Tag Archives: Ivy League Schools

I’m Already Smarter than You…

…so I don’t need to spend any time thinking about stuff. And, I certainly don’t need to consider the possibility that I might be wrong because that would be stupid… and I’m not stupid… you are.

This is the mentality of much of America. You have seen this for yourself.

It hit me when I was looking at a map of the states divided into red and blue representing Republican and Democrat votes for the last election. The very clever caption labeled the Blue states as “America” and the Red states as “Dumbf*ckistan”. I admit, I laughed. But it is a fantastic example of how important it is to Democrats/Liberals/Progressives to tell themselves that they are smarter than you. This delusion is truly the cornerstone of their belief system. It allows them to spend no time thinking while claiming to be the most intelligent person in the room and therefore possessing the moral high-ground in all things.

For those of us who have experienced it we will recognize the following;

I’m smarter than you because I live in… New York, Los Angeles, Portland, Austin, Boston, Maine or any place that has a high density of like-minded Leftists. (In fact, there is a hierarchy of geographic locations which make you instantly brilliant.  It Starts with anywhere OUTSIDE of the United States… Moscow, Paris, London, Rome, Beijing…  Overseas, even for a very brief period, seems to elevate your intelligence above others.  Just a visit appears to count.)

I’m smarter than you because I care more about the environment as demonstrated by… my recycling habit, my hybrid, my bumper stickers, my dreadlocks, my compost pile, my hemp shirt and eating only “organic”.

I’m smarter than you because of my love for animals, except those I don’t like.  You know, the not cute and furry ones.

I’m smarter than you because I believe the existence of humanity, within the United States,  is killing the planet by creating Global Warming… it feels true.

I’m smarter than you because I refuse to debate using reason, and by doing so I “win” every argument.

I’m smarter than you because I listen to my heart… not my brain, which in my case is historically unreliable.

I’m smarter than you because I expect people to cheat on their spouses… and it’s okay.

I’m smarter than you because I went to… Yale, Harvard, Rutgers, Community College etc.  Don’t ask me about my grades though, or try to engage me in your “poorly educated” debate over anything important.

I’m smarter than you because I don’t smoke cigarettes, only marijuana… which is completely different.

I’m smarter than you because I read a lot… kind of… okay, not really but I’ll tell you I do.

I’m smarter than you because I will never verify my “facts”.  And, as long as I don’t check them out they remain “true”.  In the rare instance where I might be wrong… you’re still stupid.  Both have to do with a combination of the uncertainty principle and quantum theory, but you didn’t go to the right school to understand, so never mind.

I’m smarter than you because I’m a “Progressive” which I think means superior, and calling myself that makes me so.

And finally, because I’m smarter than you, I’m better than you.  End of discussion… I win.

So you might as well give up trying to talk to these people… there is no hope, nor should there be an expectation of change. When you base your self-esteem on irrational and irrelevant variables you enjoy an exceptional imperviousness to logic… very Progressive indeed.  It must feel good.

Take a single day and see how many of these folks you can count.  You might be surprised.

(If we could carry around bottles of bourbon this could be a terrific drinking game.  Even better if you didn’t explain to these folks what the game was.  Might be a short day, but I don’t think you’d have to stray too far from home.)

I know this is a repost from 013113… but I just finished watching White House Spokesman Jay Carney and couldn’t help thinking about how stupid I am… and how drunk I should be.