Tag Archives: civil rights

Bigots, Freedom and Cake

What is a civil rights violation?

In Oregon they have decided that denying a homosexual couple a wedding cake is a civil rights violation… in other words, forcing one individual to bake a cake for another individual is not a civil rights violation, according to this ruling.

Whose rights are being violated?  Or are Rights reserved only to Groups of People?

Recently a similar event surrounding wedding photo’s, taking place in New Mexico, perpetuates this line of thinking.  I’m sure there are more.

This should be a pretty simple, straight forward, problem to address.

If you want to refuse service to anyone, you can.  Why?  Because it is your right…. at least it should be.

But here’s the rub…

You then should have to endure my showing up outside of your establishment with camera’s and as much attention as I can muster.  Because it’s my right to condemn your behavior.  Publically.

This is how a Free society handles things.  But we have wandered far from a Free society.

So, If you want to be a bigot… discriminatory… racist… an a-hole… whatever… fine.  Look for massive amounts of attention focused upon you.  At least that’s what should happen.  So why doesn’t it?  What happened to not just ours’ but the media’s responsibility to shine sunlight on behavior that discriminates against the individual?

It has long been my assertion that news media is lazy… and biased.  The reason I say this is politicians regularly get away with abuses of power, unless they subscribe to anything resembling an ideology the press disagrees with, in todays day and age it happens to be Personal Responsibility associated with Individual Liberty and Freedom.

When U.S. Citizens are subjected to violations of their civil rights, in the above case being force to provide services to someone they wish not to, instead of the press bringing the power of sunlight upon the behavior being enough we are told we must seek Government Force.  Not to mention the press doesn’t want to have the expectation of performance to include a responsibility to address such problems.  Combine that with those among us who wish to control others embracing Government as being the only resort and you have the reason we are here today.

When WE stop correcting, addressing or at a minimum displaying actions that discriminate against the individual we abdicate our power to the state.  And it is impossible for the State to act in any way which “corrects” a problem that doesn’t diminish Individual Freedom and Liberty.  The State is FORCE.  And because of that, it should be avoided at ALL costs, not looked to as the Savior.

But we have been taught taking responsibility for our Freedom, Liberty and Safety is someone else’s job.  I know you have heard this… “The police are the First Responders” thus We the People are not supposed to confront criminals.  We are not supposed to confront bigots.  We are not supposed to confront racists.  We are told that our situation in life in someone else’s fault and by logical extension someone else’s responsibility.  We are programmed to believe Government is not just an answer, but Government is the only answer.

In the above case, the Press should have been the answer.  If this Cake Baker could have remained in business by refusing to Bake Cakes then, while a miracle, so be it.  But EVERYBODY should have known about it and it should never, never, never have arrived before a judge.  WE are the judge.  WE choose to not spend our money with a Cake Baker who, for whatever reason I don’t care, discriminates against individuals.

I Blame Us.  I Blame the Press.

As a result of our low expectations, desire not to get involved and abdication of our Personal Responsibilities to Government we have yet again lost an incremental amount of Freedom.

There isn’t much of it left.