Stephen King is Still Alive

File Photo- Stephen King


Today I learned that Stephen King is still alive.

It was by accident as I happened to be reading a story regarding the Impeachment of Donald J. Trump and the very real possibility that some Democrats may not vote in favor of all or any of the charges/articles being presented to the Legislature for consideration.
Apparently Jared Golden (D-ME) has voiced the intent to vote for only one of the articles. Being that “ME” stands for Maine and that is where Mr. King is buried… sorry, not yet buried as of today… it hit close to home so to speak.
It turns out that President Trump’s use of power to dismantle 70 years of socialist utopian enterprise is offensive to Mr. King and as far as Mr. King is concerned represents an abuse of power. It also seems that Mr. King is in favor of U.S. Politicians forcing foreign companies to install their family members onto Boards of Directors which supply annual incomes in exchange for influence in U.S. policymaking. And because of this Mr. King recognized that President Trump’s request to investigate such behavior in the spirit of positive cooperation between the United States and Ukraine is clearly extortion on the part of President Trump.
All of that being said, Mr. King is adamant that Representative Golden (D-ME) vote for BOTH articles of impeachment because this Anti-Socialist Tyrant in the White House must be stopped.  If Rep. Golden decides not to do so, Mr. King has promised to unleash the fury of the undead masses to defeat him during the next election cycle.
I feel sorry for Rep. Golden. It is an impossible task to suddenly have to fend off a preternatural enemy from the grave… no, sorry again… from some creepy isolated locale hidden in the snowy woods where even birds dare not fly…
I wish you luck, Jared.
If you suddenly see Kathy Bates, anywhere, contact the authorities.
As to Stephen King, I will add him back into the pool.

About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

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