Tag Archives: college students

Fight the Universe!

(On the heels of Ossof in Georgia… and the next stop being Montana… this needed to quick re-post.  We’re watching the Anti-American Left spend their time and money on losing endeavors.  I say “More Of It!”  Now if we can just figure out how to stop them from accessing taxpayer dollars to throw at this Destroy America effort…)

To all of you Protesters Opposing Stuff…

The money for organizing your feigned outrage over non-issues is drying up. The ‘coolness’ associated with yelling and screaming against things you know nothing about, and protesting the free-speech of those you’ve never listened to, is waning. In addition, the public interest in your inane assertions is non-existent to begin with and we’re heading into summer. It’s hard to hold a campus protest when nobody is there to care and nobody around to watch.

But chin up, Buckaroo.

I, for one, want to encourage you to keep it up. I realize such efforts require enormous amounts of energy, particularly when you’re no longer getting paid, bused and fed at these foolishly numerous protests. But your outrage over the Injustices of the Universe need to be expressed.

Just like you, I believe there is a Cosmic Conspiracy to screw… well.. screw, YOU!

(Not me. The Universe is not out to get me. The Universe and I had a long conversation years ago and the Universe made it clear in no uncertain terms that it didn’t care about me. We both left with an understanding. I moved on.)

So keep it up!

I mean why not? After the last 8-years over 25% are not working anyway. It’s not like you don’t have the time. Yes, yes, I know you’ll be doing it for ‘free’. But it’s not about the money, right? The cause is bigger than getting paid! It’s about Justice, or something. And frankly, what’s more “just” than special rights for you that others don’t have and taking money from other people who earned it all the while supporting rich Leftists who make a living getting you to do stuff to oppose things you don’t understand… none of which will lead to gainful employment and a future worth living.


Unless all of you Useful Idiots are tired…