Tag Archives: incremental slavery

The Devil’s Promise

Creepy Backroom Babies 2014

Freedom and Liberty without Consequence and Responsibility. – The Devils Promise

A Promise of Infinite Freedom and Liberty to do as he says… live as he wishes… exist if he desires.

Last night a friend of mine asked “Why can’t we just go to work, come home and not worry about anything?”

I was disappointed and sad.  I simply assume the people I surround myself with understand the value of their Liberty and the necessity to defend it at all times.  This is my fault… and illustrates the lesson that these facts must be repeated over and over.

However, this is a common question.  It’s a question labeled ‘reasonable’ by those who want to keep you asleep until it comes time to secure their power or help them keep it.  It is a question built upon a premise that Evil does not exist and Evil People are not being born this very second.  And, those who peddle niceties are in fact nice.  It is a question which is more of a plea to trust, a cry of despair, that life is too hard to shoulder the constant burden of skepticism and responsibility for ones actions.  It’s the soft mindset that incrementally leads to slavery.

What do I hear when someone asks this?

I hear their desire to give up… surrender… lose… their Freedom by abdicating their responsibility of protecting it to those who pine for control over others.

I hear apathy, ignorance and ambivalence regarding the Freedom and Liberty they currently enjoy…

I hear a person who has no ability to empathize with those who are oppressed and do not enjoy their same Freedoms.

It is the absence of contrast… wisdom built upon experience… which disables otherwise able minds.

If you’ve been around here for a while you already know that one of my top 12 reads is ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ by Frankl.  At the end of the book he suggests there should be a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast mirroring the Statue of Liberty in New York.

I happen to agree with Mr. Frankl’s brilliance and insight based on experience.  (For any of you who want to understand more about anything… ever… you need to read this book.)

Being Free is a Huge Responsibility.  It takes energy, effort and thought.  It requires the ability to be honest with one’s self and willingness to suffer the consequences of one’s action without projecting blame upon others.  It necessitates seeing the world as it is, not as you might wish it to be.

To be a Citizen of the United States, the only Nation on Earth to be founded upon the principle that the Individual was Paramount and his possessions, including his person, were to be protected above all other things, places the responsibility of remaining Free on each and every one of us, every moment of every day.

Nowhere on this planet, at any time in recorded history, has the Ultimate Minority of the Individual Human Being been placed First… before Government… before the Majority…. before a Specific Religion.  We are it.

That is American Exceptionalism.

Because of the above fact, We’re the only ones who can protect it… not Government, or a King, or a ‘super smart person’, or a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, nor any other form of Leadership Committee big or small.  It’s us… just us… in a purely voluntarily cooperative effort.  No one anywhere in the World will come to our rescue should we fall.  Because no one anywhere else in the World agrees with us.  They have decided that the only viable forms of Government fall somewhere in the spectrum of Socialism; whether it’s Social Democracy, Theocracy, Communism, Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Fascism, Dictatorship… anything BUT a Constitutionally Limited Democratic Republic which puts the Individual first justified by Natural Law.

The Progressive World finds such an Enlightened Idea far too limiting.  The World prefers Force and Class Stasis… the World prefers Control.  Therein lies the Irony.  The Progressive World desire to take all of us back to divine right and the age of Monarchies.  They only wish they could figure out a way for the majority to vote them into permanent power.  They already know they are Smarter than you, they just want you to solidify it once and for all.  (Elections are such a nuisance… all that energy… all that money… could be used to force our brilliance upon the Masses.  Such is the Ego of the Devil.)

The Devil’s Promise is really; Do as I say and you will be Free… You have a right to your existence because I allowed it.

We in the United States are being conditioned in our Schools and through our Media to accept this… even support and promote this…

The ‘Why’ and ‘How’ are clear and simple to see for those who are capable of intellectual honesty.  We have done this to ourselves.  The history has been written for all who care.

It is also plain to see We have wandered far from the intent of our Founders…

We no longer own the fruit of our labor.

We no longer own our property.

We no longer own ourselves.

All we have left, which we know is genuinely ours, is what’s in our mind… and never shared.

Those who wish Control would take that from you as well… if they could.

Is it time to give up and pay the Devil his due?

‘Why can’t we just go to work, come home and not think about all this stuff?’

It would certainly be easier…

than being Free.