Tag Archives: arizona

Is Mexico Responsible for Anything?

I have a simple question.

Is Mexico responsible for anything?

Admittedly, it is difficult to lay complete blame for the drug violence on Mexico when we (the U.S. citizenry) are consuming the product of, and we (the U.S. government) are arming, the drug cartels. So let’s be generous and say “we” are responsible for 60% of the problem. Seem reasonable? So why do we only hear about our 60%? What about the other 40%?

(Update the below paragraph with “Caravans heading North”…)

Considering the lines outside emigration services yesterday it struck me that Mexico was doing nothing to help “legitimize” the status of the individuals in line. But to Mexico’s defense even if they had I’m not sure it would have been warmly received.  In fact, several of the “on scene” interviews sounded more like asylum cases in that the individual would run down a list of how inhospitable and outright dangerous Mexico is. The idea of going back, to them, would be cruel and unusual punishment for crime they did not commit.  While I personally enjoy Mexico and find it to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth… I do not necessarily disagree, but it lends to the larger issue.

Is Mexico responsible for anything?  If so, what?

Let’s say Canadians were flooding across the border for reasons of escape… (which in some medically related scenarios is not so far-fetched) would we be so tolerant of the Canadian government as to continuously find ways to blame ourselves? And since we’re on that topic… blame ourselves for what? Is it our fault that we cling to the final visage of Free-Market Capitalism in the world and the prosperity it promulgates, thus creating a more desirable alternative than the place these folks are escaping from?

So why are we quiet in regard to Mexico?

Why exactly is it not Mexico’s responsibility to create that same atmosphere for their citizens?  (The same applies to all Latin American countries given our current predicament.)

Why should Mexico be absolved of the international cry to improve their economy, create jobs and control crime repeatedly leveled at the U.S.?  It’s certainly not a lack of natural resources, ports, or favorable climate… It’s clearly not the lack of population or strong work ethic. So why?

Partly it is a U.S. media predisposed to self loathe U.S. success and prosperity. It simply is not in vogue to appreciate the Capitalist system our country was founded on, assuming they know what that is, or the riches realized from it. The flip side of that is a programmed desire not to criticize Socialist countries, not because it might make the country look bad but because they would have to look in the mirror and re-evaluate their personal beliefs.

The final aspect is Political Correctness and the fear of being labeled racist should anyone step up and offer the truth. They know the first Journalist to speak out loud that ‘Mexico shares the blame for our border problems and must own their economic woes will be labeled a bigot who hates… I don’t even know anymore… Mexicans? Hispanics? Latinos? Mayans? Aztecs? Spaniards? I mean seriously. The world is cosmopolitan. Having a Spanish surname means little here in the U.S. but the census still counts you as Hispanic… Why?  Because that’s how the money is handed out.  Rest assured, someone would be offended somewhere, so you’d be a bigot somehow.
All I’m asking for is reasoned, rational, discussion.

What I’m saying simply is there must be a focus on other countries responsibility when it comes to their citizenry and internal economic problems.

Unfortunately it seems all too easy to blame the U.S. for all the ills in the world, especially by our own journalists. When I say “easy”, I mean both comfortably and safely. They are comfortable because they believe it, and they are safe because they know as long as they blame the U.S. First… there will be no punishment directed at them from the industry of the offended.  The Antifa Fascists will be fine with it, so they know their houses will not be burnt down.

Think about the comments from the EU and how the problems they suffer are always the fault of United States.  The starvation and disease in Africa is our fault.  The illegal immigration problem right here in the U.S. is our fault… because, like every other country in the world including Mexico,  we don’t openly accept just anyone who crosses the border.  It’s stunning how the world expects us to bend in every way imaginable while they conduct themselves in a way of “business as usual”.

It’s also stunning that absolutely no attention is paid to how we became a country that could help those less fortunate on our borders… and around the world.  But here’s a hint… it wasn’t by giving all of our stuff away.

I am a Capitalist.  As such, this is not a cry to seal the borders and not let anyone in, or pull all of our Diplomats home.  On the contrary, I like tall fences and wide gates.  I expect to have access to the best products at the best prices for my self-determined needs.  Having emissaries abroad is important to communicate the benefits of freedom and liberty of the individual as well as aid those who wish to embrace it for themselves in their own countries.

