Tag Archives: Mobsters

What is Fascism in a Nutshell?

Boiled down to its basic form, Fascism is simply a lazy man’s Socialism.  (Some might argue a “Smart” man’s Socialism as it recognizes the inability of Labor to effectively run business.)

It is everything Socialism is, except the private ownership of Industry “is allowed” or tolerated…

So long as the Industry in question cooperates with the Government.
If said Industry fails to cooperate with the Government, the Government will step in and control that Industry.

Control comes in a number of forms.

There is the outright seizing of that Industry or Company. (The Classic Socialist paradigm.  As demonstrated with General Motor’s.)

There is the implementation of new regulations placed upon that Industry or Company with penalties ranging from fiscal to penal.

There is Banning of Industry, or Industry practices effectively putting that entity out of business. (There are also trade policies which can be manipulated in ways designed to harm the business model of the offending Company or Industry.)

That’s it folks. That’s the only difference. (The Socialists in 30’s Germany added a “Nationalization” component… but paired it with Global Expansionism, and Divine Right, thus making it meaningless in modifying the definition of Fascism and rendering it a difference without a distinction between it and Socialism.

I bring this up, because the cooperation between the Phone Companies and Government fits the description.

The Government demanded the records from the phone companies and in return gave them immunity from your suits.  The Scheme is an old one.  Some thugs come into your bar and trash it… the next day a guy shows up and says he’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again, as long as you pay him a monthly fee.  The Mob has operated this way for years.

There are many examples, but the collection of Innocent American Citizen’s phone records, e-mail, etc. is happening right now…