Tag Archives: Soviet Union

The Default State of economics…

Many years and countless hours of studying Socialist countries has presented me with two absolute and demonstrable facts.
First, Socialism never works no matter how much your local Socialist wants or wishes it too.  Or for that matter, tells themselves it does.
Second, Free Market Capitalism is the default state of economics.

Without fail, once established and entrenched, a socialized economy gives birth to a separate and “unequal” system of trade.

A system of trade that is not controlled by the state. It has many names such a black, grey, underground and illegal… but those in charge never call it “free” which is exactly what it is.  (In Russia there was a simple rule everyone lived by… if you see a line get in it.  They knew that whatever was at the other end, whether they wanted it or not, could be traded for something they did want.)

The Socialists have attempted every imaginable idea to stop Capitalism in its tracks but  have succeeded only in slowing it down and creating distortions which they then blame on the very free market they distorted.

They stare dumbfounded at a system of trade that does not require their genius, planning or input, to be successful.

So, Throughout history the Free Market has ruled unmatched in it’s success and durability as the premier economic system.
(An aside: I’ve encountered a school of liberalism (a poorly educated one) that has labeled Free Market trade as “Smithian Capitalism”. I would remind these Elitist Know Nothings that Smith was simply an observer and recorded what had been evident for millennia. Just because he was the first to organize it on paper does not make him the architect of voluntary trade.)
Free trade has flourished under monarchies and Marxism alike.

It cannot be stopped… but that seems to be one of the tenets of our present day, home-grown Socialists. There is an ongoing effort to slow Capitalism down with policy issues like global warming which then lead to ideas like cap-and-trade etc. Ironically it is the resistance from the rest of the socialized world which stands in the way of these ill-founded ideas… the Communist Chinese understand the value of free market trade which is why Hong Kong has been left alone.  But they also recognize the inability to control a population enjoying a Free-Market, which is why they have not officially adopted the economic system for China proper.
But the point is, when the superiority of Free Market Capitalism is recognized even by those who wish to see it go away, you have to ask yourself why are we still fighting with these same types of people at home?
I have and will continue to offer it is about Power and Control… it is about a mindset that see themselves so superior to you that the concept of not making your decisions for you is unthinkable. In their minds, It is about keeping you from always making the wrong choice because you’re too stupid to know better.
We finally have a single country, in the United States of America, founded on the beneficial evidence of  individual rights, voluntary trade and property rights.  And the Left can’t leave it alone.

I’m tired of placating these people and their oppressive ideas coated with a candy glaze of “fairness”.  Simply being born in a country doesn’t make it “yours”. If we are not racists then we should surely not be “Geographists” either. We should organize ourselves according to ideas on  Individual Freedom and Liberty.  Those who do not believe in how this country was founded need only find a country where their ideas fit in.

Socialists already own most of the planet… how is that working out for them?  Surely the EU could use the brilliance of our modern day Left to help them put their Socialist Utopia back in order.


“If you destroy a free market; you create a black market.” – Winston Churchill

The Master Religion

We did the Master Race…
Over 12 Million Dead.

We did the Master State…
Over 80 Million Dead.

Now we find ourselves at War with the Master Religion.
How many will have to die before we take it seriously?

We are witnessing the Death of Reason.

Because of this, we are seeing the Intellectually Handicapped attempting to revive the First two Ideologies which wrought profound Oppression, Destruction and Death upon Individuals Worldwide.

And we have ‘Leadership’ in the United States adopting a “Those Who Must Not Be Named” Foreign Policy as a best effort to confront this latest iteration of the Global Domination Game.

Until we embrace The Individual as the Ultimate Minority deserving the Ultimate Protection…

We are Doomed to repeat the error’s of the past.

It’s so Simple, it makes it Impossible to explain to all those whose lives these Master Ideologies will Destroy.

Whether They Want To or Not.

Top official: Russians will ‘eat less’ for Putin

Jan 23, 8:18 AM (ET)


DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, on Friday warned the West against trying to topple President Vladimir Putin and said that Russians are ready to sacrifice their wealth in Putin’s support.

