Tag Archives: stronger together

President Feckless

There has been much talk lately about our President being Feckless.

I cannot stand idly by and allow such charges to go unchallenged!

Our President deserves the respect he has earned and I’m here to offer a defense in his absence.

President Obama is quite an accomplished Fecker.

He has employed his talent to Feck up:

The Middle East – on Fecking fire.

The Economy – Completely Fecked.

Our Health Care – Fecked and getting even more Fecked.

The Free Market – Fecked-Up Beyond All Recognition.

He continues to Feck with our personal liberty, our freedom and our property rights.

Frankly, he came into office promising to Feck-up everything in his “Blue print for America” and he has accomplished many of his Fecking goals.

So anyone accusing him of being Feckless is simply wrong, he has Fecked-up almost everything.

I think he has done a fantastic job Fecking everyone.

And, I don’t know about you but I feel like I’ve been Fecked enough by the President.

But I guess there are still folks out there who need some more Fecking…  (They’ll be voting for Bill’s wife.)

(It’s been a while since this post, but apparently someone broke out their thesaurus again…  so I couldn’t resist… again… and again.)