But there needs to be rational and reasonable assessments when determining the foundation of problems lest no solutions can ever be arrived at.

Unless that’s the point.

For more on “the point”: La Gran Mentira

(A repost from 8/16/12, since illegal immigration is now being used to destroy the Constitution’s Separation of Powers.  It’s dated, but brings up what I believe to be an important question.  What are we saying about Mexico?  Are we delaying a Revolution south of our Border?  If so, to whose benefit?  And if we are delaying a Revolution, is it serving to make Mexico, and Latin America as a whole, more Fragile?)

International Redistribution

What’s the Question?

Socialists don’t just support, and force, redistribution from one individual to another… they support, and force, the redistribution of our income from our country to others.

It’s happening right in front of us.

The crisis on the border and the flood of illegal aliens into the United States unobstructed by our Federal Government is by design. If President Obama cannot directly send money (which we do not have) to the countries of his choice he will bring the citizens of those countries here to hook them up on our social welfare programs.

The new Democrat voting base and Union Dues which find their way into Voting Boothes and into Democrat Campaign Coffers are just added value.

This is not complicated.

While denying that this is the intent, the administration continues to do it right in front of us. The Obama Administration and the Democrat party has adopted the FU strategy when it comes to governing. In other words, ‘We’re not doing what you think we’re doing… and even if we are, FU!’  It is Machiavellian in the purest form.

The Progressives are destroying this country.

This is not hyperbole. Again… it’s happening right in front of you. The Socialist Left see that their time may be short and have accelerated their push to tear down as much of what’s left of this country as founded as they can. They know full well that the public is catching on to what they’ve been doing for the last 7 decades. Obama has simply moved faster with the ‘fundamental transformation of America’ than any President in recent memory thus mandating the need to ‘grab as much as you can’ before his party is kicked out of power.

If you’re reading this shaking your head and thinking I’m overstating the drive behind the current President and his Party…

Then ask yourself;

Do you really think they would be risking their own fortunes and lives by promoting, facilitating and embracing the Flood of Illegals into the US along with the diseases and crime commiserate to such unchecked migration?

Do you think the people who have anointed themselves smarter than you in every way have forgotten why Ellis Island existed in the first place?

Do you actually believe these geniuses view the creation a brand new entitlement class will improve the economic health of the United States?

But the question that encapsulates all of this is… Do you really think they would be doing any of this if it wasn’t Ideologically Driven?

No. Of course Not.

But that’s the evil that drives them. Their Socialist Ideology and their innate desire to turn the United States into a purely Socialist state, by whatever name they want to call it, is what’s in play.

There is a War underway, and We The People are losing.

(Unenforced Immigration Laws Driving Border Crisis – Breitbart)


If ISIS comes across our Border with Mexico…

It will be no one’s fault but the Democrat Party.


Followed only by those Leftist Republicans whose deliberate inaction on the issue of securing the borders FIRST prior to any discussion of reform of immigration policy.

If, God forbid, those Terrorist A-Holes succeed in killing American’s here in the U.S. the blood will be on the hands of those elected officials who have placed politics above security, economic and otherwise, for over a decade now.

There is No Excuse for the situation we are in… and our open, unprotected borders have been by design. Whether it was to set the stage for the continued life of the Leftist Democrat Party of the Fascist Left of the Republican party catering to big business…

They ALL will be to blame.

We have been talking about securing the borders since the beginning of the Bush Administration and we have done LESS THAN NOTHING. If anything, we have created a path of death and despair with the promise of free stuff and taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves from outside our country. It is as Sad as it is Sick that anyone supports such a Scheme foisted upon innocence.

But then there’s the not so innocent…

What’s left to add after those who came here illegally begin killing us?

Some offer they started a long time ago.

Wake Up. Secure the Borders. If that means a fence to at least slow them down then so be it.

Once we’re finished with that we can begin the conversation regarding easier access for those who wish to work here.

Enough is Enough,

They Just Came Here Looking for Laps

Undocumented Chihuahua’s are overwhelming authorities in Maryvale Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix.

