I’d Rather Die On My Feet than Live On My Knee

You’ve now made it Anti-us.

This is the Wrong Fight to pick…

The current Take a Knee effort protesting Law Enforcement across the United States is something to behold. While I’m not excited about the President of the United States weighing in on what was being handled just fine by the rest of us, our market reaction of not tuning in and not spending money on NFL (now soon to be MLB) games was doing its job, once again he’s right…

This is not a Fight the NFL (and soon MLB) wants to pick with Trump. Why? Because they’re really picking it with the rest of us, whether we like Trump or not.

What is this really about?

It’s about the consequences of being Free.

And it’s about those who don’t like there being any.

Crime, in total, is out of control in this country.


Which brings us to The Social Justice issue and the Progressive Left’s attempt to turn their poisonous Socialist Ideology into a Race.  They want everyone to believe that to be African-American, Latino, Hispanic, pick your minority, is to be a Socialist.

Inversely… To be Anti-Socialist is to be a Racist.  To believe in Law and Order is to be Racist.  To believe The United States is the Greatest Country on Earth… is to be Racist.  Worse yet, if you’re a minority and you’re any of the above you’re a self-hating Racist.

This Social Justice issue is really based on individuals who desire to commit crimes and not be held accountable because… Disenfranchisement?… Race?… Gender?… Religion?… Education?… Height?… Hair Color?… And to do this they must control speech.  They must find offense in all things.  They must silence reasoned debate because they know they cannot win under such circumstances.

The Truth is the above mentioned individuals do not want to be held accountable to anyone… for anything… ever… because they are Anti-American and Anti-Capitalist… they expect to be given, not earn, while remaining free to do whatever they wish to whomever they wish free of consequences.  They are Socialists, or being led by Socialists, who desperately want to remove any social construct that does not lead to their Utopian Dream of Securing Power over Others.  Their goal is your Slavery to the State.

At a minimum they are the Useful Ignorant who believe Socialism is an answer.  Well Socialism is an answer, just not one they will want once they get it.

They see Government as the Savior.

That fact alone is the most dangerous as they strive to provide Government with ultimate, unchecked, power to Force.  If Government is the Savior… then why restrain it in any way?

They genuinely believe Government should not be restrained in its endless pursuit of ‘Good’… and they see themselves as those who ‘govern’.

All of the Liberties and Freedoms you enjoy as an American Citizen, all the Rights your Fathers, Mothers, Brothers and Sisters, and there’s anon, fought for and died for, must be surrendered… in the name of “Good” Government.

The very Founding of America must be seen as an aberration, a scar on the evolutionary system of slavery and oppression by those ‘better than us’ which man had spent thousands of years perfecting before 1776.  Understand, Liberal’s have no problem with Slavery so long as it doesn’t discriminate based on race and is Approved by the Democratic Mob.  When you have two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner, they are the wolves.

This is where we are today and it’s frightening.

This is what your taking a knee represents when doing so at the sound of our National Anthem.

Make no mistake, you have the right to do it.  But that’s the point… you’re protesting that you have the right to do it.  Your protest is designed to destroy the very Freedom you think you’re promoting.  If you were to spend even a modicum of time contemplating what you are doing your head would explode from the confusion.

I don’t care what you’re being told… No one is being made to sit in the back of the bus.  No one is being denied essential rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights.  No one is being denied the opportunity to excel and reap the rewards this country has to offer its citizens provided they makeaneffort.

Yet the richest among us take a knee.

The most successful, most accomplished and greatest examples of what an individual can do if effort is applied… take a knee.

Then you tell us why we should get down on ours.

And then, as if to add insult to injury… you lecture the rest of us about why We should be Ashamed for not wanting to watch you play a game, a F-ing Game, and shower you with a righteous praise for your Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Law Enforcement, Anti-Us, statement.

I’m willing to fight alongside you when genuine injustice occurs.  But you lose me when you find injustice in everything.  And you have lost me.

Those who wish to destroy America have gained unbelievable level’s of power in this nation.  What you haven’t figured out yet is They don’t care about you.  In fact, they are the very same people who protested your college sports because you guys received too much attention and money for your programs versus all of that money being spent on academics.  They are the same people who despise you and your way of life.  They look down on you, your family, your education… even where you’re from.  They disdain everything that you are as an individual… your success… your riches… your effort… your physical prowess…

And yet you kneel for them.

I suggest you think a bit more about who is really on your side.  It’s me.  It’s Us…  U.S.

The people who Hate you, who Hate all of Us, want this fight because you shouldn’t be enjoying the lives you’re enjoying.  They don’t believe you DESERVE those lives.

And yet you’re on your knees for them.

Well… They want you on your knees.  They like you on your knees.  They expect you on your knees.

I don’t care what you think about Trump.  When Trump has long gone, this Ideological Battle will rage on.

It’s simple.  People like me want you to enjoy all the benefits freedom and liberty afford you.  I want you to be all you can be without my interference… so long as you do not interfere with me.

That is not what the people who promote this protest of Americanism, Capitalism and Law Enforcement want.

They want the unchecked power to Force you to do what They Think is Right.

Don’t be Useful to them.

Stop allowing yourself to be used by those who profess to care but have only intentions of ruling over you.

Get off of your knees and…

Stand the F*ck Up!

Fight for the Freedom and Liberty, the very IDEAS this country was founded upon and lost so many lives to perfect and protect.  If you do, I will fight with you.

“I would rather Die on my Feet than Live on my Knees.”

How about you?

About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

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