Tag Archives: healthcare.gov


There is an urban myth out there that needs to be addressed.

“Binge drinking is bad.”  No, wait.  Wrong one.

“Compromise is good.”

If you’re a product of the public schools (like I am) it should be expected you believe we should all get along.  You probably think our elected representatives should be having dinner together, holding hands and making out in the back of dark movie theaters.  You might even think it is GOOD when they all get together and create legislation effecting the rest of us.

In other words, you might believe passing lots of bills is a terrific way to judge their productivity.  You think the government should “do something”… You might have been taught that the founders of this country wanted our leaders to strip down and embrace each other every time they met so they could create lots of really cool law.  If any of this rings true for you, what you “know” is wrong.  You should demand a refund on that free public education.

Here’s the truth, our system of government was designed specifically to be slow, cumbersome and rarely produce laws.  It was created to make sure no single branch could run rampant over the others with this purpose in mind.  It was designed for a fight… over everything… in the hopes that whatever came out was only what was absolutely necessary.  Less was more.  Nothing getting done was fine, if not preferred.  (I’ve floated this idea around the house but have not had much traction.)

We have come a long way from that original intent.  Over the last 100 years we have entitled our politicians to do whatever they want.  They have learned to routinely create law outside of the Constitution because they know that the odds are no-one will challenge it.  And, if their law does get challenged it will take too long and the American people will lose interest, or more often think they are owed whatever the law might “give” them.

These same politicians also know they can slow down the process of any legal challenge by appointing judges who also don’t care what limitations the Constitution puts in place.  Such judges then present their rulings utilizing previous unconstitutional rulings they or their fellow travelers passed down earlier.  Amazingly, they are also not above using foreign law for validation… which I’m very sure the Founding Fathers did not intend.  The fact that we revel in our lack of understanding and promote such behavior in our leaders should be frightening.  It has brought us to a very scary place.  Haven’t you wondered why alcohol sales are up? We’re frightened, but too uninformed to know why.  It’s like a horror movie where the person about to get killed runs around the house and turns all the lights… off.

There has been a determined movement over the last 80 years to position the U.S. Constitution as too restrictive.  (Our current president is on the record promoting this very idea.)  But you will most often find it repeated by the “open-minded” who have not taken the 5 minutes needed to read it, let alone try to discuss and understand it. (They don’t need to read it… their hearts tell them what they need to know… what’s scary about that is they vote…)   These are also the people who think we should all give each other big wet sloppy kisses… all the time.  To them, getting along to “help the country” sounds so nice it requires no further exploration on their part.

To make things worse, there are too many people who want to be led and then insist you must be led as well.  These people have found a home on both sides of the aisle.  The Founders were aware this would always be a reality. The defense they gave us against such people was an extremely well-defined and very restrictive document, that could be changed, in other words amended, if needed… but it would take an act of congress. (Yes, that’s where the phrase came from.)

What it comes down to is that you have two sides to choose from.  One side subscribes to individual freedom and one does not.  What makes one side somewhat sinister is that it wants to control you with “the best of intentions”.  Bear in mind, those who believe the sheep need to be led never seem to count themselves among the sheep….

So there must always be a war between those who know you are too stupid to make decisions for yourself  (Statists/Socialists) and those of us who think you are the only person who knows what’s best for you. (Free-market Capitalists)   If you give it a moment of thought, does it  make sense that a person who subscribes to individual freedom be buddies with a person who believes in the soft slavery of statism?  It’s really as simple as that.  The line in the sand is Force.

In conclusion, we are not supposed to get along.  We are not supposed to compromise our individual freedoms.  Ever.

If you need proof, compromise with Socialists is what got us here today… bankrupt, having our e-mail and phones call tapped, “intelligence agents” looking at our daughters cell phone pictures and Facebook pages while your grandmother is getting molested at the airport.  And the useful idiots continue begging for more Bipartisanshitt…

(Originally Posted 012012.  Reposted yet again because it needs to be.)


There is an urban myth out there that needs to be addressed.

“Binge drinking is bad.”  No, wait.  Wrong one.

“Compromise is good.”

If you’re a product of the public schools (like I am) it should be expected you believe we should all get along.  You probably think our elected representatives should be having dinner together, holding hands and making out in the back of dark movie theaters.  You might even think it is GOOD when they all get together and create legislation effecting the rest of us.

