Tag Archives: devaluing the dollar

I Hate the Way Washington Works!

So we have to keep electing people who know how Washington Works and can Work that Way!

This is what is currently passing for logic.

Make no mistake, the Republican Establishment have a vested interest in convincing you that Non-Establishment Republicans are terrible, terrible human beings… and you MUST support Establishment Republicans because only They know how the System works in D.C.  Of course they will leave out the fact that they are Responsible for how the system works in D.C…

So the Current line, like the latest one offered by Time Magazine (I know, I know… yes, they are still around.), is trying to convince us that Republicans such as Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Scott Walker et al. will destroy the Republican Party.  Time is still pushing the idea that Ted Cruz’ filibuster trying to push a one-year delay of the employer mandate, which the administration did anyway, led to a government shut down (A shut down that nobody noticed, so the Obama Administration executed the ‘Monument Plan’ in which they roped off open air monuments trying to prevent access to the public… remember that?) which caused horrible things to happen to all of us.  By the way, nothing happened to any of us.

Anyway, In every Wild Accusation there is an element of truth…

Let me ask you, if you don’t like the way Washington Works then what about the Established Republican Party is Worth Saving? Why not destroy the parts we don’t like and build on the parts we Do?

Clearly the Establishment Wing, and Democrats who are used to getting them to do exactly what they want, are not interested in Destroying those parts of the Republican Party… because THEY ARE those parts of the Republican Party.

Folks, anytime a Liberal Media outlet, which is pretty much all of them, tells you that you should choose one person or another person lest you’re going to lose everything and the sky will fall, you should immediately suspect a ruse. The Leftist Media has no interest in Republicans being successful, ever.

And sadly, most of the Republicans have no interest in being successful either, at least not in any way We would define Success. Well over 80% of the Republican Party now in office is far from interested in Limited Government let alone Freedom and Liberty of the Individual. They just want to be the ones controlling the money so they can spiff their families, friends and donors.

For those of you thinking that is an endorsement of ANY Democrat, pull your head out. 100% of the Democrat party is interested in the very same thing, and they will do whatever it takes, including telling you which Republicans “stand the best chance” to win, to keep their power and continue to push their Socialist Utopian Dream thus leaving them in charge forever.

The only difference between Every Democrat and a Majority of Republicans is the ones with a “D” behind their name talk about their genuine Marxist beliefs behind closed doors… the Republicans are so stupid they fail to realize those are the same beliefs they are supporting.  I’m not sure what Establishment Republicans talk about behind closed doors, maybe that they were invited by a prominent Democrat to lunch?  Who knows?  Frankly I don’t care so long as we work to replace them with Non-Establishment Republicans.

So back to the point…

It’s exactly those Republicans who you are hearing the greatest number of “bad” things whom you should be most interested in. And the odds are you should also be voting for them and giving them money.

If they’re being made fun of, you should probably read for yourself what they are saying.  Odds are it’s not what being reported.

They, the Evil Non-Establishment Types who are “Peeing Inside the Tent”, are the ones who will stand any chance of changing things as they are.

The Republicans making enemies are the ones who need our support.

The Battle is within our own Party.

And those who like things as they are know it.

If You’re in the Banking Industry

Get ready to get Hammered.

Actually… getting hammered might be the best way to deal with what you’re in for.

The Left has no victory… no achievement… no success they can point to as justification for you voting for them. And to keep up the façade of everything not just being “okay” but “Improving” they need more money. A lot more money.  Well, You and I are out of money and not buying that everything is Okay, let alone Improving. In fact, it seems that Major News Outlets are the only one’s climbing on the “everything is okay” bandwagon offered up by the Obama Administration.

With Detroit bankrupt and more to follow including the entire state of California, the majority of us Hating Socialized Medicine, Work Hours being Cut, Salaries dropping, Unemployment Rising and the Dollar being Devalued the Progressive Liberals will have to go after Someone.

Enter the Banks.

As if it hasn’t been bad enough for our lenders being forced by our elected officials (Hello Barney Frank and Chris Dodd) to give people money they could never pay back, they are about to get a hefty second dose of a pointed finger accompanied by a shrill scream of how Evil they are. This is the only page left in the “gin up the base” play book.

So batten the hatches and get ready for the storm. Get ready to hear about all the “favors” granted to the banks by a benevolent Government. Get ready to hear a constant whine of how unfair the banks have been to those segments of society who always seem to get treated unfairly. Get ready for the barrage of example where the banks have not yet paid their dues for the malfeasance during the housing bubble and subsequent collapse…

Even though it was Representative Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd who designed to scenario for it occur, then forced it to happen.

Why again are these two not in jail?

Anyway, here we go! It’s election time!


The United States is Bankrupt.

The U.S. Government continues to deny the fact they caused the problem in the first place… supposedly with the best of intentions.

The Federal Reserve is reduced to printing as much money as possible because they believe it is the only tactic which THEY can “save” the entire system.

The public is starting to understand that every time the Federal Reserve prints more money it immediately devalues everything they have saved.

The public is realizing that QE or Quantitative Easing which is this act of printing money that should otherwise not exist is nothing more than taxing all those responsible enough to have put away for their retirement, own their home, own their business etc.

The public is seeing clearly that this tactic is not working.  (In fact, it has never worked anywhere in the world.)

There is no growth.

Unemployment is flat… and it’s only that “good” because the numbers a being played with.

The stock market is going up, but only because the rest of the world is terrified at what is going on in their countries so they are putting their money in the U.S.  This will stop very soon, once the majority of wealth has been relocated.  Then what?

The EPA is taking control of every industry in the United States through existing, and many new, onerous regulations.

Our President Fiddles While The Middle East, Korean Peninsula and Rome Burns…

So… these are the issues we are being told by the press to pay attention to? RIGHT NOW!

Gay Marriage.

Illegal Immigration.

Racial Discrimination.


Let me ask, does addressing any side on any of these issues solve our current race to fiscal oblivion?


All that should matter to us, at least any of us who love the country as it was founded with Individual Liberty being paramount, are the Four Horsemen of the Fiscal Apocalypse.

1.  Social Security

2.  Medicare

3.  Medicaid

4.  And Now… Universal Healthcare

Yet we sit on our hands arguing about Social Issues.  Social Issues which will mean nothing when the economy collapses… we suffer food shortages… energy rationing… riots.

The insult we must all confront is an ever-present resistance to spending reductions of any kind.  This latest resistance to a mere 5% cut IN THE GROWTH RATE of spending bringing it down to 5% should have brought us all out into the streets.  That it did not frightens me the most.  But it empowers those in charge.

We are in trouble and those who find it acceptable are desperate to distract all of us from what is important.

If we don’t deal with the Four Horsemen there will be no country left to deal with any imagined social issues.

First things first.

Unless the collapse of the country’s economic system is desirable we are headed the wrong direction… fast.  Cloward and Piven will tell you it is and everything is going perfectly.

This is the moment.

It’s happening right in front of you.

It will not become any clearer.

You’re being played…

Just ask the common folks who considered themselves “enlightened democratic socialists” in Europe.

Better stock up on your Port, Chianti and Champagne while you can.