Tag Archives: carbon tax

Does Anyone Listen when Socialists say it Out Loud?

George Soros states National Borders are the Obstacle.

“His (Viktor Orban’s) plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” Mr Soros added. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

(Bold and Italics mine.)

If your desire is not for a One World Overreaching and Nepotistic (Crony Socialist) Government Mr. Soros, then why are National Borders an Obstacle?

Bill Gates defends Climate Change as a Building Block of Socialism.

“Even if you have a new energy source that costs the same as today’s and emits no CO2, it will be uncertain compared with what’s tried-and-true and already operating at unbelievable scale and has gotten through all the regulatory problems.

Without a substantial carbon tax, there’s no incentive for innovators or plant buyers to switch.”

(Bold and Italics mine.)

So… Overreaching and Nepotistic Government (Crony Socialism) creates the ‘regulatory problems’, and Bills Gates calls for More Overreaching and Nepotistic Government (Crony Socialism) as the Solution.  It’s the Arsenic Cure.  Your Doctor prescribes a teaspoon of arsenic a day to cure your headaches.  You return to him complaining you feel even worse… so he tells you to double the dosage.

The Same can be, and has been, said repeatedly regarding Obama Care and the Socialization of Medicine here in the United States. And it’s outcome was predicted by all of those who have witnessed Socialism at work World Over.  It’s an Abortion.  The Left is now preparing to Demand yet More Crony Socialism as the ‘Solution’ in the form of Single Payer.  Some of us said repeatedly the ultimate failure of Obama Care was the desired outcome from the beginning in order to set the stage for full Destruction of the Greatest Private Healthcare System in the World.  I continue to believe the ‘Affordable Care Act’ is failing right on schedule.  Jonathan Gruber and Paul Ryan should be proud.

Rich Leftist Progressives will say, just as all Evil People throughout History, what they want to do to you Out Loud.  They write articles, books, pamphlets.  They give speeches and round tables.  They start Foundations designed to promote their forceful desires.  You don’t need to concoct conspiracies…

All you need to do is listen.  All you need to do is pay attention.  All you need to do is makeaneffort.

Yet, we endlessly find ourselves fighting Useful Idiots on both sides of the political aisle distracting us from addressing the truly Sinister among us.

But I suppose to be truly useful one must never recognize they’re an Idiot.