Tag Archives: Marx

Mexico’s Greek Problem

The Greeks are causing problems Everywhere!

If they’re not supposedly Raping College Coed’s, they’re screwing it up for North American Socialists.

So there I was killing a little time reading Lenin’s pamphlet “Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism” where he referenced Calwer’s book “An introduction to World Economics” and it dawned on me.  Since nothing is new… the citing of 19th century world power and wealth accumulation struck me as oddly relevant to the globe of 2015.

Climbing into the ‘way-back’ machine and ending up in the early nineties you would see many of us decrying the idea of an EU. We did this not because we feared the brilliant long-term success predicted for such a move towards the One World Socialist Utopia, but rather because we knew it would lead to economic instability throughout the world… exactly opposite of what those supporting the idea promised.

We were out in the wilderness attempting to explain to the handful of people who would listen that Huge mistakes could now be made by an entity so large… and the ramifications would be catastrophic.  We saw this with the EU insatiable appetite for US Junk Debt in the form of derivatives, and the subsequent economic meltdown of 2008 as a result.

But I must also give a nod to a secondary concern, that being the short-term success at combining all of these desperate countries into one large, for all intents and purposes, Nation.

It was the North American Socialists drive to do the same with the United States, Canada and Mexico.

This is still on the wish list of many Leftist Politicians and the legislation/treaties required are sitting in someones drawer waiting for the right time to be offered up to the American People… or simply Forced Upon Us as was Obamacare.

So let’s travel back to today…

Greece is about to sink the EU. And if not Greece, Spain and Portugal are waiting in the wings watching closely the events and waiting their turn to hold the rest of the EU hostage.

I will offer that the exit of Greece from the EU, read default, will set back the Socialists dream of an ‘Amero’ 50 years. I cannot say they will give up their attempts to destroy Freedom, Liberty and Free Exchange, as they never have. But the very events in Europe we are watching today are unwelcome by the Global Statists as it clearly demonstrates the fragility of monopolies as well as the futility of government planning.

Everybody cheats… including countries.

There are the Makers (Such as Germany) and the Takers (Such as Greece, Spain and Portugal).

The Takers are not interested in making an effort to be responsible for their actions and expendatures.

The Makers will always find themselves enabling the Taker’s addiction to spending and lethargy.

Self-interest will never be removed from the Human Condition… thank God.

Because of that, we are watching the dissolution of yet another Great Socialist Plan right before our eyes.

Luckily this is happening before the Untied States was convinced, or Pushed, into the same such agreement with our neighbors to the North and South of us.

If you are anything like me and read the stories coming out of Europe while wondering why the EU is trying so hard to keep the Greeks in the Club… it’s because the very legitimacy of Socialism is riding on a Healthy, Vibrant EU.

But what Socialists around the world simply cannot embrace is their very Governing Theory is poisonous… and the arrival of Death, Destruction and Oppression is only a matter of time.  The results of Force and Acceleration in the name of Administration will always be failure.  It’s simply to what degree.

So it is True.

The Greeks are indeed causing havoc Around the World.

However, the only people getting Raped are the Member Nations of the EU.

But they were asking for it.

I mean really… have you seen the way they dress?

The Master Religion

We did the Master Race…
Over 12 Million Dead.

We did the Master State…
Over 80 Million Dead.

Now we find ourselves at War with the Master Religion.
How many will have to die before we take it seriously?

We are witnessing the Death of Reason.

Because of this, we are seeing the Intellectually Handicapped attempting to revive the First two Ideologies which wrought profound Oppression, Destruction and Death upon Individuals Worldwide.

And we have ‘Leadership’ in the United States adopting a “Those Who Must Not Be Named” Foreign Policy as a best effort to confront this latest iteration of the Global Domination Game.

Until we embrace The Individual as the Ultimate Minority deserving the Ultimate Protection…

We are Doomed to repeat the error’s of the past.

It’s so Simple, it makes it Impossible to explain to all those whose lives these Master Ideologies will Destroy.

Philosophy that Kills…

Russian kills acquaintance at pub after arguing about Philosopher Immanuel Kant.

At first glance this is ridiculous, but what if I told you Millions of people around the world have died at the hands of Kant and his ilk?

A thousand years from now history will look back to the 19th Century and see clearly the Poisonous gift German Philosophers left the world.