In other words, passing lots of bills is a terrific way to judge their productivity.  You think the government should “do something”… You might have been taught that the founders of this country wanted our leaders to strip down and embrace each other every time they met so they could create lots of really cool law.  If any of this rings true for you, what you “know” is wrong.  You should demand a refund on that free public education.

Here’s the truth, our system of government was designed specifically to be slow, cumbersome and rarely produce laws.  It was created to make sure no single branch could run rampant over the others with this purpose in mind.  It was designed for a fight… over everything… in the hopes that whatever came out was only what was absolutely necessary.  Less was more.  Nothing getting done was fine, if not preferred.  (I’ve floated this idea around the house but have not had much traction.)

We have come a long way from that original intent.  Over the last 100 years we have entitled our politicians to do whatever they want.  They have learned to routinely create law outside of the Constitution because they know that the odds are no-one will challenge it.  And, if their law does get challenged it will take too long and the American people will lose interest, or more often think they are owed whatever the law might “give” them.

These same politicians also know they can slow down the process of any legal challenge by appointing judges who also don’t care what limitations the Constitution puts in place.  Such judges then present their rulings utilizing previous unconstitutional rulings they or their fellow travelers passed down earlier.  Amazingly, they are also not above using foreign law for validation… which I’m very sure the Founding Fathers did not intend.  The fact that we revel in our lack of understanding and promote such behavior in our leaders should be frightening.  It has brought us to a very scary place.  Haven’t you wondered why alcohol sales are up? We’re frightened, but too uninformed to know why.  It’s like a horror movie where the person about to get killed runs around the house and turns all the lights… off.

There has been a determined movement over the last 80 years to position the U.S. Constitution as too restrictive.  (Our current president is on the record promoting this very idea.)  But you will most often find it repeated by the “open-minded” who have not taken the 5 minutes needed to read it, let alone try to discuss and understand it. (They don’t need to read it… their hearts tell them what they need to know… what’s scary about that is they vote…)   These are also the people who think we should all give each other big wet sloppy kisses… all the time.  To them, getting along to “help the country” sounds so nice it requires no further exploration on their part.

To make things worse, there are too many people who want to be led and then insist you must be led as well.  These people have found a home on both sides of the aisle.  The Founders were aware this would always be a reality. The defense they gave us against such people was an extremely well-defined and very restrictive document, that could be changed, in other words amended, if needed… but it would take an act of congress. (Yes, that’s where the phrase came from.)

What it comes down to is that you have two sides to choose from.  One side subscribes to individual freedom and one does not.  What makes one side somewhat sinister is that it wants to control you with “the best of intentions”.  Bear in mind, those who believe the sheep need to be led never seem to count themselves among the sheep….

So there must always be a war between those who know you are too stupid to make decisions for yourself  (Statists/Socialists) and those of us who think you are the only person who knows what’s best for you. (Free-market Capitalists)   If you give it a moment of thought, does it  make sense that a person who subscribes to individual freedom be buddies with a person who believes in the soft slavery of statism?  It’s really as simple as that.  The line in the sand is Force.

In conclusion, we are not supposed to get along.  We are not supposed to compromise our individual freedoms.  Ever.

If you need proof, compromise with Socialists is what got us here today… bankrupt, having our e-mail and phones call tapped, “intelligence agents” looking at our daughters cell phone pictures and Facebook pages while your grandmother is getting molested at the airport.  And the useful idiots continue begging for more Bipartisanshitt…

(Originally Posted 012012.  Reposted yet again because it needs to be.)

Repeal Obama Care.

I’m trying to put this as simply as I can.

What we had before was far, far better than what is being forced upon us now by President Obama and elected Democrats.

No more time for “fixes”. In other words, no more time to try and get more people addicted to Government Handouts… Entitlements… your tax dollars… whatever you want to call it.

Repeal this Abortion of Law Now!

Repeal it, Repeal it, Repeal it!

Stop with the “adjustments”… “a little more time”… “we just need to get it right”… hogwash.

Obama Care is Socialism pure and simple. It will not, does not nor ever will work. It can not, has not and does not work anywhere in the world.

