Tag Archives: rove

The Enemy Within

For the handful of you that haven’t already realized the Republican Party has been compromised by the Liberal Left and their Fascist Ideology…

As a Parting Gift, John Boehner has just handed the Progressives unlimited spending.

This is on the heels of a mock election for the Speaker of the House which Boehner immediately canceled when it became clear the Leftist Establishment was not going to get the outcome they wanted.

Now the Banana Republicans have achieved their goal by anointing Paul Ryan as the Next Speaker for the House of Representatives.

If it isn’t clear by now…

You’ve been used.  You’re still being used.

From the faux opposition to Obama Care, a poorly disguised pathway to Single Payer Socialized Medicine, which allows for total control over everything you do. and will do, to takeover of the banks by the very Leftists who caused them to fail in the first place… from where, and when, you’ll be allowed to travel, to what kind of wage you’ll be allowed to earn… from what you eat and read, to what activities you’ll be permitted to participate in.  All of these things will be decided for you by Socialists with ‘the best of intentions’. In fact, it’s already started in school lunch programs and mandatory insurance policies.

The Democrats and their RINO counterparts will tell you “It’s about your happiness, health and well-being after all.”  No allowing of your Individual Freedom.  Certainly no allowing your right to choose.

The fact all the above serves to solidify the permanent power of those Leftists on both sides of the aisle, and their progeny, is to be ignored by you.

When the message is,

‘Do not understand ‘why’ America is exceptional.  Do not demand Political Ideology and Governing Theory be clearly espoused, and more importantly demonstrated, by ‘your guy’.  Do not Require your Government return to the Constitution’s Original Intent and Expressed Limitations.’

When you’re being told,

‘It’s too Late.  Nothing Can be done about it.  Government will always be corrupt so you might as well get yours.’

It has begun.

What should you be feeling?

Bitter… Betrayed… Angry… Scared… Frustrated… Motivated…

Make no mistake, there is a war going on right in front of you.

The Enemy is Within.

It’s time to pick a side within the Republican Party.  It’s time to Defeat the Cancer that has led this country into Fiscal Insolvency and Democratic Socialism.   It’s time to Think… forcefully.

You will have no friends.

Lenin was Big on Allowing Votes…

So long as they went his way.

He also advocated doing exactly what you intended to do prior to asking permission… if that permission was not granted.  The Obama Administration has demonstrated this with Obama Care, Private Schools for Minority kids, EPA regs, etc. etc.

So now the RINO Republican Establishment has also decided to take their ball and go home.

Why?  Because we don’t like them.

When John Boehner announced he would resign from Congress at the end of October there were cheers throughout the land by those who believe in the Constitution as it is written and the rule of law for which it is the foundation.

But the ‘election’ of a new speaker was to be gamed.

The Establishment wanted to replace Boehner with yet another controllable Republican. It was thought that shuffling the deck chairs would fool the American Public into thinking they were the beneficiaries of change.

We the People didn’t fall for it.

The few genuine Republicans we have been able to send to DC made our feelings known by not supporting this RINO rehash.

So what is the result?

Boehner has decided to call off the election for the Speakership.


Because he can’t control the outcome.

So he is electing to stick around for a while until he and his cronies can get the result they want.

I think there are some of the Establishment RINO types that truly don’t understand why we despise them.

The only thing They should be wondering about is why wouldn’t we?

How do you “Take Trump Out”?

The Republican Establishment, read Leftist/Fascists with “R’s” behind their names, have a single mission tonight as demonstrated by Jeb!’s crying, and calling Trump names, over how Trump is ruining everything…

So what do they do?

1. Attack, Intimidate and Directly Threaten his ‘Big Money Donors’ to get them to withhold their donations?

2. Convince the 26% of the Republican Electorate that he’s terrible because he doesn’t support Illegal Immigration and Big Government?

3. Expose all the ‘skeletons’ from his past, and probably his present, that make him less than a role model?


None of the above will have any effect on Trump’s current Popularity…  frankly, Trump could show up, smile, and say absolutely nothing, waiting silently until after the debate to say whatever he wants in front of the 50 microphones pushed in his face.  And, he would still lead in the polls.

This is why the Establishment HATES Him.

The only hope any of these candidates have is to sound More Reasonable and promote Policy which Trump Supporters agree with…

This is why the Establishment HATES Him.

You will be watching other serious candidates like Cruz, Paul and Carson. Guys who otherwise would have already been marginalized leaving only Jeb! on Stage…

This is why the Establishment REALLY, REALLY, HATES Him.

The only person who can “Take Trump Out” is Trump, and then… only when he’s ready.

And boy oh boy do the Rove RINO’s HATE Him for it.

Why Donald Trump is Fun

And, Why the Establishment Republicans absolutely Hate Him…

I tapped out a post well over a year ago stating the Establishment Republicans were going to flood the Primary Field with candidates in order to secure the nominee in the early East Coast Primaries.

And, lo and behold, that is what they are doing.  Flooding the Field


Enter Trump!

