I Love You, I Hate You…

I Love to Hate you, I Hate to Love you.
Once again President Donald Trump channels his inner Bill Clinton and Fires a FBI Director!
If Imitation is the ultimate flattery, Donald Trump is in Love with Bill Clinton.
Stealing Bill’s Tomahawk Diplomacy and applying it all over the Syrian Air Force could have been excused as a coincidence. Frankly, with the jet-packing of the very guy who was accused of destroying Hilary’s Red Hot Presidential Campaign, before the Socialists moved on the “THE RUSSIANS!”, can’t be looked at in any other way than slobbering admiration if not outright plagiarism.
Given the Clinton’s are a little tight on money now that the Clinton Presidential Influence Foundation has been emasculated, if I were Bill Clinton I would be trying to figure out how to file some kind of copyright suit against this Administration.

Not a single Progressive Leftist Democrat can figure out how to feel about this.

The very best aspect of FBI Director Comey getting fired is that the Socialist Democrats demanded it…

… that is until Trump did it.

The Liberals can’t figure out if they’re coming or going.

This may be one of the best things ever to watch in real-time.

I know the official line is that Comey mishandled the Clinton Affair and that’s what led to his firing.  I think this is true, but not in the way most people are looking at it.  I believe this has to do with the sudden overt admission that Huma, at the direction of Hillary, was sending “Thousands” of email messages to pedophile husband Anthony Weiner (AKA Carlos Danger) to be PRINTED OUT so Hillary could read them…  Thousands!  (Holy Crap!)

There are so many laws broken here that even the simplest minds could not avoid the obvious question, ‘Why were charges not filed even if it was for sheer stupidity?’.

I think that was the last straw.  I think Comey knew it too as there was a rush to have him “clarify”, read modify, his statements.  But the camel’s back was already broken.

So yes, Comey was fired for the way he handled the Clinton Affair but not because of what he did do… but for what he didn’t do.

We may never know.

But Comey deserved to go.  period.


About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

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