Tag Archives: vodka

Why I love the Russians…

Scientists distill vodka from Chernobyl’s radioactive exclusion zone and say it seems safe to drink

By Christopher Brito  (August 9, 2019 / 4:50 PM / CBS News)

Scientists have distilled vodka from ingredients found in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, creating the first consumer product out of the area since the nuclear disaster over 30 years ago. Called Atomik, the artisan vodka is actually an experiment from researchers looking into how much radioactivity would transfer over to crops grown in the zone, according to the Chernobyl Spirit Company, the team that created it.

Chernobyl Spirit Company made the liquor out of rye grain they planted in the exclusion zone and water from an aquifer in Chernobyl. After distilling it and conducting tests, James Smith, a University of Portsmouth environmental scientist and part of the group, told CBS News partner BBC they concluded that their product is “no more radioactive than any other vodka.”

Atomik vodka was created as an experiment for scientists to analyze how much radioactivity transfers from crops grown in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Chernobyl Spirit Company

“Any chemist will tell you, when you distill something, impurities stay in the waste product,” Smith said. They sent the Chernobyl vodka to Southhampton University in the U.K. to undergo testing for possible radioactivity.

“They couldn’t find anything — everything was below their limit of detection,” he said.

The only problem with the vodka is that so far there’s only one bottle of it, according to the BBC. The team said in a blog post they plan on making more bottles of Atomik, with the hope of making a profit to help local communities that surround the abandoned zone.

The recent HBO series “Chernobyl” renewed interest in the disaster and the site where it transpired. Fears of radiation have kept many away from the exclusion zone, which was evacuated in the aftermath of the 1986 nuclear accident, but thousands of tourists now travel to the site every year. So many, in fact, that Ukraine’s president announced plans to make the site and surrounding areas more tourist friendly. The plans include new waterways and checkpoints in the area, enhanced cellphone reception and new walking trails. Filming restrictions will also be lifted.

Back in April 1986, when the region was part of the Soviet Union, a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, resulting in at least 32 deaths in the immediate aftermath. After initially downplaying the risk, the communist regime soon forced thousands of people to evacuate, turning the nearby city of Pripyat into a ghost town. Hundreds of square miles surrounding the reactor remain off limits.

(Russian Editor’s note:  Animal on label is Squirrel.)

Good News! Your Cancer hasn’t Metastasized…

Oh Wait… that was the Bad News.

“The Good News is we’re going to wait and do nothing about it for three more years just to make sure it does.”

Would you continue seeing a Doctor who said this to you?

Well, this is what we’re hearing from The White House who can make up their own law.  The Administration has Unilaterally decided to postpone the full implementation of Obama Care for three years.


Because Dummies out there are not climbing on board Socialized Medicine!  Dummies.

It seems you liked the “old” system where people were dying in the streets and babies starved.  So you’re A-holes too.

It also appears you all don’t like the “much better and more affordable plans” being offered that cost you 3-times as much and make sure all you guys can get your Hysterectomy and you gals can get your Prostate Exam for “Free!”

And because all you Selfish Jerks don’t see how important it is to keep in place all these brand new, never before seen, great paying (Way Better than what you earn!) government jobs associated with the takeover of Medicine by the State…

We just need more time.


Delay, Delay, Delay.

“Maybe with more time we can get your mind right.  If not, we will have this all institutionalized and it’ll be too late for you to do anything about it anyway.  Really… isn’t it liberating not having to make decisions for yourself?  Can I get you a shot of Vodka?  We’re thinking about making the National Drink.”

Trivia question:  What do you call a Leader of  Country who can make up Law as they go?  (“Vladimir” will not be accepted.)

“A Monkey with a Hand Grenade”

The Russian Deputy Premier has accused the United States of acting like “A Monkey with a Hand Grenade“.

I take exception to this accusation!

The Obama Administration is Not acting like a Monkey with a Hand Grenade.

This Administration has a proud History of acting like a Poorly Educated, Entitled, Elitist, Egomaniacal, Mao Guerrilla with a Flame Thrower.

Until you Russians get it straight you should just close your Pierogi Hole!

And, I will not Overlook the Blatantly Racist use of “Hand Grenade”.  What are you people?  Rodeo Clowns?

Finally, the last thing I will tolerate is a bunch of Professional Socialists criticizing our “In the Closet” Professional Socialists.

For the record, Ivan, Ours are Way More Socialist than yours!

For instance. Is the SVR collecting every bit of information generated by every single citizen in your country!?

That’s what I thought!

So back off Boris!

Just because you borscht eaters kill a journalist or two doesn’t mean you’re better at oppressing your population and destroying your economy than we are.

If you haven’t noticed, we’re doing just fine over here… even with the journalists.

So why don’t you pull up to the nearest Samovar and pour yourself a steaming hot cup of Shut the F*ck Up.


I suggest pulling out a fresh bottle of Moskovskaya, pull the tab and watch the show Vlad.

We’ll demonstrate for you a thing or two about how to start a War…  our Liberals are Historically the Best!

Oh… and get some better shoes.  We can spot you guys a mile away from the top of the Cyclone.