Tag Archives: Left Wing

Just Say No…

…To Socialism.

If you’ve been with me for longer than 10 minutes, then you already realize I’m what you would call an Anti-Socialist.

While I have vast and varied views, first and foremost I stand in opposition to all forms of Socialist thought. You can call it whatever you want; Socialism, Liberalism, Leftist, Progressive, Fascist, Communist, Democrat, No Labels, Crony Capitalist, RINO, John McCain… or whatever new names they come up with to keep you confused.

Why do I oppose Socialism?  Why do I oppose a political theory that promotes Elitists exercising force over all those they deem inferior?  Why do I oppose an Ideology that has resulted in the greatest destruction to the common good, and ultimately the loss of life, in the history of the world?

I am a Free-Market Capitalist.

But what apparently sets me apart is I know what that means, which is more than I can said for the majority of our elected officials… and certainly more than our electorate.

(If you would like to join me in actually KNOWING what a Free-Market Capitalist is instead of allowing Leftists to tell you what they want you to think it is… here’s a good start:  Wealth of Nations, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, The Road to Serfdom, Freedom to Choose, The Romantic Manifesto, The Constitution of Liberty, The Age of Reason, The Law, Conflict of Visions… and the list can go on.  Come join us… it is rare air to breathe indeed.)

I will share with you, the people being demonized by the press are the people you must listen to carefully. (Actually listen to them… not whatever sound bite John Stewart or Bill Mahr decide to let you hear, followed by a studio audience of the above mentioned know nothings yucking it up and a laugh track from the fifties.)

The folks you will be told are Mean, Evil, Stupid and In the Way of your Happiness are the very individuals who, most likely, have the best interest of our amazing country at heart. And, they are the few deserving an honest, unedited, un-editorialized hearing of why they stand in opposition of more Socialism.

But let me get you started:

Socialism gets you Detroit.

Socialism gets you Mexico.

Socialism gets you Domestic Spying.

Socialism gets you incredibly horrible public schools.

Socialism gets you Unions who make promises to their members they know they can’t honor.

Socialism put’s your medical records out there for all to see.

Socialism gets you expensive, crappy health care.

Socialism gets you high taxes.

Socialism gets you high unemployment.

Socialism gets you Crony business deals.

Socialism gets a quadrupling of the money supply devaluing everything you’ve worked so hard to save.

Socialism spends your money with no consideration of reason or result, because it believes it owns the money… not you.

Socialism gets you National Debt so large you cannot possibly conceive it.  You literally can’t count that high… before you die of old age.

Socialism gets you racial hatred because without it, it dies.

Socialism gets you a bigger and bigger gap between the rich and poor, because it relies on that too.

Socialism puts self-anointed Elitist A-holes in power and keeps them there… forever.

Socialism is Force.

So the very least MY representatives can do IS NOT GET ALONG WITH SOCIALISTS.  AT ALL… EVER.

The very least MY representatives can do is say NO in the face of bigger government and more spending… or should I SAY WASTING MY MONEY.

The VERY LEAST my representatives can do IS STAND IN OPPOSITION to everything… every single thing… the Socialists want to do.

And, if they DO NOTHING ELSE… I will consider them to be doing a great job.

If they really want to impress me, then start taking apart 100 years of Socialist schemes which have not only stood in the way of this country being greater than it is, but has set it back on every level.  Doubt me?  Do you think the founding fathers would have asked the public to tolerate Domestic Spying after fighting a War in order to establish a new type of Government designed to protect the Individual, Their Freedom, Liberty and Property?  (There were plenty of “Terrorists” back then too.)

So I expect that 20% of the Republican Party who are about to be positioned as the worst people in the world… will do the right thing.

I expect them to be the Party of No!

NO!  NO!  NO!

It is the least they can do.  When I say “the least”, I mean the LEAST.


Le Pen

A “Right-Wing” Victory in France?

“The new age of the extreme right” read the headline in the left-leaning Nouvel Observateur magazine.

In yet another attempt to blur the lines of meaning the Left in The United States reports that “Right-Wing” Politician wins in France.

