Tag Archives: search engines

“The European Model”

Unfortunately Not the European Model we will be Talking About.

It’s difficult to think up a good conspiracy theory anymore.
Just when I have crafted something particularly devious and sinister then sugar coat it with ‘best intentions’ so it goes down the throats of “have a go” commenters…
It turns out to be, well, True.
What is an Drunken Evil Genius supposed to do when all of his work is being pre-empted by cheap HB-1 Visa holders in Silicon Valley?
Woe is me…

Alas, one of my favorites sites alerted me to a Google Presentation on Good Censorship.

Let me qualify first that I’m a free market kind of guy. I’m more Libertarian than anything else and will often side with the Dregs and Deplorables of our Republic.  What I’m about to point out does not mean I think regulation is a viable answer… but it does mean I find removing every penny of my tax dollars from the hands of private companies should be on every table.  Enough of that.

After pouring a stout cup of Cafe Bustelo (It should always be Strong, Black, Burnt and Bitter like my Women) I began going through the ‘leaked’ presentation.

It was Horrifying.  I had to add another shot of bourbon to my coffee.

We have talked about Conspiracy Theories here in the past.  This overt move by Google is astonishing… and as we have seen over the last decade with other supposed ‘tin foil hat’ stuff… now provable.

What struck me was not the idea Google was ‘editing’, but rather the idea they found brilliance in what they described as “The European Model”.

In essence, the Presentation offers that the United States pursues Freedom and Liberty which allows horrible things to happen.  In other words, Freedom and Liberty allow for things to happen that the majority of Leftists over at Google don’t like or agree with.

Instead, they propose – and are moving on, ‘Freedom must be Sacrificed for Civility’ and ‘Liberty must be Sacrificed for Dignity’.

Holy Carp!

The folks at Google don’t like the whole Freedom thing because it can’t be controlled… BY DEFINITION.  Stupid Freedom gets in the way of Forcing America into the ‘United World Union of Democratic Socialist Utopians’ – UWUDSU (pronounced ‘you-wood-sue’).  Sorry… it’s that extra shot in my coffee.  Anyway…

How can this be?  Real People can’t truly believe that Socialism works…

Well, I’m not sure how much more evidence you need.  There are basically two types of ‘Real People’ at play here.  The first group is too ignorant or delusional, intentionally or unintentionally, to know the Poison of Socialism.  They, of course, consider themselves members of next group…  (That is until the next group actually secures full control over things.  Then the first group’s lack of membership is made clear often with Starvation, Jail Cells, quickly dug Trenches etc.)

Regarding the second Group, it has been experienced throughout the history of mankind that certain groups of individuals will believe themselves to be anointed philosopher kings and will charge themselves with ‘protecting’ the rest of us from… ourselves.  (Enter Google who is busy giving voice to the Elitist A-Hole position that the unwashed cannot be given the responsibility to determine what is Civil and what is Dignified on their own.)

As we have stated before, an Elitist looks at you and says:

“When you are presented with a decision the only thing we can count on you doing is making the wrong one.” – Elitist A-Hole

This is why they secure positions of power via election, censorship or arms to make sure they can make it for you.

In their minds you should be Thanking them, seriously.  They think you should be writing them Thank You cards… and, of course, paying them lots and lots of your tax payer dollars.

But let’s place the Elitist A-holes on the sideline for a moment and talk about the idea of a “European Model” the United States is supposed to longingly emulate.

The European Model is one of Monarchy, Imperialism, Colonialism, War, Oppression, Slavery, Strict Class Stasis and codified Civility/Dignity in order to make sure those Class Lines were never to be crossed.  The EU Model is one of Blood and Genocide. It’s one of Cultural Eradication.  It has been built upon a belief of Divine Blood Lines.  So corrupt was its history that the ‘New Socialist European Model’ appeared attractive by comparison.  Sadly it was just another ploy by a Disenfranchised Aristocracy seeing the Death of the Feudal System that had kept them in place.  (Read the origins of the International Soviet, the London School of Economics, Engels, Hegel, Marx, Plato, Dewey, Lenin and the Fabian Socialists to start.)  And to the delight of that what could have been the former ruling class, aka ‘the rich folks who ran things but were hoisted upon pitch forks’, the population fell for it, all except those in the American Colonies who watched intently what was happening with the European Model and opted out.  I relaize this is a big expanse of time and a cogent argument could be attempted that most of the ‘intellectuals’ associated with Socialism found their fame in the 1800’s.  But the roots of this idea had been laid for hundreds of years prior to what is considered the ‘revolutionary’ period.  (Speaking of famous revolutions… France Tried but chased Equality instead of Liberty and ended up with Members on Mission.  those were the guys hauling the Guillotine from town to town.  Portable Social Justice.)

We, the United States, chose to pursue Freedom and Liberty rather that Civility, Dignity and Equality as the latter three would always require a Divine Administrator to Govern.

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In forming a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.” —James Madison, The Federalist No. 51

We had closely watched the horrors associated with Elitists in Europe telling the Masses what they were Free to do and what they were not Free to do.

We decided we could defend our Individual Freedom and Liberty without a Permanent Class of Ruling Elitist A-Holes deciding for us what we can decide for ourselves…

In the mid 1700’s We opted out of the EU Model.  We determined the act of petitioning the King with gifts in order to win approval for one’s personal choices gave the King too much power.  We opted out of Regressive, Re-packaged, Return to Feudalism that the illusion of Democracy within a nascent Socialist Paradigm promised… but designed intentionally to never deliver.

We said Enough!

…An then dressed up like Indians and threw a Tea Party on a Boat.

Google says… we should get back to that Oppression Stuff!

Let that sink in.

The only aspect of this piece of garbage presentation I admire is the assertion these changes need to be made in order for Google to expand.  Why?  Because it’s the only rational and honest statement made as it embraces the Evil.  The Raw truth this statement represents is the recognition of a very real War going on and between those of us who Believe in Freedom and Liberty of the Individual and Those that Do Not.  So Google is saying if you want to do business with those that Do Not… it’s time to censor, oppress and suppress those that do.   (Historically this leads to the Death and Destruction of the very society these delusional people believe they are promoting.  It’s not Debatable… it’s Demonstrable.  Can you imagine this argument being made today in regards to Slavery?  It’s the same argument… except almost everyone are the Slaves.)

We are here now.  Who would have thought?

Google should start a new marketing campaign; Forward Oppression!  I think the ANTIFA-Fascists would just Love it.  (Has anyone else noticed the ANTIFA-Fascist flag is Red, White and Black.  Odd choice of colors… or maybe not.)

So whip off your Tin Foil Propeller Beanie and craft something a bit more elaborate… another Conspiracy Theory has died at the altar of Socialism.  There is still hope for the aluminum clad crowd… 5G is coming.