J. Edgar’s Wet Dream

Privacy is Dead!

Who needs to play dress up with Tolson when you could sit in front of a FBI computer?

Imagine being able to hit a few keys, such as entering in a person’s name, and within the blink of an eye being presented with every byte of information that has ever been associated with them?

This would include, but not limited to; Names, Alias’, Family, Friends, Associates, Friends of Friends, Associates of Associates, Phone Records, Phone Conversations, Phone Sex chats… with your spouse or otherwise, Voice Analysis, E-mail, Texts, Tweets, Credit Card Purchases, Medical Records, Social Media Posts, Pictures, Pet Names, Bank Accounts, IP Addresses enabling the access to your computers real-time, access to your phone… real-time, enabling the direct listening to of conversations while using the towers and GPS in your phone to see where you are…, Your porn habit, purse habit, shoe habit, online drug habit, gambling habit…

And then, with just a little more tapping of the keys be presented will all the same information on that person’s Son, Daughter, Mother, Father, Pastor, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier… but nary a Spy.

We are not talking about those we have declared Terrorists… even if anyone could actually pin down a definition from our Government as to what that means.

We are talking about you… you and your kids… and your kid’s kids.

What J. Edgar wanted was a database with EVERYBODIES information in it… just in case he “needed it”… at some point… for some reason.

His only problem was he was limited by sheets of paper and file cabinets kept in locked rooms.

Well. times have changed.

And this is no longer science fiction fantasy… of the Villainous kind.

Now we have a Government entity with the capability of storing every bit of information about every single one of us… forever.

With that information they are then able to perform the act of “Data Mining”… which is exactly what I outlined above.

They will know what books you read, people you interact with, food you eat, beer you drink, music you listen to, on and on and on.

Immediately when they want it.  For any reason they choose.

The Computers will not consider the legality, morality or Constitutionality of the request.  Nor will the computer consider who the person is that is requesting the information.  Nor… will that information ever go away once it is gathered and consolidated by those who can legally employ force.

If you are not concerned, or are beginning to listen to those on both sides of the aisle who think this is “Good”… or the latest argument that “it has been going on for over seven years“, so it’s okay… please use this moment to reconsider.

What this represents is not only the death of Liberty and Freedom.  It harbinger of unlimited power… in the hands of those who we have given the guns, jails, with legal authority to kill and incarcerate.

It is Oppression waiting to happen… or rather, happening as we stand watching.

And as it grows… it will know no party, or remember who was loyal.  It never has.

J. Edgar would be Envious!

He probably would have grown hair on his fingertips.

About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

6 responses to “J. Edgar’s Wet Dream

  • The Dimwit Diary

    Scary shiznit, Mike. This is crazy. How could anyone think this is a good thing? Oh, right. A nation and world that thrives on fear and the proper channels in place to sell that fear in the form of 24 hour news channels and clever sound bites. Always key to use the buzz word “terrorism.” Well, time to bring back those awesome truck decals from the late 90s: NO FEAR!

    Mike, I’ll do some of my own research, but do you have any guidance as to how we as citizens can stop this? You can send me a private email if you’d prefer…oh, wait. This sucks. Now the government will know of my MILF fetish.


    • Mike

      Private e-mail…. HAhaahaaHaHAhaaaa…

      You might be surprised, but I favor 24-hour news cycles. Coming from that world I can tell you that the most powerful person in the studio is the Editor. They decide what goes on and how it’s presented. This fact leaves only one real solution, and that’s to have as many 24-hour news channels as possible allowing us to decide whom we can trust. So here’s to fractionalization of the Media! The only blessing we can ask for is More of It!

      As far as stopping this, we need to be very loud with our disdain. We must keep the press on topic. Right now they are trying to make the story about Snowden. The story is not about Snowden… it’s about Domestic Spying. Without seeming CRAZY (like me), talk to your friends and family. While exploring what they think, try to offer why it’s not OK for the Government to be cataloging and archiving every bit of your electronic information for future use just because they now have the ability to do it. I know many will say “I don’t mind if the read my stuff. I don’t have anything to hide.” So ask them if it would be ok for you to go through their computer history? Text messages? Listen to their phones call… whenever you wanted… like RIGHT NOW (then grab their phone)? And if that’s not OK then why should it be OK for some government employee? A complete stranger? Or possibly your neighbor who happens to work for the FBI, NSA, DHS, TSA, Local Police Dept… or has a friend who does? Don’t even bother with the fact that the U.S. Constitution was designed to protect us from this. Most of us have never read it… let alone understand what it means save someone else telling us what they think it means, and usually only because they don’t like one or more parts of it.

      I’m assuming that stands for “Mom’s”. I thought you had a Frog fetish.


  • thirdnews

    We are talking about you… you and your kids… and your kid’s kid

    And that is where you are wrong; do you seriously propose they don’t have an ‘out clause’ for themselves? Their kids? Their lovers?


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