Repeal the “Affordable” Care Act Now!

Now! Now! Now!

And if you can’t, elect those who will!

That is the only criteria for their election… they do not need to offer up “an alternative” as what we had before worked. They do not need to propose “how to fix” this current Communist approach to the world. They do not need to do anything other than Repeal this POS and do everything they can to stop another 100 Million people from losing their Health Insurance.

Have I made my point John B.?


Harry Reid’s Mushroom Cloud

This morning Senate Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) changed the rules of the Senate to allow for Mob Rule.  A simple Majority of Senators can now approve a Presidential Nominee for positions such as Judges.  While any nominee is now subject to simple majority vote for approval I’m going to stick with Judges… because that’s what really matters here.

I have tapped out my belief that the Progressive Liberal Socialists behind Obama Care will do anything… anything… anything to make sure this steaming pile of Elitist Social Engineering remains law.  Well, this is one of those “anything’s”.

There is a palpable sense of urgency emanating from the Democrats in Washington.

The Leftists are realizing that this whole destroy the insurance companies and force socialized medicine on the “stupid folks” thing just isn’t working out.  But they have waited too long and come to far to let it slip through their little commie fingers.

I posted a note some time back called the Benevolent Arsonist in which I proposed that Chief Justice John Roberts knew exactly what he was doing when he emasculated the Commerce Clause argument as applied to Obama Care (and pretty much anything else in the future) and instead forced it to be defined as a Tax.

Why is this important now?

It’s important because we are about to see Millions, possibly Hundreds of Millions of Americans forced to pay The Obama Care Penalty Tax because they have not enrolled in the brilliant Socialized Medicine Scheme thrust upon them.  They are going to be penalized for Not buying Something!  And once that happens… it constitutes “Harm”.  And once you’re “Harmed”… you can Sue, but not until then.

The Liberal Left Democrats in this country know full well the lawsuits are coming.  Harm is just over the Horizon.  In fact, it dawns in six weeks.

This is why those Big Unions, and Corporations, with armies of lawyers and the money to use them, all got waivers…  The Left hopes to slow down those who can make things happen Fast.  (Well, Big Labor is a different story… but let’s stay on topic.)

And because Small Businesses have neither money nor lawyers on staff they are left out to dry… just like the rest of the stupid Individuals who don’t know what’s good for us.

The Nuclear Option has been on the drawing boards behind those closed Red doors for some time.  And faced with a rapidly disintegrating Dream…

The Obama Administration and the Elitists who support Obama Care just need more time.

They need more time to create Government Addicts.  Just like the local Heroin Dealer… they are willing to give it to you right up until you Have to Have IT.  All these European Socialists who occupy the political offices of the United States want is enough time for there to be no way back to the way it was.  And while they don’t need to stack the courts forever, they absolutely need their people in place really friggin’ quick to fend off any legitimate lawsuits demonstrating the direct Harm being caused by this Soviet Style, Mean-Spirited and Overtly Oppressive Health Care legislation.

So the Nuclear Option was employed this morning because President Obama, Harry Reid and the rest of their Ilk see the writing on the wall.

This thing sucks.  You know it, I know it and even those blind Kool-Aid drinkers singing Obama songs before passing out at his campaign speeches now know it.  If they don’t, they’re starting to figure it out.  (The jury is still out in regard to what those people can actually figure out, but we’ll see as the weeks pass.)

Obama needs his Judges in Place.

Obama needs to be able to “expand”, in other words Stack, the courts in his favor.

Obama’s Legacy as the Man who Remade America into a Social Democracy depends on it.

And you fools are not playing along.

So they have no choice but to start pulling out the “anything’s”.

The Unbearable Meaness of Meaning

I’ve found when I ask for definitions to be applied to words, and meaning applied to assertions, that I’m “mean”.  At least that is the accusation.  And, I think I’m okay with it.

Apparently none of us, or at least not the majority, want to be held accountable for anything… ever.  It seems we wish to live in a world where everything means whatever we want it to, when we want it to.  I guess life is easier when it revolves around us and how we feel about it, not necessarily what it is.

Fine.  I’ve been known to indulge in a little “checking out” from time to time.  I have also spun bad situations into goods one even though I know they were still bad, but this is an epidemic.

