Because we know you won’t give up your car…


“The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately.” – President Barack Obama to Jay Leno.

Please read that again.

But you’ll give up your Freedoms out of fear of Terrorism.  You have made it clear that you are willing to accept the dangers of personal motor vehicle travel in order to remain Free.

If you listen, they’ll tell you what they really think.  Who on earth says “unfortunately”!?  Well, folks like Obama.

Kind of a Dog Whistle that you can actually hear… and has genuine meaning.  Okay, more like a regular old whistle.  Like a train.  Loud.

“But don’t worry… we’re working on the cars too.  We’ve been doing it quietly for years.”

Speaking of trains,

Fear not!  We always have Amtrak!

Let’s hope they don’t ruin that…

Although I think they’re way late to the party.

On the upside, it’s FAR safer because most of the time it’s not moving.

My experiences with Amtrak are similar to sitting in your car… while it’s in the garage… running.

About Mike

Background is in Media with a little History Major thrown in just to be annoying. View all posts by Mike

5 responses to “Because we know you won’t give up your car…

  • twistnpout

    Well, I think I should get to decide what is safe, reliable and easily accessible.

    Singapore is a great country, I loved living there. It is NOT without it’s faults, but I think we could learn some valuable things from them. Many of their policies would NEVER go over here because well, they don’t always seem ‘you know what’ (that nasty little f word). But true, I was always an outsider to the real workings of it all.

    And perhaps you might be onto something there with forced car ownership – it certainly would create jobs and pour money into the economy – well into the DOT anyway.

    Force could be disguised with incentives. It might work. I think most of us could be tricked into being forced to do something if we thought we might get something out of the deal.

    (Just for the record – I enjoy, appreciate and down right LOVE the opportunity to make my own choices, express my own opinions no matter how stupid they are.)


    • Mike

      I agree… I also think YOU should get to decide what is safe and reliable, for YOU.

      Ahhahhhh! Now you’re just torturing me!

      I can’t even address your assertion that there is ANY merit in my example of forced car ownership. I will not let you drive me insane! (drive… ha…)

      Force is always disguised!

      That’s why it’s so sinister. The blogger has pictures of teddy bears on the site! Even Saddam posed with kids… Don’t fall for the Social Engineering crap. Force is Force… you should not be punished for deciding what is “safe and reliable” for YOU.

      Also… a very, very, very important point to remember; it’s your money. It is not their money. They have no right to take your money and “incent” anyone with it. Taxes are to fund Government, not help Elitists Force you to do what they think is right. (40 years ago the Elitists told us Margarine was “Right”… now they know it caused more harm than good. Same with whole grains and fiber. Same with Salt. The list goes on only because they simply can’t resist the urge to MAKE people do things.)

      The Government has very specific responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution. If the U.S. Government focused on those responsibilities, it’s hand would be very full indeed.
      Instead we have a bunch of busy body know-it-all Elitists who covet the ability to force you to do what they think is right while spiffing their friends and donors. All the while putting all their effort in finding new ways to get you to give up your right to decide for yourself what is right for you.

      It might be time to revisit why Socialists Hate Capitalism. It’s on the right side of the screen…


  • twistnpout

    Zip Cars. I would give up my car(s) in a minute if we had good, safe, reliable, easily accessible public transportation. Cars are nothing but a money sucker, I don’t like having to depend on one.

    In Singapore one is required to get permission from the government to own a car and pay a HUGE tax on it as well. A $20,000.00 car in the US would be about $60-70,000 there. There is also a limit on how many cars a person can own. i believe it is no more than 2 cars per household, but it could be limited to one. It is a tiny country and I can’t even imagine how bad the traffic would be if every person of driving age were able to own as many cars as they wanted. Oh- and it costs about $2,000 to get a drivers license there too.

    I don’t really have a point here, but I can’t help but have a growing disdain for all these damn cars when I go out to run a few errands and get tied up in ridiculous traffic jams – all this frustration for a gallon of milk! Then you come home and see all the “Year end model sale” adverts. I just wonder, how many cars can we actually keep putting on the road or the streets before we can’t move at all?

