Keeping You A Useful Idiot for over 100-years…

I can attest, it is a dark day when you wake up and realize that you are the useful idiot you have been warning everyone about.

My epiphany happened about 25 years ago.

For the vast number of you, it hasn’t happened yet.

And that’s why we’re here…

Ask yourself “What if I am a useful idiot?”

I know… an open-minded, brilliant, independent, thinker such as yourself can not be swayed by those who wish to “pull one over on you”. You “see” what’s going on. You “Get it”.  It’s everyone else that’s the problem.

You might be right.

But you might not be…

Let’s talk about just a few of the ways those in power keep you ignorant and pliant. Let’s consider how they play the game, and how you keep falling for it. Let’s think… about how you may not actually “Get It”.

Here’s Three prominent topics:

Gay Marriage, Reducing the Deficit and Keeping you Safe.

Once you understand it, it becomes easier to spot.  Those in Power frame an argument that you can never win, even when you think you have… because no matter the outcome, it keeps them in Power.

I know you fall for this because you’re “smart” and you “care”.  In fact, you’re so motivated to “educate” those ignorant of whatever plight you’ve adopted as important… you’re willing to misspell a sign, grab a corporate coffee and defile a park just to spread the word.

So let’s get started.

First up; Gay Marriage.

Whether you fought for the “right” to get married as a homosexual, or whether you believe marriage should be between only a man and a woman… you’re wrong. You’re being used. (read that again… and again if you have to.)

Okay Gay folks… you’re not fighting for a “right” to anything but begging some county bureaucrat to validate your marriage. You are begging some random fool to tell you that you are legitimate.  Haven’t thought about it that way? Well you should have. There’s no excuse for failure to think critically. Your marriage is none of the government’s damned business, period. The Government should never have had the power to determine who can and who cannot get married. It should be as insulting as it is abhorrent. (It’s get’s worse when you find out that the power to “grant” marriage licenses was born out of the racist inclinations of those powerful individuals of the past. Can’t have our kids marrying those blacks folks now can we. Did I fail to add disgusting?)

Okay you Only a Man and a Woman folks… many, if not all of you, would tell me to my face that Government is “Too Big” and involved in places “it does not belong!”. Well no sh*t. And this is one of them. The issue of who can be “married” and who cannot is strictly between you and your church. Period. Government has no place determining whose marriage should be valid and whose should not. It’s none of their damned business. And… it’s none of yours unless you’re the one getting married… in your church. And if you don’t like it, change churches. But the only action Government should be involved in when it comes to marriages is recording the civil union contract if the parties desire.

Here’s what’s truly amazing as it has to do with both of you folks, you’re both useful idiots. Why?

Because both of your arguments retain Government Power as the ultimate decider. And being the decider is all those in love with Government Force want and need. You are being played.

Next up; Reducing the Deficit.

This one you’ll hear repeatedly during election years. One or both of the candidates will first promise to “reduce the deficit”. Do you know what that means? Clearly most of you do not. It means they are promising to reduce THE SPEED that we are racing to the cliff of fiscal oblivion, ie. the point at which money means nothing.

This often morphs into “I will balance the budget!”, which is equally stupid and embraced by those brilliant, independent, thinkers filling the useful idiot space. We are over 20-Trillion Dollars in Debt. I don’t care who you are… you cannot conceive the size of 20,000,000,000,000. Your mind is not designed to wrap around such an absurdity. A “balanced budget” is as equally absurd as it is meaningless.

But no matter which side you fall on, keeping you useful requires you lapping up such pabulum.

The only effort that has any meaning is reducing the actual Debt. Not reducing the growth of the debt… or even halting the growth of the debt. The only strategy, which is not idiotic, is faithfully reducing the National Debt. Period. But how useful would you be if you limited, or even better yet rolled back, the ability of politicians and bureaucrats to spiff their Friends, Families and Donors with not just your money, but the money from your Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren?

So, you will hear them use the words “Deficit” and “Debt” interchangeably as if they are the same thing… and you will find yourself, and those around you, shaking your heads enthusiastically because you, my friend, are a brilliant thinking, not easily fooled, smarter than your friends, useful idiot.

Finally, Keeping You Safe.

Again, no matter where you fall on this the odds are you’re wrong.

Those in power need you to believe it’s their responsibility to “Keep you Safe”.

By doing this they get you to concede every argument in their favor. You abdicate all power to the Government. You are the most useful of all idiots.  Only Veal enjoys such safety.  Are you Veal?  Would you like to be?

I will put this as simply as I can…

It is the Government’s responsibility to keep My Freedom and My Liberty Safe.  (Yours too.)

It is My responsibility to keep Me and My Family Safe.  (Again… goes for you too.)

In other words, I and I alone will decide what kind of car I should drive… if a family vacation to Syria is a good idea… if eating free range, cage free, bran muffins is the secret to good health and fulfills my responsibility to Mother Earth… if my family of 15 needs a One Bedroom House, or a Shoe… if I need to have a gun to defend myself and my family… if I prefer one doctor over another… if I need to read the Bible, Ayn Rand or the Audacity of Hope, every night before bed.

My Freedom and My Liberty require the acceptance of a certain level of Danger… a Danger which I alone must be responsible to defend against.

Government, whether it’s the Police Department, Fire Department, Sheriff, FBI Agent, NSA Agent, Lehman Brothers Lobbyist or the friendly EPA Global Commons Communist, are all SECOND RESPONDERS.

You… you… you… are the only “First Responder” in your life.  Only you are “on the scene” when you need you.

Nothing is without cost!  So buck up and fight for your Freedom and Liberty while providing for your Safety.  Or, join the Society to have Government Treat People like Veal.  I hear they have super-fun meetings.

If you fail to understand the above then you are in need of waking up.

Don’t be an Idiot.  But if you have to be… don’t be a Useful one.

I could go on and on… Global Climate Change, Immigration, the Welfare System, Socialized Medicine, Voter Rights, etc. etc. etc.

And I have.  It’s all in here somewhere.  Look for the search bar.  Makeaneffort.

About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

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