Tag Archives: special rights

Fight the Universe!

(On the heels of Ossof in Georgia… and the next stop being Montana… this needed to quick re-post.  We’re watching the Anti-American Left spend their time and money on losing endeavors.  I say “More Of It!”  Now if we can just figure out how to stop them from accessing taxpayer dollars to throw at this Destroy America effort…)

To all of you Protesters Opposing Stuff…

The money for organizing your feigned outrage over non-issues is drying up. The ‘coolness’ associated with yelling and screaming against things you know nothing about, and protesting the free-speech of those you’ve never listened to, is waning. In addition, the public interest in your inane assertions is non-existent to begin with and we’re heading into summer. It’s hard to hold a campus protest when nobody is there to care and nobody around to watch.

But chin up, Buckaroo.

I, for one, want to encourage you to keep it up. I realize such efforts require enormous amounts of energy, particularly when you’re no longer getting paid, bused and fed at these foolishly numerous protests. But your outrage over the Injustices of the Universe need to be expressed.

Just like you, I believe there is a Cosmic Conspiracy to screw… well.. screw, YOU!

(Not me. The Universe is not out to get me. The Universe and I had a long conversation years ago and the Universe made it clear in no uncertain terms that it didn’t care about me. We both left with an understanding. I moved on.)

So keep it up!

I mean why not? After the last 8-years over 25% are not working anyway. It’s not like you don’t have the time. Yes, yes, I know you’ll be doing it for ‘free’. But it’s not about the money, right? The cause is bigger than getting paid! It’s about Justice, or something. And frankly, what’s more “just” than special rights for you that others don’t have and taking money from other people who earned it all the while supporting rich Leftists who make a living getting you to do stuff to oppose things you don’t understand… none of which will lead to gainful employment and a future worth living.


Unless all of you Useful Idiots are tired…

Keeping the Pain Alive…

Starbucks would like to meet you for Coffee and have a chat about Race.

They also expect you to buy their stuff…

While I have little to add to what is already being said about this, there is one aspect being overlooked.

Only Racists are so consumed with Race that they feel the need to talk about it as if it matters.

We are all Individuals.  Single Human Beings.  At the moment of creation we are all Equal… after that moment, all bets are off.  What happens after that rests largely on what We Choose to do with our lives seasoned with a bit of Luck often favoring the prepared.

Time to accept this and move on.

Believing in Equality, or Fairness, of Outcome leads only to disenchantment… nothing else… ever…  The Universe does not recognize either concept. Equality or Fairness, nor does it care about your perceived slights, advantages or disadvantages.

The Best we can do as Individual Humans is seek Equality before the Law… Equality for INDIVIDUALS, Not specific Races, Religions or the Myriad Genders we suddenly seem to have discovered.

Anything else is the purview of Envy…

The concept of “Fair” is poisonous, and allowing it to permeate your thoughts will only lead to perpetual disappointment.

I will end this with a promise.

If any Barista at Starbucks, raised on institutionalized “check the box” racism*, attempts to place a racist hashtag, be it #racetogether, #killwhitey or #nazisarecool, I will ask them to put my beverage into another cup.  And while they’re doing that, I will explain to them…

Only Racists are Obsessed with Race.

All of this is built of foundations of sand.  And this is what we get from Coffee shops peddling burnt coffee.

It’s always about appearing to care… not actually caring.  This makes it easy because you really don’t have to think much to look like you give a crap.  IN other words, they get to Scribble some racist nonsense on my overpriced coffee and feel good about themselves… while never having to make an effort to think about what they’re doing.

*Check the box Racism is sadly practiced throughout our country.  You are prompted, and expected, to declare your race on every form and application from Insurance and Banking to Education.  How do you convincingly convey that Race does not Matter when it so evidently does.


Minority Rights!

One Must believe in Minority Rights!

There is no greater responsibility we all have than to protect the Minority…

If you agree with me then you Must also find yourself on the side of protecting the Individual, as it is he who is the Ultimate Minority.

This understanding means there cannot be special rights for Religious Groups, Racial Groups, Age Groups or Groups based on Gender.

It means that all Men are created equal.

It means all Crime is Hate Crime.

It means all men must have the same Inalienable Natural Right to Freedom and Liberty before the law.

It means that a person’s station in life does not afford them special consideration.

It means men cannot elevate themselves above the laws others must abide by.

It means anyone who opposes the Protection of Individual Liberty and Freedom is a Bigot.

It means the Only Rights are Individual Rights.

Only a perversion of the word Minority could mean anything else.
