Tag Archives: terrorist identification

A Great July Jobs Report!

The Administration announced what might be one of the best jobs reports in it’s almost 8-year history today.

It reported over 225,000 jobs created.

This is Super Great Awesome Amazing news!*

Let me ask you…

Why do we trust anything this Administration reports anymore?
It is true that I don’t trust anything ANY Administration reports, but at this point this one has demonstrated a complete disdain for the truth… and your intelligence.

Shall we take a stroll down memory lane?

It was Video.
Jonathan Gruber.
American Citizens and their Love of Guns is responsible for Mexican Drug Cartels getting Weapons.
The IRS does not target Political Enemies of the Left.
Our relationship with Israel has never been better.
We stand with the Iranian Freedom Movement.
We stand with Ukraine.
We don’t pay ransom for hostages.
I don’t have a private server, okay I do but it’s secure, okay it’s not but nothing secret was on it, okay there was but nothing important, okay there was some important stuff but I turned over everything to the state department for their review, okay I didn’t but AT THIS POINT WHAT DOES IT REALLY MATTER!?
Secretary Clinton was the Greatest Secretary if State this country has ever had.
If you like your Doctor, You can keep your doctor.
It will save every family $2500 a year.
It was the banks fault the economy almost melted down.
This is a robust recovery.
The Border is secure.
The guidelines for identifying terrorists does not specifically include veterans.

We will not tolerate use of Chemical Weapons AKA Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East.

There’s much more but my fingers are tapped out.

Oh… wait… and the above “*”.

*All numbers are subject to revision… and they are always revised down… when nobody is paying attention and the previous, erroneous, number has already been disseminated.

So, Why do we Trust?