Tag Archives: caring is knowing

Philosophy that Kills…

Russian kills acquaintance at pub after arguing about Philosopher Immanuel Kant.

At first glance this is ridiculous, but what if I told you Millions of people around the world have died at the hands of Kant and his ilk?

A thousand years from now history will look back to the 19th Century and see clearly the Poisonous gift German Philosophers left the world.

While Kant is one of the worst, when you add Hegel, Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, the deadly cocktail is complete.

All you need after that is some sugar, more accurately Aspartame, to cover the taste… enter Marx.

The World has paid the price for embracing these philosophers for over 100 years.  It has been an overt war against the Individual and Natural Law.  These Preachers of Supremacy and Collective Sacrifice at their discretion have resulted in the deaths of Millions… not just a guy outside a bar.

(Please don’t think I’m ignoring the damage done by the likes of Emerson, The Fabians, Rhodes or a sub-set of actors like Dewey, Sanger et al.  But those folks, while hideous, were simply followers who took on the task of institutionalizing the disease.)

Please don’t feel bad if you fail to recognize all of these names.  It’s intentional. But please DO feel angry if you don’t recognize these names… because it’s intentional.

This failure was paid for with your taxes and accomplished by your local government school system.

The last question you should be asking is, do your kids recognize these names?  And if they do, what exactly are they being taught about them?

Caring is knowing.

We will never care about what we don’t know… until it’s too late.

The fact that a couple of Russians outside a bar got into a serious fight over Kant might be a positive event in terms of “knowing”.