While Kant is one of the worst, when you add Hegel, Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, the deadly cocktail is complete.

All you need after that is some sugar, more accurately Aspartame, to cover the taste… enter Marx.

The World has paid the price for embracing these philosophers for over 100 years.  It has been an overt war against the Individual and Natural Law.  These Preachers of Supremacy and Collective Sacrifice at their discretion have resulted in the deaths of Millions… not just a guy outside a bar.

(Please don’t think I’m ignoring the damage done by the likes of Emerson, The Fabians, Rhodes or a sub-set of actors like Dewey, Sanger et al.  But those folks, while hideous, were simply followers who took on the task of institutionalizing the disease.)

Please don’t feel bad if you fail to recognize all of these names.  It’s intentional. But please DO feel angry if you don’t recognize these names… because it’s intentional.

This failure was paid for with your taxes and accomplished by your local government school system.

The last question you should be asking is, do your kids recognize these names?  And if they do, what exactly are they being taught about them?

Caring is knowing.

We will never care about what we don’t know… until it’s too late.

The fact that a couple of Russians outside a bar got into a serious fight over Kant might be a positive event in terms of “knowing”.


Are you Doing Better than you were 6-years Ago?

Well… are you?

President Obama say’s you are… that is If he can have the opportunity to explain to you why.

In his latest interview the President was asked if he believed the Democrat Party would retain the Senate Democrat Control. He said, equivocally, “Yes”.

Then he was asked if he really believed the American People were doing better than they were and… basically… if he would like to revisit his last response.

Our President said he did believe the American People were doing better since he’s been President and they would say so if he could just explain to them why.

This is interesting on two points… both not surprising.

1. You’re too ignorant to know how you’re doing.

2. You must be told how to feel about how you’re doing and then what to say when asked.

This is Progressive Dogma laid out for all to see.  Both of these points are what allow Liberal Leftists to say such things with a straight face.  They KNOW this to be true.

Allow me to translate Mr. Obama’s words; The American People will believe they are doing better than they were 6-years ago if we tell them they’re doing better than they were doing 6-years ago.  Kroft… you idiot.

Whether the interviewer recognized it or not this is also an indictment on the Media and the responsibility Leftists expect the Media to shoulder in being a Cheerleader for, and Propaganda Arm of, the Democrat Party. In essence President Obama is blaming the Media for not Telling All of Us how Great things are and it is being reflected in the Polls, possibly in the elections.

It is interesting how the Progressive Mind works.

This entire approach of Socialists, to all things, goes back to Animal Spirits.

Realty is how you perceive it. And you act accordingly.

Thus, if your perception if ‘modified’, Reality can be changed.

Think about that… Reality can be Changed, by Them.

What does all this mean?

It means if the Democrats Lose the Senate it’s the Media’s Fault, and then it’s Your Fault… in that order.

The Media Suck…


You People are Terrible.

You need to get your Minds Right!

Everything is Terrific!

Vote for More of It!  Or we’ll keep blaming you.

My Struggle…

and yours too.

I’m finishing up Mein Kampf in a quest to understand why it seems so difficult for individuals to identify Evil.  I have had to read bit’s and peices of it over my lifetime but never beginning to end.  He named it appropriately whether that was his intention or not.

But to the point.

A common film cliché is the inevitable soliloquy offered by the Evil Mastermind outlining his Evil plan for the benefit of the Hero just prior to the Heroe’s anticipated demise.

This scenario, once identified, becomes genuinely funny.

The basic questions are 1.) Why does it matter? 2.) Why is the speech always to blatantly Evil?

Well, writers have long known that it is difficult for individuals to identify, let alone understand, evil when it is right in front of them.  We seem to have little ability to discern what is good from what is bad unless it is spelled out in the simplest terms.  Blame it on whatever you would like, but my experience is even those who have subscribed to a specific morality still fail to recognize evil when it is present.

My question started with “Why?”.  Why do we not see things for what they are?  Why aren’t Bad Guys so easy to spot?

My past has provided me exposure to Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao, Mussolini and of course Hitler.  I have added Hussein (Saddam), Galbraith, Keynes and a list of Fabians among others.

Wrapping up Hitlers vision of government built on racial elitism and a hatred of those he perceived to be responsible for all the evil in the world has yet again left me bewildered.  This book was not just some persons perception of Hitler… it was Hitler’s perception of Hitler.  In his own words he defines Evil without seeing it as such.