(If I had a laugh track it would be playing now.  Just imagine one.  Imagine the one they used in M.A.S.H.  I like that one.  It’s heartier than the ones they use now.  More of a Belly Laugh than a Millennial Snicker.)

What is happening here?

Well… in a Diomedes kind of way, the Republican Establishment has set up a scenario they thought would guarantee them the candidate of their choice.

The have added, read ‘funded’, enough hopefuls in an effort to dilute the field to such a degree as to ensure all the support needed is delivered to secure their Guy, in this case Jeb!, the slot.  The Boehner’s and McConnell’s of the world also know that the healthy Libertarian, ‘Conservatarian’, movement is  strong in the Western States… and it must be crushed.

So they have orchestrated a Scheme making sure the early primaries continue to occur on the East Coast which not only lean heavily in favor of Liberal Republicans but allow Democrats to cross over and vote in the contests.  The latter part of this plan was considered ‘brilliant’ as Hillary was thought to be the anointed Democrat Candidate leaving plenty of Liberal Leftists to vote for Jeb!… kind of RINO Insurance.

But the Establishment is being thrown to the Mares and consumed by their own plan.  Que the circus music.

Here Comes Donald, P.T.Barnum, Trump!

And here’s where it get’s really enjoyable…

1.  Trump has his own money!

What!?  Last Election Cycle the press was lamenting that 1 Billion Dollars had been spent by the Candidates combined… and Trump has Ten Times this amount at his disposal!  Why is this funny?  Because Candidates are ALWAYS CONTROLLED by those whose money they need.  And the Establishment has always used this fact to do as much controlling as possible.  They can’t do this with Trump.  (Uh Oh…)

2.  Trump is an A-Hole!

How is that Awesome?  The Donald openly admits he is no saint.  He admits he pays as little in taxes as possible… just as we all try to… and he does not set himself up on a moral pedestal from which his opponents can push him off of.  The guys is a jerk who fights back.  And, we like this.  (This role had previously been held by Chris Christie.)

3.  Trump is well liked ON THE EAST COAST!

BwwaaHahhaahhhaaaaahahahahahaaaahhaa….  The RINO tactic of front loading the Primaries in States where they can get as many Soft Socialist and Fascist Republican voters to propel their chosen Candidate to the Nomination is being undermined by a Well Liked Rich A-Hole whom they cannot Control.  (The Irony is palpable.)

What is the ultimate effect?

It’s my assessment that Trump being involved in this election will do a couple of things.  First, it will demonstrate to the Conservatarians that being outspoken while not trying to secure a mantle of ‘piousness’ works well and is received positively by the voters.  Second, Trump’s presence will keep the press from painting a picture of Jeb! “running away” with the nomination while only garnering 20% of the party’s support.  (That’s 1 out of 5 republican voters for you useful folks.)

In the End, having Trump in the Deal is saving some of the oxygen for those serious, Anti-Establishment, candidates fighting for the soul of the Republican Party.

And those currently in control of the Republican Party Hate Him for it.

Hate, Hate, Hate him.

Cantor’s Concession Speech

Enlightening are the words, or lack thereof, from Eric Cantor upon conceding his Primary Race to Republican Dave Brat.

What Cantor did not say was that his supporters should now support Dave Brat who won in a Landslide.

I used to Like Eric Cantor.  Seriously.  I thought he had promise.

But what an A-hole.

And if there was any doubt…

what an Establishment RINO Move.

He may have started out as a guy who “would shake up Washington”, but he didn’t. And he has been replaced. We’ll see how Brat does.

It’s fascinating how the Establishment-Rove wing of the Republican Party demands all of us get behind their candidates when ours lose in primaries… and frankly I agree.

Because before anything else I’m Anti-Socialist.  And throwing away my vote by voting for a declared Socialist (Democrat) or not voting is cutting my nose off to spite my face… for you Liberals out there that means Stupid.

But isn’t it illustrative how that same respect is not returned.

All the more reason to keep putting up challengers and hopefully voting out these A-hole’s during Primaries.

Remember even when we lose, we win.

A Challenger in a Primary is what the establishment promised it’s conspirators would never happen. And we must continue to break that promise and force the change America so desperately needs.

When I Win, I Win.

When I Lose, I Win.

A lesson from the Liberal Leftist Playbook… and one lost on those who think the Taxed Enough Already Party is over.

There has been much talk today about Rene Ellmers’ winning her Primary in North Carolina. There has also been a lot of comment about the “waning” TEA Party.

I want to clear something up. There is a lesson I learned years ago from the very Socialists I despise. When you win you Win and when you Lose you Win.

The simple fact that Incumbents are being challenged by those “in their party” is a lesson they cannot ignore no matter how much they tell you they are ignoring it. It also serves as a warning to all those currently in office and not up for re-election this cycle that We are Paying Attention… and if you don’t do what you said you were going to do we will force you to run against someone in a primary and take positions on issues you would rather ignore.  The time for words disconnected from action is long past.

