I Too do not like New York Values…

I understand defending New York, but seriously?

Socialism is rampant in New York City. Even those few New Yorker’s calling themselves “Republicans” are Liberal Leftists.

In regard to the Towers, They are My Liberal Leftists and killing them will always be met with the most Extreme, Angry, Flag Waving, Gun Clinging, Military Dispatching, Terrorist Killing, that I and every other Individual Freedom and Liberty Loving Citizen of this Country can muster.  So get over yourself.  You don’t own the outrage.

In other words, Mr. Trump, I understand you defending New York. But the fact that you could only toss out William F. Buckley followed by a very, very, weak ‘among others’ is illustrative.

You know Ted is right… even Buckley, if he were here to say it, would announce how correct Ted is. Ayn would do the same. So would Milton Freidman and Murray Rothbard, “among others”.  (All of whom I’ve been holding out hope you’ve read…)  When your prominent Anti-Socialist, Conservative and Individualist Leaders in Thought refer to the place they reside as “The Belly of The Beast” it is not meant as a compliment.  They were on the ground, so to speak, and recognized the poison that is collectivism and the danger it poses all Americans first hand… in their own city.

So, to be able to pull out not even a handful of Anti-Socialists from over 8.5 Million people… which swells to over 13 Million Monday-Friday… makes Ted’s point.

It’s tantamount to stating Austin, Texas or Boulder, Colorado are bastions of American Capitalism and Rugged Individualism.

Frankly, Ted knows he has so few friends in New York City as it not to matter if he is insulting.

So the Only take away I get from your exchange with him is you are yet another Elitist who see’s the United States as New York and Los Angeles… with a bunch of sh*t in between you have to fly over.

About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

2 responses to “I Too do not like New York Values…

  • David

    We all cried and died a little the day the towers fell. That does not excuse Bill de Blasio’s behavior, or that of those who elected him. The two are not related.

    Go Cruz!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mike

      Indeed! The single most horrific act of Terror in our history does not bestow honor upon the Vile Poison that is Socialism and all of it’s Variants. If anything, that act illustrates what Governing Theories which abandon the Individual are capable of.


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