So why do many of these same ideas come back to haunt us?  Why are we still arguing the benefits of Socialist planning from the likes of Hitler, Marx and Mao?

Frankly its stunning.

The reason the film cliché is funny is because of the overt maliciousness of the bad guy’s plan for the rest of us.  In other words, even He knows it’s mean.  He knows it’s Evil.

The reason we can’t seem to recognize Evil when it’s right in front of us is because the “true believers” honestly think they have the best interests of the world in mind.  The reason Hitler was able to rise to power is exactly because he didn’t see himself as Evil which allowed many Americans and multitudes of others to also not see him as evil… though it was plainly in front of them should they have had the foundation, desire, or both, to assess it.

That’s really what it comes down to.  A lack of a solid foundation built upon a governing theory that does not require force.  Once you have that, the ideas of those with the best of intentions will no longer escape scrutiny.  The Marx and Engels of the world will no longer get a pass from those who consider themselves better educated, superior, enlightened or whatever adjective they choose to save themselves the effort of being intellectually curious… then intellectually honest, that is unless they see the value of these ideas in terms of the power provided to those in charge.  Socialism will always attract those in search of power over others.

I have long said “If your going to be a Socialist, then be the best Socialist you can be.  But know what that means.”  I take this position because I also believe that once you know what that means the majority of us are repulsed and disgusted.  As a single, simple reason I will refer you to Killer of Men.

It will serve you well to understand that our leaders will not identify themselves, or their ideas, as Evil.

They believe they have your best interests in mind when they propose to force you into a world they see as “fair” and “socially just”… as defined by them.

These people whose ideas should be immediately suspect are those who consider themselves the elite.  By their judgement they have attended the right schools, know the right people and know what’s best for you.  They will tell you right up front what they have in mind… until they realize you have no interest in supporting them.  Then they will work in the background to further their ideas.  Their righteousness drives them.  They feel that if you would simply do what you are told the world will be better for it.  The tragic history of those ideas will always be dismissed by a wave of a hand and the statement “They just didn’t do it right.” In reality,  it’s not about “doing it right”, rather it’s their desire for power over others which motivates them.

None of the individuals mentioned at the beginning of this post would have considered themselves Evil… nor would they have subscribed to the idea that any aspect of what they wanted to do could be construed as such.  The same is true of our leaders today… do not expect any one of them to “wake up” and see the Evil of their ways.

The Enlightenment brought us a group of men who saw Evil clearly over 250 years ago.  Because of that they attempted to establish a governing structure which championed the Individual and secured the concept of Private Property.  We are squandering this gift daily by not recognizing those who wish to destroy such a paradigm because it has no room for their ideas, let alone support for their thirst of control over men.

Speaking of thirst, it’s time for a beer.  Franklin was right… “Beer is proof that God loves us.”

Print, Print, Print.

Determined to reproduce the economic successes of Weimar Germany and Zimbabwe the Federal Reserve has decided to fire up the presses once again.
Excitement ran through Wall Street today as the news of this brilliant new shot in the arm of “quantitative easing” was announced.
Well… not excitement… more like a panicked rush to buy ownership interest (stock) in companies most of us think will be around even if the economy melts down completely. You see, owning a percentage of a company cannot be devalued like the dollar. Companies can’t just print more stock thus devaluing your shares.  In fact, each time the Fed turns on the presses they tax you without you knowing/understanding it.  Stay with me here… if you have a dollar that has the buying power of “a dollar” then I decide to print another dollar and give it to you because I think you’re cool then you have two dollars… with the total value of “a dollar”.  You just got taxed 50%!  How do you feel about that?  If you listen to the media, you reportedly feel pretty good.  Ignorance is truly bliss…
The market going up has very little to do with a healthy U.S. but more to do with a serious concern over its illness.
Keynes, like Marx, was really smart… just really wrong.  Neither individuals ideas have worked out well anywhere in the world.  (If you think about it there are a great many individuals who fit this description.)
But don’t let the fact that Keynes ideas are horrible and produce long-term economic chaos discourage you!

It doesn’t discourage the Fed!
If you haven’t already, might I recommend buying some chickens? Your neighbors will love you…

I bought a still.  My neighbors actually do love me.