These Working Dogs have been suffering through the lack of Health Care, Inability to Read or Speak Our Language and Inability to Legally Drive.

Now with the downturn of the U.S. Economy and a resulting lack of Lap’s to occupy they have been forced to run rampant through the Streets of Phoenix.

As if a red flag has been raised, authorities have noted an increase in “Low to the Ground” and “Very Small” Tagging throughout Maryvale which was once an up-and-coming suburb of Phoenix.

Law Enforcement is facing an uphill battle as this phenomena has taken them by surprise.

“Our Facilities are full, and we just don’t have enough officers.” – said an anonymous Patrolman who asked to keep his identity confidential due to security concerns.  “But you can’t blame them for this situation.  They came here to fill the lap’s American Dog’s wouldn’t… this is a tough problem which at first glance by the rest of the country appears extremely small, but it’s not.  We’re doing our best to deal with it with the limited resources available.”

In an attempt to address overcrowding, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has built a 3-acre Tent Doghouse.  The Canines who reside in what has become known as The Pound are required to wear Bright Pink collars at all times.  The ASPCA has launched several lawsuits in opposition to this treatment on the grounds of it being undignified, cruel and unusual.  Those Chihuahuas we were able to interview at The Pound didn’t appear to care.  In fact, many of them seemed used to this type of treatment.

In the End,

These Proud Canines have found themselves in Desperate need of Help over the last several years.

In response, ACORN has initiated a massive Emergency Program and established a base of operations in Maryvale.

While the ACORN program has not succeeded in addressing the Hungry and Homeless problems, they Have been able to Register well over 23,000 of the undocumented canines to Vote in Arizona and Federal Elections.  ACORN has also issued a number of press releases speaking out against those who refer to the Chihuahua’s as “illegal”, “small” and “lap dogs”.  Representatives from the Community Organizing Group suggest all those addressing the topic should refer to the Chihuahuas as “Migrating”, “Canine” or at the very least “Size Challenged”.

We have attempted to contact LULAC but have not received a response to date.

In a related issue, the neighboring State of New Mexico has offered to help by issuing Drivers Licenses to those Canines who want them so they can legally drive.  The idea is also that these newly licensed drivers will come out of the shadows and get insurance thus boosting the regional economy.

While we may not know what the future holds for Maryvale and Communities like it one thing is for sure, there will be no Sudden Moves without everybody hearing about it.

Next week we will interview local Border Patrol and their battle with Coyote’s.

If There were Ever an Endorsement…

that you should Cherish, it’s this one from John McCain;

“I F*cking Hate You!”, “Him”, “That Guy” or anything remotely along those lines.

This is reportedly how Senator McCain feels about Senator Ted Cruz. I have to confess that I like Cruz once I get past the fact he looks like the illegitimate grandson of LBJ. But now I might actually be “In Love” with Ted Cruz. Anyone who can elicit such a visceral hatred from the poster child for Fascist/Socialist Republicans is a guy I can believe in.

Frankly I’m thinking about sending an inquiry to the McCain Camp asking for a complete list of who he Hates… that would make my decision regarding who to vote for and send money to, much, much easier.  At a minimum it would be a quick reference guide for when I’m busy doing something else, or drunk, and not thinking clearly.

I’m now hoping McCain threatens to stab Rand Paul or drown Mike Lee.

By the way, when you busy yourself destroying the U.S. Constitution and advocating the reduction of Liberty and Freedom of the Individual is when I’m finished thanking you for your service.  Nobody, nobody wants to, or should have to, endure what Senator McCain endured… but that does not give him license to work against what the Founding Fathers fought for and were Gracious enough to leave us with.  Please retire Senator, so I can get back to thanking you.

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer is Honest if Nothing Else

I wish the House had more John McCain’s.”

While Senator McCain is, well, a Senator… I understand Schumer’s lament.  He already has McCain in the Senate, the only obstacles for Democrat Socialists appear to be in the McCainless House of Representatives.  If they could only have that cloning program up and running…

And, as far as Schumer is concerned;

With Enemies like McCain, who needs Friends?

I agree Chuck.

