The Dog Whistles of the Democrat Party

The most insidious form of Hatred is the kind that thrives just below the surface. It festers just under the skin, while those it infects look us straight in the eye and direct the accusatory finger of indictment at all but themselves. It clearly permeates the entire elitist class that panders for your vote every two years. It is sadly alive and well…

… in The Party of Slavery… the party of Bull Conner… the Party behind the hoses, the beatings and the once accepted old south morality of overt discrimination condemning fellow human beings to the back of the bus or often Far, Far, worse. The party of Tyrannical Oppression.  In the Democrat Party, where it has been hiding like a lesser Demon for over a hundred years.

It strikes me in the most horrible way that we are witnessing modern Democrats exhibiting their deep seeded Racism by Criticizing a man whose accomplishments are nothing less than amazing.  Barack Obama worked tirelessly for decades in the Illinois State Senate.  A truly amazing man who earned a Nobel Peace Prize.  The very man who has made Health Care Affordable for All!  A single, principled man who persevered the trials of arguably the most Racist Country on planet Earth now has to face those whom he trusted showing their true colors as the rancid bigots from a time best left far behind us.

I’m not just talking about Democrats such as Mark Begich in Alaska or Alison Grimes in Kentucky…

I’m not speaking about Senate Majority Leader, Democrat, Harry Reid being fascinated that a Black man can be “Clean” and “Articulate”…

Or even the betrayal of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CIA Director Leon Panetta severely criticizing the President just weeks after they have left his inner circle of trust…

I’m talking about all of those Democrats who now see a Great Man as nothing more than an object whose intrinsic value is determined only by how he might forward their selfish aims.  A Man whose Achievements, I remind you, those very politicians supported with full voice for Years.  Years!

However, Now that this man is no longer needed, he is cast out like a tool they used to only further their sick, greedy self-interests.  The Democrats in question cannot even bear to profess they once voted for this Great Man.  When his usefulness is through, they abandon him.  But hasn’t that been hundreds of years of history?  He is being treated as something… something… slightly less than Human.

One does not need a Dog Whistle… as this betrayal can have only one Evil Root… only one Sad Motivation.

One does not need signs above the water fountain.

One does not need Code Words…

…to see the soft Hatred Harbored in these Liberal Hearts.


It is without question because…

Barack Obama is Black.

And these Democrats are saying it loudly and clearly.

Or rather… refusing to say it at all.


About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

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