To understand what is going on requires one to understand that the Only Political Governing Theory existing in France is Socialist in Nature.  There is no Capitalism… There are No Candidates representing Free Markets or Freedom and Liberty of the Individual.  There is not a single Person representing Freedom To Choose.

When the French say “Right-Wing” they mean Fascist.  Fascism could be considered the right side of the Socialist Political Spectrum.  Communism would be on the left side of this straight line… all the other variants fall somewhere in between.  (For one commenter I recently had an exchange with, Theocracy is a distinction without a difference.  The Paradigm simply replaces the State with God.  The function, infrastructure, actions and results are otherwise identical.)

The reason I bring this up is Le Pen is being reported here in the States not as a Fascist, which would be appropriate, but rather as “Right Wing”.  You should be asking yourself “Why?”.  The purpose is obvious.  It is an attempt to equate “Right Wing” as used in US Political discussion as Fascist.  It is trying to label those on the Right who subscribe to Capitalism as Fascist…  It is trying to label anyone who has a Religion based world view as Fascist… It is trying to keep you confused…

It is effective as demonstrated by this comment from a post two days old in response from a post Snake put up.  The take-away is how the Leftist is using Le Pen to paint a picture and tries to separate her from Socialism in order to protect the Liberal World View he subscribes to:


March 26, 2014

Money, my friend. As a historian I can assure you it’s an old tactic that works very well. Create division and scapegoats and you might never have to have a real job ever again!
Check out how much money Le Pen made from xenophobia- donations like no other. Literally millions.
If one targets a group carefully enough that there are no mainstream shadows cast, it’s like winning the lottery.


  • Le Pen… She is a Socialist and did what Socialists do. While you’re right about balkanization being used to squeeze money from groups who perceive they are being persecuted, the tactic is purely leftist. Interesting example of Le Pen.


    • Pinkagendist

      March 26, 2014

      She’s not a socialist. You’re confusing two very different things, one is political affiliation and the other is political methodology.

      The real difference is authoritarianism versus individual liberties. Authoritarians can come from the left or right. General Franco, Mussolini & Pinochet were right, Mao, Stalin and Castro are left- all used the same authoritarian methodology to attain and maintain power.



      March 26, 2014

      Your Paradigm is only correct if the entire spectrum is Socialist in nature. Fascism is simply a flavor of Socialism… regardless of what your College Professor told you. All of the Socialist variants set the stage for Authoritarians to rise from them. And they do.
      The effort to use the Label “Right-Wing” is part of the intentional drive by the Left to confuse the public regarding what the different governing theories are.
      We see this when Franco, Mussolini, Pinochet and Hitler are positioned as “Right-Wing” and then the term is used to describe Capitalism. This example is not difficult to find… in fact, reread your comment.
      You see this all over Europe at this very typing. The Greeks use “Capitalism” to describe Fascism (A Socialist Variant) without hesitation. It serves to keep those who do not know ignorant in addition to keeping those who think they know doing the bidding of the Left.

    • Pinkagendist

      March 26, 2014

      You’re way too involved in your good vs. evil, black and white views to comprehend politics in an accurate manner.
      It’s much more complex than that and you should begin by studying more history- including how the term began to be used.

      The first people referred to as the right, or conservatives, were those in the French National Assembly who wanted to conserve the monarchy. Those to the left were in favour of the change to a republic. From there whole ideological packages were put together. The European right generally taking the position of conserving things as they were traditionally and the left proposing change.
      And your ‘Greeks say’, is totally unrealistic. Greeks don’t say anything as a monolith. Greece is made up by a number of different parties and ideologies, each with their own agenda.

    • Hmmm… Even with this new retort I don’t need to add anything to my comment.
      Everything I said is still fact. I’m well aware of the multiple parties in Greece and it changes nothing. The “far too complex” comment is designed to appear deep while being unclear. It is also a weak attempt to stifle an argument you do not want to confront. The preservation of Monarchy (the Feudal system based on Divine Right) is exactly why Socialism exists today. The Statist/Marxist approach was a way to keep the Aristocracy in Power with the support of the Masses. And as you’re illustrating, It still works.
      I know you believe yourself to be better equipped to argue such “complex” issues, but you never know who you’re going to run into on the net. And you never know what credentials they might have. So be careful assuming you’re right and everybody else is ignorant.
      On the upside, these types of exchanges might lead you to new perspectives, then again may be not.
      Finally, when it comes to Freedom and Liberty of the Individual it is Black and White. If you don’t see it that way then you might not have given it enough thought. Keeping people’s minds dwelling in the gray areas and denying Reason, Rationale and Meaning by implying it’s Enlightened is just another way to keep them subservient to those in Control. Don’t fall for that.