Russia has for the past year been sliding into recession amid a slump in its energy export prices as well as Western sanctions against Moscow’s role in the conflict in Ukraine that has claimed more than 5,000 lives. Questions have been raised in Russia and abroad whether the price that ordinary Russians are having to pay for the annexation of Crimea is too high.

Shuvalov, who is believed to be one of the richest men in the government, said that what he considers the West’s attempts to oust Putin will only unite the nation further.

“When a Russian feels any foreign pressure, he will never give up his leader,” Shuvalov said. “Never. We will survive any hardship in the country — eat less food, use less electricity.”

Shuvalov’s comments triggered pithy remarks on Russia social media including an opposition activist who posted photos of Shuvalov’s Moscow, London and Austria homes to illustrate where the deputy prime minister would experience the hardships he described.

At the same panel in Davos, Putin’s long-time ally and former finance minister Alexei Kudrin said that Putin clearly thinks that Russia’s foreign policy interests at this point are worth the price the nation pays in higher inflation and the collapse of the Russian ruble.

Shuvalov, who worked with Kudrin until he resigned from the government in 2011, defended Russia’s foreign policy but warned that Russia is “going into a longer crisis” compared with 2008, when it was battered for about two years by the global crisis.

Shuvalov said Russia should focus on cushioning the economic fall through reforms and supporting the financial system. “It is going to get worse and the anti-crisis plan should be aimed at adapting to the hard landing,” he said.

Russia’s foreign currency reserves shrank by 2 percent last week alone to $379 billion as the Central Bank sold foreign currency in a bid to prop up the ruble.

Russians have a very Long, Sad History of ‘Eating Less’ and ‘Going Without Electricity’ for Mother Russia.  However, I cannot find a time where that was voluntarily embraced.  A Leader with the Power of Force was perpetually at the Helm.

There are many parallels to the past.  While I do not believe the past repeats itself, it does look more like a copy of a copy of a copy.

History degenerates into some similar but completely different Present.

The problem is it just turns out to be a different ‘bad’.

The Ethnic Excuse

Paving the way for Taking Taiwan…

(Originally posted 030314)

Excusing a Nation’s Projection of Power in order to “protect” Ethnic Groups has been used since Force was invented.

In the United States we are told, repeatedly, that Ethnicity does not matter… yet we’ve abandoned the Supremacy of the Individual and actively Demonstrated Race Does matter in our Hiring, Higher education admissions and Legal practices every day.

So how can we see it as a Ridiculous Reason to Invade another country?

Ethnic and Racial differences remain ingrained in the “Enlightened” European mind.  Racism is rampant and accepted.  These are the very same Europeans we are told we must emulate by Our Progressive Elitist class of Politicians.  (Yes, I’m referring to John Kerry et al.)  The very Europeans whom we are told have it all figured out.  The very Europeans who are surprised that anti-Semitism is exhibited not from “the far right” but by everyday “Liberal” people.

But the most interesting aspect is They see this Excuse being used by Putin as Reasonable, even Logical.  Protecting One’s Racial Heritage is as common as Hating the Other person’s.

Of course, this leads to problems.  Very serious problems.  It always has.

Once You accept this Excuse for Force as valid, as a Certain Harvard Russian Studies Professor has… sadly, you must look and see Who’s in the On-Deck position.

The most Obvious?


Followed by some other minor players… like Nepal, Moldova, Slovakia, the Baltic States, Quebec, South Korea, Kashmir, the list is endless…

I know, Canada wouldn’t be upset about Quebec.  They would probably welcome handing off the corruption and crumbling infrastructure to the French for while, until they gave up and handed it back.

But the point is We are Allowing a Precedent to be set.  How do you argue that National Sovereignty has any meaning when you fail to support those Nations you Promised to support should it be challenged?  We have already ceded an Ideological High Ground by sacrificing Ideology based on Freedom and Liberty of the Individual.  So What’s left?  Our Word?  What is that worth?


The Chinese Leadership are not stupid, they see clearly what is being illustrated by Putin’s efforts.

And I don’t find it a coincidence that Taiwan was not permitted to fly their flag during the Sochi Olympics.