This self-centered approach to everything permeates our society and we are seeing the results.  We demonstrate our unwillingness to deal with reality by exhibiting this type of behaviour.  We also protect ourselves from judgement by being purposefully vague.

We simply do not want to think about what we think.  (Intellectual laziness is… well… lazy.  And easy.)

Instead we want to have others praise us for the “achievement” of having an opinion.

We expect others to be so impressed by this accomplishment that we demand they overlook any deficit of substance which might elevate the opinion to being worthy of consideration.

Without fail the speaker will attempt to stop a search for meaning with one of the following:

“Who are you to judge?” (Response: Who would you prefer?)  “That’s just my opinion.” (Response: Yes… it is just an opinion.)  “We’ll have to agree to disagree.” (Response: I think we should agree to agree to disagree, then agree then not. To Infinity… na, na, na.  This one is so childish is hurts.  You can recognize your difference in opinion, but agreeing to it is a completely different position.  “I think Ax murdering your family is bad.” – “Well I think we should just agree to disagree.” Hmmm…)

All I have ever asked is that each of us, as individuals, Make an Effort to understand why we think what we think.  This effort should be ongoing throughout our life.

This blog has never been about agreement, conversion or solving the worlds problems… it has been about meaning.  What are we, our leaders and those we elevate to positions of authority actually saying… if anything.

So… I’m mean. I’m very, very mean.  If that’s the definition, then I will be proudly mean in all things.

To me, an opinion should resemble a Fine Bourbon.  It is the difference between meaning and meanness.

A Fine Bourbon does not appear before us because we wish it so. It is born of education, consideration, reason, rational, trial and error, all repeatedly applied to the fine materials nature provides.  Without context it is harsh and burns the novice mouth, very mean indeed.  Appreciation comes with experience and knowledge.  With meaning, leading to understanding, it becomes a demonstration of conceptual brilliance.  (And, it makes everyone around you more tolerable.)

When a President of The United States says He Claims Responsibility, What Does That Mean?

Seriously, What Does That Mean?

I Don’t Care what Party He’s in. I Don’t Care what Ideology he believes in. (I do, of course, but not in this case.)  I Couldn’t Care less about his Gender, Race, Height, Shoe Size or preferred Breakfast Cereal.

This isn’t about not liking the man…  I genuinely curious.

What Does it Mean when Someone “Claim’s Full Responsibility” for something which is destructive, yet does nothing about it?

By claiming responsibility is he trying to deflect negative repercussions falling upon those around him…  But why would a person do this unless one believes they’re above any consequences or penalty?

In other words, Falling on one’s sword requires a sword.

So is He above any consequences for his actions?

Yes?  Then all of this makes sense.

No?  Then what consequences should he suffer?

Again, What Does it Mean when he say’s he Claims Responsibility?

How to Speak Progressive

All of you are about to enjoy the opportunity to learn “Progressive”.

The language of Progressive has been used for a 100 years. And for most of us, because it is difficult to use in everyday life, we have not learned it.

So now is your chance!

It will be demonstrated right in front of you on your television so you can see what it sounds like and how it is used.

Here’s what to look for…

Government run Health Care is a Progressive idea.

The evolution of this concept is what we are interested in here.

Let me illustrate and then you can turn on your television and witness it for yourself.

“Socialized Medicine”

Folks started to realize that Democratic Socialism was what Lenin wrote about profusely and lovingly, so it evolved to:

“Government Provided Health Care”

Government run anything, deservedly so, gets a negative connotation, so it evolves to:

“Single Payer Health Care”

Opponents to Socialized Medicine saw through this and attached the appropriate definition turning the focus groups against the term, so it evolves to:

“Universal Health Care”

But those same opponents to Socialized Medicine again show up and ruin this redefinition, so it evolves to:

“Medicare for All”

This one has yet to go south in the minds of the rigorous focus grouping as it is relatively “new” re-labeling of Socialized Medicine…

There is one question, and one take away, following this brief lesson in Progressive.

The question is “What will they call it next when folks like you figure out what it really is?”

The takeaway is that Socialists never give up… they know they’ll never get you to like what they want to do to you, they just make every effort to confuse you until you Beg them to do it.

Enjoy watching this for yourself!

Class dismissed.