Tag Archives: you lose

It’s the Law of the Land!

The latest drumbeat offered up by the Liberal Progressives in Government is “Obama Care is the Law of the Land and those who oppose it should just accept that and move on.”

This is an interesting point of view.

Do the Democrats feel this way about… Immigration? The Defense of Marriage Act? States Rights? The Second Amendment? House and Senate Rules? Voter Intimidation? Birth Control for 12-year olds? Minimum Wage Laws? IRS intimidation? NSA Domestic Spying? Debt Ceilings?

Or better yet, do they feel the same way about handing out waivers and subsidies saving their friends from Obama Care? Waivers and Subsidies, it should be mentioned, that they have no constitutional authority to give out…

This argument must be designed for the Kool-Aid swigging useful idiots as it is truly unbelievable to even those of us who went to public school and swig beer.