Tag Archives: Marianne Williamson

More of a Middle Aged Legume…




File Photo – Marianne Williamson

“I am not a Witch!”

– Christine O’Donnell

“I am not a New-age Nutcase”

– Marianne Williamson

I agree with Marianne Williamson, she is not a New-Aged Nut even if she is reminiscent of Christine O’Donnell.  Between you and me I’m still not as convinced regarding Christine O’Donnell…
Let’s admit it, Democrat Primary Debates of 2019 have been fun to watch.
The honesty of the Left would be overwhelmingly hilarious if they weren’t serious. So shake off the entertainment value and realize these people mean it.  The only thing that’s funny is that so many socialists have worked so long to keep their genuine beliefs so hidden, and now they have lost control.
To Nancy Pelosi’s chagrin, the masks have been removed. The real faces of the Democrat party are now right out into the open.
The Elizabeth Warren’s, Bernie Sanders’ and AOC’s of the world are saying out loud what the Democrat Party has been promoting behind closed doors for the half-century following the Democrat convention of ’68. Up until now, these people have been kept behind those doors… they were only allowed out for private fundraisers in the dining rooms of Hampton vacation homes. Now they are on Stage! (Yes I know it was CNN and there are only a couple of hundred people watching but it’s still somewhat of a stage.)
Well, back to my point.
Marianne Williamson has stolen the show during these Debates.
But Why?
She has found center stage because she is not Bernie or Warren. No, she is the middle-aged person who votes for the Hillary’s, Bernie’s and Warren’s. This is why we are fascinated by her.

Outside of Hollywood, and some of our Thanksgiving dinners, we rarely get to see the face of the typical Democrat Voter. Now we see her loud and proud.  She is the Bill Clinton voter that none of us could figure out and now feigns revulsion over Trumps rock-star comments indicting women who condone a certain behavior from very rich men.
She would tell you she is not a Socialist, yet she votes for them. She will tell you she loves the poor, but she will promote the ideology that perpetuates and increases poverty. She will preach love while championing hatred of the individual via democratic serfdom.
That is Marianne Williamson.
Laugh at your own peril…
The Democrat Socialist Party in the United States is made up of three fundamental groups. First, are the most insidious who know the poison of Socialism yet long for the class stasis it institutionalizes.  These are the rich and self-assessed under appreciated academics. Second, are the petulant 12-year old ANTIFA Fascists who violently act out in order to tear down liberty and promote the control Socialism offers.  These are the children who cling to an idea that ‘fairness’ has a definition. Then you have the Useful idiots. These are the Marianne Williamson’s of the world. They have been nurtured and loved on by all of us because they’re family and they’re ‘cute’ and ‘nice’. They don’t bake the cupcakes, but they bring an expensive box from the trendiest bakery when you invite them over for a drink.  They are the Leo Buscaglia followers who think everyone just needs a hug. They are insipid.  We have dismissed these people for fifty years because they want to mean well.
So, she is right… she is not a New-Aged Nut-Case. New-Age Nut Cases are so 1990’s.
She is different, she is something similar but not quite the same because the world has moved on from EST and Yanni.

She is not what she thinks she is. She is a composite, cartoon-like, imposter who sees herself as a harmless ‘everyman’.
She is Mrs. Peanut.  Not a nut at all… but we’re all are happy to call her that if it makes her happy.
If I didn’t know better I would swear she is a paid actor hired by someone at Trump Tower to supply a satirical edge to the Democrat Primary Debates.  (I’m holding out that this could ultimately be true.)
However, she is REAL… and you can’t look away.
No, she does not have a chance in Alinsky’s Utopia to be the Democrat Nominee. But that’s not the point. She is exactly the demographic/psychographic that has and will continue to vote the saccharine coated poison of socialism into power. She is frightening in her smiling smug ignorance because she has the money to send to the Warren’s of the world and she makes sure she is not downing her Xanax with a dark currant laden Cabernet on election day specifically so she makes it to the polls on time.
But what really hits home, we know her.  She exists in all of our families.
She is our ‘super-nice and well meaning’ train wreck we have watched speeding directly at us while we refused to step off the tracks… because that would be ‘mean’.
We have placated and even gushed over how ‘super-nice and well meaning’ she is if not horribly wrong… and we haven’t wanted to upset her, especially at Thanksgiving, by saying anything.  Her heart is in the right place!
She is our fault and we know it.
We just don’t want to admit it.

Well, Admit it.