Tag Archives: democrat voters

La Gran Mentira

The big lie.

While posturing that “the borders need to be secured” neither party is willing to actually secure them.


Grab a Tecate, and let’s take a look at the Democrats first.

The Democrats see illegal immigrants as a huge potential voting block once legitimized.  They will never say this out loud, but amnesty is what they want and once that occurs it will be quickly followed by demanding voting rights.  Even if they fail to push through voting rights (they can always come back to that) there is an ancillary and enormous benefit they also will not tell you about.  If they are here legally they can become Union members whose dues are mandatory and used to support pro-labor (Socialist) political candidates.  It should cause some Democrat Union members dissonance when they find themselves supporting illegal immigration  (the guys taking “their” jobs)… but it seems it’s just part of the mental gymnastics required to be a Socialist.  It can never really be about the individual.

Now let’s look at the Republicans.

The Republicans see illegal immigrants as an incredibly effective tool to disrupt the stranglehold Unions have had on Agriculture, Manufacturing and the Trades.  Part of the reason we have seen an exodus in manufacturing from the U.S. to places distant is that Labor Unions have driven up the price of labor to the point where companies can longer afford to pay the wages and benefits and still make a profit they feel is large enough to justify the effort.  (I know I just uttered a dirty word to you Leftists out there but I beg you to learn a little bit about the profit motive and how it drives innovation bettering all of our lives.  Please.)  So the illegal workforce effectively cuts the legs out from underneath the Unions and allows us to pay $.99 for a head of lettuce.  (An aside:  Let’s think about this for a second.  Are we being led to believe that these workers who are willing to break the law in order to make money for their families back home want to turn this country into the place they had to leave in order to find work?  Or is it all of the “free” services like education, medical and welfare?  But… I thought the country’s north and south of us already provided that stuff.)

There is an answer to this problem.

Liberalize temporary work visa’s. (If I can go to the department of motor vehicles and get a credit card type driver’s licence made in ten minutes, then certainly we can have the same machine at points of entry for those who wish to work.)  Put a biometric component on the ID.  Easy.  The workers would be required to have the ID’s on them at all times just as we are when we travel to other countries.  The card would have to be renewed every six months after a brief stay in their home country or country of choice other than the U.S. (Similar to what ex-pats do in order to maintain their citizenship status here in the United States.)

Here’s the key:  The visa would not allow voting rightsIt would not allow for collectivization.  (If one would like those things then get in line and go through the process of becoming a citizen. If not… no worries, don’t get in line.) Those states wishing to attract these workers could simply pass right to work laws making it possible for them to work without having to join a Union.

Here’s the rub;

The Republicans don’t like this idea because it would drive the cost of low skilled labor up somewhat.  But more importantly they’re understandably afraid that if it was offered the cry would be for bipartisanship and compromise… which would lead to the workers ability to join a Union and vote in local elections first (this is already being worked on in the southern border states), then national elections in the name of “fairness”.

The Democrats don’t like the idea because on the outside chance that they don’t get some wonderful bipartisan compromise then they don’t get votes and money for Democrat politicians.  They would also lose an issue for the ignorant portion of their base who likes to believe that the “Old South” lives and they hate them mezkins and forners.  (It has always been funny to me that the “Old South” were all Democrats but I digress.)

So… We’ll just keep things as they are so both parties have something to talk about aside from their driving the U.S. into fiscal oblivion with their Statist entitlement programs.

Either way, it leaves open an even bigger question.

When does it become Mexico’s responsibility to create an environment their citizens wish to live and work in?  I thought the Socialists had this all worked out.

Salud!  Want a lime?

(Above Originally Posted 021112)

Added Bonus 061314: It’s also worth noting the odd drive by the Chamber of Commerce for Immigration reform.

It’s not so Odd when you consider the primary contributors to all Chamber of Commerce organizations are Small (50 employee) to Medium Businesses which are being squeezed by a flood of new EPA and OSHA regs. not mention ICE raids.  And their primary loss of business, ie. competition, is from micro-businesses which employ the above cheap labor but escape scrutiny because they are so small.  The rub is We the People do not want to pay the far higher prices for similar work just because our government is Fascist.  (The Government owns the businesses through regulation.)  So the National Chamber is lobbying to reform immigration in order to try to help their patrons survive.  Because the Chamber is of the mind that there is no use trying to fight the Government… which is what they SHOULD be doing.

