Tag Archives: 2016 presidential primary

And Still… Nobody’s Asking

Is Mexico Responsible for Anything?! Anything at All?! Why Isn’t Mexico Responsible for its Citizens and their well-being?

Establishment Republican Jeb Bush made the simple statement that crossing the border to work in the United States Illegally is “An Act of Love”.

Simple, Powerful, Direct.

If that is the case, Then… Couldn’t any Crime committed for profit that didn’t result in direct harm to another human be called “An Act of Love”?

All the perpetrator would have to say is; “I just was trying feed my, family, friends, myself, my neighbors, my dog” etc.

All of the above can now be justified as Acts of Love.

That’s a Presidential Platform if I’ve ever heard one… if you were running as a Leftist.

Look, I’m all for Liberalizing the immigration and migrant worker laws.

It’s really not that difficult to do. I’ve talked about it in La Gran Mentira.

But don’t tell me that failure to respect the sovereignty of a Nation is an Act of Love.

Do you think for one Moment the Navajo Nation would tolerate a bunch of Arizona folks driving in and filling all the jobs, at low wages, the Tribe has to offer because the Navajo will not do them?

We have experienced how the Sovereign Nations deal with interlopers… and it doesn’t turn out well.

So Why is the question not; “What the Hell is Mexico doing to improve their Economy and create Jobs for its Citizens?”

The question will not be asked because the Media subscribes to full legalization of all those who have come here for the sole purpose of creating Millions of new Welfare Recipients, Union Members and Democrat Voters.  It’s really that simple, because that’s really what will happen… simply.

As far as the Media acting like there is a Predestined Clamor for J. Bush to Run for President… I’m pretty sure Nobody’s Asking.