over thirty”.  He had good reason to beg his following to be suspicious of grownups.  Abby realized that getting older can be the Antidote for Useful Idiocy.

So back to ‘how do you get them to stop figuring it out and keep them Useful?’  Toke up!  Simple.

As long as they are Stoned, the Useful Idiots remain useful well into their thirties and beyond as they were too busy bowl burning to develop skills necessary to take care of themselves.  Being stoned all the time keeps them in a permanent state of childhood dependency.  Brilliant!  They stop moving out of their parents houses… they play video games all day in the basement… they don’t learn how to socialize with the opposite sex unless that sex is on a computer screen… they can’t hold a job because their boss doesn’t “get” them… even the Government now says you’re a child until your 26th birthday… HOLY CRAP!  IT’S TOO LATE!

So it’s over.  We might as well give up.

Or, we need to demand ALL of our Individual Rights, everyday… with no exceptions… if that includes smoking pot, fine… but no picking and choosing by the Left.

It should be an all or none kinda thing, don’t you think?

Anybody got a Match?