And Still… Nobody’s Asking

Is Mexico Responsible for Anything?! Anything at All?! Why Isn’t Mexico Responsible for its Citizens and their well-being?

Establishment Republican Jeb Bush made the simple statement that crossing the border to work in the United States Illegally is “An Act of Love”.

Simple, Powerful, Direct.

If that is the case, Then… Couldn’t any Crime committed for profit that didn’t result in direct harm to another human be called “An Act of Love”?

All the perpetrator would have to say is; “I just was trying feed my, family, friends, myself, my neighbors, my dog” etc.

All of the above can now be justified as Acts of Love.

That’s a Presidential Platform if I’ve ever heard one… if you were running as a Leftist.

Look, I’m all for Liberalizing the immigration and migrant worker laws.

It’s really not that difficult to do. I’ve talked about it in La Gran Mentira.

But don’t tell me that failure to respect the sovereignty of a Nation is an Act of Love.

Do you think for one Moment the Navajo Nation would tolerate a bunch of Arizona folks driving in and filling all the jobs, at low wages, the Tribe has to offer because the Navajo will not do them?

We have experienced how the Sovereign Nations deal with interlopers… and it doesn’t turn out well.

So Why is the question not; “What the Hell is Mexico doing to improve their Economy and create Jobs for its Citizens?”

The question will not be asked because the Media subscribes to full legalization of all those who have come here for the sole purpose of creating Millions of new Welfare Recipients, Union Members and Democrat Voters.  It’s really that simple, because that’s really what will happen… simply.

As far as the Media acting like there is a Predestined Clamor for J. Bush to Run for President… I’m pretty sure Nobody’s Asking.

Just Appear to Care

After Listening to Rep. Renee Ellmers’, a TEA Party candidate when she Won her Seat, go above and beyond to defend Amnesty for Illegal Aliens it caused me to think a little bit more about this issue and a much, much Larger One.

First, The push back Ellmers received should be a wake-up call for all those who courted, and received, TEA Party support when winning their seats.

Just because you ran and won as a TEA Party Candidate does Not Mean You Get a Pass when it comes to representing those who voted for you.  This is a NEW DAY in politics.  You should expect to be Held Accountable for your Actions once in office.  I realize this concept is completely foreign to the modern political class, but how did Nancy Pelosi put it?  Oh, right… “Embrace the Suck”.

It is long past due to put “Representative” back into Representative Republic.  And that Folks is Why the TEA Party is Hated by every Democrat and 80% of the Current Republican Party.

Second, I have tapped about this in the past.  Le Gran Mentira goes a long way to explain our Relationship with Mexico as well as Is Mexico Responsible for Anything?.

So I’ll leave that alone and you can read those by clicking on the links… if you care.

But there seems to be some Additional Confusion being suffered by those Republicans who are currently supporting Amnesty… or whatever name they are giving it so they can avoid calling it what it is.

It is no secret that the various Chambers of Commerce nationwide tend to represent Small and Medium Business’.  And, it should go without saying that they are logically “pro-business”.  At least one would Hope unless something has Changed.

So one might ask, Why when unemployment is Extremely High (gaming of the unemployment numbers can’t even provide a good rate at this point) would the various Chamber’s want to import 20 Million New Workers into the U.S and hand them Citizenship with all its commiserate rights?

Well here’s why…

These Business Owners live under the illusion that a large immigrant population here “legally” will be working for the low wages the illegal workers are working for now.

This leap of logic is beyond comprehension, but that’s what’s driving this push from the Chamber’s, and the Small and Medium Businesses, who support this push.

It’s Ignorance on a Profound level.

(Do you remember in grade school when you had mastered addition?  When 2+2=4 became easy?  When suddenly your teacher gave you problems that had more than one number in them… so 2+2+9=?… and you thought it was really hard?  Too many of us never quite got past that way of thinking and never learned to solve those problems. (It’s 12 by the way.  I got the problem from a Common Core math assignment.  But don’t worry, You get partial credit for just trying.)  Experience has taught me you don’t have to be smart to own a business… this may just be more proof.)

The only result of allowing a huge influx of what can only be considered citizens into the United States is an explosion of Union Members as well as new Leftist Voters.  That’s it.