Let’s stop Drunk Driving!

(This post originally aired 1 year ago today. 062513 Funny how we can’t seem to stop arguing about the same old things.)

I am not a fan of Drunk Drivers.

Their selfish behavior endangers the lives and prosperity of the rest of us. They rob us of our loved ones and suck our tax dollars away from more important priorities.  We need to put an end to this problem.  Interestingly enough, the same negative statistics can be associated with Illegal Immigration…

So, I propose we handle Drunk Driving the same way the current Administration handles Illegal Immigration.

Stop arresting people.  In fact, make it illegal to enforce the law.

Even better, Ignore the behavior all together.

And… as we have seen from the deportation statistics, the Drunk Driving problem will decrease, decline, go away.  Magic!

It’s been proven through our current policy to secure our borders, and the evaluations voiced by the Lefts’ talking heads, when you stop arresting people for committing a specific crime the number of people getting arrested for that crime goes down!  Almost unbelievably.

And in correlation, convictions also go down!  Then, the associated punishment of offenders goes down!  Brilliant!

That’s what we want according to the Left… Correct?

Clearly, If we stop pulling over and arresting Drunk Drivers then the number of people being arrested for Drunk Driving will go down!

With fewer offenders, the number of convictions would decrease!  With fewer convictions we then can conclude the behavior has demonstrably changed!  MADD will be overjoyed…

(Please Note:  We stopped teaching correlation vs. causation years ago… along with math, science, reading, etc.)

It is that easy.

Illegal Immigration Problem solved.

With the Progressive Liberals like every Democrat and Lindsey Graham having it all figured out, it leaves more time for me to drink… but not drive…

(Since McCain is basically a Democrat I lumped him in with the Progressives… I wanted to give him a break by not mentioning him directly by name.  I know he’ll appreciate that.)

Really, Really Not Going as Planned.

This morning two new polls were released.

Neither of which spoke well of President Obama’s effort to scare the American Public into not only Increasing Revenues (Democrat for Raising Taxes) but embracing the idea that not a single dollar can ever be cut from government spending.

One was a Pew Poll, the other was… a McClatchy-Marist poll.

After reading these polls I glanced up at the news and Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) was doing an interview on FOX. Well, it wasn’t so much an interview as a nervous breakdown. There were about three different times I thought he was going to cry… he was already stamping his feet. Then I put it together.  They get these polls before anyone else.  And it’s not good.
President Obama’s only play left in the playbook is “going to the public”.  And he has lost “the public” according to the sources of opinion the Democrats trust.
Not only that, the “Republican Base” is not cooperating. They seem to be casting aside the like-minded Liberals like McCain, et al. and climbing on the Rand Wagon. This is not good for Democrats.
In the past the Republicans were simply Socialist Light… in more Democrat Speak “They were Reasonable.”
But times are a changin’.
And just to add to this approaching storm, the Liberals are running out of time.  Instead of ringing they must have “ticking” in their ears.
No, they’re not going to give up but time is tick, tick, ticking away until the Mid-Term elections and the campaigning season is about to start.

Effectively the Progressives have only 3-4 more months to over-reach and pass everything they can before they have to run to the center and sound like conservatives in order to get re-elected. Keep in mind, it is very difficult to sound like a conservative when you’re being forced by your party leadership to support Gun Control, Higher Taxes, A Failing National Health Care Scheme and a President with Approval ratings in the low 40’s who is desperately trying to convince your voters that a 3% cut to the growth of spending is “Draconian”. (A word the majority of those voters have no idea the meaning of… they just know the people they vote for want them think it’s bad.)

The fact that the Democrat Base doesn’t think “Sequester” is the Apocalypse is such a disaster that genuine fear is bubbling up from the likes of Van Hollen. The public is not buying the sales pitch that “Sequester” is a bad thing and that jerk Paul Ryan is daring the House and Senate Dem’s to come up with a budget proposal by presenting his own… directly to the people!  The indigestion on the Left is palpable.  The Liberals are fully aware the Debt Ceiling debate is days away.
While this is no victory, it is momentum.

What is remaining?

