Tag Archives: the Unknown ideal



Why the IRS matters.

The BIG question is, does the IRS scandal matter?

I say yes, it does.

Here’s why:

For almost 100 years the Left in this country has spent untold treasure, and untold man hours, crafting arguments that pit one group against another.

The creation and nurturing of these groups is called Balkanization.

It is the political tactic of getting individuals to identify with a small group sharing similar interests, then pitting them against other small groups who seem to oppose said interests.  The outcome of this manipulation, they hope, is to gain one or the other small groups support in the form of money, and votes, come election time.  We have all seen this.  While it is certainly found on both sides of the aisle, it is the sole motivator used by the Socialists.  It is the proverbial “Us vs. Them”, whomever that may be.  The reason this is the foundation of Socialist politics can be found when individuals educate themselves as to what Socialism is… then recoil in disgust.  Because of this common reaction to Progressive ideology, they are left with identity politics.

The upside for the Statist Left is it distracts us from the paramount task of protecting our Natural Right to Indivdual Feedom and Liberty as outlined in our Founding Documents… what is otherwise a unifying cause.

There is fantastic writing on this phenomena out there, so will I not bore you.

But, what makes the IRS scandal important is the unifying effect it has on the population.  No matter who you are, if you are productive in any way, you are afraid of the IRS.  They have enjoyed that power, fostered it since their inception.  The rub for Liberals lies in the Unity part…

When your entire political success relies on small groups that you keep mad at those you consider your enemy, things start to fall apart when everybody unites.  And, everybody is uniting in outrage over the IRS scandal.  This makes for a very interesting tap dance the Left must perform in order to retain their base (by feigning outrage along with them) while also trying to defend and preserve the fear the IRS reputation evokes.  They must have a complicated, unintelligible, unnavigable tax code allowing unlimited power over the population and it’s productivity.  Socialism requires “special people” with the authority to redistribute wealth.

If you doubt me, you will have plenty of opportunity to see for yourself over the next week or so.  During the hearings look for your local Leftist and count the number of “but’s” in their statements and questions.  In other words, they will start by saying how unbelievable… horrible… terrible… it is for the IRS to target certain groups “BUT”… and then they will go on to defend its legality, or justify it in some way.  They simply cannot lose the power of the IRS.  Liberals on both sides of the aisle know and love the power they find in the U.S. tax code.

For the Socialists, government exists to take your money and give it to someone else… and you’re supposed to love it.  Or at the very least fear it.  Caligula had a famous quote; “Let them Hate me, so long as they Fear me.”

So yes, this scandal matters.  And I think it matters in a very big way.

In a Global way… in a Macro sense…

In fact, the timing could not be better… well, it could have been better.  It could have happened 50 years ago.  Anyway, it was not long ago that those who supported ideas like the Gold Standard were dismissed (after Nixon) to crazy-ville by the Liberal Left.  But time has allowed for many additional alternatives regarding taxation, from flat to consumption.

Many more individuals have become interested in the function of money.  These two facts only make it harder for those who have anointed themselves the smartest people in the room to do as they wish in regard to our economy.  Education has that effect.

So it brings us to today…

The Left has no choice but to try to shut down this IRS scandal.

They cannot afford all of us getting together and opposing something so important to the foundation of their Ideology.  The power of taxation cannot be modified in any way that reduces their ability to redistribute wealth.

They cannot afford alternative ideas designed to fund government functions which do not require one human forcing their subjective decisions upon other humans.  The individual cannot become more independent through the reduction of bureaucratic oversight and punishment.

They cannot afford to have this discussion continue much longer… particularly now that many of us know Liberals exist on both sides of the aisle and no longer fall for the old trick of party identity, but instead have endeavored to gain some ideological understanding.

While it’s a bit late, I’m happy it’s happening.

Cheers to the IRS and the Elitists who run it!  All the better to see you with…


It appears the current Mayor DeBlasio of New York is also tap dancing…