The promise of no primary challengers from the Republican Party, Rove and the rest of the RINO Establishment is the biggest scam perpetuated on the electorate. I expect it from Socialist Progressive Democrats who hate this country as it was founded… but not those who profess to uphold the Constitution of the United States and not just the parts they like.

I will now support Ellmers… but…

Let me sum this up, consider the act of having to defend yourself in a Primary to be the Win I’m satisfied with even if I couldn’t replace you as the Republican Candidate. Because next cycle… I’ll still be here and there will be new Primary Challengers to face if those who are elected to represent us don’t get their act together, their mind right and on the same page of the U.S. Constitution.

Sometimes it just about the fight…

And I promise I’m not going anywhere.

Why the “Republicans” can No Longer run on Limited Government

A New Gallup poll has American’s seeing Big Government as the greatest threat to the United States.

To the tune of 72%!

This is very bad news for the majority of the Republican Party.

It has long been the tradition of Republican Candidates to run on Limited Government.  This is typically paired with a promise to necessarily reduce it’s size as well.

In fact, many a Republican has won elected office using just such rhetoric.

Well… times are changing, and this news from Gallup cannot be helpful.

I probably don’t need to remind any of you that there is a new, small, vocal and active group of representatives who reside in Washington hailing from the Taxed Enough Already wing of the Republicans.  And here lies the problem.

The Establishment Republicans, or RINO’s, enjoy a large majority of membership within the party as it’s currently made up.  And, by being the heavy majority they control all things Republican, which has enabled them to shut out that “bothersome” minority of representatives that not only believe Big Government must be reduced in size and scope but act on that belief.  (For those of you who follow along, that would be the Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Trey Dowdy types.)

Well, with 72% of the population seeing the Leviathan as the single biggest problem we face as a Nation… the Republican Candidates who run on such rhetoric might be expected to perform on their promises!  Combine that with an already present TEA party minority who have been in the district long enough to know their way around, it spells trouble with a “T”.  The Horror!

This poll cannot make the John McCain wing of the Republican Party happy at all.   I can feel the urgent closed-door meetings being called as I type this.  Will they all switch parties?  Will they come up with a new message for this election cycle like “Hey… Government isn’t all bad.  We’re not watching absolutely EVERYTHING you do.”?  Or may be “Obama Care… we oppose it, but there’s nothing we can do!”.

Stay tuned!

This will end up being a very interesting mid-term election.

Do what we say… or else.

You Young Healthy People better sign up for Obama Care.

Or, we’ll Force you to.

You Rich People who make whatever we think is more than you need better switch to Obama Care.

Or, we’ll Force you to.

You Greedy Doctors better take Obama Care Insurance.

Or, we’ll Force you to.

All of You better believe this is for Your own Good.

Or, we’ll Force you to.

The Smart People who are full of the best intentions.

This public service message has been brought to you by the Democrat Party in association with Establishment Wing of the RNC.  All funding provided by Barack Obama, John McCain, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Co.  “We know what’s best for you so you don’t have to.”  (“We know what’s best for you so you don’t have to.”, “Tea Baggers are racist bigots.” and “Sit down, Shut Up, Do what We Say.” are all trademarks of the Democrat Party and it’s banners such as the Establishment Republican Party.  Any use of these trademarks requires prior written approval.  Get it… or we’ll Force you to.)

In the United States of America…

We do not judge the performance of Government by “How much it gets done.”

We judge the performance of Government by How Well it is protecting our Personal Liberties, Freedoms, Property Rights and Ability to make choices for ourselves without legislated penalty!

Nothing More, Nothing Less.

How many of us understand that?

How many of us understand that is how we were founded and why we are UNIQUE in the world?

Is there anyone left in America who understands the governing theory the United States was built upon?

Can we start with our Representatives?

Who are they?

Once we figure that out, send them money.  Don’t worry, it will be very few.

I’m a bit frustrated as you might recognize… I’m tired. I’m tired of hearing the Boehner’s, Rove’s and McCain’s of the world tell us we need to go back to sleep.

None of these decisions, like opposing Socialized Medicine at every opportunity, require any hand wringing when you have a firm, well-developed and fully understood Ideological foundation beneath you.

So where are these people?

Oh… right… they’re being marginalized by the Media and positioned as “right-wing” wacko-birds, or TEA Party “nut jobs”.  Yes… clearly opposing the government wasting our tax dollars earn you the label of INSANE!  Without question showing a determined resolve to cling to the last bit of Freedom we have left and openly express the wish to have those taken from us returned makes you a PSYCHO!  It shouldn’t have to be said that anyone who supports the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as they are written and amended is a complete IDIOT!

And the know-nothings, who believe they know everything, are falling for it.

It’s time to hit the streets… go to their “protests”… visit their dirty campsites… attend the taping of their comedy shows and challenge their willful ignorance.

What’s the worst that could happen? Nothing, other than they might learn something.

And isn’t that ultimately the problem?


I guess the only obstacle is how do you teach someone something when they already know they know everything?

I have to go lock myself in a closet for a while… I just can’t stand the latest news cycle and the Cerveza is not working.