The Establishment Republicans must be voted out.  (Hey Arizona!  I love your state!  But why do you keep sending us McCain?  Do you Hate the rest of the country that much?  You’re cutting your nose off to spite your face.  Anyway…)

Keep Boehner contained.  If so, we might get a defunding of Obama Care.

Deny everything on Obama’s wish list of new legislation, leaving him with nothing but the EPA to destroy America.

Do not mistake this for excitement.  The Republicans have the uncanny ability to help the Democrats get what they want more often than not.

But the tantrum Van Hollen threw this morning seems indicative of the state of mind on the Left.

When you lose the Country, you lose the race.  Unless Obama can single-handedly save Europe… The Mid-terms could be very interesting.


Let it burn.

So I’ve been relatively quiet the last several weeks. I have spent most of my time reading.

A little Mao, a little Card, a little Smith and little Goldberg… along with every article I can find on this latest loss to the Left.

It’s always interesting to hear those I respect, and many I don’t, suffer the same attempt to understand why the United States chose the Socialist… once again. Luckily for me, these folks have done so in type…

From what I have gleaned there are three basic themes:

1. Republicans do not, or are incapable of, running a candidate with a solid foundation of Free-market principles (aka Capitalist) who is willing to espouse them in a cogent concise manner. Over, and over, and over.

2. The Republicans fall in line every time the Socialists say “We need civility, cooperation and bipartisanship”… which actually means “help us make these horrible Socialist ideas work… or at least let us blame YOU when they predictably don’t”.

3. The country is divided between those who make and those who take… and the takers voted. (I know this is offensive… particularly to the “takers”, which is why I’m convinced it is truth. Nobody is ever offended by ridiculous assertions… because they’re ridiculous.  Clowns are funny, not offensive.)

These three points are the wheat, separated from the chafe. These are what survives poor logic, and the socialist republican thought, we have been subject to for decades.

So what are the “solutions” to this problem?


Let it burn.

We have an opportunity to allow Socialism to Fail Epically. The “Fiscal Cliff” is a Socialist wet dream. And, in the words of Barack Obama, elections have consequences… well, I agree.

While I do not support a stance of “walking away” from the issue, I do support adopting a tactic of the left. A tactic so common that the American people have come to accept it. A tactic so old that Machiavelli shared it with his Prince.

Tell everyone, repeatedly, that you want to help “solve” this problem. Let everyone know how dangerous it is and that you agree with the Democrats regarding the election results… Tell every listening ear that you’ll welcome whatever solutions the Democrats and Barack Obama send over… then do nothing.  Never once acknowledge any proposals sent up for consideration…

In fact… ignore any “solutions” that might be sent over no matter how ridiculous. Don’t laugh at them, don’t critique how stupid they may be, don’t acknowledge them at all. Just stay with the above plea and offer of immediate cooperation and bipartisanship when the Democrats come to the table.

Then stay quiet. In other words, if you’re not talking about how cooperative you’re going to be and busy being “civil” while doing nothing… you should have a steaming hot cup of Shut the F*ck Up in your hand sipping away.

“But Mike… but Mike… that means we go over the Fiscal Cliff! Aghhhhh…”

Yep. It’s time for some pain. It’s time for the takers to see what Socialism is all about in a way that cannot be ignored, spun or placed at the feet of Capitalists.

“But Mike… The press will blame the Republicans!”

Yep. But not the few who openly stand for Free Market Capitalism. And this will be the opportunity for them to rise up and shine.


Genuinely pay attention to the foundations of the candidates you support.  (The ability to recognize these values will require YOU to understand them first.  So, get to work.)

In other words, not what they say… talk is cheap… but what they do… all the time.

If the Great Experiment is to succeed, we must… must, with no exceptions… seek out and elect those whose beliefs are founded in Free-market Capitalism and Individual Liberty.  They must believe it.  They must practise it.  They must understand what limited government means and how that benefits every citizen in the U.S., not just all the little groups the Left wants, needs, us to identify with.

It is the single “Big Idea”.  It is a unifying message.  It is the “Big Tent” under which all of us can get underneath if we choose to.  It is exactly what the Socialists fear… and right now they have no fear, evidently for good reason.