    • Again, you’re so taken by your little Cowboys versus Indians war in your own head, that it’s blinding your ability to look at anything in a reasonable manner. As a historian, my interest in the topic is the history of politics and you’re misrepresenting and oversimplifying to a ridiculous degree.
      Do you not realize the very basic notion that preserving monarchies is equally a way of maintaining an aristocracy?

      Authoritarian regimes (whatever they say their political affiliation is, left or right) simply emulated the absolutist monarchies of old. They all function on the model supported by the people who sat on the right of the French assembly, and that model was one of aristocracy. Further, they emulated the symbolism and thought processes that were made popular by monotheistic religions. There’s always a ‘supreme leader’ who represents perfection and everyone else’s value in the social group is measured by their connections to that central figure. Just look at the amount of Lenin statues all over the former Soviet Union, or how many streets and squares in Spain were named after General Franco; Or that North Korea puts out a list of haircuts that are ‘legal’.

      Separating traditional conservatism from monarchy, aristocracy, and the defence of both is a monumental historical error.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  All of the examples of “Right-Wing” pink cites are in fact Fascist.  But what’s even more interesting is the attempt by pink to bring in the term of “traditional conservatism” as a Leftist Ideology as well.  “Traditional Conservatism” does not have the same meaning in the US as it does in Europe because our Political Spectrum is not solely made up of Socialist Variants.  They have done the same thing to the term “Liberal” which has a very different meaning in Europe than it does here in the US.)

This is a common way Leftists pollute the discussion in order to avoid talking about Limited Government and Individual Freedom as a Political Model.  (The Model We in the United States adopted.  And a Paradigm whose mere existence is a threat to every other Governing Theory in the World.)

While there are certainly those on the “Right” of the US political spectrum who erroneously describe themselves as Capitalist when they are in reality Fascist, it does not change the meaning of Capitalism.  Those who describe themselves as such are currently being exposed for their subterfuge.

Capitalism is the Economic/Political Paradigm of Free Markets, Limited Government and the Right of Property Ownership all of which in combination is a formula that protects the Freedom and Liberty of The Individual.

This Concept is foreign to those in France, as it is most of the World over.  It is also oddly foreign to University Students.  Often this discussion can only be found in Economics classes.  Because of this, it is often excused by other areas of study such as History and Political Science as strictly an economic model which has nothing to do with Government.  The fact that we allow this is a luxury for the Left.

In truth, Capitalism is mutually exclusive from any type of Leftist Governing Theory which is why Liberals would rather just ignore it than include it in substantive discussion.  And if they are forced into a corner the last resort is to argue against Fascism and call it Capitalism.

Thus, in trying to win the “high ground” among Leftists they will intentionally confuse the concepts in the hopes of protecting whichever Flavor of Oppressive Government they champion.  (Remember, the most common type of violence the World has known has been Socialist on Socialist.  The only Concept they enjoy attacking more than Individual Liberty is the barely discernible differences they exhibit from each other.  And yes, Religion as Government being a Statist ideology in nature has also exhibited this tendency and is included in this observation.)

In terms of protecting the Individual while promoting the Welfare of All…

Capitalism Stand Alone.

Le Pen no more represents the “Right Wing” as we understand it here in the US than Franco, Mussolini or Pinochet.  Or for that matter, Hitler.

The fact that pink does not expose his ideology specifically doesn’t matter in this example.  The fact that he uses the language of the Left in an attempt to create a separation between those on the “left” side of the Socialist Spectrum and the “right” side of the Socialist Spectrum is what allows for this conversation.  My issue with his posts was the apparent defense of the “left” side…  There is no Defense for Socialism in any form.  But the Progressives know full well that Hitler and the rest of those who kill their own people don’t add anything to promoting Social Control of the Individual.

