Tag Archives: American Sniper

Trying to get you to Watch the Oscars…

Have you forgotten Who Votes for these Movies?

Do you REALLY think American Sniper stands a chance?

I will remind you that our Strangely Resident, Fat Canadian Communist, Michael Moore called Chris Kyle a “Coward”… Bill Maher called him a “Psychopath”… The rest of the Useful Idiots focused on the Fake Baby.

I will suggest that the Hyping of an American Sniper ‘Upset’ is just that.  Hype.

We have watched the stories predicting how “Dull” these Oscars will be.  Considering 80% of America liked the Movie American Sniper, doesn’t it stand to Reason that the Limousine Liberals of Hollywood would dangle the possibility of a Movie Everyone Went to See actually Winning?

The Left Hates this Movie.

The Left Hates Chris Kyle.

The Left is Who Votes for Who get’s Oscars.

The Left needs ratings in order to sell advertising.  (In this case do what called ‘deliver’ the ratings they guaranteed to the advertising agencies up front lest they have to ‘post’.  Posting means the Network must run extra ‘free’ commercials until they ‘deliver’ the ratings they failed to deliver during the program.)

The Left is not above Lying to You.  Frankly, They’re all about Lying to You.

Don’t be a Sucker.

If you would never otherwise watch this bunch of Hollywood Socialists congratulate themselves… then don’t do it tonight.

If Hollywood ‘see’s the light’ and Sniper wins, you’ll hear about it tomorrow.

But it won’t, and you won’t.

American Psychopath


‘One Man’s Terrorist is Another Man’s Freedom Fighter.’

A couple of weeks ago Bill Maher chimed in on the Movie American Sniper and it’s box office success. For many on the Left, including our strangely resident Fat Canadian Communist Michael Moore as Well as Bill Maher, the Mass Approval of this movie is like a bullet to the head. The idea Americans would embrace what they would consider a glorification of killing innocents under the invasion of a country is beyond them.

The popularity of this film is clear to me however.

There is a phenomena which exists when you tell the citizens of a country that they are the center of all evil long enough they grow weary of the accusation. They seek out validation that they are not horrible and their behavior does not condone the control and correction from above. They react in exactly the opposite way their rulers wish them to. Particularly when the objective evidence is out there for all to see.

The American People are tired of being made to feel bad about believing in Freedom and Liberty. They are tired of being punished for trying to be successful. They are tired of being told that all the brilliant Schemes forced upon them perpetually fail because THEY are not exuberantly embracing them.

But then, as if to insult each and every one of us, the Liberals offer up a crass cliché of moral relativism.

‘One Man’s Terrorist is another Man’s Freedom Fighter.’

This attempt at reason is so insipid as to make one’s head hurt when reading it.

And, it’s being offered up in reference to Chris Kyle as well as what is happening in the Middle East in general.

So here’s a few highlights of what’s happening in the Middle East just so we are all on the same page…

ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot to Death in a Cage

ISIS Stones women to Death

ISIS Throws Gay Man, strapped to a chair, from the top of a Building.  When he is found to not be dead they Stone him to Death on the street.

ISIS executes 250 Syrian Soldiers before burying them in a Mass Grave.

ISIS conducts Mass Beheadings  (It’s easier than Ovens)

Allow me to ask…

exactly WHOSE Freedom are these A-Holes Fighting for?

Chris Kyle is no Saint.  But to the men he saved from being killed, and the locals he may have saved from the types of atrocities listed above to the drilling of holes in children’s heads just to make a point… he’s very close.

And every time someone pukes up the idea that a Man doing his job to protect American’s is a Psychopath they should first suffer an open-handed slap across the face and then receive a one way ticket to ISIS-ville so they can work on their semantics.

Unless ISIS suddenly begins championing Freedom and Liberty for ALL INDIVIDUALS regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation etc.  There can NEVER…  NEVER be any Moral Relativity.

These A-holes are terrorists pure and simple.

Our fighting Men are there to promote the very Freedoms every Human has a Natural Right to.  While it may be our interests that brought us there… it is Natural Law which justifies our actions while we remain.

The Anti-Capitalist Left would like us to forget, abandon, ignore this simple fact.

Well Tough Sh*t.

For some of Us… Individual Freedom and Liberty, A Constitutionally Limited Government and our right to property is what has made and still makes this Country the Greatest on Earth.

So, for you Progressives out there wondering how such a movie can be so damned successful, it’s because we see nothing wrong with it and a great many things right with it.

No one should sit around wringing their hands in torment about saving lives and killing those who would throw people off buildings, behead them, stone them to death and burn them to death… all in front of the largest audiences possible just to make a point.  Chris Kyle did his job well and had no regrets.  He was no Psychopath, Bill.  Nor was he a Coward, Michael you Fat Slob.

Nor should We feel bad for not wringing our hands after see this movie.

The Rule is those who Employ, or Wish to Employ, Force in order to Oppress are Anti-American, Anti-Freedom, Anti-Individual.  They are Evil.  (The problem is this Axiom hits a little close to home for our own Leftists.)

In War mistakes are made.  But our worst mistakes have little comparison to the Evil which is being fought.  If you haven’t clicked on the links above then you should do so.

So you Liberal Progressive Types,

For one moment… stop Hating America First.  Try to Stop Hating the Individual Rights this country Stands for.  Make an Effort to Understand why we Are Exceptional and why the Majority of the World wants what we have.

Or, just keep being your Crappy Selves as I expect you will.