It will be the platform our current and aspiring leaders must run on during the mid-terms. It will be the platform all of us must insist on during the primaries for 2016. The rest of the republicans I don’t care about… aside from removing them from office and replacing them with Capitalists.


Call it what it is.

Call this crap Socialism.  Why are we 16 Trillion dollars in debt and headed for Fiscal Oblivion?  Socialism.  Why are our kids failing in school? Socialism.  Why are there no jobs out there? Socialism.  Why did the housing market crash?  Socialism.  Why do the banks control everything?  Socialism.  Why are our taxes going up rather than our government stopping the out of control spending?  Socialism.  Why does everything cost more?  Socialism.  Who wants to get ahold of our savings and 401k’s?  Socialists.  Who wants to nationalize more companies forcing taxpayers to support the Unions?  Socialists.  Who are the Socialists responsible for all of this?  Name them… from both parties.  Often, and as loud as possible.

This may sound “too simple”.

I would offer that if it is too simple why hasn’t it been done since Reagan?

The Left chastises those who “still live in the era of Reagan.”  They think Reagan is idolized as Reagan the man… Well I happen to idolize Reagan, not as “the man” but rather as the guy who stood for what this country was founded on.  If you give me someone else who truly believes in those same things and shows no fear, ever, in espousing them and then actually doing them once in office I will idolize them too.

So there you have it.  The Political Consultant class will call this naive… fine.  I expect nothing less because the above “Big Idea” doesn’t require their input… thus will not generate foolish amounts of money headed their way.

I will offer only a single defense.

“Attention Political Consultants… I’ve read all your stuff… every bit of it.  I’ve watched all your brilliance closely, campaign after campaign.  The only winners, or at least those who profit, at the end of the day are you.  I know Socialism… deeply.  You also profess to as well, yet you preach “reaching out” to disparate groups, the same groups created for the purposes of the Left you supposedly oppose.  You promote Bipartisanship and non-offensive messaging for fear of offending the sensibilities of our home-grown Communists…  In your model, “Getting something done” is more important than “Getting only the right things done and nothing else”.  Both Lenin and Alinsky agree, a compromise is a win for the Left… and you are part of the problem.  You are why we are here.

A Suggested Response for Arizona…

Since the Executive Branch of the United States has unilaterally decided what laws to enforce and what laws will be ignored…
I suggest Arizona return the favor.
From this point forward and until the Federal government returns to its responsibility of enforcing all the laws of the land including those they find distasteful, Arizona should unilaterally cease to enforce certain laws originating from the Federal Government.  Particularly, but not limited to, those laws and regulations originating from departments falling under the jurisdiction of the Executive Branch.
I would offer up everything from the EPA… then the Dept. of Education… and follow up with the DEA and FBI.  You could throw in the IRS for good measure.
They don’t have to be overt about it… just radio silence, so to speak. Simply stop cooperating.  Call it operation “All Quiet on the Western Front”.

It is time to argue the 10th Amendment and states rights.
Arizona simply wants to defend their sovereignty… and the Left is hell-bent on defending their welfare dependant potential voters at the Federal level.
I happen to favor a simple solution to the immigration problem that I have outlined in a previous post titled La Gran Mentira. It does not extend citizenship rights to foreign workers. It does not allow for union membership of foreign workers. It does, however, make it easy for foreigners to come to the U.S. and work if that is what they choose to do. It also respects the fact that whatever money they make is their to do with what the wish. And… yes they will have to pay taxes just as we do anywhere else in the world we choose to work… without the right citizens of those countries enjoy.
This is not hard.
But my solution does not provide for the foreign workers to be stripped of their wages by compulsory Union dues. And it does not allow for them to head to the voting booth in order to effect the lives of millions of Americans with their vote.
If they find having Union bosses steal from them and voting for more of it to be desirable they will have to get in line like everyone else not born here.
I welcome them.

Frankly I find naturalized citizens to be better Americans on the whole as they know why it is here that they want to b e versus the country they left behind.
So… to make a long missive longer. Let’s start a fight and have not only a national debate, but a national education on what Federalism means and how this republic was designed. It certainly hasn’t happened in our public schools for the last 50 years… and we are all suffering for it.