Tag Archives: Assad

Trump enforces Obama’s Red Line… with Bill Clinton’s Tomahawk Diplomacy.

There are a great many Politicians and Talking Heads that need to read the following:

“The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto.”

That’s 90 days for a President to do what they please. 90 days.

If you’re taking a position on our bombing of a Syrian Airbase in response to the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, then you shouldn’t continue to remain willfully ignorant.

I’m not asking you to agree, or disagree, with Trump’s bombing of Syria.

I’m asking you to makeaneffort.

While the Left hates it… words still mean specific things and are not subject to how you feel about them.

The Shameful Darkness of Republicans

“(President Obama) denounced Republican candidates, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
and Jeb Bush, who propose that the United States should primarily focus on accepting Christian refugees, criticizing Obama’s unwillingness to address the threat of terrorists coming overseas as refugees.  “That’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion,” he said angrily.”

President Obama focused his anger on those Leaders in Congress, and jeb, who are calling for a prioritization of efforts to expedite refugee status for Christians coming from Syria.

Mr. Obama “…cautioned political leaders “not to fall into that trap” of refusing to accept refugees, and to “not to feed that dark impulse inside of us.”

It’s worth noting makeaneffort cannot find an example of the outright refusal of accepting refugees being implemented or even suggested by any Leaders in Congress, or jeb, we will take the President at his word it must be happening.

Exploring the President’s point regarding the horrid blackness that poisons men’s minds…

Can you imagine what it would have been like if the United States had prioritized evacuating Jews from Germany in the 30’s when they were being systematically left to die in cattle cars, crushed in showers and forced to breathe poison gas, or being shot on sight?  Or if the United States had committed the sin of focusing their efforts to save Political enemies of Communism from the Soviet Death Squads who fertilized the Steppes with 10’s of Millions of those who disagreed with Forced March FORWARD! to the Socialist Utopia?

Indeed Mr. Obama, moving groups of people to the front of the line who are being specifically targeted for Death is a Dark Place to go.  At this point in History it happens to be Christians, Jews and Homosexuals.  If this desire to do so doesn’t prove once and for all that Republicans are Evil, I don’t know what does.

We should stand with the President and refuse to make such considerations.  In fact, we should look past the overwhelming number of military aged men who make up the vast majority of ‘refugees’ flooding the Western Countries of the World.  Some Leaders in Congress, and jeb, have Shamefully suggested these young war fighting aged men be given additional scrutiny before allowing them to roam freely throughout the United States.  But we must stand strong with our President and steadfastly refuse to make any inquiry into why metrics related to the groups of refugees demonstrate such clear Racism and Misogyny.

Bare in mind, if terrorism breaks out due to the policies of this Administration they will finally have the impetus to disarm all of us.

Never let a good crisis go to waste…

Particularly when you’ve spending so much time and energy creating it.


That Stupid Ignorant Cowboy…

…Is sending our young Men and Women to War over Oil!

No Blood for Oil!  No Blood for Oil!  No Blood for Oil!

What?  Wait… Who?

Huh? This is Not about Oil? So What’s it about? Oh, right, the Common Evil thing. Sure. Got it.

Oh?… oh, oh?… just a second.

Ok… Sorry.

The Nobel Peace Prize Winning, Smartest Man to have ever held the Office of President of the United States… a Clean, Articulate, Black Man who has no Negro Dialect unless he wants to have one, has just launched a Humanitarian Effort to Stop the Common Evil in the Middle East.



So is Oil the Common Evil?



ISIL? Who?

The Islamic State in the Levant? Who the Hell is that?  What’s a Levant?

Right…. right… OK, sure… ok…

So the Levant is an area in the Middle East…  got it… but…

Iran is an Islamic State, right? What about all the other Islamic States?

They’re good the good guys?

Wait… huh?

Fine… whatever.

All I know is the Greatest President Ever has this all under control. And this is a War for all the right reasons… because the Enlightened Progressive Liberals are in charge of it. If something bad happens it will be the Stupid, Ignorant Cowboy George Bush’s Fault.

God George Bush was Stupid! Right?!  I mean What an Idiot!  Runnin’ around the world shootin’ people and blowin’ stuff up… what a Clown.

Hey…. What do all those bombs do to the climate?




Blood for Oil!

President Obama has just made it clear that we will continue to defend and protect “our interests” in the Middle East.

He stated unequivocally that the free flow of “energy” will not be impeded.  (The only “energy” flowing from the Middle East is OIL.  Just to be clear.)

Expect to see a flurry of tie dyed t-shirts, misspelled signs and Starbucks cups on a corner near you…

Oh, wait. No, no you wont.


Given the Enormity of the task one must feel somewhat sorry for President Barack Obama.

The Middle East is melting Down…
Health Care has been destroyed in the name of Fairness…
The Dollar has been devalued to the point of no return…
The Economy is in a shambles…
Unemployment is being manipulated to disguise records highs…
Detroit and other U.S. cities are Bankrupt…
We’re facing another War after failing to end the two we currently have…
The Right to Privacy has been completely dismantled…
Our Diplomats are being killed…
Mexico discovered the U.S. Government was up-arming their Drug Cartels…

Even the frequent, and expensive, parties hosting the Entertainment Industries Glitterati just doesn’t bring the Joy it once did.

It’s times like these that people turn to their Savior for guidance.

It’s times like these that test men’s souls.

