Tag Archives: keep your insurance


An interesting question came up yesterday.

During a conversation with an associate I was asked to define Socialism.  And, then explain why I think it’s bad.

My response was, “Force.”.

The issue is not that Socialism is difficult to define but rather that so many people demonstrate the mindset through their actions while calling themselves various other things.  Socialists intentionally try to keep you, and themselves, confused… if they didn’t, you would see them for what they are.

It became clear during this conversation that a simple rule would be useful, because the left changes their names with regularity and impunity. The Socialists figured out long ago when people understand what they really stand for, those same people don’t like them. The solution was to keep calling themselves something different… often.

The evolution of names adds up to a long list, from stealing the term “Liberal” to using words like Progressive. You’ll find them labeling themselves Democrats, Moderates, Social Democrats, Republicans and even, hilariously, “No Labels”.  I prefer “Statists” because it lumps them all together… it’s easier for me as I have few brain cells remaining.

It becomes humorous when you think about it… how disliked must you be to have so many names?  Well, criminals do this everyday.  Count the times you’ve watched the news and the police are looking for a guy with fifteen different “AKA’s”?  Criminals, and Liberals, understand that a name follows you around and gets in the way of doing bad things.  Can’t have that.

So how do we identify these people?
The first question you should always ask yourself is… does this person advocate force to be used upon U.S. Citizens in order to achieve their desired goal?

An easy example of the above is:

Is the government forcing me to buy… a bible, a first edition of Audacity of Hope or health insurance?  If so, the person advocating the force is a Socialist.  It doesn’t matter what they call themselves.

And, the law used to force you to do so is Socialist in nature and therefore extra-constitutional.  (OK Lefties – Car insurance does not apply here as you are not forced to buy a car… and even if you choose to, as long as it resides on your private property (say a ranch) you are not forced to have insurance for it.)

If you’re still not sure, then the second question is; Does this person desire to use this force to “nudge” you to the ‘right’ decision, in other words quicker than you might have arrived there on your own…  This is done because the Leftist wielding the force already knows (believes) their answer is the right one and you’re too inept (Stupid) to make the correct decision on your own.

Some historic examples of this are skyrocketing gas prices forced upon us through Federal taxes, and a refusal to utilize our own natural resources, so we can get those cars that run on algae which we have all been dreaming about.  Or, forcing banks to lend you money even though you don’t have a job and you have a history of not paying your bills… this way you can have a house BEFORE you can afford it subsequently causing a GLOBAL financial meltdown.  (Thank you again Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.)

It doesn’t matter what the consequences are, because these people are Brilliant and full of only the best intentions… like forcing people to buy crappy fluorescent light bulbs from a company that donates millions of dollars to their campaign coffers.  Thank God we have such smart folks to take care of us stupid people…

It really is that simple, and this “force” rule can be applied hundreds of times a day. Now that you realize how this works, you’ll be amazed on how it changes the way you see the world. You will also be amazed at the change in how you view people you previously thought you agreed with.

So instead of allowing yourself to succumb to the intentionally confusing and overwhelming number of names and supposed “good intentions” the Left hides behind, you now have an easy way to identify them and their behaviors immediately and clearly even through their denials.  When applied, this rule will identify those Socialists on both sides of the aisle.

In contrast, Free-Market Capitalism requires no force.  None.  All it requires is you making the decision you think is best for you.  Rugged Individualism takes into account that we are all in this together, but it allows YOU to determine if coming together as a group towards a goal is the right thing for you to do… it does not allow for some other person to force you to ‘come together’ and accomplish a goal you disagree with but they think is super cool.

Make no mistake… there is a war going on.  It’s a battle between two very different governing theories… two very different Ideologies.

One is Collectivist in nature.  It’s a number of ideas that sound nice when said aloud but have a very long, sad history of oppression, poverty, death, destruction and failure.  It’s called Democratic Socialism. It’s Force.  The entirety of the Democrat Party, and many in the Republican Party promote this ideology through their actions while denying it to your face.  They work “around” the U.S. Constitution because it is anti-socialist by design.  They call it a “living, breathing document” or “outdated”.  Of course they do, it’s in the way.

The other theory is Enlightened and what this country was founded on.  It’s Liberty and Freedom of the Individual to choose.  It’s a Federal Government Limited by a Constitution.  It’s Free-Market Capitalism that protects not just the Individual, but the Economic health of all of us… together.  There are only a few politicians promoting this ideology but their numbers are increasing as the citizens begin to actively pay attention.  With the Education of the population in regard to these two theories the voters find their way.  Sadly, the contrast is no longer being taught in our Government School System and must be sought out.  But you are seeking it out… to the dismay of the Left.

What should be understood is these two ideologies are mutually exclusive.  Compromise has no place here.  The fact that we have tried to compromise ( link to: Bipartisanshitt) over the last 110-years is exactly what has brought us to the fiscal cliff.  We have strayed very far in deed from our original intent.

It’s time to admit it, double back, and find the right path before it’s too late.

We are very close to “too late”.

(Originally posted 090612)

Note from Obama’s second to last State of the Union:

(On the heels of President Obama’s final Speech to the U.N. this morning, 092016, and his plea to keep Socialist Administrators in charge of everything… combined with his factual observation that Capitalism has improved the lives of everyone world over only to later call it “Soulless”… I felt it necessary to put this up again.  The idea that we all become closer in a world that becomes smaller is inarguable.  But those Socialists that subscribe to Undisturbed Evolution being the brilliance of the Universe are the same people who cannot conceive of the same Social Evolution without their input and control, in other words their meddling and distortion while cementing permanent positions as Administrators.  It’s genuinely amazing to hear such Arrogance and Narcissism spoken out loud.  Frankly it’s the speech Obama should have given 8 years ago.  It’s what he really believes.  He’s Smarter than you… and you’re welcome.  The Truth is Unfettered Capitalism does not require their self-anointed brilliance.  It only requires all of us making decisions for ourselves in an ever shrinking world.  They know this, and they see no place for themselves in such an Undisturbed Evolution.  This morning’s speech is nothing more than a cry for relevance.  A cry for Global Institutionalization of the Aristocracy and its inherent nepotism.  It’s nothing more than the vapid Marxism that has attempted to salvage the elitist hold on power as the worlds Monarchies collapse.  It’s old, it’s tired and it remains as dangerous as ever in it’s oppression, death and destruction.  Global Socialism is a Poison… and we are being told to double the dose.)