Frankly, If I were sitting in Taiwan right now I’d be looking for the closest container vessel headed south.  Right Friggin’ now.

If you still don’t get it, it’s a 1936 redux.

Godwin’s Law be damned.

Hitler took most of Europe using the “We must Protect Ethnic Germans.” as his broadcasted excuse.  Actually he was stripping the resources of those countries for his own use… but that doesn’t Play in Peoria.  So he went with Uniting German’s.  Just sounds nicer.

We are not seeing anything New here.

And the latest Non-Aggression Pact between China and Russia simply assures both parties they will not have to reserve any troops for a second front.  It just makes things easier… having to worry about one less thing when you want to focus on taking stuff you think should be yours.

The question I have is why do we let Appeasers run our country?  (It’s a rhetorical question… They sound “nice” so we put them in charge.  It’s the “If we’re only more friendly” argument that passes for reason in the Visualize Whirled Peas circle.  It’s also an ongoing effort to repress the past lessons or attributing those events to lesser humans who happened to be in charge at the time.  This belief is often spoken in the words “That could never happen today.”)

What’s interesting is, it’s as if Putin’s Generals are saying “You know Vlad, That Austrian Guy with the silly mustache had it right… he just got in a hurry.”.  (There has been a question posed regarding Bush’s inaction on Putin’s invasion of Georgia and if that made Bush seem weak.  Yes.  It did.  But the question was offered up as moral relativity giving our current Administration’s inaction.  Sorry, but it was weakness on display under Bush just as it’s weakness on display under Obama.  It doesn’t matter who was displaying it.)

If I were leading what must now be considered only a “Resistance Movement” in Ukraine I would be finding every camera I could and begging as loudly as possible for U.S. and British help.  But it has become so fashionable for Europeans to blame their problems on the United States over the last several decades that it places them in an awkward position and makes it nearly impossible to overtly ask for our help.  Their ego may be their undoing.

This must come as a relief to the current Administration.

Those in charge will do anything to prevent the perception of this being an “East vs. West” thing.  And they will certainly not entertain anything as foolish as “Good vs. Evil”.

So What Do You Do when you pretty much agree with the Guy moving his troops across Europe?

We’re doing it.

We’ll be doing more of it as we watch Taiwan get “Protected”.

But of course, that could never happen today.

(I have intentionally used Race and Ethnicity interchangeably.  When it comes to the sacrifice of the Individual in favor of Balkanization they are the same thing.)

(Originally posted 030314)

Mom! Vlad’s not Playing Fair!

So the Vote is happening right now designed to justify the Invasion of Crimea by the New Soviet.

And our Diplomats just can’t figure out what’s going on…

I believe the John Kerry types are genuinely perplexed.

Let’s look at it from The Secretary of State’s point of view:

Vladimir subscribes to the Right Ideology… we’re all on the same team here…  we want the same things…

Vladimir even made a group of children sing the Internationale during the Olympics!  It’s the Anthem for Someone’s Sake.

He has to know that Our Goal is One World where we all hold hands, Compromise on Everything and Share Stuff with Everyone while The Smart People like Us are in Charge…  just like His!

So What’s Going on?  We’re like Brothers!  Why is he being So Mean?  Invading places just looks so Bad!  All You Have to Do is Aid Them in Voting Their way into Socialism!  Why isn’t He Playing by the rules it took Us so long to set up?

Now Let’s take a look at it from Vlad’s point of View:

The Soviet Union has been made to feel bad about itself for long enough… and the People want to be Proud.  The time is over for feigning regret over Communism when the rest of The World has fully embraced it, if not in name, in action.  If I can make them Proud for reasons outside of Productivity and Creative Ambition, say something the Americans have done for years… something like… Ethnicity!  Perfect.  The People can be Proud to be Russians!  I will make them feel that way and they will Follow Me.  The World will Respect Russia, and the New Soviet, again with me at The Helm!