So President Obama is doing the right thing by turning to He that knows all…

He’s asking “What Would Vladimir Putin Do?”

And then seeking council from his Advisors at CNN to find out.

Once he has been briefed by the Cable News Nets he then asks John Kerry to reach out to Vladimir.

Putin, knowing how difficult trying to be exceptional is, broadcasts his plans for President Obama and John Kerry to embrace.

Without a moments hesitation,

Turning to the President, Secretary Kerry says “Let’s go with that since everything I’ve got is unbelievably small.” In response, the President directs him to go out right away and claim he thought of it.

So Fear not.

We can all rest assured that the Russian President has the unfolding events well in hand.

It’s also now been reinforced… one does not need to be born in the United States in order to be it’s Leader.

Is America Profiling Middle Eastern Men

What was once considered anathema to a civilized society by the Left is now the new standard upon which we can start killing people.

Why is President Obama profiling Bashar Al-Assad?  Where is the ACLU when you need them?  If Bashar was trying to get on an airplane would the criteria be the same?

“It’s most likely… we’re pretty confident, Assad used chemical weapons.” – President Barack Obama in St. Petersburg Russia 090613

Well darn it… if we’re pretty confident that it’s most likely, then let’s start dropping bombs on them.

The current Administration’s approach to Syria continues to defy reason.

But when you’re a Liberal, who needs reason?

“…400 of them (casualties of the gas attack) were children!” – President Barack Obama again in St. Petersburg Russia 090613

Yes, no debate there.  (Ignore the paradox of our actions in the Middle East and the loss of children’s lives.)

A quick review of hot spots around the world presents over 150 active areas of conflict where men, women and CHILDREN are being killed.  Right now.

If this is now the threshold we are using to get involved in violent conflicts world over it is going to be a busy few years.  It will also be expensive in terms of man and material… not to mention money, all of which we are short of.  But that aside, it would be a genuinely historic launch of the very “American Imperialism” the Left has accused their opposition of for decades.  This is the work of policeman… unless there is a national interest I am unaware of.  Bueller?   Bueller?  Anyone?


Welcome to the party.

Progressives have gotten away with saying whatever you want to hear for 100 years.  The problem they now face is our memories have been enhanced by the ability to store and retrieve information.  (LexisNexis)  Don’t think that this is a lesson lost on them, or only known to the NSA.  They are feeling the pain of their previously successful manipulation of the American public.  It’s tough for a John Kerry to state in his monotone drone that he didn’t say something he knows he indeed said when 30 seconds later some jackass like me finds it and posts it for all to see.  If there were ever a revolution that could be pointed to in 100 years from now it is that.  (The Media has lost editorial control over what information you see… and they HATE it.)

What you are watching is a direct result of Elitists in control.

The mindset is that you are too stupid to understand so those who deem themselves superior to you don’t owe you the truth.  They honestly believe that even if you were told the truth you wouldn’t get it anyway.  So sit down, shut up and vote the way they tell you to.  Otherwise they’ll have their comedians on the late night shows make fun of you, and their friends in the media take every opportunity to make you look foolish.  Get it!  Good.

Well here we are.

Another military adventure in the Middle East… and this one isn’t even for Oil.

Has anyone asked the question “Why are we not targeting Bashar directly, or at a minimum his command and control staff?”

(And frankly, what better way to get some quick defections and degrade Syria’s war fighting capability.)

If “A lesson” needs to be taught, to Whom are you teaching it?  The Chemical Weapons didn’t launch themselves.  The WMDS didn’t decide of their own volition to kill 1200 people.  There are plenty of these weapons being made as I tap this out.  They’re not going away anytime soon… so what is really going on?

If the evidence is unequivocal… sorry… if we’re pretty confident… then why not just come out and present it to the public?  What possible security concern could exist?  Why the need to keep all of the briefings behind closed doors?  I understand the protection of assets… but this was done right out in the open.  I’m “pretty confident” that this is a straight forward use of banned weapons.  Or it’s at least “likely”.  Or is it as clear as that?

“A Monkey with a Hand Grenade”

The Russian Deputy Premier has accused the United States of acting like “A Monkey with a Hand Grenade“.

I take exception to this accusation!

The Obama Administration is Not acting like a Monkey with a Hand Grenade.

This Administration has a proud History of acting like a Poorly Educated, Entitled, Elitist, Egomaniacal, Mao Guerrilla with a Flame Thrower.

Until you Russians get it straight you should just close your Pierogi Hole!

And, I will not Overlook the Blatantly Racist use of “Hand Grenade”.  What are you people?  Rodeo Clowns?

Finally, the last thing I will tolerate is a bunch of Professional Socialists criticizing our “In the Closet” Professional Socialists.

For the record, Ivan, Ours are Way More Socialist than yours!

For instance. Is the SVR collecting every bit of information generated by every single citizen in your country!?

That’s what I thought!

So back off Boris!

Just because you borscht eaters kill a journalist or two doesn’t mean you’re better at oppressing your population and destroying your economy than we are.

If you haven’t noticed, we’re doing just fine over here… even with the journalists.

So why don’t you pull up to the nearest Samovar and pour yourself a steaming hot cup of Shut the F*ck Up.


I suggest pulling out a fresh bottle of Moskovskaya, pull the tab and watch the show Vlad.

We’ll demonstrate for you a thing or two about how to start a War…  our Liberals are Historically the Best!

Oh… and get some better shoes.  We can spot you guys a mile away from the top of the Cyclone.