Tag Archives: illegal immigrants


noun, plural sanc·tu·ar·ies.

1. a sacred or holy place.
2. Judaism .
a. the Biblical tabernacle or the Temple in Jerusalem.
b. the holy of holies of these places of worship.
3. an especially holy place in a temple or church.
4. the part of a church around the altar; the chancel.
5. a church or other sacred place where fugitives were formerly entitled to immunity from arrest.
6. immunity afforded by refuge in such a place.

From Dictionary.com

It appears that the press has discovered a deeply sinister plan which was considered, not enacted, by the ever evil Trump Administration.  According to the Washington Post, Trump officials proposed releasing (illegal) immigrants into Sanctuary Cities to “retaliate” against the Administrations political foes.  Story Here…

This leads my ADD addled, caffeine Addicted, mind to a number of questions…

  1.  Isn’t the above “accusation” exactly what those who created Sanctuary Cities wanted?  If not, why did those cities and the politicians who run them proudly declare themselves as such?
  2.  Isn’t everything the Trump Administration does, thus far, in direct opposition to the Socialists who created the Sanctuary Cities in the first place thus making them ALWAYS political foes regardless of specific proposals considered?
  3. Why is this a story?

I believe I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll use the inebriation defense, several months ago I was in LA having a chat with a couple of friends about the ‘busing of migrants’ into California.  The couple were divided on the issue.  Mark (name changed to protect the innocent) viewed the outrage exhibited by Jerry (name changed because I hate a Jerry and he totally sucks… I don’t hate this guy, but Jerry still sucks.) as the height of hypocracy.  Jerry was incensed that New Mexico was supposedly busing in (illegal) immigrants to California(!).  How, he asked, could New Mexico have the gall to send a bunch of people here (California) when our system to care for them is already streched to it’s absolute limit?!

This led me to a simple question.  I started with; Jerry, I understand your being angry about that and I agree with you.  However, allow me to ask you why then is it okay for Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua to send us theirs?

A long very pregnant silence ensued.

I waited.

Jerry’s gears ground in different directions and I swear I saw a light wisp of smoke emanate from his left ear.

Mark smiled.

I continued to wait.

After several seconds of quietly walking around in circles, Jerry rallied what was remaining upstairs and proclaimed, red-faced, “That’s not the same thing!”

I let it go as the point had been made.  Mark continued to smile and Jerry continued to think, painfully.  In full disclosure, I also like both men and look forward to more exchanges in the future.

The point is, If you’re going to declare yourself a Sanctuary City then you cannot simultaneously be upset if your perceived political foe is volunteering to help you in your mission.  When you go into business you cannot get angry with those who send it to you, whether you like them or not.

This is a Foolish story produced by Foolish People at a Foolish Newspaper like the Washington Post.  (If you’re not sure what I’m saying, the link to dictionary.com is above the fold.  Use it.  Fool is spelled F-O-O-L.)


Editor’s note:  Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaruaga are in many ways better than New Mexico.  So to Jerry’s defense they are indeed different things.

‘The Border is Under Control…’

According to Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas).

I’m not sure what to say except these are the people which we elect to Represent us. I suppose it could depend on the meanings of the words; “The”, “Border”, “is”, “Under” and “Control”. Quick, Someone get President Clinton on the phone… he may be able to translate Ms. Lee’s statement utilizing his well documented, and truly amazing, powers of interpretation.

Unless… she is stating that the flood of illegal immigrants has been by design.