Well, that’s not quite “it”.  There will also be an Explosion of new Welfare Recipients…

…which is why as a Libertarian Type I stray from the Doctrine and do Not support Open Borders.  The Poison Pill of Entitlement’s for those who do not work or Overburden Society by being rewarded for mortgaging other people’s productivity destroys the opportunity to throw the borders open to all who want to come and go at their leisure.  The fact our safety net has become a Day Care prevents us from exploring what would otherwise be a terrific chapter in our history.

Also take into account, We Already have illegals Voting in Elections across the U.S.  We already have illegals taking Welfare from this country.

Can we afford to elect More People who will simply accelerate this?  Can we afford to support legislation that promotes this because we were never good a math and it just sounds so nice?

Because that’s what we’re doing.

But all of this brings us to a much larger Issue.

If there is any doubt left in your mind that the Establishment Republicans and the Democrats are the same, makeaneffort at reason.

AmnestySupported by Democrats.  Supported by Establishment Republicans.

IRS TargetingSupported by Democrats.  Becoming clear it is also Supported by Establishment Republicans.

NSA Domestic SpyingSupported by Establishment Republicans.  Becoming clear it is also Supported by Democrats… so long as it doesn’t happen to them.  Right Diane Feinstein?

Obama CareSupported by Democrats.  Supported by Establishment Republicans.  (This Alone should serve as a warning.  Obama Care is the single most destructive Legislation we have seen in most of our lifetimes.  You can’t “Fix” Stupid.  It the ACA is Stupid.)

Spending us into OblivionSupported by Democrats.  Supported by Establishment Republicans.

Militarizing DHSSupported by Establishment Republicans.  Supported by Democrats.

Government Enforced Wage RatesSupported by Democrats.  Becoming clear they are also Supported by Establishment Republicans.

What should you take away from this?

Both Political Parties have become so accustomed needing only the Appearance of Caring in order to get Elected that all connection to our Founding Ideology has been severed.  Now the only philosophy which remains is Socialism… on all sides… or rather, just one side.

It’s time for the Political Revolution we are witnessing right before our eyes.

The fact we take it seriously is reflected in our holding people like Ryan and Ellmers’ feet to the fire.

The Waiting is Over.

It’s Happening Now.

Call it the TEA Party Revolution, call it the “We Can’t Take it Anymore! Revolution”, call it Whatever you Want, just…

Get on Board.

If you Really Care.

Let’s stop Drunk Driving!

(This post originally aired 1 year ago today. 062513 Funny how we can’t seem to stop arguing about the same old things.)

I am not a fan of Drunk Drivers.

Their selfish behavior endangers the lives and prosperity of the rest of us. They rob us of our loved ones and suck our tax dollars away from more important priorities.  We need to put an end to this problem.  Interestingly enough, the same negative statistics can be associated with Illegal Immigration…

So, I propose we handle Drunk Driving the same way the current Administration handles Illegal Immigration.

Stop arresting people.  In fact, make it illegal to enforce the law.

Even better, Ignore the behavior all together.

And… as we have seen from the deportation statistics, the Drunk Driving problem will decrease, decline, go away.  Magic!

It’s been proven through our current policy to secure our borders, and the evaluations voiced by the Lefts’ talking heads, when you stop arresting people for committing a specific crime the number of people getting arrested for that crime goes down!  Almost unbelievably.

And in correlation, convictions also go down!  Then, the associated punishment of offenders goes down!  Brilliant!

That’s what we want according to the Left… Correct?

Clearly, If we stop pulling over and arresting Drunk Drivers then the number of people being arrested for Drunk Driving will go down!

With fewer offenders, the number of convictions would decrease!  With fewer convictions we then can conclude the behavior has demonstrably changed!  MADD will be overjoyed…

(Please Note:  We stopped teaching correlation vs. causation years ago… along with math, science, reading, etc.)

It is that easy.

Illegal Immigration Problem solved.

With the Progressive Liberals like every Democrat and Lindsey Graham having it all figured out, it leaves more time for me to drink… but not drive…

(Since McCain is basically a Democrat I lumped him in with the Progressives… I wanted to give him a break by not mentioning him directly by name.  I know he’ll appreciate that.)

Double Up…

…the number of Border Agents who cannot arrest anybody.  And, if they do, cannot detain or deport them.

Demand a 90% apprehension rate of illegal aliens, a statistic that can never be verified.

Whatever you do, do not build tall fences… and certainly not with wide gates.

Anything, anything, anything but Securing the Borders First.

Why is that the goal?  Why the posturing?

La Gran Mentira.