    Now you have made me realize perhaps this is all another conspiracy…

    However, our car problem, and so many other problems, might actually be better dealt with if we got to the root of it all —— OVER POPULATION. Could this actually be where the hidden agenda leads to?


    • Mike

      “Zip Cars. I would give up my car(s) in a minute if we had good, safe, reliable, easily accessible public transportation. Cars are nothing but a money sucker, I don’t like having to depend on one.” (Who get’s to decide what’s good, safe, reliable and easily accessible…”?)

      In Singapore one is required to get permission from the government to own a car and pay a HUGE tax on it as well. A $20,000.00 car in the US would be about $60-70,000 there. There is also a limit on how many cars a person can own. i believe it is no more than 2 cars per household, but it could be limited to one. It is a tiny country and I can’t even imagine how bad the traffic would be if every person of driving age were able to own as many cars as they wanted. Oh- and it costs about $2,000 to get a drivers license there too. (Luckily Singapore is not our problem. I will also add your point to yet another reason I do not choose to live there.)

      I don’t really have a point here, but I can’t help but have a growing disdain for all these damn cars when I go out to run a few errands and get tied up in ridiculous traffic jams – all this frustration for a gallon of milk! Then you come home and see all the “Year end model sale” adverts. I just wonder, how many cars can we actually keep putting on the road or the streets before we can’t move at all? (Out of curiosity, are you in YOUR car when your frustration sets in?)

      Now you have made me realize perhaps this is all another conspiracy… (Every plan is a conspiracy… but I don’t think the agenda to control you is all that “hidden” if that’s what you mean.)

      However, our car problem, and so many other problems, might actually be better dealt with if we got to the root of it all —— OVER POPULATION. Could this actually be where the hidden agenda leads to?” (There have been a number of Smart, exceptionally Evil, individuals throughout history who’ve agreed with you.)

      And, I just spent 6 hours driving in an area of the United States where there was not a single soul for hundreds of miles…
      let’s leave overpopulation for another day.

      In regard to your car, you “giving up” your car is far different than using Force/Government to make others give up theirs.

      Let me be clear, as long as you are doing it voluntarily I support your decision… as long as I’m not forced to subsidize your decision.

      One is a voluntary decision.

      The other is oppression.

      It is very seductive to think one can Force others to do what they believe is “right”, which is what the writer is talking about.
      The opportunity to Force attracts a certain type of individual with a specific type of mindset. It is the root of Socialism. It is the root of control.

      But that Force is anathema to Freedom and Liberty.

      It’s “Education not legislation” which I support. If you think you’re right then throw your idea out to the market of ideas and let the public decide. The problem Elitists have is they KNOW their right and don’t think they should have to compete with the other Dummies that are CLEARLY WRONG. They also have elevated themselves above anyone who challenges the validity of their idea… because they are also CLEARLY STUPID. So instead of embracing education… they seek force. It’s just easier… because their idea is never dumb, you’re dumb.

      Let me put it this way Pout… what if I was the “Decider” and given your lament above decided that I disagree with you. Instead, I put in place legislation Forcing you to own 4 cars? How would you feel about that? Let me take it to a level we practice right now… let’s say I force you to own 4 cars, but take 2 of them and give them to people I think need them. Could be my friends, family or whomever I wish. Remember, I’m forcing you to pay for them and not asking you for any input as to where they should go. (I might ask, but I really don’t care.) You may see that this is clearly a dumb idea, but too bad… because I’m the Decider, and my ideas are never dumb. And you’ll just have to trust me when I tell you it’s for your own good and the good of society… So shut up and do what I say, or else.

      We do this right now with everything from housing to phones.

      This is the slope we have slid down.


  • thirdnews

    If we made their ownership illegal, if we made it possible for all cars to be used by anyone at any time, we would need many fewer of them. We could pay for their use by the hour. We could have pick-up and drop-off points in every street, available for anyone to use. All

    I feel the same way about author’s controlling ownership of their books. I think author’s who take planes, train or automobiles for promotional book tours should be sent to Guantanamo.


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