I will not make the Mistake my predecessors made.  Since there is no Great War allowing expansion, I will take small bites and remain calm while the World does everything they can to avoid confrontation because they don’t really believe in the Freedom and Liberty they espouse during their speeches.  Using the Ethnic Excuse will give me a pass because the rest of the World has abandoned the Individual and embraced the Balkanization of Humanity.  Now that Socialism is the rule and not the exception I can legitimize “protecting” my Brothers and Sisters. 

Once The World is accustomed to an Expanding Russia… and China… they will embrace the New Normal.  The time for World Socialism is Now!

What can the Americans, British and the rest of Europe do about it?  Seize our assets?  Wasn’t it the American’s with their Occupy Movement that Demonized the 1%!?  Who do they think they will be punishing by freezing foreign assets?  The Proletariat?  Of course not… and the Russian people will Cheer!  Punish the Rich!  They deserve it!

What’s humorous is Deep Down, down in a place where they can’t really admit it… The Current Political Leadership within the United States and Britain agree.  They’re just upset because their standing in The World has diminished.

The only part I can’t quite figure out is Why the Shocked Face?  The Standing of America has intentionally been reduced… Obama stated it as a goal when he came into power.  If your going to concede power then you must assume other countries will step into the void.

Even my Brothers and Sisters in the United Nations understand this.

But I’ve never understood the Reasoning of Americans.  It’s as if they think they’re Smarter than Everyone Else because they have Cell Phones… idiotii.

How Should We look at it?

Remove the dismayed look on your face when watching our Secretary of State and those surrounding him from the President on Down bumble, stumble and fumble their way through the Ukraine Crisis.  They are faced with the Ultimate difficulty… they are trying to appear in opposition to an Action they happen to Agree with.  They’re being Forced by those who voted for them to confront a Nation who is Doing Exactly what they’ve doing Domestically for Decades.  The most obnoxious part of the Ukraine Invasion and Crimean take over by The New Soviet is The Current Administration cannot point to any aspect of Ideology which separates Them from Putin.

Until We Remember that American Exceptionalism is based on the Ideology of Individual Liberty and Freedom, Property Ownership and the Free-Market Capitalism that protects all three then We will be trying to condemn others for Distinctions in behavior that have no Difference.

Both Political Parties in The United States have abandoned the Individual.  They have gone as far as removing the word from discussion.

That is Why We, The U.S., will Do Nothing of Substance in the Face of Soviet Expansion.  We agree with it fundamentally.  I take that back, we will start using the Label “Eastern Europe” again.  And… stomping our feet.

So… We Will Do Nothing.

Who Might?

The wounds are deep in the rest of Europe… if genuine fear exists it exists in Germany, Moldova, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania… but they are watching us, the U.S., not honoring Treaties.  They Realize they will be On their Own.  With China promising to offer no threat to Russia’s plans, The New Soviet will be an imposing Foe for anyone within reach.

Envy, Ego…

Vices as old as Time Itself.  And they are at the foundation of Socialism in all it’s forms.

Flash: Susan Rice Blames the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Internet Video

It has come to light that the Invasion of Ukraine by a Disorganized Mob of Russian Demonstrators is in response to an Internet Video.

The Video was purportedly criticizing the overuse of Sour Cream in the Russian Diet.  It also, reportedly, implied that Beets shouldn’t be considered a Food.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice has been scheduled to make several appearances on Sunday News Shows to fully explain the circumstances of this unfortunate event.

She has also issued a statement clarifying why there has been no United States response:  “We simply didn’t have any resources in the area capable of responding in time.”

Secretary of State John Kerry commented; “What, at this point, does it matter?”  It should be noted that Kerry made the statement in what some considered a “strange high-pitched kind of shouting, almost through his nose.”  At this time we’re not sure if he was mocking someone or simply showing something resembling emotion and intonation, both out of character for Secretary Kerry.

Yesterday President Obama issued a warning that there would be “Costs” associated with the Invasion of Ukraine.

President Obama has canceled his taxpayer-funded Vacation Plans to the Ukraine in response to the Invasion.

In a press release President Obama said: “My response is proportional to the outrage.  This should go a long way in teaching The Ukrainians to be mean to Ethnic Russians.”