“Greece is made up by a number of different parties and ideologies, each with their own agenda.” – from above comment thread

In the above sentence pink exposes his tactic.  Indeed there are “a number of different parties”, but the Ideologies are different in only the most minute ways.  And their Agenda’s are all the same… to wrest control of the Government and the Population in order to impose or perpetuate Socialist Governing Theory.  Contrary to pinks final comment, it does not require a “supreme leader” in order to impose Tyranny over a population, the majority can do that all on their own.  And to my point, that is why Democratic Socialism always represents Oppression of the Individual and often fertile ground for the “supreme leaders” pink speaks of to subsequently rise to power.

(In our spectrum, The only Theory to the “Right” of Capitalism is Anarchy.  And it is Rare indeed that One can find anyone capable of defining Anarchy Correctly.  That concept deserves its own place in history as one of the most disfigured concepts.  It’s to the point that Anarchy in present day definition means Angry Bomb Throwers for Communists.  But I digress.)




Harry Reid’s Mushroom Cloud

This morning Senate Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) changed the rules of the Senate to allow for Mob Rule.  A simple Majority of Senators can now approve a Presidential Nominee for positions such as Judges.  While any nominee is now subject to simple majority vote for approval I’m going to stick with Judges… because that’s what really matters here.

I have tapped out my belief that the Progressive Liberal Socialists behind Obama Care will do anything… anything… anything to make sure this steaming pile of Elitist Social Engineering remains law.  Well, this is one of those “anything’s”.

There is a palpable sense of urgency emanating from the Democrats in Washington.

The Leftists are realizing that this whole destroy the insurance companies and force socialized medicine on the “stupid folks” thing just isn’t working out.  But they have waited too long and come to far to let it slip through their little commie fingers.

I posted a note some time back called the Benevolent Arsonist in which I proposed that Chief Justice John Roberts knew exactly what he was doing when he emasculated the Commerce Clause argument as applied to Obama Care (and pretty much anything else in the future) and instead forced it to be defined as a Tax.

Why is this important now?

It’s important because we are about to see Millions, possibly Hundreds of Millions of Americans forced to pay The Obama Care Penalty Tax because they have not enrolled in the brilliant Socialized Medicine Scheme thrust upon them.  They are going to be penalized for Not buying Something!  And once that happens… it constitutes “Harm”.  And once you’re “Harmed”… you can Sue, but not until then.

The Liberal Left Democrats in this country know full well the lawsuits are coming.  Harm is just over the Horizon.  In fact, it dawns in six weeks.

This is why those Big Unions, and Corporations, with armies of lawyers and the money to use them, all got waivers…  The Left hopes to slow down those who can make things happen Fast.  (Well, Big Labor is a different story… but let’s stay on topic.)

And because Small Businesses have neither money nor lawyers on staff they are left out to dry… just like the rest of the stupid Individuals who don’t know what’s good for us.

The Nuclear Option has been on the drawing boards behind those closed Red doors for some time.  And faced with a rapidly disintegrating Dream…

The Obama Administration and the Elitists who support Obama Care just need more time.

They need more time to create Government Addicts.  Just like the local Heroin Dealer… they are willing to give it to you right up until you Have to Have IT.  All these European Socialists who occupy the political offices of the United States want is enough time for there to be no way back to the way it was.  And while they don’t need to stack the courts forever, they absolutely need their people in place really friggin’ quick to fend off any legitimate lawsuits demonstrating the direct Harm being caused by this Soviet Style, Mean-Spirited and Overtly Oppressive Health Care legislation.

So the Nuclear Option was employed this morning because President Obama, Harry Reid and the rest of their Ilk see the writing on the wall.

This thing sucks.  You know it, I know it and even those blind Kool-Aid drinkers singing Obama songs before passing out at his campaign speeches now know it.  If they don’t, they’re starting to figure it out.  (The jury is still out in regard to what those people can actually figure out, but we’ll see as the weeks pass.)

Obama needs his Judges in Place.

Obama needs to be able to “expand”, in other words Stack, the courts in his favor.

Obama’s Legacy as the Man who Remade America into a Social Democracy depends on it.

And you fools are not playing along.

So they have no choice but to start pulling out the “anything’s”.