It Wasn’t Broken.

Let me ask you…

If you get two flat tires do you trade in your Toyota for an old Yugo?

Our Health Care System was not Broken. We had exactly two problems.

Pre-Existing and Portability.

Both of these things could have been handled without Destroying our entire System of Health Care and Health Insurance.

So you should be asking yourself “Why did the Democrats Force through Obama Care and Why are they willing to deny Veterans Benefits, Social Security Checks, Cancer Treatments and a myriad other things to Protect it… no matter what?”

Clearly it’s not because they Care about the little guy…

The only discernible reason is Ideological. It is Marxist in Origin. And the Leftists will do anything… anything… to keep it in place.

Personally, I would go back, get the car I had and put on a couple of new tires.


About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

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